번역기는 무조건 이거 써야합니다. 영어와 한국어를 가장 잘 번역하는 번역기 추천!! (파파고, 구글, 카카오, DeepL 4종 비교)

커맨드스페이스 CMDS
7 Feb 202314:09

TLDRThe video script discusses the importance of translation apps for effective communication in a multilingual world. It introduces four popular translation apps: Papago, Google Translate, Kakao Translate, and DeepL, highlighting their strengths and differences. The speaker shares personal experiences and preferences, recommending the use of all three for various purposes. The video also provides tips on using a tool called K2 Translate, which allows for easy access and use of these translation services with customizable shortcuts.


  • 📝 The speaker discusses the importance of translation apps for effective communication, especially when dealing with content in languages one is not proficient in.
  • 🌐 The speaker compares four popular translation apps: Papago, Google Translate, Kakao Translate, and DeepL, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.
  • 🔍 Papago is praised for its familiarity with the Korean language pattern, making translations feel more natural to Korean speakers.
  • 🌍 Google Translate is noted for its grammatical accuracy and its effort to match the sentence structures preferred by English-speaking and American audiences.
  • 📈 DeepL is recognized for its impressive translation quality, providing more natural and understandable translations, despite taking slightly longer to process.
  • 🔄 The speaker recommends using all three translation services (Papago, Google, and DeepL) for the best results, leveraging the strengths of each.
  • 🖌️ The speaker also mentions the ability to customize and edit translations, with DeepL offering the most detailed editing options at the word level.
  • 📊 The use of K2 Translate, a Chrome extension that allows for quick translation using shortcuts, is introduced as a convenient tool for translation.
  • 📝 The speaker provides examples of translations to illustrate the differences in output between the various apps, emphasizing the nuances in language translation.
  • 🔧 Tips for using translation apps effectively are shared, such as adjusting the settings to prioritize frequently used services and using capture features for non-selectable text.
  • 🖥️ The speaker suggests optimizing the workspace for translation work by adjusting screen resolution and layout for better multitasking and comfort.
  • 🎯 The overall message is about enhancing productivity and understanding by leveraging different translation tools and techniques.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the script?

    -The main topic of the script is the introduction and comparison of four different translation applications, including their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Which translation application is the speaker using the most?

    -The speaker uses Papago the most, as it seems to be the most frequently used application according to the speaker's experience.

  • What is the main difference between Papago and Google Translate according to the speaker?

    -The main difference is that Papago is more familiar with the Korean language pattern, while Google Translate tends to provide translations that adhere more closely to the original sentence structure and grammar.

  • What is the speaker's recommendation for using translation applications?

    -The speaker recommends using all three applications—Papago, Google Translate, and DeepL—for translation, depending on the context and the level of formality or naturalness required.

  • How does the speaker describe the performance of DeepL in translation?

    -The speaker describes DeepL as providing very natural translations, although it may take slightly longer to process compared to the other applications.

  • What feature does the speaker appreciate in Papago translations?

    -The speaker appreciates that Papago translations often include common Korean expressions, making the translations feel more natural and relatable.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for dealing with translation limitations?

    -The speaker's strategy includes using the highlight and edit feature available in some translation applications to modify translations and better fit the intended meaning or style.

  • What tool does the speaker recommend for easy use of translation applications?

    -The speaker recommends using a tool called K2 Translate, which allows for quick access to different translation applications using shortcuts.

  • How does the speaker adjust the settings in K2 Translate?

    -The speaker adjusts the settings in K2 Translate by assigning the most frequently used translation application (Papago) to the first shortcut key and arranging the others in order of personal preference.

  • What is the speaker's approach to translating complex or idiomatic expressions?

    -The speaker's approach involves using the translation applications' ability to handle idiomatic expressions and then making manual adjustments as needed to better capture the intended meaning.

  • What is the speaker's final verdict on the three translation applications discussed?

    -The speaker concludes that all three applications—Papago, Google Translate, and DeepL—have their strengths and are useful in different contexts, leading to a recommendation to use all of them for the best results.



📚 Introduction to Translation Apps

The paragraph introduces the necessity of translation applications for those who need to understand content in languages they are not proficient in. The speaker shares their experience with four different translation apps, highlighting the strengths of each. The apps discussed include Papago, Google Translate, Kakao Translate, and DeepL. The speaker notes that Papago is popular among Korean users and provides translations that feel natural in Korean, while Google Translate offers more grammatically accurate translations. The introduction of DeepL is emphasized as it has started supporting the Korean language and offers surprisingly natural translations, although it may take slightly longer to process.


🖥️ Using Translation Apps with Keyboard Shortcuts

The speaker discusses the convenience of using translation apps with keyboard shortcuts, thanks to a program called K2 Translate. This program allows users to quickly access their preferred translation services with a simple shortcut, making the translation process more efficient. The speaker provides a brief tutorial on how to set up and use K2 Translate, emphasizing its usefulness in translating text from web pages or documents. The paragraph also touches on the importance of adjusting the settings to suit one's workflow and the benefits of having multiple translation options available for comparison.


🔍 Evaluating Translation Quality and Expressions

In this paragraph, the speaker evaluates the quality of translations provided by the different apps. They discuss how each app handles specific expressions and internet slang, noting that some apps may struggle with certain phrases or terms. The speaker shares examples of translations that capture the intended meaning well, such as expressions related to gaming and personal goals. They also mention instances where the translation might not be perfect but still conveys the general idea. The speaker concludes by expressing their preference for using a combination of the three apps to achieve the best translation results.



