Cerebral Valley: Emad Mostaque (Stability AI) with Eric Newcomer

Newcomer Podcast
4 Apr 202330:42

TLDRIn a riveting conversation with Ahmad Masak of Stability AI, the dialogue opens with a pressing question about pausing AI research for six months, a movement surprisingly endorsed by Masak, inspired partly by Bill Gates' participation. Masak elaborates on his cautious stance due to the unpredictable nature and rapid advancements of AI models, citing the imminent deployment of powerful new technologies and the lack of comprehensive understanding of these models' emergent properties. The discussion also ventures into the realms of AI's potential existential threats, the importance of transparency and governance in AI development, and Stability AI's mission to democratize AI while emphasizing the necessity of ethical considerations and public discourse on AI's societal impacts.


  • 😀 Ahmad Masak from Stability AI supports pausing AI research for six months, influenced by a broader industry call and OpenAI's own guidelines on regulation and slowing down at certain thresholds.
  • 🤖 Bill Gates' endorsement influenced Masak's decision to sign the letter advocating for a pause in AI development, highlighting the unpredictable nature of large AI models.
  • 🔍 Stability AI is preparing for the rapid advancements in AI, with significant hardware investments like a 30,000 H100 GPU cluster, pointing to the exponential growth in AI capabilities.
  • 🧠 There is a lack of deep understanding of how large AI models evolve and improve, raising concerns about emergent properties and the ability to align them with human values.
  • 🚀 Masak views AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) as potentially indifferent to humanity, posing existential risks but also as an opportunity for immense technological progress.
  • 📢 Calls for transparency, governance, and accountability in AI development, criticizing the opaqueness of organizations like OpenAI and emphasizing the importance of public discussion on AI's societal impacts.
  • 🌍 Stability AI aims to democratize AI through open-source models, contrasting with the proprietary models approach, focusing on education and making AI accessible globally.
  • 💡 Highlights the significance of building AI models that are tailored to specific sectors and modalities, emphasizing the role of partnership in achieving scalable AI solutions.
  • 🏢 Discusses the future direction of Stability AI, including plans for IPO and becoming a key player in providing foundational AI models across various sectors.
  • 🤔 Expresses concern over the potential misuse of AI technology, emphasizing the need for societal consensus on addressing the existential threats and opportunities posed by AI advancements.

Q & A

  • Why was Ahmad Masak surprised to hear about the AI research pause letter?

    -Ahmad Masak was surprised because the letter echoed sentiments similar to what OpenAI had previously stated regarding AI development and regulation. He found it hard to believe because it suggested pausing AI research, which aligned with his concerns about AI's rapid development and the need for regulation.

  • What prompted Ahmad Masak to sign the letter proposing a six-month pause on AI research?

    -Masak signed the letter because he agreed with its spirit, especially the parts that advocated for slowing down AI development in the face of potential risks and uncertainties, as well as inviting regulation. He was influenced by the fact that notable figures like Bill Gates had also signed it.

  • What are Ahmad Masak's concerns regarding the development of large AI models?

    -Masak is concerned that the development of large AI models is proceeding without a full understanding of their workings or how to align them. He highlights the rapid advancements expected in AI due to new technology like TPU v5s and H100s, which could lead to models with emergent properties that are not well understood.

  • How does Stability AI plan to contribute to the AI field according to Ahmad Masak?

    -Stability AI plans to contribute by building benchmark models of every modality and making them available as open-source. This approach aims to support the AI community by providing models that can be further customized and improved upon, thereby fostering innovation and transparency.

  • What is Ahmad Masak's view on AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and its potential impact on humanity?

    -Masak views AGI as potentially indifferent to humans, likening it to the AI in the movie 'Her' that ultimately leaves humanity because it finds them boring. However, he acknowledges the possibility of AGI posing an existential threat to humanity, which warrants public discussion and regulatory consideration.

  • Why does Ahmad Masak emphasize the importance of transparency and governance in AI development?

    -Masak believes that transparency and proper governance are crucial in AI development to ensure accountability and ethical use of technology. He criticizes the lack of transparency and governance in some AI organizations, highlighting the need for public discourse on these issues to prevent potential misuse or harm.

  • What specific goal does Ahmad Masak have for Stability AI in terms of its contribution to society?

    -Masak's goal for Stability AI is to leverage AI technology to educate every child in the world, providing them with personalized tutoring and learning opportunities. He envisions Stability AI playing a significant role in educational development, especially in underserved regions like Africa.

  • How does Ahmad Masak plan to monetize Stability AI's models while maintaining open-source principles?

    -Masak plans to monetize by providing benchmark models for different sectors, nations, and modalities that organizations can customize with their data. While the base models would remain open-source, Stability AI would offer value-added services and customizations that cater to specific needs, thus generating revenue.

