Advanced Midjourney V6 Guide (Ultra Realistic Fashion Photography)

8 Apr 202414:20

TLDRThis video offers an in-depth guide on utilizing Midjourney V6 for creating ultra-realistic fashion photography. It presents a visual comparison of 200 fashion-related keywords across various categories such as style, brand, material, and cultural influences. The tutorial covers how to design AI fashion with Atomic prompting, create brand merchandise, and generate full-body shots. The video concludes with an advanced prompt showcase, demonstrating how to combine fashion elements with subjects and enhance the final image with style and material keywords. It also explores the impact of time periods on fashion and the use of stylized parameters to achieve desired aesthetics. The guide is a valuable resource for those looking to push the boundaries of fashion photography using AI technology.


  • 📸 **Visual Comparison**: The video provides a visual comparison of 200 unique fashion-related keywords across various categories.
  • 🎨 **Atomic Prompting**: Learn to design AI fashion using Atomic prompting with great examples provided.
  • 👕 **Brand Merchandise**: Discover how to create brand merchandise using style reference.
  • 📈 **Full Body Shots**: Midjourney V6 improves full body shot creation, making it more likely to get at least one full body photo in the grid.
  • 🖌️ **Style Reference**: Utilize style reference to design fashion collections with consistent style across multiple images.
  • 🌐 **Character Reference**: Use character reference to maintain a consistent face for the model while experimenting with different outfits.
  • 📚 **Style Elements**: Midjourney can replicate a variety of fashion styles, as shown in the visual comparison of distinct style keywords.
  • 🧶 **Material Keywords**: Explore the use of material keywords to create unique compositions by mixing textures, materials, and colors.
  • 📏 **Physical Properties**: Play with the physical properties of materials to change objects around the subject for unique fashion concepts.
  • ⏳ **Time Period Influence**: Fashion is influenced by the time period, and the video shows how to use specific years or decades to influence the image.
  • 🌍 **Cultural Influences**: Highlight the impact of global fashion by focusing on nations with distinct visual identities or influential fashion movements.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to teach viewers how to use Midjourney V6 for creating ultra realistic fashion photography through the use of unique keywords and advanced prompting techniques.

  • How does the video provide a visual comparison of fashion-related keywords?

    -The video offers a visual comparison by showcasing 200 unique fashion-related keywords across various categories such as style, brand, material, physical properties of materials, fabrics, textures, time periods, and cultural influences.

  • What is Atomic prompting and how is it used in the video?

    -Atomic prompting is a technique that allows for the detailed description of specific combinations of outfits and styles. In the video, it is used to create intricate fashion designs by breaking down elements like brands, colors, physical shapes, and styles of individual garments.

  • How can one create a brand merchandise using style reference in Midjourney V6?

    -To create brand merchandise using style reference, one can use a text prompt with the SF parameter and the URL of the images they want Midjourney to replicate in terms of visual style consistency across many images.

  • What improvements have been made to full body shot creation in Midjourney V6?

    -In Midjourney V6, full body shot creation has been simplified and is more likely to yield at least one full body photo on the grid when the 'full body photo' keyword is added to the beginning of the prompt.

  • How does the 'stylized' parameter affect fashion photography in Midjourney?

    -The 'stylized' parameter in Midjourney enhances the default aesthetics, which are heavily trained on fashion photos. It gives great results when combined with fashion-related keywords, making the composition more dense with additional details and potentially leading to close-up shots.

  • What are some of the photography keywords related to fashion that can be explored?

    -Some of the photography keywords related to fashion that can be explored include fashion photography, glamour photography, magazine photo, modern fashion photo, and high fashion photo.

  • How does Midjourney V6 allow for the creation of unique compositions with materials?

    -Midjourney V6 allows users to mix up textures, materials, and colors to create unique compositions. It can render material keywords in various ways, sometimes even reflecting materials on the background rather than the outfit itself.

  • What is the role of cultural influences in fashion photography as demonstrated in the video?