💡Translation Apps

Translation apps serve as digital tools designed to translate text or speech from one language to another, facilitating communication across language barriers. In the video, the presenter introduces and compares different translation applications, highlighting their utility in enhancing language learning and communication efficiency. Examples such as Papago, Google Translate, Kakao Translate, and DeepL are discussed, each with its unique strengths in handling translations, particularly with Korean and English languages.


Papago is introduced as a popular translation app among the ones reviewed. It's favored for its proficiency in translating between Korean and English, emphasizing its adaptability to Korean language patterns. The presenter appreciates Papago for its natural translation quality, implying it can render texts with a level of nuance akin to native Korean speakers. This app's ability to maintain the original Korean sentence order and feeling in English translations is particularly highlighted.

💡Google Translate

Google Translate is recognized for its widespread use and ability to produce grammatically correct translations. It's described as more familiar with the original sentence structure, making an effort to translate in a way that's syntactically coherent to English speakers. The presenter notes a difference between Google Translate and Papago, with Google focusing on preserving the original form and expressions common in the Anglophone world, suggesting its utility in cases where accurate sentence structure is paramount.

💡Kakao Translate

Kakao Translate is mentioned as another option available for users, created by the Korean company Kakao. The presenter notes its similarity to Papago but does not identify any standout features when compared to Google Translate or Papago. It is suggested that Kakao Translate is occasionally used for obtaining a third opinion in translations, indicating its role as a supplementary tool rather than a primary choice.


DeepL is presented as a highly regarded translation tool, especially noted for its naturalness in translations. It recently began supporting the Korean language, which has increased its popularity among users. The presenter commends DeepL for its ability to deliver translations that feel natural and are contextually accurate, though it may take slightly longer to produce results. This app's tendency to offer creative translations, such as interpreting 'paper' as 'white paper', is mentioned, reflecting its sophisticated processing capabilities.

💡Translation Quality

The quality of translation refers to how accurately and naturally a translated text conveys the meaning of the original text. In the video, the presenter examines the translation quality of different apps by comparing their ability to handle specific phrases and idiomatic expressions. The emphasis is on finding tools that can produce translations feeling natural to native speakers and maintaining the original message's integrity.

💡Language Patterns

Language patterns pertain to the characteristic ways in which words are used and arranged to form sentences in a language. The video highlights how certain translation apps, like Papago, are better attuned to Korean language patterns. This familiarity allows these apps to translate texts in a way that resonates more naturally with Korean speakers, by preserving the feel and order of the original Korean sentences.

💡Sentence Structure

Sentence structure refers to the way words are organized to form coherent sentences. In discussing Google Translate, the presenter mentions its capability to maintain the grammatical integrity of translations, aligning more closely with the syntax preferred by English speakers. This contrasts with Papago, which prioritizes preserving the original Korean sentence structure, even if it results in English sentences that might seem unusual to native English speakers.

💡Translation Adjustments

Translation adjustments involve the manual editing or modification of automated translations to better capture the intended meaning or to make the text sound more natural in the target language. The presenter describes features in DeepL and Google Translate that allow users to edit translations word by word or in their entirety, highlighting the flexibility these tools offer to refine translations based on personal preference or context-specific needs.

💡User Interface

The user interface (UI) of a translation app is the point of interaction between the user and the application. The presenter briefly touches upon the ease of use provided by different translation apps, discussing how features like drag-and-drop text input, highlight modifications, and quick access keys enhance the user experience by making translation tasks more straightforward and less time-consuming.


The speaker introduces four types of translation apps and discusses their usage and effectiveness.

Papago is highlighted as a popular translation app that provides translations resembling those written by a native Korean speaker.

The difference between Papago and Google Translate is discussed, with Papago being more attuned to Korean language patterns and Google focusing on grammatical accuracy.

DeepL is introduced as a translation app that has started supporting the Korean language and is gaining popularity for its natural translations.

The speaker shares a personal preference for using Papago and Google Translate the most, with DeepL becoming a significant addition.

Kakao Translate is mentioned as another option, similar to Papago but without distinct advantages over the other apps.

A feature that highlights the origin of translated text is recommended, allowing users to easily identify and modify phrases.

Both Google Translate and DeepL offer the ability to modify translations at the word or phrase level, unlike Kakao and Papago which require manual editing.

The speaker demonstrates a method for quickly translating text using a Chrome extension called K2 Translate.

An example of translating a Korean document into English is provided to illustrate the ease of use and effectiveness of the translation apps.

The speaker evaluates the translation quality of Papago, noting its ability to capture common Korean expressions and internet slang.

Google Translate's translation of the same text is critiqued for misunderstanding certain Korean terms and providing direct translations.

DeepL's translation is analyzed, showing its strengths in translating Korean internet slang and providing more natural expressions.

The speaker concludes by recommending the use of all three translation apps, Papago, Google, and DeepL, for their respective strengths.

A tip for using the translation apps is provided, suggesting the use of a wider monitor and customizing the settings for an efficient workflow.

The K2 Translate extension is introduced as a convenient tool for quickly accessing and using the translation apps with keyboard shortcuts.

The speaker plans to cover more tips on using the translation apps effectively in a future session.