AI Apocalypse: Only Apple Can Win

Snazzy Labs
5 May 202419:33

TLDRThe video discusses the limitations and shortcomings of two AI devices, the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin, in comparison to the potential of AI advancements from tech giants like Apple and Google. The reviewer criticizes the devices for their poor battery life, overheating issues, and lack of practicality, suggesting they are more hype than substance. Meanwhile, Apple's ongoing development in AI, including their own silicon and machine learning frameworks, is highlighted as a more promising approach. The summary emphasizes that while AI is an exciting frontier, the current devices reviewed are outmatched by the capabilities and ecosystem of smartphones, particularly those from Apple and Google.


  • 🤖 The speaker is skeptical about the hype surrounding AI and has been conservative about the potential of various technologies.
  • 📈 Despite skepticism, the speaker acknowledges that technologies like self-driving cars and blockchain have created significant industries and may eventually change the world.
  • 🔍 The Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin are highlighted as products attempting to push AI boundaries but are criticized for their shortcomings.
  • 📱 A common critique of both devices is that their functionalities could be replicated by a smartphone app, but the companies need platform control, which is not feasible on smartphones.
  • 🔋 Both the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin suffer from poor battery life and overheating issues, leading to a negative user experience.
  • 🚫 The hardware of these devices is seen as a necessity but also a deficiency, with the AI pin's hardware receiving almost universal criticism.
  • 📷 The Rabbit R1's camera is criticized for being too low quality and not useful for creation, unlike the AI pin which can take decent photos.
  • 📱 The speaker suggests that neither device can run local models beyond speech-to-text, requiring data to be sent to the cloud and causing delays.
  • 💬 The software of the devices is discussed, with the AI pin having a more limited but dependable control over certain services, while the Rabbit R1 offers a broader but less reliable approach.
  • 📈 The speaker is excited about the future of AI, but believes that the revolution will happen on smartphones and not on dedicated AI devices like the Rabbit R1 or Humane AI pin.
  • 🍎 The speaker predicts that Apple and Google, with their existing smartphone infrastructure and resources, are better positioned to lead in AI innovation compared to smaller companies.

Q & A

  • What is the main criticism of the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin devices?

    -The main criticism is that they often attempt to do more than they can handle, leading to poor performance and user dissatisfaction. They also face comparison with smartphone apps that could potentially offer similar functionalities.

  • Why do Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin need platform control?

    -They need platform control because they require a level of access, data, and availability that cannot be achieved in a sandboxed app environment on a smartphone. Hardware becomes a necessity for them to function as intended.

  • What are some of the issues with the AI pin's hardware?

    -The AI pin has issues with poor battery life, requiring frequent battery swaps, a less than stellar user interface with laser projectors, and a tendency to overheat under heavy usage or in the sun.

  • How does the Rabbit R1 hardware compare to the AI pin?

    -While the Rabbit R1 has not been as heavily criticized, it also suffers from poor battery life and a mediocre camera. Its touchscreen is underutilized, and the scroll wheel sensitivity is too low for efficient navigation.

  • What is the primary difference between the software of the AI pin and the Rabbit R1?

    -The AI pin is designed around voice interaction and has a limited but dependable control over its ecosystem, while the Rabbit R1 uses a hybrid interface and attempts to offer more AI functionalities, but often fails to deliver due to its limitations.

  • Why are the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin not recommended over smartphones?

    -They are not recommended because they do not offer greater convenience or reliability than a smartphone. Tasks that can be done more quickly and reliably on a smartphone are not worth the additional device and potential frustration.

  • What is the advantage of Apple's approach to AI compared to Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin?

    -Apple has the advantage of designing its own silicon with neural processing units, allowing for faster and more efficient AI tasks on device. Additionally, Apple has a vast ecosystem and App Store, which can quickly adopt new AI technologies.

  • What is the future of AI according to the video?

    -The future of AI is expected to happen on smartphones and watches, with companies like Apple and Google leading the way due to their existing infrastructure, user base, and development ecosystem.

  • Why do some users prefer the AI pin over the Rabbit R1?

    -Some users prefer the AI pin for its hands-free accessibility and the ability to use it without the distraction of a smartphone screen, despite its shortcomings.

  • What is the significance of Apple's recent releases like the M1 chip and the ML framework?

    -These releases signify Apple's commitment to integrating AI capabilities into their devices, allowing for more efficient and powerful on-device AI processing.

  • How does the video compare the AI capabilities of the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin with those of Apple and Google?

    -The video suggests that while the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin attempt to innovate, they fall short in practicality and reliability. In contrast, Apple and Google's approach, leveraging their established smartphone ecosystems, is seen as more promising for AI integration.

  • What is the viewer's recommendation for those interested in AI devices?

    -The viewer recommends waiting for offerings from established tech companies like Apple and Google, rather than investing in the current AI pin or Rabbit R1 devices.



🤔 Skepticism on Hype and AI Devices

The speaker expresses skepticism towards the hype surrounding new technologies, despite being a tech enthusiast and YouTuber. They recount their past doubts about wearables, virtual reality, and other tech trends that haven't fully transformed the world as expected. The Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin are highlighted as devices striving to deliver real AI capabilities beyond large language models. However, they often fail to meet expectations and struggle against established tech giants like Apple and Google. The critique also addresses the common question of why these AI functionalities couldn't simply be an app on a phone, discussing the need for platform control and the limitations of a sandboxed app environment.


