7 WORST Beginner Print on Demand Mistakes to Avoid

23 Dec 202314:13

TLDRThe video highlights the seven key tactics to avoid common mistakes in beginner print on demand businesses. It emphasizes the importance of starting, dispels the myth of market saturation, and showcases successful examples of focusing on one product at a time. The speaker shares personal experiences and strategies for consistent growth, stressing the value of learning, trying, and believing in the possibility of success in the print on demand and dropshipping industry.


  • 🚀 Starting a business is challenging, but taking the first step and getting signed up is crucial, as it already surpasses a significant portion of potential competitors.
  • 🌐 Despite common beliefs, the market is not oversaturated. Success in print on demand or dropshipping is possible even with millions of other sellers by focusing on high-demand products and adding unique twists.
  • 💡 Consistency and persistence are key to success. By ignoring competition and consistently posting listings, some shops have achieved significant sales and revenue.
  • 🎨 Utilizing AI to create digital download art or other products can be a differentiating strategy that allows for success in competitive niches.
  • 🛍️ Success in competitive niches like t-shirts is about more than just finding a hidden niche; it's about offering competitive products with a unique touch.
  • 📈 The belief that success is possible is essential. Without it, most people will never take the first step towards achieving their financial goals.
  • 🔑 Mastering one product at a time is a strategy that leads to success. By focusing on a single niche and targeting customers effectively, businesses can outperform those spreading their efforts across multiple products.
  • 🛠️ Building a strong system to manage and grow the business is vital. It allows for consistent work on the business regardless of motivation levels.
  • 📊 Listing quantity matters. The more listings a shop has, the higher the potential for sales. Top-earning shops with thousands of listings demonstrate this correlation.
  • 🌟 Believing in the possibility of success and surrounding oneself with successful examples can change one's mindset and actions, leading to better business decisions and outcomes.

Q & A

  • What is the first step to start a print on demand business?

    -The first step is to get registered and set up your business or side hustle, which puts you ahead of 80% of others.

  • How can one overcome the fear of market saturation in print on demand?

    -By focusing on finding competitive products with high demand and adding a unique twist, rather than running away from competition or seeking a hidden niche.

  • What is the significance of the shop 'Antique White Art' in the context of the script?

    -It serves as an example of success despite market saturation, having achieved over 30,000 sales and $189,000 in revenue by ignoring competition and consistently posting listings.

  • What is the role of AI in the print on demand business?

    -AI can be used to create digital download art or mockups, as demonstrated by the shop 'Antique White Art', which used AI to generate its successful products.

  • How does consistency in product listings contribute to success in print on demand?

    -Consistency in listings helps in building a professional vibe and brand identity, which is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

  • Why is it important to have a system in place when running a print on demand business?

    -A good system allows you to work on your business at different stages, regardless of how you feel about the work, ensuring consistent progress and growth.

  • What does mastering one product at a time mean in the context of the business model discussed?

    -It means focusing on one niche product and targeting customers effectively with designs and positioning, which often results in higher sales than spreading efforts across multiple products.

  • How does belief in the possibility of success impact the growth of a print on demand business?

    -Belief in success is crucial as it motivates the entrepreneur to take the first step and persist through challenges, ultimately leading to growth and financial goals.

  • What is the significance of the 'valley of despair' in the context of the script?

    -It refers to the stage where an entrepreneur feels overwhelmed and doesn't see immediate results, but it's crucial to keep learning and trying to achieve long-term success.

  • What is the role of time in the success of a print on demand business?

    -Time is a significant factor as it allows for growth and adaptation. Consistent effort over time can lead to significant success, even if progress seems slow initially.



🚀 Starting Strong: The Path to Financial Success

This paragraph emphasizes the potential for financial success in the print on demand business, highlighting that achieving $10,000 a month is within reach. It stresses the importance of taking the first step, such as signing up and setting up a business or side hustle, which already surpasses a significant portion of potential competitors. The speaker shares a quick start guide to help beginners set up their business efficiently. The paragraph also addresses the common misconception of market saturation, providing examples of successful businesses that thrived despite intense competition, illustrating that success is possible by focusing on high-demand products and adding unique twists.


🌟 Perseverance and Consistency: Keys to Long-Term Success

This section discusses the challenges faced by many in achieving their financial goals due to a lack of起步 (beginning) and the common belief that success takes too long. It uses the example of a shop selling AI-generated mockups that eventually became successful after posting over 2,900 listings. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of having a long-term mentality and continuing to learn and try, even when faced with initial lack of success. It also touches on the concept of the 'valley of Despair,' where many give up, but those who persist reap the rewards. The speaker shares personal experiences and the impact of consistency and professionalism in achieving success over time.


🎯 Systematization and Focus: Strategies for Scaling Business

The paragraph discusses the critical aspects of systematizing the business process and mastering one product at a time. It explains that a strong system allows for consistent business growth, even when motivation wanes. The speaker shares their journey of building a system that increased output and predicts success. The paragraph also emphasizes the importance of focusing on one niche product and targeting customers effectively, using data and examples to show that businesses focusing on a single product significantly outperform those spreading themselves too thin. It concludes with the idea that belief in success is crucial, and by surrounding oneself with success stories and communities, one can internalize and emulate the habits of successful business owners.