    -Cultural influences in fashion photography are demonstrated by highlighting nations with traditional or contemporary fashion elements that have a global impact or distinct visual identity. This can be achieved by mentioning cultural keywords in the prompt to reflect the desired cultural influence in the fashion elements.

  • How can one experiment with different outfits while keeping the model the same?

    -One can use character reference in Midjourney to keep the character's face consistent while changing the outfit. This allows for experimentation with different fashion styles and outfits without altering the model's facial features.

  • What are some advanced fashion prompts showcased in the video?

    -Some advanced fashion prompts showcased in the video include a Storm Trooper inspired full body fashion photo, a sportswear fashion prompt inspired by Nike advertising, and a fusion of different art directions such as optic art combined with fashion photography.



📸 Mastering Midjourney for Fashion Photography

This paragraph introduces viewers to the use of Midjourney for creating ultra-realistic fashion photography. It discusses the impact of 200 unique fashion-related keywords categorized by style, brand, material, and other attributes. The paragraph also covers the use of Atomic prompting to design AI fashion, creating brand merchandise, and full-body shots. It emphasizes the importance of starting prompts with 'fashion photography' and specifying outfit combinations for detailed results. Midjourney V6's advanced capabilities in fashion design are highlighted, including the ability to describe specific outfit combinations and the use of style reference for consistent branding. The paragraph concludes with a prompt showcase chapter, demonstrating advanced fashion prompts.


🌱 Jungle-Inspired Merchandise Design with Midjourney

The second paragraph delves into creating jungle-inspired merchandise using Midjourney. It explains how to start with 'fashion photo' and include garment names and style directions to develop a concept. The paragraph discusses using style reference to maintain a consistent style across multiple images and the use of the chaos parameter to introduce variation. It also explores character reference for consistent facial features across different outfits. The paragraph provides a visual comparison of fashion styles and brand replication, emphasizing the use of minimalist and maximalist fashion keywords to control the style intensity. It concludes with a detailed comparison of material keywords, showcasing how they can be mixed to create unique compositions.


🎨 Advanced Fashion Prompts and Cultural Influences

The third paragraph focuses on advanced fashion photography prompts and the influence of time periods and cultural elements on fashion. It discusses leveraging Midjourney's world knowledge by focusing on specific years and centuries for historical accuracy. The paragraph highlights the importance of cultural influences from countries with distinct fashion elements. It also touches on the role of the stylized parameter in fashion photography and its impact on the composition and detail of the final image. The paragraph concludes with examples of advanced prompts, including Stormtrooper and Darth Vader-inspired outfits, sportswear fashion, and material keyword combinations. It encourages viewers to explore fashion photography on Midjourney and seek inspiration from the diverse range of styles and elements discussed.



💡Midjourney V6

Midjourney V6 refers to a presumably advanced version of a software or tool used for creating ultra-realistic fashion photography. It is central to the video's theme as it is the platform through which the user can input various fashion-related keywords to generate AI fashion designs. The script mentions that Midjourney V6 allows for the description of specific outfit combinations and enhances fashion design capabilities.

💡Atomic Prompting

Atomic Prompting is a technique used within the Midjourney V6 software to create detailed and specific AI fashion designs. It involves breaking down fashion elements into smaller components and connecting them using keywords. The video script illustrates this by showing how one can combine different types of garments and accessories to create a cohesive look, such as a man wearing a yellow jacket with dog patterns in an urban exploration setting.

💡Style Reference

Style Reference is a feature that enables users to maintain a consistent style across multiple images or to replicate the style of a specific image. In the context of the video, it is used to create a merchandise collection for a brand while keeping the style consistent with a provided reference image. This tool is crucial for brand merchandise consistency and for creating a cohesive visual identity.

💡Full Body Shots

Full body shots refer to photographs that capture the subject from head to toe. The video discusses the improvement in Midjourney V6's ability to generate full body images, which was previously inconsistent. The script highlights that by adding 'full body photo' to the prompt, users are more likely to receive full body images in the output, which is significant for fashion photography that often requires showcasing outfits in their entirety.

