American whistleblower files complaint against India shrimp processing plant

NBC News
3 Apr 202407:21

TLDRThe investigation in collaboration with the Outlaw Ocean Project reveals concerning labor and food safety issues in the global shrimp industry. A whistleblower complaint filed to U.S. regulators exposes underpayment of migrant workers, use of unregulated peeling sheds, and distribution of shrimp tainted with antibiotics banned by the FDA. The report emphasizes the lack of oversight in India's shrimp farming, where labor violations are widespread, and sustainability certifications hold little weight. With major suppliers like Walmart and Aldi looking into the claims, the story calls for a reevaluation of consumer safety and fair labor practices in the seafood industry.


  • 📢 Russia plans to increase its military personnel by 300,000 soldiers by June.
  • 🔍 An investigation in collaboration with the Outlaw Ocean Project, a nonprofit journalist organization, reveals concerns about the seafood industry.
  • 🦐 The farmed shrimp industry is under scrutiny for labor and food safety abuses, affecting migrant workers and consumers.
  • 🇺🇸 Major U.S. grocery chains like Walmart, Aldi, and Shop Rite source shrimp from suppliers involved in these practices.
  • 🌍 The U.S. relies heavily on imported shrimp, with about 90% coming from overseas, and India being the largest supplier.
  • 💼 A whistleblower complaint reviewed by NBC News alleges underpayment of workers and use of banned antibiotics in shrimp farming.
  • 🤝 The whistleblower, a former general manager of a shrimp processing plant in India, left a high-paying job to expose these issues.
  • 🚫 Only 1% of America's shrimp imports were inspected last year, with most rejected shipments from India due to antibiotic use.
  • 🌐 Europe has stricter regulations, inspecting 50% of Indian shrimp imports, compared to the U.S.'s 1%.
  • 🏡 Workers are reported to be living in poor conditions, with overcrowded rooms and lack of proper protective equipment.
  • 💬 Choice Canning, the company implicated in the complaint, denies wrongdoing and questions the whistleblower's credibility.

Q & A

  • What is Russia planning in terms of its military by June?

    -Russia is planning to add 300,000 soldiers to its military by June.

  • What is the collaboration between the nonprofit journalist organization and the investigation?

    -The collaboration is focused on investigating the state of seafood, particularly the farmed shrimp industry and its true costs.

  • What concerns are raised about the shrimp industry in the report?

    -The report raises concerns about labor violations, sustainability certifications not being meaningful, and the use of antibiotics in shrimp farming, which can lead to antibiotic-resistant infections.

  • How much shrimp do Americans consume annually, and what percentage is imported?

    -Americans consume a whopping six pounds of shrimp per year, with about 90% of it coming from overseas.

  • Which country is the biggest supplier of shrimp to the United States?

    -India is the biggest supplier of shrimp to the United States.

  • What are the allegations in the report co-written by Allie?

    -The report alleges that labor violations are widespread across India's farmed shrimp industry and that sustainability certifications do not hold much value.

  • What did the whistleblower complaint reveal about the company Choice Canning?

    -The whistleblower complaint revealed that Choice Canning was underpaying some workers, using unregulated off-site peeling sheds to meet demand, and selling shrimp tainted with antibiotics banned by the FDA.

  • How does the U.S. compare to Europe in terms of inspecting shrimp imports from India?

    -While only 1% of America's shrimp imports were inspected last year, with most shipments turned away due to antibiotics, Europe inspects 50% of Indian shrimp imports.

  • What were the working and living conditions of the workers as described in the whistleblower's records?

    -The workers were found in overcrowded rooms, with some working long hours and little time off. They were resting in open-air sheds without standard protection equipment and sleeping on dirty, torn mattresses with bedbug issues.

  • How did the executive from Choice Canning respond to the allegations?

    -The executive denied the allegations, stating that Choice Canning has never shipped antibiotic-positive shrimp to U.S. customers, maintains a spotless record with regulators, and treats its employees with dignity and respect. They also questioned the whistleblower's credibility due to his criminal record.

  • What actions are being taken by U.S. regulators and supermarkets in response to the whistleblower complaint?

    -Federal lawmakers have requested evidence in response to the complaint, and supermarkets like Walmart and Aldi are investigating the claims, expecting their suppliers to adhere to FDA standards and treat workers fairly.

  • What advice is given to consumers to ensure they are not supporting companies that do not uphold labor and safety standards?

    -Consumers are advised to buy from local fishmongers and opt for locally farmed or caught seafood to support shorter supply chains, which are generally considered better in terms of quality and safety.



🌍 Russian Military Expansion and Seafood Industry Investigation

This paragraph discusses two main topics. Firstly, it mentions Russia's plan to increase its military force by adding 300,000 soldiers by June. Secondly, it delves into an investigation in collaboration with the Outlaw Ocean Project, a nonprofit journalist organization, focusing on the state of our seafood. The investigation raises concerns about the true cost of the farmed shrimp industry, with reports highlighting issues of labor violations and sustainability certifications that may not hold much weight. The segment also touches on the significant growth of India's shrimp industry over the past decade, and the lack of oversight in the exploitation of migrant workers engaged in hazardous work. It further discusses the use of antibiotics in Indian shrimp farming, which is banned by the FDA due to the risk of antibiotic-resistant infections. The low inspection rate of America's shrimp imports, especially from India, where most of the rejected shipments were due to antibiotic use, is compared to Europe's more rigorous inspection policy. A whistleblower complaint reviewed by NBC News reveals labor and food safety abuses within a prominent shrimp importer. The complaint includes evidence of underpayment and exploitation of workers, use of unregulated off-site peeling sheds, and selling shrimp tainted with banned antibiotics. The whistleblower, a former high-ranking employee of Choice Canning, left a lucrative job to expose these malpractices, despite personal risks and financial losses.


