Diablo 4 Is Pay 2 Win

ds lily
16 May 202404:47

TLDRThe video script discusses the controversial 'Pay to Win' aspect of 'Diablo 4'. The speaker argues that the game offers advantages through real money purchases, specifically pointing out the battle pass system where 'ashes' can be acquired to boost XP and glyph XP. These 'ashes' are tied to character and battle pass levels, which can lead to players having to perform additional tasks to unlock them, potentially slowing their progress compared to those who have purchased the battle pass. The speaker suggests that while the advantage is marginal, it still exists and could escalate if not addressed. They also mention the community's defense of the game's monetization strategy, questioning the motives behind it.


  • 🎮 Diablo 4 has been criticized as being 'pay to win'.
  • 💰 The term 'pay to win' refers to gaining an advantage through real money purchases.
  • 🔒 'Ashes' in the battle pass are used for bonuses like XP boosts.
  • 🚫 Ashes are locked behind character level and battle pass level, requiring both to be unlocked.
  • 🛠️ Players must level up to access certain ashes, which can disrupt the leveling process.
  • 🔄 If a player's battle pass level is lower than their character level, they can swipe to unlock ashes.
  • 📈 The game's leveling system has been updated to make it faster, potentially causing the battle pass to be outleveled.
  • 🤔 The issue might be unintentional due to poor math by the developers.
  • 🔄 A simple solution could be to unlock ashes based only on character level.
  • 📊 The advantage gained from ashes is marginal but still present and could escalate.
  • 💡 There's a debate among players, with some defending the game's mechanics.
  • 🚨 If not addressed, this could lead to more pay-to-win mechanics in the future.

Q & A

  • What is the main argument presented in the transcript regarding Diablo 4?

    -The main argument is that Diablo 4 is pay-to-win, meaning that players can gain advantages by making real money purchases.

  • What is the definition of 'pay-to-win' as mentioned in the transcript?

    -Pay-to-win is defined as gaining an advantage in a game through real money purchases.

  • How does the battle pass in Diablo 4 contribute to the pay-to-win argument?

    -The battle pass contributes to the pay-to-win argument by providing players with 'ashes' that can be used for bonuses such as XP boost and bonus glyph XP from Nightmare dungeons, which are locked behind character and battle pass levels.

  • What are 'ashes' in the context of Diablo 4's battle pass?

    -Ashes are a type of in-game currency in Diablo 4's battle pass that can be used to unlock bonuses such as XP boosts.

  • Why are the 'ashes' considered a form of pay-to-win in the game?

    -Ashes are considered a form of pay-to-win because they are locked behind character and battle pass levels, and players can swipe to get them, giving them an advantage over those who do not swipe or cannot swipe yet.

  • What is the consequence of not swiping for 'ashes' in Diablo 4?

    -If a player does not swipe for ashes, they have to stop their current activity and complete a chore in the season journey to progress, which puts them behind other players who swiped for the ashes.

  • How has the leveling system in Diablo 4 been updated to affect the battle pass?

    -The leveling system has been updated to be faster, which means players can now outlevel the battle pass, making the issue with ashes and XP boosts more prominent.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on Blizzard's handling of the leveling and battle pass system?

    -The speaker believes that Blizzard may not have intentionally designed the system to be pay-to-win, but rather it could be a result of poor math or an oversight.

  • What is the potential future risk if the current system is not changed?

    -The potential future risk is that if XP continues to be buffed in the battle pass and Blizzard keeps making things easier in their games, it could lead to a more dire situation where players get even more advantages from paying.

  • Why do some people defend the pay-to-win mechanics in Diablo 4?

    -Some people may defend the pay-to-win mechanics because they either enjoy pay-to-win aspects in games, or they might be playing the role of a 'white knight' for the multi-billion dollar company.



💥 Pay-to-Win Concerns in Gaming

The speaker expresses frustration with perceived pay-to-win mechanics in a game, specifically criticizing the battle pass system. They argue that by paying real money, players gain an unfair advantage through 'ashes' that provide bonuses like increased XP and glyph XP from Nightmare dungeons. These ashes are locked behind character and battle pass levels, creating a scenario where players must either progress through the game or stop to perform in-game chores to unlock them, potentially falling behind. The speaker suggests that while the advantage is marginal, it exists and could escalate if not addressed. They also mention the possibility of future mechanics inadvertently becoming pay-to-win if the game developers continue to make mistakes in their calculations.



