Google IO: Agents is The Future - Demos

Prompt Engineering
14 May 202409:09

TLDRGoogle IO showcased the future of AI with its Gemini project, focusing on simplifying everyday tasks. The demonstration highlighted how Gemini can automate shopping returns by managing emails and receipts. It also organizes receipts into a Google Drive folder and extracts information into a spreadsheet, offering automation for future emails. Gemini's advanced capabilities include assisting with relocation to a new city by organizing services and updating addresses across websites. The system is designed to be private, secure, and user-controlled. It can also create meal plans, customize them, and generate shopping lists. Furthermore, Gemini can plan personalized vacations by analyzing user priorities and constraints, adjusting itineraries based on user feedback. The new Gmail mobile features include a summarization tool and a Q&A feature that simplifies information retrieval from emails. Additionally, the concept of a virtual teammate, Chip, was introduced, which can monitor projects, organize information, and provide context, significantly reducing the time required for administrative tasks.


  • 🛍️ Imagine if Gemini could handle the entire return process for you, including searching for receipts, locating order numbers, filling out forms, and scheduling pickups.
  • 📂 Gemini can help organize your emails by creating a drive folder for receipts and extracting relevant information into a spreadsheet, with the option to automate this process for future emails.
  • 🏙️ Gemini and Chrome can work together to assist with tasks such as exploring a new city, finding services, and updating your address across various websites.
  • 🔍 Gemini uses search and helpful extensions to gather information and create a dynamic graph of travel options, considering your priorities and constraints, to present a personalized vacation plan.
  • 📅 Gemini's new Dynamic UI allows for easy adjustments to travel itineraries, such as changing start times, to accommodate personal preferences.
  • 📱 New Gmail mobile capabilities include a summarize feature that provides a quick overview of email threads and a Q&A feature for getting quick answers without searching through emails.
  • 📊 The Q&A feature in Gmail can compare information across different emails, such as roof repair bids, providing a quick and organized summary for easy decision-making.
  • 🤖 Introducing a virtual teammate, Chip, who has a specific job role and can monitor and track projects, organize information, and provide context within team communications.
  • 💬 Chip can be added to group chats and email threads, building a collective memory of work and providing up-to-date responses and timelines on project status.
  • 🔄 Chip can synthesize information from various sources and highlight potential issues within a team's workflow, enabling quick identification and resolution of problems.
  • 🚀 The new trip planning experience and advanced capabilities for Gmail mobile are set to roll out to Gemini Advance and AI Premium customers this summer.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the Gemini system as described in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of the Gemini system is to automate and simplify various tasks such as shopping, organizing receipts, updating addresses, and planning trips by using intelligent systems that think ahead, reason, and plan on behalf of the user.

  • How does Gemini assist with the process of returning shoes?

    -Gemini assists with returning shoes by searching the user's inbox for the receipt, locating the order number from the email, filling out a return form, and even scheduling a pickup for the user.

  • What is the suggested workflow for organizing receipts in Gemini?

    -The suggested workflow involves creating a Google Drive folder to store the receipts and extracting the relevant information from those receipts into a new spreadsheet.

  • How does Gemini help with moving to a new city like Chicago?

    -Gemini helps by organizing, reasoning, and synthesizing information on behalf of the user. It can assist with exploring the city, finding nearby services such as dry cleaners and dog walkers, and updating the user's new address across various websites.

  • What is the Dynamic UI feature in Gemini?

    -The Dynamic UI feature in Gemini is a personalized vacation planning interface that uses spatial data and user priorities to create a dynamic graph of possible travel options and presents a personalized vacation plan.

  • How does Gemini's meal planning feature work?

    -Gemini's meal planning feature allows users to ask for a 3-day meal plan that is easy to prepare. It provides a plan with a wide range of recipes from across the web, and users can customize the plan by asking for specific dietary preferences, such as vegetarian dishes.

  • What is the new capability coming to Gmail mobile?

    -The new capability coming to Gmail mobile includes a summarize option that allows users to quickly get a summary of all the salient information in an email thread without having to read through all the emails.

  • How does the Q&A feature in Gmail mobile help users?

    -The Q&A feature in Gmail mobile allows users to type out questions directly in the mobile card and get quick answers on anything in their inbox, such as arrival times for packages or event details, without having to search through emails.

  • What is the role of a virtual teammate like Chip in a team?

    -A virtual teammate like Chip is given a specific job role with a set of descriptions on how to be helpful for the team. It can monitor and track projects, organize information, provide context, and assist with tasks such as creating documents to address issues.

  • How does Chip build a collective memory of a team's work?

    -Chip builds a collective memory by being added to various group chats, email threads, and files. It searches through all the conversations and synthesizes the information to provide up-to-date responses and summaries.

  • What is the advantage of having a virtual teammate like Chip for project tracking?

    -The advantage of having a virtual teammate like Chip for project tracking is that it can quickly search through all accessible information, synthesize what's found, and provide a clear timeline and summary, including potential issues that the team should be aware of.