  • What prompted Ahmad Masak's personal interest and investment in AI technology?

    -Masak's personal interest in AI was sparked by his son's diagnosis with autism, leading him to assemble an AI team for literature review and drug repurposing to improve his son's condition. This personal project revealed the potential of AI to make significant positive impacts, motivating Masak to further explore and invest in AI.

  • What does Ahmad Masak believe are the implications of AI on future job markets and societal structures?

    -Masak believes AI will significantly disrupt job markets, potentially rendering many current professions obsolete due to AI's ability to automate complex tasks. However, he also sees potential for AI to create new types of jobs and to augment human capabilities, suggesting a transformative but uncertain impact on society.



🎤 AI Research Pause Discussion with Ahmad from Stability AI

The video starts with excitement about discussing a critical topic with Ahmad Masak from Stability AI, focusing on the call to pause AI research for six months. Ahmad shares his surprise upon seeing Bill Gates' signature on the pause AI research letter, prompting him to sign as well. He aligns with the letter's sentiment, echoing OpenAI's cautionary stance on AI development and regulation, especially concerning large models. Ahmad emphasizes the unpredictable nature of AI models as they scale, mentioning imminent advancements like TPU v5 and the H100, which could produce eight GPT-3 equivalents per day. The conversation touches on the challenges of understanding and aligning large AI models, the concept of emergent properties, and the potential existential risks AI poses. Ahmad critiques the current lack of transparency and governance in AI development, advocating for an open discussion on AI's societal impacts.


🌱 On the Edge of AI Development and Ethical Responsibility

Ahmad discusses the transition of AI research from an abstract goal towards tangible, impactful technologies, highlighting the quirks of AI models and the importance of feeding them quality data. He stresses the necessity of transparency and ethical considerations, especially for models with the potential to influence society profoundly. Ahmad outlines his vision for Stability AI, focusing on creating adaptable, optimized models for various sectors while ensuring they remain open and ethically developed. He criticizes the private hoarding of potent AI technologies and underlines the urgency of discussing AI's broader implications. Ahmad shares his personal commitment to leveraging AI for global education, revealing ambitious plans to deploy AI-driven learning tools to children in developing countries, thereby demonstrating a blend of technological innovation with social responsibility.


🎓 Transformative Goals and Business Models in AI

Ahmad elaborates on his mission to utilize AI for enhancing global education and human potential, discussing his efforts to secure funding and support for these initiatives. He addresses the challenges of defining a monetization strategy for Stability AI amidst its contribution to the open-source community and its broader societal impacts. The conversation then shifts to the potential and challenges of AI in transforming education, healthcare, and various sectors, emphasizing the importance of open-source models and proprietary adaptations. Ahmad provides insights into the development and significance of stable diffusion in democratizing AI tools, shedding light on the collaborative efforts and challenges faced in the process.


🔍 Reflections on AI Development, Regulation, and Future Directions

Ahmad discusses the broader implications of AI technology, particularly stable diffusion, and its regulatory challenges. He reflects on the rapid advancement of AI, the necessity for responsible governance, and the potential for societal transformation. Ahmad addresses concerns about AI's existential threats, emphasizing a balanced view on AGI's risks and potentials. He highlights Stability AI's strategic partnerships and its focus on becoming a leading provider of foundational AI models. The conversation touches on the competitive landscape in AI, including Google, Nvidia, and others, pointing towards a future where AI technologies significantly influence various aspects of life and industry.


💡 Navigating the AI Landscape: Opportunities and Ethical Considerations

In the final section, Ahmad discusses the transformative power of AI and its implications for various industries. He stresses the importance of ethical considerations, transparency, and responsible use of AI technologies. Ahmad addresses legal and ethical challenges, particularly in relation to data usage and intellectual property rights, emphasizing the need for a thoughtful approach to AI development. The discussion covers Stability AI's business model, focusing on providing foundational models that can be customized for specific needs and sectors. Ahmad concludes by advising entrepreneurs to focus on areas where AI can deliver significant value, highlighting the importance of partnerships and ethical considerations in shaping the future of AI.



💡AI Research Pause

The concept of pausing AI research for six months refers to a proposal mentioned in the video, which advocates for a temporary halt in AI development. This idea is rooted in concerns about the rapid advancement of AI technologies and their potential unforeseen impacts on society and safety. The mention of a letter signed by various individuals, including the speaker, indicates a collective agreement among some AI researchers and developers that a period of reflection and possibly regulation is needed to assess the risks and align the technology with societal norms.

💡Stability AI

Stability AI is a company mentioned in the script, represented by Ahmad Masak. The company focuses on developing AI technologies, particularly in the realm of generative models like Stable Diffusion. Stability AI's involvement in the conversation highlights the role of private companies in advancing AI research and their perspectives on the balance between innovation and societal impact.

