[최신 정보] 모든 AI 번역기 비교&분석 | 영어 공부하는 분들은 나중에 후회말고 이렇게 쓰세요

29 Oct 202325:11

TLDRThe video script discusses the effectiveness of AI translation tools in assisting individuals with English language learning and communication. It highlights the advantages of using AI translators, such as accessibility, pronunciation features, and the ability to gradually improve one's English skills by utilizing these tools. The speaker compares various AI translation services, including Naver's Papago, Flitto, DeepL, and Google Bard, emphasizing their unique features and potential for educational use. The video encourages viewers to leverage AI translators not only for immediate translation needs but also as a tool for continuous English language development.


  • 🚀 AI translation tools have significantly improved and can be effectively used for immediate English translation needs.
  • 📈 Utilizing AI translators can gradually enhance one's English proficiency by continuous usage and exposure to the language.
  • 🦌 Comparing different AI translators like Papago, Flitto, DeepL, and Google Bard can help identify which one suits your needs best.
  • 🎧 Some AI translators offer pronunciation features, aiding in improving accent and understanding of native speaker pronunciation.
  • 🔍 AI translation services not only translate text but also provide alternate expressions and additional information for better understanding.
  • ✍️ Using AI for translation is not without its flaws; it is essential to cross-check translations for accuracy, especially in critical communications.
  • 📚 AI can assist in learning English expressions and idioms by providing examples and explanations, enhancing vocabulary and language use.
  • 📈 AI translation tools can be used as a personal language tutor, offering immediate feedback and corrections to improve English skills.
  • 🌐 The development of AI technology suggests that future translations will become more accurate, but relying solely on them for critical tasks is not advised.
  • 📖 For effective English learning, focus on structured grammar and pronunciation studies, and use AI to expand vocabulary and practice usage.
  • 🤔 Curious encounters with unfamiliar words or expressions can be an opportunity to learn and expand one's English knowledge base using AI tools.

Q & A

  • What is the main advantage of using AI translation tools for those who are in urgent need of English translation?

    -The main advantage is that AI translation tools can provide immediate translations for users, allowing them to resolve their English language issues quickly and efficiently.

  • How can AI translation tools help users improve their English skills over time?

    -By consistently using AI translation tools, users can gradually enhance their English proficiency as they are exposed to more translations and learn from the corrected versions of their own sentences.

  • What are the key features of Naver's Papago that make it user-friendly?

    -Papago's key features include easy access through Naver's platform and the ability to listen to native pronunciations of words, which helps users learn correct pronunciations.

  • What is the unique service provided by Flitto that differentiates it from other translation platforms?

    -Flitto offers a unique service where native English speakers can directly edit and correct users' sentences, providing a more reliable and personalized translation experience.

  • How does DeepL stand out among other translation tools?

    -DeepL allows users to choose between American and British English translations, catering to different preferences and providing a more tailored translation experience.

  • What is the main drawback of using Chat-GPT and Google Bard for translation purposes?

    -The main drawback is that these AI models may not always provide perfectly accurate translations, and there might be critical errors that could lead to misunderstandings or miscommunications.

  • How can users make the most out of AI translation tools to enhance their English learning?

    -Users can use AI translation tools to practice constructing English sentences and then compare their work with the translations provided by the tools, learning from the corrections and suggestions offered.

  • What is the significance of being able to select different styles of English in translation tools like Flitto?

    -The ability to select different styles of English allows users to adapt their language use to various contexts, such as academic writing or business communication, making their English more versatile and appropriate for different situations.

  • How can AI translation tools assist in learning and understanding English idioms and expressions?

    -By providing examples and explanations of idioms and expressions, AI translation tools can help users understand their meanings and usage, thus expanding their vocabulary and improving their overall language skills.

  • What is the recommended approach to using AI translation tools for effective English learning?

    -The recommended approach is to use AI translation tools as a supplement to traditional learning methods, focusing on understanding sentence structures and basic vocabulary, while using the tools to explore more complex expressions and idioms.



📝 Introduction to AI Translation Tools

The paragraph introduces the audience to the effectiveness of AI translation tools, emphasizing their utility for those in immediate need of English translation. It suggests that these tools can not only provide instant translations but also help users gradually improve their English skills. The speaker promises a comparative analysis of various AI translators and shares tips on how to maximize their use to enhance English proficiency.


🌐 Exploring Features of AI Translation Platforms

This section delves into the specific features of different AI translation platforms, such as Papago, Flitto, and Google Bard. It discusses the accessibility of Papago due to its integration with Naver's English dictionary and its unique pronunciation feature. The speaker also highlights Flitto's strength in offering corrections by native English speakers and the introduction of Flitto's AI Plus for more nuanced translations. The paragraph touches on the ability to choose between American and British English translations in DeepL and the convenience of file translation offered by the platform.


💡 Maximizing AI Translation Tools for Learning

The speaker shares insights on how to use AI translation tools as learning aids. They discuss the importance of not solely relying on AI for critical communication tasks due to the potential for errors. The paragraph emphasizes the value of creating English sentences and then verifying them using AI tools, which can lead to a deeper understanding and mastery of the language. The speaker also mentions the limitations of AI and the importance of human judgment in assessing translations.