🛍️ Streamlining Online Shopping Returns

The first paragraph introduces the concept of an AI system, named Gemini, which aims to simplify the online shopping return process. Gemini assists users by automatically performing several steps, such as searching for the receipt in the inbox, locating the order number from an email, filling out a return form, and even scheduling a pickup. The user is shown how to organize and track receipts by creating a Google Drive folder and extracting relevant information into a spreadsheet. Gemini also offers the option to automate this workflow for future emails, showcasing its ability to handle complex tasks and provide personalized solutions.


🏡 Managing Home Repairs with AI Assistance

The second paragraph focuses on the application of Gemini in managing home repairs, specifically roof repair in this case. It describes how Gemini can help sort through email threads to find and summarize important information, such as quotes from contractors. The user can interact with Gemini through a mobile interface, asking questions and receiving concise answers without having to manually search through multiple emails. Gemini's capabilities extend to organizing information, providing context, and tracking projects. It can also be integrated into group chats, where it can monitor conversations, synthesize information, and respond to queries, making it an efficient tool for team collaboration and project management.




Gemini refers to an intelligent system showcased in the video that assists with various tasks such as shopping, organizing receipts, and planning vacations. It is designed to think ahead, reason, and plan on behalf of the user, automating workflows and simplifying complex processes. For instance, Gemini can search an inbox for a receipt, extract order numbers, and even schedule a pickup for a return.


Automation is a process where tasks are performed automatically with minimal human intervention. In the context of the video, Gemini offers the option to automate repetitive tasks, such as organizing receipts into a folder and extracting information into a spreadsheet, which saves time and effort for the user.


A workflow is a sequence of connected steps or processes that are undertaken to achieve a specific outcome. The video demonstrates how Gemini can create and run workflows for the user, such as organizing emails and creating personalized vacation plans, which streamlines the user's tasks.

💡Dynamic UI

Dynamic UI stands for Dynamic User Interface, which is an adaptable and interactive interface that changes based on user input or system state. The video introduces Gemini's new Dynamic UI that presents personalized vacation plans by taking into account the user's priorities and constraints.

💡Personalized Vacation Plan

A personalized vacation plan is a customized travel itinerary created to suit the individual preferences and requirements of the user. In the video, Gemini uses spatial data and user information to generate a tailored vacation plan that includes activities, dining options, and scheduling.


To summarize means to provide a brief statement or account of the main points of something. In the context of the video, Gemini's 'summarize' feature allows users to quickly grasp the key information from an email thread without having to read through all the emails.

💡Q&A Feature

The Q&A (Question and Answer) feature is an interactive component that allows users to ask questions and receive direct answers based on the information available in their emails or other data sources. This feature is showcased in the video as a way to get quick answers about specific topics, such as comparing roof repair bids.

💡Virtual Teammate

A virtual teammate is an AI-powered assistant that works alongside a team to perform tasks, monitor projects, and organize information. In the video, 'Chip' is introduced as a virtual teammate with specific job roles, such as tracking projects and providing context, which aids in the team's productivity.

💡Collective Memory

Collective memory refers to the shared knowledge and information that a group accumulates over time. The video highlights how a virtual teammate like Chip builds a collective memory of a team's work by being present in various communication channels and keeping track of conversations and projects.

💡Spatial Data

Spatial data is information that is related to the position of objects or phenomena in space. In the video, Gemini uses spatial data to make decisions about the vacation itinerary, such as suggesting a seafood restaurant close to the hotel based on the user's flight landing time.

💡Intelligent Systems

Intelligent systems are advanced computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding complex data, learning, and problem-solving. The video focuses on the development of such systems, like Gemini, which can reason, plan, and act autonomously to assist users.


Google IO showcases the future of agents with the ability to automate shopping returns by searching emails, locating order numbers, and scheduling pickups.

Gemini, an AI assistant, can organize receipts into a Google Drive folder and extract relevant information into a spreadsheet.

Users have the option to automate workflows for future emails, streamlining repetitive tasks.

Gemini and Chrome collaboration helps users settle into a new city by organizing and synthesizing information for various services.

AI systems are designed to be private, secure, and user-controlled, ensuring user data is protected.

Google Search can create a 3-day meal plan with customizable options for dietary preferences.

Meal plans can be exported or ingredients listed, simplifying the shopping process.

Gemini uses spatial data and personal preferences to create a dynamic vacation plan.

Users can adjust itineraries with ease, and Gemini will automatically adapt the plan accordingly.

Gmail mobile introduces a summarize feature to streamline email threads and provide quick access to key information.

A new Q&A feature in Gmail allows users to ask questions directly within the email interface for faster responses.

Gemini can compare bids and quotes from different contractors, simplifying decision-making.

Virtual teammates, like Chip, are assigned specific roles to monitor and track projects, organize information, and provide context.

Chip, the virtual teammate, can search across all conversations and files to provide up-to-date responses and identify potential issues.

Google Chat integration with Chip allows team members to quickly catch up on project status and contribute to discussions.

Chip can synthesize information from various sources to create a clear timeline and summary for team members.

The new trip planning experience will be available to Gemini Advance, SP, and AI Premium customers this summer.

The virtual teammate's collective memory of work builds as it is added to more group chats, email threads, and files.