💡Print on Demand

Print on Demand is a business model where products are only produced when an order is received, eliminating the need for inventory upfront. This model is central to the video's theme as it allows entrepreneurs to start and scale their businesses without significant financial risk. The video provides examples of successful Print on Demand businesses, such as the shop 'Antique White Art', which achieved substantial sales and revenue by focusing on this model.

💡AI-generated Art

AI-generated Art refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create digital artwork. In the context of the video, it is highlighted as a strategy for creating unique digital products for Print on Demand businesses. The speaker mentions a shop that used AI to generate beautiful artwork, which led to significant sales and revenue, demonstrating the potential of leveraging technology in the creative process.


Competition in this video refers to the presence of other sellers in the same market or niche. The video emphasizes that despite the perception of an oversaturated market, competition indicates demand and provides opportunities for those who can offer a unique product or service. Successful Print on Demand shops, such as 'Lexington Prince' and 'US Quality Shirts', are cited as examples of businesses that thrived by focusing on competitive products with high demand and adding a unique twist.


Consistency in the video is portrayed as the act of regularly creating and posting new listings or products. It is a critical factor for success in Print on Demand businesses, as it increases the chances of sales and visibility. The video uses the example of a shop from Denver, Colorado, that posted over 2,000 listings and now earns a significant monthly income, illustrating the payoff of consistent effort over time.

💡Digital Products

Digital products are intangible goods that can be delivered electronically, such as digital art, e-books, or online courses. In the video, digital products are specifically highlighted as Print on Demand items like AI-generated art, which can be sold without the physical manufacturing or shipping, thus reducing costs and complexity. The video showcases the profitability of digital products, with examples of shops making substantial income from these types of offerings.


A niche in the context of the video refers to a specialized segment of the market that a business targets with its products. The speaker argues that instead of seeking a hidden or non-competitive niche, it's more effective to find competitive products with high demand and add a unique twist. The video provides examples of successful niche businesses, such as the shop selling AI-generated ornaments, which focused on a specific product and achieved significant sales.


Scaling in the video refers to the process of growing a business by increasing its size, capacity, or income. It is a key aspect of the video's message, as the speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and trying continuously to scale a Print on Demand business. The speaker shares personal experiences of building systems and strategies to increase output and sales, ultimately leading to a six-figure income from the business.


A system in the video is a set of processes or strategies that a business owner uses to manage and grow their business. The speaker developed a templatized product post system to streamline the process of posting new listings, which is an example of a system that allows for more efficient and consistent business operations. The video suggests that having a strong system is crucial for overcoming periods of lack of motivation and for ensuring consistent progress towards financial goals.

💡Valley of Despair

The 'Valley of Despair' is a metaphor used in the video to describe the stage where individuals feel overwhelmed and disheartened by their lack of progress towards their goals. It is a common experience for many entrepreneurs, but the video encourages viewers to persist through this phase by continuing to learn and try, eventually leading to success. The metaphor is used to illustrate the emotional challenges of entrepreneurship and the importance of resilience.

💡Passive Income

Passive income refers to earnings that are generated with little to no ongoing effort after an initial setup or investment. In the video, the concept is discussed in relation to the potential of Print on Demand businesses to create a steady stream of income that requires minimal maintenance once the business is established. The speaker cites examples of shops that have achieved significant monthly passive income through the sale of digital products, highlighting the appeal of this business model.


Belief in the video is the conviction or confidence in the possibility of success in one's endeavors. The speaker argues that many people fail to reach their financial goals because they do not truly believe in their potential to succeed. The video aims to counteract this disbelief by showcasing real-life examples of successful Print on Demand businesses and encouraging viewers to adopt a mindset of possibility and action.


Starting a business is challenging, but following the right steps can lead to earning $10,000 a month or more.

The first step to success is simply beginning and getting signed up to start your business or side hustle.

The misconception of an oversaturated market is debunked by successful businesses that thrive despite competition.

AI-generated digital download art has allowed some businesses to earn significant revenue despite market competition.

Consistency and persistence in listing products are key factors in achieving success in print on demand and dropshipping.

Learning and trying continuously are the main factors that differentiate successful businesses from those that don't reach their goals.

Having a long-term mentality and patience is crucial for success, as it allows for growth despite initial slow progress.

Building a strong system to manage and grow your business is essential to navigate through stages of uncertainty and lack of motivation.

Mastering one product at a time leads to greater success than spreading efforts across multiple products.

Focusing on a niche product and targeting customers effectively can lead to substantial earnings, as seen with specialized mug shops.

Believing in the possibility of success is critical; without it, most people won't take the first step towards their financial goals.

Publicly available data and supportive communities can provide proof of success and help foster belief in one's own capabilities.

Success in print on demand and dropshipping businesses is not reserved for a select few but is accessible to those willing to learn and try.

The importance of surrounding oneself with success stories to adopt a successful mindset and emulate the actions of successful business owners.

The video provides a quick start guide to help beginners set up a business ready to sell in less than 10 minutes for free.

Some shops have achieved over 30,000 sales and $189,000 in revenue within 11 months by focusing on AI-generated artwork.

A shop specializing in t-shirts, a highly competitive niche, managed to make over 28,000 sales in their first year by being consistent and adding a unique twist to their products.