💡Emergent Properties

Emergent properties refer to new behaviors or capabilities that arise in AI models as they scale up in complexity and size, which were not present or anticipated in smaller models. The discussion in the video touches on how, as AI models grow (like GPT-3 and beyond), they begin to exhibit unexpected behaviors or abilities. This unpredictability underscores the need for caution and further research to understand and align these models with human values and safety standards.

💡Alignment Problem

The alignment problem in AI refers to the challenge of ensuring that AI systems' goals and behaviors are aligned with human values and ethical standards. The script mentions the difficulty of aligning large AI models and the potential dangers if these models act in ways that are not intended or beneficial to humans. This concept is critical in the discussion of AI development, highlighting the importance of ethical considerations and control mechanisms as AI technologies become more advanced.


GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) is mentioned as a benchmark for the scale of AI models, with reference to newer models and technologies that surpass its capabilities. GPT-3 serves as a point of comparison in the conversation, illustrating the rapid advancement of AI technology and the increasing complexity of models being developed. The mention of GPT-3 underscores the exponential growth in AI capabilities and the challenges it presents.


OpenAI is a research organization that focuses on developing artificial intelligence in a safe and beneficial manner. In the script, OpenAI's AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) manifesto and their call for regulation are discussed. The conversation highlights OpenAI's role in the broader AI ecosystem, including its influence on the development standards and ethical considerations of AI technologies.

💡AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

AGI refers to the theoretical intelligence of a machine that could understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level comparable to or exceeding that of a human. In the video, AGI is discussed in the context of existential threats and the uncertainty surrounding its development. The mention of AGI serves to frame the conversation around the long-term implications of AI research and the importance of responsible development.

💡Transparency and Governance

Transparency and governance in AI development refer to the openness and regulatory oversight of AI technologies and their creators. The script emphasizes the need for transparent practices and proper governance structures to ensure AI technologies are developed and deployed in ways that are safe, ethical, and aligned with societal interests. This concept highlights the ongoing debate about the balance between innovation, privacy, and accountability in the field of AI.

💡Proprietary vs. Open Models

The discussion contrasts proprietary AI models, which are closed and owned by specific entities, with open models, which are accessible to the public. The speaker advocates for the development of benchmark open AI models for various sectors, emphasizing the importance of openness for innovation and safety. This distinction underlines the debate within the AI community about the best approach to developing and distributing AI technologies, with implications for accessibility, innovation, and control.

💡Ethical AI

Ethical AI encompasses the principles and practices that ensure AI technologies are developed and used in a manner that is fair, transparent, and beneficial to society. The script touches on ethical considerations, such as the potential impact of AI on democracy and individual freedoms. The mention of ethical AI highlights the importance of integrating ethical considerations into AI research and development processes to mitigate risks and maximize the technology's positive impact.


Ahmad Masak discusses the impact and future of AI with the audience, emphasizing the rapid advancements in the field.

The debate on pausing AI research for six months is brought up, highlighting the concerns surrounding the fast-paced development of AI technologies.

Masak mentions signing a letter advocating for a temporary halt in AI research, driven by the rapid and somewhat unpredictable growth in AI capabilities.

The conversation shifts to the importance of understanding large AI models and their emergent properties, as they scale beyond current comprehension.

Masak expresses concerns over the lack of transparency and governance in AI development, particularly in large models that could pose potential risks.

The potential existential threats posed by AI, including societal and democratic disruptions, are discussed, emphasizing the need for open dialogue and regulation.

Masak touches on the mission of Stability AI to support open-source AI development and ensure AI models are accessible and beneficial to broader society.

The conversation delves into the implications of proprietary vs. open-source AI models, and how Stability AI aims to foster an ecosystem of open collaboration.

Masak outlines Stability AI's commitment to education through AI, aiming to provide personalized learning experiences for children worldwide.

The discussion highlights the challenge and importance of creating AI models that respect intellectual property and privacy, amidst the backdrop of ongoing legal discussions.

Masak shares his personal journey into AI, driven by a desire to find solutions for his son's autism, illustrating the deeply personal impacts of AI technology.

Stability AI's approach to building and scaling AI technologies is outlined, showcasing their strategy to create versatile and impactful AI models.

The dialogue explores the competitive landscape of AI development, including the roles of major tech companies and the unique position of Stability AI in the ecosystem.

The potential for AI to disrupt traditional job markets and the importance of preparing for a future deeply integrated with AI technologies are discussed.

Masak emphasizes the necessity for businesses to adapt to the rapid advancements in AI, advising a focus on partnerships and leveraging AI for competitive advantage.