💡Character Reference

Character Reference is a feature that allows users to keep the facial features of a character consistent while experimenting with different outfits. This is particularly useful for fashion designers and photographers who want to maintain a model's identity across various looks. The video script provides an example of how this feature can be used to keep the model the same while changing the outfit to explore different fashion styles.

💡Material Keywords

Material keywords are specific terms used within the Midjourney V6 software to describe the physical properties and textures of the garments and materials in the AI-generated fashion designs. The video provides a visual comparison of how different material keywords are rendered, such as 'glimmering' which can be used to create a dress made of reflective material. These keywords are essential for achieving a realistic and detailed representation of fashion items.

💡Cultural Influences

Cultural influences refer to the impact that different countries or cultural movements have had on fashion. The video script discusses how incorporating cultural elements into the fashion prompt can lead to unique and diverse designs. For example, adding 'retro' or specifying a particular decade or year can significantly influence the overall style and aesthetic of the generated fashion image.

💡Stylized Parameter

The stylized parameter in Midjourney V6 is a setting that affects the aesthetic output of the generated images. It is mentioned in the video as being particularly effective when combined with fashion-related keywords. The script explains that higher stylized values can lead to more detailed and layered compositions, while lower values may result in a more literal interpretation of the style keywords.

💡Fashion Photography

Fashion photography is a genre of photography that focuses on displaying clothing and fashion items. It often involves elaborate staging and lighting to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the designs. The video script provides various examples of how fashion photography is used in Midjourney V6, such as creating images that showcase specific outfits, brands, and styles, and how different photography keywords can influence the final image.

💡Minimalist Fashion

Minimalist fashion is a design approach that favors simplicity and the use of basic elements. In the context of the video, the term is used to describe a keyword that can be applied in Midjourney V6 to create outfits with simple textures, patterns, and cuts. This is in contrast to maximalist fashion, which is characterized by more details and layers. The script illustrates how minimalist fashion can be used to create clean and uncluttered AI fashion designs.

💡Physical Properties of Materials

Physical properties of materials refer to the characteristics of different materials, such as their texture, reflectivity, and optical appearance. The video script discusses how these properties can be manipulated using keywords in Midjourney V6 to create unique fashion items. For instance, the script mentions experimenting with keywords related to reflections, refractions, and chromism to achieve distinctive visual effects in the generated fashion designs.


A visual comparison of 200 unique fashion-related keywords across various categories is presented.

Learn how to design AI fashion using Atomic prompting with great examples.

Discover how to create brand merchandise using style references.

Techniques for creating full body shots are discussed, showcasing recent improvements by the Midjourney team.

Advanced fashion prompts are written in the prompt showcase chapter for realistic AI fashion.

Midjourney V6 allows describing specific outfit combinations like never before.

Fashion elements can be connected with subjects using 'wearing' as a bridge keyword.

The importance of starting a prompt with 'fashion photography' for achieving realistic looks is emphasized.

The use of style words like 'Bohemian' and 'Beachcore' can influence the overall fashion direction.

High-end fashion direction can be achieved by combining cool-looking eyewear with minimalist backgrounds.

Midjourney's World Knowledge enables the replication of well-known brands' visual characteristics.

The impact of different photography keywords like 'glamour' and 'high fashion' on the final image is explored.

Style reference allows for consistent style across multiple images for fashion collections.

Character reference helps maintain a consistent face for models while experimenting with different outfits.

The use of 'minimalist fashion' and 'maximalist fashion' keywords to control the style intensity in the final image.

Midjourney V6 enables mixing textures, materials, and colors for unique compositions.

Physical properties of materials can be manipulated for unique fashion outcomes.

Fashion is heavily influenced by time periods, with music impacting people's fashion choices.

Cultural influences from countries with distinct visual identities can be integrated into fashion photography.

The role of the stylized parameter in enhancing fashion photography aesthetics is discussed.

Advanced prompts for fashion photography are provided, including examples inspired by Star Wars and sportswear.

The video offers a comprehensive guide to exploring fashion photography using Midjourney, with practical tips and examples.