📚 Structured Approach to Learning English with AI

In this part, the speaker outlines a structured approach to learning English using AI tools. They differentiate between finite and infinite aspects of language learning, emphasizing发音 and sentence structure as areas with clear endpoints. The speaker encourages leveraging AI for vocabulary and expression learning, which is an endless process. They also suggest using AI to ask questions and gain explanations, thus enhancing one's English proficiency.


🤖 Continuous Learning and Curiosity with AI

The speaker concludes by encouraging continuous learning and curiosity when using AI translation tools. They advocate for the regular inquiry into unfamiliar expressions and terms as a means of expanding one's English knowledge. The paragraph highlights the role of AI as a personal English tutor, available to answer questions and provide examples, thus facilitating language learning in everyday situations. The speaker also invites the audience to visit their online platform for more information on structured English learning.



💡AI Translators

AI Translators refer to artificial intelligence-based tools or software that can automatically translate text or speech from one language to another. In the context of the video, AI translators are presented as effective tools for individuals struggling with English, allowing them to overcome language barriers and improve their English proficiency over time. The video discusses various AI translators and their features, such as pronunciation guides and real-time translations.

💡English Proficiency

English Proficiency refers to the level of mastery and skill an individual has in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in the English language. The video emphasizes the importance of improving English proficiency, especially for those who find themselves in situations where English is required. It suggests that regular use of AI translators can contribute to enhancing one's English abilities, as it provides exposure to the language and opportunities for practice.

💡Pronunciation Guide

A Pronunciation Guide is a tool or feature that helps individuals learn the correct pronunciation of words in a foreign language. In the context of AI translators, this feature is particularly useful for language learners who want to improve their spoken English. The guide often provides audio clips or phonetic transcriptions to assist users in mimicking the correct pronunciation.

💡Translation Accuracy

Translation Accuracy refers to the degree to which a translated text conveys the same meaning as the original text, without errors or loss of information. The video discusses the varying levels of accuracy among different AI translators and emphasizes the importance of choosing a reliable translation tool for effective communication.

💡Language Learning Strategy

A Language Learning Strategy refers to a specific method or approach used by learners to acquire and improve their language skills. The video suggests using AI translators as a strategy for learning English, not just for translation purposes. It encourages viewers to actively engage with the AI translators to practice constructing sentences in English and to seek corrections or alternative expressions.

💡Real-time Translation

Real-time Translation is the process of translating spoken or written language into another language as it is being communicated, without significant delay. This feature is particularly useful for immediate language understanding and communication in multilingual settings. The video mentions the convenience of having access to real-time translation services through AI translators.

💡Professional Correction

Professional Correction refers to the process of reviewing and amending text to improve its accuracy, clarity, and quality. In the context of language learning, professional corrections can be provided by native speakers or language experts. The video mentions services like Pli, which offer corrections by native English speakers, enhancing the learning experience.

💡Language Nuances

Language Nuances refer to the subtle differences in meaning, usage, or expression within a language that can affect the interpretation of words or phrases. Understanding these nuances is crucial for effective communication and can significantly enhance language proficiency. The video emphasizes the importance of recognizing and adapting to these subtleties in English.

💡File Translation

File Translation involves the process of translating an entire document or file from one language to another. This feature is particularly useful for professionals or students who need to translate large amounts of text, such as academic papers, business documents, or reports. The video mentions the capability of certain AI translators to handle file translations, which can save time and effort.

💡AI Plus Features

AI Plus Features refer to additional functionalities that enhance the basic AI translation services. These features may include professional corrections, real-time translations, voice outputs, and other advanced tools designed to improve the user experience and the quality of translations. The video highlights the importance of these features in providing a more comprehensive and effective language learning and translation experience.

💡Language Learning的心态

Language Learning的心态 refers to the mental attitude or approach that individuals have towards the process of learning a new language. The video encourages viewers to adopt a proactive and curious mindset when using AI translators, treating them not just as translation tools but also as learning aids that can facilitate language acquisition.


AI translators have significantly improved, allowing individuals to resolve immediate English needs effectively.

By utilizing AI translators, one can gradually enhance their English proficiency.

The video will compare various AI translators to help viewers determine which one suits their needs best.

Papago offers a significant advantage with its integration with Naver's English dictionary and pronunciation feature.

Papago's translation was reviewed by a trusted native English speaker with extensive experience and publications.

The use of 'under 's name' in the translation was found to be slightly awkward and could be improved.

Fleets offers a unique service of not only translation but also correction by native English speakers.

Fleets' AI Plus feature provides more refined translations, enhancing the user experience.

DeepL offers the ability to choose between American and British English translations, catering to different preferences.

DeepL's translation maintains a high level of accuracy, even with slight differences between American and British English.

Chat-GPT provides a comprehensive translation experience, including handling various questions and offering multiple answer options.

Chat-GPT's ability to provide literal translations and additional information can be both beneficial and overwhelming.

Google Bard introduces a new dimension to translation with its rich information and multiple answer options.

Despite the advancements in AI translation, there are still minor and critical errors that require human judgment.

AI translators can be a stepping stone for improving English skills, but relying solely on them for critical tasks is not advisable.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning English expressions and utilizing AI translators for further practice and understanding.

The video encourages the audience to embrace AI translators as a tool for learning and enhancing their English abilities.