🔋 Critique of Hardware and Battery Life

The video script details the poor battery life and hardware issues of the AI pin and Rabbit R1 devices. The AI pin is criticized for its need to frequently swap out booster batteries and its tendency to overheat. The Rabbit R1's hardware receives less criticism, but it also suffers from poor battery life. The speaker also discusses the lack of utility in the Rabbit R1's touchscreen and the poor quality of its speaker and microphones. Both devices are said to be slow due to their inability to run local models and reliance on cloud processing.


📱 Comparing Interface and Functionality

The speaker differentiates the Rabbit R1 and AI pin based on their interfaces and functionalities. The AI pin is designed primarily for voice interaction, while the R1 offers a hybrid interface. The AI pin is commended for its support of four services, although they operate within a limited ecosystem. The Rabbit R1, despite its different approach, is criticized for its lack of support for phone calls, messages, and a proper web interface. The speaker also compares their vision capabilities, noting that the AI pin's camera is too wide angle, whereas the Rabbit's camera provides more detailed images but lacks practical applications.


📱 Smartphones as the Future of AI

The speaker predicts that the future of AI lies with smartphones and not with standalone devices like the Rabbit R1 or AI pin. They argue that smartphones, with their advanced processors and established ecosystems, will offer a more seamless and reliable AI experience. The speaker anticipates that companies like Apple and Google will integrate AI features into their existing platforms, leveraging their existing infrastructure and user base. They also mention Apple's recent developments in AI and machine learning frameworks, suggesting that these technologies will enable more efficient and localized AI tasks on mobile devices.



💡AI Apocalypse

The term 'AI Apocalypse' is likely used metaphorically in the title to suggest a scenario where AI technology has advanced to a point where it significantly impacts society, potentially causing upheaval or drastic changes. In the context of the video, it seems to refer to the author's skepticism about the capabilities of certain AI products and their ability to live up to the hype.

💡Rabbit R1

Rabbit R1 is a device mentioned in the transcript that is designed to incorporate AI technology. The video discusses its shortcomings, such as poor battery life, low-quality camera, and inadequate touch screen sensitivity. It serves as an example of a product that does not meet the reviewer's expectations for AI capabilities.

💡Humane AI Pin

The Humane AI Pin is another AI-driven device criticized in the video for its various flaws, including subpar battery life, UI issues, and overheating problems. It is presented as an example of a product that fails to deliver on the promise of advanced AI functionalities.

💡Apple Silicon

Apple Silicon refers to the custom-designed system-on-a-chip (SoC) that Apple uses in their devices, which includes a neural processing unit for AI tasks. The video suggests that Apple's integration of advanced AI capabilities into their existing products gives them a significant advantage over standalone AI devices.

💡Intent Engines

Intent engines are a type of AI technology that aim to understand and act upon the user's intentions. In the video, the reviewer discusses how devices like the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI Pin utilize intent engines to process user commands, but often fall short in providing accurate or useful responses.

💡AI Assistant

An AI assistant is an artificial intelligence software that performs tasks or services for a user, such as answering questions, setting reminders, or providing recommendations. The video contrasts the capabilities of dedicated AI devices with those of AI assistants available on platforms like Chrome, desktop, and mobile.

💡Smartphone Race

The 'smartphone race' is a metaphor used in the video to describe the competition among tech companies to create the most advanced and feature-rich smartphones. The reviewer argues that companies like Apple and Google, which have already established dominance in the smartphone market, are better positioned to integrate AI advancements.

💡Local AI Processing

Local AI processing refers to the ability of a device to perform AI tasks on the device itself without relying on cloud computing. The video discusses how the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI Pin lack the processing power to run local models, which affects their performance and responsiveness.

💡SDK Frameworks

SDK stands for Software Development Kit, and frameworks are sets of libraries or tools that help developers create applications. The video suggests that companies like Apple can leverage their SDK frameworks to integrate AI models into millions of apps, giving them a competitive edge in the AI space.

💡Neural Processing Units (NPU)

Neural Processing Units are specialized hardware components designed to accelerate AI tasks, such as machine learning algorithms. The video highlights how Apple's inclusion of NPUs in their mobile chips allows for more efficient on-device AI processing.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to AI systems that can create new content, such as images, music, or text. The video discusses how generative AI features are expected to become more prevalent in devices like smartphones, with companies like Apple leading the way.


The speaker is skeptical about the hype surrounding AI technologies, having been conservative about previous tech trends.

Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin are highlighted as products attempting to push the boundaries of AI.

The devices often fail to live up to their promises, with the speaker considering them the worst products reviewed.

A common critique is that these AI functionalities could simply be an app on a smartphone.

The need for platform control is cited as a reason for creating hardware, rather than just a smartphone app.

Hardware is deemed a necessity for these companies, but it also presents a deficiency.

AI pin's battery life is criticized as poor, with frequent need to swap batteries and re-enter passwords.

The Rabbit R1's hardware receives less criticism, partly due to its lower price and design appeal.

Neither device can run local models beyond speech to text, requiring data to be sent to the cloud.

Software on these devices is a mixed bag, with some functionality being praised while other aspects are criticized.

The AI pin is recommended over the Rabbit R1 due to better performance in most areas.

The speaker is excited about the future of AI, but believes it will be led by tech giants like Apple and Google, not niche AI devices.

Apple's integration of AI with their existing ecosystem and hardware is expected to be a game-changer.

The speaker predicts that Apple will allow advanced AI features to be used directly from the iPhone.

Apple's App Store and developer ecosystem give it a significant advantage over smaller AI-focused companies.

The Rabbit R1's attempt to create its own apps for services is criticized as being cumbersome and unreliable.

The AI pin's ecosystem, while limited, provides more reliable and useful functionality.

The speaker concludes that mainstream smartphones will be the platform for the AI revolution, not specialized AI devices.