💡Pay to Win

Pay to Win (P2W) refers to a design in video games where players can gain advantages by paying real money, often for in-game items or features. In the context of the video, the speaker argues that Diablo 4's battle pass system is P2W because players can purchase ashes, which provide bonuses such as XP boosts, giving them an advantage over those who do not spend money.

💡Battle Pass

A Battle Pass is a monetization system used in many online games, where players can purchase a 'pass' to unlock additional content, rewards, or bonuses as they play the game. The speaker in the video discusses how the Battle Pass in Diablo 4 is structured, and how it contributes to the P2W aspect by requiring players to reach certain levels to unlock rewards.


Ashes, in the context of Diablo 4, are a type of in-game currency or resource that can be used to unlock bonuses within the Battle Pass. The video script mentions that these ashes are locked behind character level and Battle Pass level, which creates a situation where players may have to stop leveling to perform tasks to unlock them, thus affecting gameplay progression.

💡XP Boost

XP (Experience Points) Boost refers to a temporary increase in the rate at which a player gains experience points, often purchasable in games. The video discusses how the Battle Pass provides an XP Boost as one of the bonuses, which can give players an advantage in leveling up their characters faster than those without the boost.

💡Character Level

Character Level is a common mechanic in role-playing games that represents the progression and power of a player's character. In Diablo 4, character level is tied to the unlocking of certain rewards in the Battle Pass, as discussed in the video, which can lead to a P2W scenario if higher-level characters gain more advantages.

💡Season Journey

A Season Journey is a set of tasks or objectives that players can complete to earn rewards in a game's seasonal content. The speaker mentions that players may have to stop their optimal leveling to complete 'chores' in the Season Journey to unlock ashes, which is an example of how the game's progression system can be influenced by P2W mechanics.


💡Psychologists in Game Design

The use of psychologists in game design refers to the practice of employing psychological principles to create game mechanics that encourage player engagement and spending. The video suggests that companies might use such strategies to get players to swipe more for in-game purchases, which could inadvertently lead to P2W mechanics.

💡Outleveling the Battle Pass

Outleveling the Battle Pass means reaching a higher character level than what the Battle Pass allows for. The speaker points out that in previous seasons, this was not an issue, but with changes to leveling speed in Diablo 4, players can now outlevel the Battle Pass, which affects the balance and progression of the game.

💡Math in Game Design

Math in Game Design refers to the calculations and algorithms that determine game mechanics, such as progression, rewards, and balance. The video suggests that a lack of proper mathematical planning could lead to unintended consequences, such as the introduction of P2W elements.

💡Defending Pay to Win

Defending Pay to Win refers to the act of supporting or justifying the inclusion of P2W mechanics in games. The video script mentions that some people defend the P2W aspects of Diablo 4, which the speaker finds puzzling, as it goes against the interests of most players.

💡Multi-billion Dollar Company

A multi-billion dollar company is a corporation with a net worth or revenue in the billions. The video script uses this term to describe the company behind Diablo 4, implying that the speaker questions why players would defend a company of such size and influence, especially regarding P2W mechanics.


The game Diablo 4 is criticized as being 'pay to win', where real money purchases give players an advantage.

The term 'pay to win' is defined as gaining an advantage through real money purchases.

The speaker dismisses arguments over the definition and focuses on the game's mechanics.

Ashes in the battle pass are used for bonuses, such as increased XP.

Ashes are locked behind character level and battle pass level, requiring both to be unlocked.

Players must either level optimally or stop to perform chores to progress in the game.

In previous seasons, the character level could not outlevel the battle pass, which is no longer the case.

The game's leveling has been updated to be faster, potentially leading to outleveling the battle pass.

The speaker suggests that Blizzard may have made a mathematical error in their game design.

A simple solution would be to unlock ashes based only on character level.

The current system provides a marginal advantage, but there are concerns it could spiral out of control.

The potential for future mechanics inadvertently becoming 'pay to win' if the math is wrong is discussed.

The speaker finds it strange that some people defend the 'pay to win' mechanics.

The debate over whether the defense is from genuine fans or those playing 'White Knight' for the company is mentioned.

The psychological aspects of game design to encourage more in-game purchases are briefly touched upon.

The speaker doubts the 'pay to win' aspect is intentional but acknowledges the possibility of it being an experiment.

The potential for the game to become easier and the implications for 'pay to win' mechanics in the future are discussed.