Happy Scribe captioning & transcribing Test answers 2023 || How to caption, subtitle at Happy Scribe

Enifa Mutumwa Online & Migration
7 Nov 202208:00

TLDRIn this informative video, host Teacher Annie introduces Happy Scribe, an online platform offering freelance jobs in transcription, captioning, and translation. She explains the application process, starting from searching for Happy Scribe on Google to signing up and taking the test. The video provides detailed instructions on how to navigate the website, read guidelines, and correct errors indicated by pink boxes during the test. Teacher Annie emphasizes the importance of understanding captioning techniques, such as using Shift+Enter to keep sentences in the same paragraph. She also shares insights into the political landscape in Ireland, contrasting it with other countries and discussing the historical division stemming from the Anglo-Irish Treaty. The summary concludes with a teaser for the next video, encouraging viewers to stay subscribed.


  • đź“ť Happy Scribe is an online platform offering jobs to freelancers in transcription, captioning, and translation.
  • đź’· Freelancers are paid ÂŁ90 per hour for captioned, transcribed, or translated audio.
  • 🔍 To apply, search for Happy Scribe on Google and select 'transcription jobs from home'.
  • 📧 Registration requires providing your name, surname, email address, and a secure password.
  • 🔑 The password must include a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • đź“š After signing up, read the guidelines provided to understand the captioning process and requirements.
  • 🖇️ To correct caption readability, drag the caption box to the right or left until the pink color disappears.
  • ✂️ To shorten a caption without breaking the paragraph, use Shift + Enter instead of just Enter.
  • đź“‘ During the test, make necessary corrections to the text to eliminate pink boxes, which indicate errors.
  • 🇮🇪 The test example discusses the political landscape of Ireland, highlighting the two major parties and their positioning on the political spectrum.
  • âś… After completing the test, you may be shortlisted and will receive an email notification.
  • 🔄 Editing your test is possible to correct any errors before submission.

Q & A

  • What is Happy Scribe?

    -Happy Scribe is an online website offering jobs to transcribers, captioners, and translators, catering to freelancers.

  • How much does Happy Scribe pay per captioned, transcribed, or translated audio?

    -Happy Scribe pays ÂŁ90 per captioned, transcribed, or translated audio.

  • What is the first step in applying for a job at Happy Scribe?

    -The first step is to search for Happy Scribe on Google and choose transcription jobs from home, then click on the 'apply' button.

  • What information is required during the sign-up process at Happy Scribe?

    -You need to provide your name, surname, email address, and create a password with a minimum of eight characters, including capital letters, small letters, numbers, and a special character.

  • What types of jobs does Happy Scribe offer?

    -Happy Scribe offers jobs in transcribing, captioning, and translating.

  • What should you do after signing up on Happy Scribe?

    -After signing up, you will receive a link to click on, which will direct you to the guidelines page that you should read before continuing to the test.

  • What does the pink box indicate during the captioning test on Happy Scribe?

    -The pink box indicates that your caption is not readable and needs to be adjusted until the pink color disappears.

  • How can you fix a big pink box indicating a very wrong sentence in the captioning test?

    -You need to make the sentence shorter or cut it by pressing shift and enter to keep the sentences in the same paragraph.

  • What should you do after completing and editing the test on Happy Scribe?

    -After completing and editing the test, you should submit it, and you will receive an email if you are shortlisted.

  • What should you remember to do at the end of the Happy Scribe video tutorial?

    -You should remember to subscribe to the channel for more informative videos.



đź“ť Introduction to Happy Scribe and Application Process

The video introduces Happy Scribe, an online platform offering jobs to freelancers in transcription, captioning, and translation. The host, Teacher Annie, explains the attractive pay rate of 90 pounds per audio job and guides viewers through the application process, from searching for the company on Google to signing up and taking a test. The video also covers important guidelines for captioning, such as readability and sentence structure, and provides tips on how to correct errors indicated by pink boxes during the test.


🗳️ Irish Political Landscape and the Two Main Parties

This paragraph delves into the political system of Ireland, contrasting it with other countries by highlighting the dominance of two major parties, both of which are generally center-right. The video discusses the results of an exit poll from the last general election, showing that both parties' supporters are slightly right of the average voter. It also touches on the historical division stemming from the Anglo-Irish treaty and the origins of the two parties from the Shin Fein party. The host, Teacher Annie, concludes the test on this topic and mentions being shortlisted after submission, encouraging viewers to edit their tests if needed before submission.



