Disgusting AI Music App

3 May 202408:46

TLDRMusic critic Anthony Fantano discusses the controversial AI music app, Udio, which has been criticized for its potential to facilitate plagiarism. Fantano argues that AI's role in music creation should be limited to assisting artists rather than replicating existing works. He highlights the app's ability to generate music that eerily resembles songs by popular artists, suggesting that Udio's AI is essentially recreating copyrighted material without proper attribution. Fantano also mentions that Udio has since removed certain user-generated tracks and altered its platform in response to these allegations. He calls for legal action against such predatory practices and urges for laws to prevent the devaluation of music through AI-generated plagiarism.


  • 😡 Anthony Fantano criticizes the use of AI in music creation, emphasizing that it often acts as a tool for laundering plagiarism.
  • 🔍 Fantano discusses the app 'udio', which allows users to generate music based on text prompts, raising concerns about its originality.
  • 🎵 He expresses unease with how 'udio' seemingly reproduces existing music under the guise of AI-generated content, potentially infringing on copyrights.
  • 🤖 The AI behind 'udio' is criticized for not being sentient but rather mechanically replicating other artists' work uploaded into its system.
  • 🎻 Example given includes a request for an Irish folk tune that 'udio' could generate, which could easily be found on music streaming services.
  • ⚖️ There are instances of 'udio' generating music that sounds almost identical to known artists' work, suggesting a deep flaw in its ethical framework.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Users have tested 'udio' by inputting specific music descriptors and received results mimicking specific artists' styles and voices.
  • 🚫 In response to controversy, 'udio' has removed the ability to input highly specific tags for generating music, and some tracks have been deleted.
  • 📜 Fantano calls for legal action against such practices, comparing them to cases where artists have been sued for less direct forms of imitation.
  • 📉 He warns that allowing AI to continue in this direction devalues music, treating creativity as a commodity rather than an art form.

Q & A

  • What is Anthony Fantano's stance on AI music?

    -Anthony Fantano is not entirely against the concept of AI in music, but he is critical of how AI technology is used to replicate other artists' work without proper attribution, effectively enabling plagiarism.

  • What concerns does Anthony raise about the AI music creation app 'udio'?

    -Anthony raises concerns that 'udio' is using AI to generate music that closely mimics existing copyrighted music, effectively creating near-copies of songs without the need to pay royalties or credit the original artists.

  • How does 'udio' allegedly use AI to mimic music?

    -'udio' allegedly allows users to generate music based on specific prompts, which could lead to the AI producing music that sounds very similar to existing tracks by feeding it descriptions or tags that mimic those tracks.

  • What does Anthony mean by AI being used as 'plagiarism with extra steps'?

    -He means that instead of creating new, original content, the AI is simply taking existing work, making minor modifications, and presenting it as new, thus bypassing traditional norms and laws of copyright.

  • What action did 'udio' take in response to allegations of plagiarism?

    -In response to the backlash, 'udio' removed many user-generated tracks that sounded similar to popular artists' work and disabled the manual mode that allowed users to generate music with specific, detailed tags.

  • What are the ethical implications of AI-generated music as discussed by Anthony?

    -Anthony suggests that AI-generated music that replicates existing artists' work without permission undermines the value and integrity of music creation, potentially harming artists who rely on originality and copyrights.

  • What legal concerns does Anthony Fantano highlight regarding 'udio' and similar platforms?

    -He expresses concern that these platforms could be legally culpable for copyright infringement, as they allow for the generation of music that is too similar to copyrighted material without proper licensing or attribution.

  • Why does Anthony think Congress should intervene?

    -Anthony believes that legislative action is necessary to regulate AI music platforms to prevent them from diminishing the value of music by making it easy to replicate without supporting the artists.

  • What alternatives does Anthony suggest to using AI music apps like 'udio'?

    -He suggests supporting real artists by streaming or purchasing their music, particularly highlighting the availability of genuine and original music on streaming platforms.

  • How does Anthony critique the broader impact of AI on music?

    -He argues that the widespread use of AI in music creation threatens to reduce the overall value and perception of music by making it easily replicable and potentially flooding the market with inauthentic works.



🎵 Critique of AI in Music Production

Anthony Fantano discusses his concerns about AI-generated music, particularly focusing on the misuse of AI technology to essentially plagiarize existing artists' work without direct copying. He introduces 'udio', an app that claims to aid music creation through AI but has been promoting itself suspiciously on social media. Fantano is skeptical about the ethical implications of such technology, arguing that it often results in outputs that too closely mimic copyrighted music, raising issues of intellectual property infringement.