💡 Addressing Labor and Food Safety Concerns in the Shrimp Industry

This paragraph continues the discussion on the labor and food safety issues in the shrimp industry. It highlights the response from Choice Canning, the company under scrutiny, which denies any wrongdoing. They claim that they have never shipped antibiotic-positive shrimp to U.S. customers and have maintained a spotless record with regulators. The whistleblower, Farennella, despite his troubled past, has taken significant risks to speak out against the company's practices. He hopes for change in the conditions of overseas workers and increased consumer awareness about the safety of the food they consume. The paragraph also addresses the role of U.S. grocers in ensuring ethical practices in the shrimp industry. It emphasizes the need for grocers to uphold their codes of conduct, which include fair labor practices and adherence to labor laws. It is noted that Walmart and Aldi are investigating the claims and expect their suppliers to follow FDA standards and treat workers fairly. Finally, the segment offers advice to consumers on how to make informed choices when purchasing shrimp. It suggests buying from local fishmongers and supporting locally farmed or caught seafood to help ensure better standards are met.



💡Shrimp Industry

The shrimp industry refers to the business of farming, processing, and selling shrimp. In the context of the video, it highlights the global scale of this industry, particularly focusing on India as the largest supplier to the U.S. The industry's practices, including labor conditions and environmental impact, are under scrutiny.

💡Whistleblower Complaint

A whistleblower complaint is a report made by an individual, often an insider, about unethical or illegal activities within an organization. In the video, a former executive of a shrimp processing company files such a complaint, alleging underpayment of workers and use of banned antibiotics.

💡Food Safety

Food safety refers to the measures and practices designed to prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure the quality of food products for consumption. The video raises concerns about food safety in the context of the shrimp industry, particularly the use of antibiotics and the risk of antibiotic-resistant infections.

💡Labor Exploitation

Labor exploitation occurs when workers are treated unfairly, often by being paid less than minimum wage, working in unsafe conditions, or being denied basic rights. The video alleges that migrant workers in the shrimp industry are being exploited, working in hazardous conditions without proper protection or fair pay.


Antibiotics are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. However, their overuse or misuse, especially in agriculture, can lead to antibiotic resistance, which is a significant public health concern. The video discusses the use of antibiotics in shrimp farming and the associated risks.

💡Sustainability Certifications

Sustainability certifications are credentials awarded to products or practices that meet certain environmental and social standards. The video questions the effectiveness of these certifications in the shrimp industry, suggesting that they may not always guarantee ethical labor practices or environmental responsibility.

💡Migrant Workers

Migrant workers are individuals who move from one region or country to another to find employment. The video discusses the challenges faced by migrant workers in the shrimp industry, including hazardous working conditions and exploitation.

💡Regulatory Oversight

Regulatory oversight refers to the monitoring and enforcement of rules and regulations by a governing body. The video highlights the lack of regulatory oversight in the shrimp industry, particularly concerning the use of antibiotics and labor practices.

💡Consumer Awareness

Consumer awareness refers to the knowledge and understanding consumers have about the products they purchase, including their impact on society and the environment. The video emphasizes the importance of consumer awareness regarding the safety and ethical sourcing of the food they buy.

💡Supply Chain Transparency

Supply chain transparency is the ability to trace the path of a product from its origin to the point of sale, ensuring ethical and sustainable practices throughout. The video suggests that a lack of transparency in the shrimp industry's supply chain contributes to the occurrence of labor and safety issues.

💡Corporate Responsibility

Corporate responsibility refers to a company's duty to act ethically and sustainably, considering the impact of its operations on stakeholders, including employees, consumers, and the environment. The video discusses the role of U.S. grocers in upholding these responsibilities by ensuring their suppliers adhere to FDA standards and treat workers fairly.


Russia plans to add 300,000 soldiers by June.

A collaboration with the nonprofit journalist organization, Outlaw Ocean Project, investigates the state of our seafood.

Reports raise questions about the true cost of the farm shrimp industry, including labor and food safety concerns.

An employee discusses the prevention of migrant workers from leaving their jobs without permission.

A new federal whistleblower complaint reviewed by NBC News highlights food safety and labor concerns at a prominent shrimp importer.

Americans consume a significant amount of shrimp annually, with about 90% coming from overseas, and India being the largest supplier.

Labor violations are reportedly widespread across India's farmed shrimp industry, and sustainability certifications may not be reliable.

The exploitation of a vulnerable migrant population engaged in hazardous work is a major concern, with little oversight.

Antibiotic use in Indian shrimp farming is not uncommon, leading to antibiotic-resistant infections and is largely banned by the FDA.

Only 1% of America's shrimp imports were inspected last year, with most shipments turned away from India due to antibiotics.

In contrast, Europe inspects 50% of Indian shrimp imports, highlighting a difference in regulatory scrutiny.

A former senior manager at Choice Canning filed a whistleblower complaint due to labor and food safety abuses.

Underpayment of workers, use of unregulated off-site peeling sheds, and selling shrimp tainted with banned antibiotics are among the allegations.

Choice Canning denies wrongdoing, claiming they have never shipped antibiotic-positive shrimp to U.S. customers and maintain a spotless record with regulators.

The whistleblower, despite personal risks, hopes for change in working conditions overseas and increased consumer awareness.

U.S. grocers, including Walmart and Aldi, are investigating the claims and expect suppliers to adhere to FDA standards and treat workers fairly.

Consumers are advised to look for shorter supply chains and buy locally farmed or caught seafood to ensure higher standards are met.