đź’ˇHappy Scribe

Happy Scribe is an online platform that provides job opportunities for freelancers in the form of transcription, subtitling, and translation services. It is the main subject of the video as the host, Teacher Annie, discusses how viewers can apply to work with the company. The importance of Happy Scribe is highlighted by the fact that it pays ÂŁ90 per audio segment, which is noted as being a significant amount compared to other companies in the same field.


Transcription is the process of converting spoken language into written form. In the context of the video, transcription is one of the job types offered by Happy Scribe. The host explains the application process for transcription jobs and provides tips on how to succeed in the transcription test.


Captioning refers to the creation of text versions of spoken language, often used for accessibility purposes, such as for the hearing impaired. It is mentioned alongside transcription as a service provided by Happy Scribe. The video script includes instructions on how to correct captioning errors, indicating its importance in the job application process.


Translators are professionals who convert written or spoken content from one language to another. The video mentions translators as one of the freelance roles available at Happy Scribe, suggesting that multilingual skills are valued and utilized within the company.


Freelancers are individuals who are self-employed and often work for multiple clients or companies at one time on a project-by-project basis. The video is aimed at freelancers, inviting them to apply for jobs at Happy Scribe, which suggests flexibility and independence in work, aligning with the freelance work ethos.

đź’ˇApplication Process

The application process is the procedure by which individuals apply for a job or position. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to apply to Happy Scribe, from searching for the company on Google to filling out the application form and taking a test.


In the context of the video, a test is a challenge or examination that applicants must pass to be considered for a job at Happy Scribe. The host walks viewers through the test, emphasizing the importance of understanding and correcting errors to pass.

đź’ˇPink Box

The pink box is a visual indicator used in the captioning software to show errors or areas that need correction. The video script describes how to address the pink box by adjusting the caption timing or splitting sentences correctly to ensure readability and accuracy in captioning.

đź’ˇShift and Enter

Shift and Enter is a keyboard command used in the video to demonstrate how to split a sentence within the same paragraph without creating a new paragraph, which is crucial for maintaining the flow and structure of the captioning.


To be shortlisted means that an applicant has passed the initial screening or test and is now being considered for the next stages of the hiring process. The video mentions receiving an email indicating shortlisting, which is a positive outcome for those who have successfully completed the Happy Scribe test.

đź’ˇPolitical System

The political system refers to the way a country is governed, including its structure, institutions, and processes. The video script includes an example of captioning that discusses the political system in Ireland, highlighting the unique characteristics that differentiate it from other countries.

đź’ˇLeft-Wing and Right-Wing

Left-wing and right-wing are political terms that describe the ideological spectrum, with left-wing typically associated with progressive or socialist policies and right-wing with conservative or capitalist policies. The video uses these terms to describe the political leanings of different groups in Ireland, providing a context for understanding the country's political landscape.


Happy Scribe is an online platform offering jobs to transcribers, subtitlers, captioners, and translators.

Freelancers are welcome to work with Happy Scribe, which pays ÂŁ90 per audio job.

The application process begins with a Google search for Happy Scribe and selecting 'transcription jobs from home'.

Applicants must create a password with a mix of capital letters, small letters, numbers, and special characters.

Two types of jobs are offered: transcribing and captioning, and translating.

After signing up, candidates receive a link to proceed with the application and access guidelines.

Guidelines are crucial for understanding the captioning process and avoiding mistakes.

Pink boxes in the captioning interface indicate readability issues that need to be corrected.

To correct a large pink box, make the sentence shorter without splitting the paragraph.

Use Shift + Enter to keep sentences in the same paragraph during captioning.

After editing the test, candidates submit it and may receive an email indicating they've been shortlisted.

The test includes a section on Irish politics, discussing the two major parties and their political stances.

Ireland's political landscape is unique, with both major parties being center-right.

An exit poll from the last general election shows the average voter and party supporters are slightly right of center.

Nationalism is a key issue that differentiates the two major parties in Ireland.

The two parties originated from the Shin Fein party, which split over the Anglo-Irish treaty.

John Mcateer is mentioned as the Secretary of a local common branch related to one of the parties.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to apply and take the test for a job at Happy Scribe.