🔍 Evidence of AI Mimicking Established Artists

Fantano provides examples where users of 'udio' have found that the app generates music that closely resembles existing tracks from well-known artists, by using specific tags and descriptions. He mentions several instances where users identified unmistakable similarities to artists like Bladee and Young Lean in the AI-generated music. Furthermore, following backlash, 'udio' removed these tracks and the detailed tagging feature, suggesting the platform was indeed replicating copyrighted work. Fantano calls for legal actions, emphasizing that AI should not be used to undermine musical creativity and copyright.



💡AI Music

AI Music refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create or generate music. In the video, Anthony Fantano criticizes AI music for its potential to facilitate plagiarism by allowing users to recreate the style or sound of existing artists without directly sampling or copying their work. This is exemplified by the AI Music Creation app, 'udio,' which is accused of generating music that is eerily similar to copyrighted songs.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit and presenting them as one's own. The video discusses how AI music apps like 'udio' can be used to commit plagiarism by generating music that closely resembles existing copyrighted works, thus undermining the original artist's creative rights.


Udio is an AI Music Creation website and app that has been criticized in the video for its potential to facilitate the creation of music that is strikingly similar to existing songs. The app allows users to input text prompts to generate music in their preferred styles, which has led to concerns about copyright infringement and the ethical implications of AI-generated music.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used to discuss the technology behind music generation apps like 'udio,' which raises ethical questions about the use of AI in creative processes and its potential to infringe on artistic copyrights.

💡Creative Process

The creative process involves using imagination to create something new, such as works of art, music, or literature. The video expresses concern that AI's involvement in the creative process may lead to the devaluation of original music, as AI-generated music can closely imitate existing works without the need for human creativity or the consent of the original artists.


Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time. The video discusses how AI-generated music might infringe on these rights by producing pieces that are too similar to copyrighted songs, thereby potentially violating the original artists' intellectual property.

💡Music Genre

A music genre is a category of music that is defined by its musical characteristics, such as rhythm, melody, and harmony. In the video, the term is used in the context of AI music generation, where users can request music in specific genres, leading to the creation of AI music that may inappropriately borrow from existing works within those genres.

💡Text Prompting

Text prompting is a feature in AI music generation where users input text descriptions or tags to guide the AI in creating music that matches their request. The video criticizes this feature, as it can result in AI-generated music that is suspiciously close to existing copyrighted works, suggesting that the AI is not creating original content but rather mimicking it.

💡Ethical Implications

Ethical implications refer to the moral issues or consequences that arise from a particular action or situation. The video raises the ethical implications of using AI to generate music, questioning whether it is fair to the original artists and whether it could lead to a decline in the value of music if AI-generated music becomes prevalent.

💡Intellectual Property

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images used in commerce. The video discusses how AI music generation could infringe on the intellectual property rights of artists by creating music that is too similar to their original works.

💡Unsustainable Practices

Unsustainable practices are methods or strategies that cannot be maintained or continued without causing negative consequences. The video suggests that the use of AI to generate music that closely resembles existing works is an unsustainable practice that could devalue music and harm the music industry in the long run.


Anthony Fantano discusses the controversial use of AI in music creation, specifically criticizing the AI Music Creation app 'udio'.

Fantano expresses concern that AI is being used to plagiarize existing music rather than support artists.

The AI app 'udio' is accused of generating music that is eerily similar to copyrighted works without direct sampling.

Fantano questions the ethical implications of using AI to recreate an artist's work for profit without compensating the original artist.

The process of AI training is described, where AI is fed examples to understand and recreate music.

Fantano points out that the AI's ability to generate music is based on uploading and altering other artists' works.

The promotional material for 'udio' is critiqued for its misleading claims about music generation capabilities.

Fantano highlights examples where 'udio' has generated music that is nearly identical to songs by specific artists.

Users have discovered that entering specific description tags results in AI-generated music that closely resembles existing songs.

Fantano presents evidence of 'udio' generating music that copies the style and vocals of well-known artists like Blad and Young Lean.

The video discusses how even mainstream artists like Future have had their music replicated by the AI app.

Fantano criticizes 'udio' for deleting user-generated tracks that were found to be too similar to popular artists' works.

The ability to type in specific tags to generate music has been removed from 'udio' in response to the controversy.

Fantano calls for legal action against 'udio', comparing it to the legal consequences faced by artists for using samples.

He argues that AI-generated music devalues original music and calls for legislation to prevent such plagiarism.

Fantano urges Congress to take action and establish laws to protect music from AI plagiarism.

The video concludes with a call to viewers to share their thoughts on the issue in the comments section.