How To Bypass AI Content Detection - AI Detector Pro - Step By Step Tutorial (2024)

Curtis Pyke
20 Mar 202408:05

TLDRThe video introduces AI Detector Pro, a tool designed to differentiate between AI-generated and human-written content. The creator demonstrates its effectiveness by analyzing a piece of AI-written text and two human-written articles. The tool not only identifies AI content but also offers suggestions for improvement. The video showcases the tool's ability to 'humanize' AI-generated text, reducing its AI score, and emphasizes its utility for achieving a balance in content creation for search engine optimization.


  • 🔍 The AI detector Pro is a tool designed to determine if content is AI-generated, human-written, or a mixture of both.
  • 📊 The detector provides a probability score indicating the likelihood of AI authorship, with a 98% score demonstrated in the tutorial.
  • 📈 The tool offers detailed analysis, highlighting specific parts of the text that exhibit signs of AI generation.
  • 🖋️ AI detector Pro suggests improvements and has a feature to 'humanize' the text by rewriting paragraphs to reduce AI-like characteristics.
  • ✅ The 'humanized' text, after processing, received a 2 out of 100 AI score, indicating it passed as human-written content.
  • 🌐 The detector can analyze content from a URL or text pasted directly into the tool.
  • 📝 It provides comprehensive feedback, similar to a grammar or spelling teacher, with suggestions for improvement.
  • 📊 The tool uses over 100 different signals to analyze text, including the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tests and SEO-related metrics.
  • 🎨 The analogy of graphic designers using templates and customizing them is used to illustrate the benefits of using AI-generated content as a starting point.
  • 💡 The importance of balancing AI and human elements in content creation for SEO and authenticity is emphasized.
  • 🚀 The AI detector Pro is recommended as a valuable tool for content creators to ensure their work passes the 'human sniff test'.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the tutorial?

    -The main topic of the tutorial is the introduction and demonstration of a new AI detector called AI Detector Pro.

  • How does AI Detector Pro work?

    -AI Detector Pro works by analyzing content to determine if it was written by AI, by hand, or a mixture of both. It provides a probability score indicating the likelihood of AI authorship.

  • What feature does AI Detector Pro have to improve AI-generated content?

    -AI Detector Pro has a feature called 'humanizing the text', which rewrites the paragraphs to reduce the AI score and make the content more human-like.

  • How does AI Detector Pro provide feedback on the analyzed content?

    -AI Detector Pro provides feedback by highlighting parts of the text that exhibit clear signs of being AI-generated and offers suggestions for improvement, similar to a grammar or spelling teacher.

  • What kind of signals does AI Detector Pro analyze to determine AI content?

    -AI Detector Pro analyzes over 100 different signals, including the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tests, word complexity, word length, and other factors to determine if the content is AI-generated.

  • How long does it take for AI Detector Pro to rewrite a document to reduce its AI score?

    -The rewriting process can take up to 10 minutes, after which the user receives an email with the rewritten content for review.

  • What was the result when the user tested AI Detector Pro with a direct copy-paste from Wikipedia?

    -The content copied from Wikipedia was determined to be likely written by a human, indicating that AI Detector Pro can accurately differentiate between human and AI-generated content.

  • Why is it important to use a tool like AI Detector Pro for content creation?

    -It is important because it helps to ensure that content passes the 'human sniff test', which is crucial for search engine optimization and avoiding the pitfalls of pure AI or handwritten content.

  • How does the AI Detector Pro's humanizing feature help in content creation?

    -The humanizing feature helps by rewriting AI-generated content to make it less detectable as AI-written, thus improving its quality and making it more suitable for publication.

  • What is the significance of the AI Detector Pro's ability to detect AI content?

    -The significance lies in its ability to help content creators avoid publishing content that might be flagged as AI-generated, which could negatively impact search engine rankings and credibility.



🔍 Introduction to AI Detector Pro

In this segment, the speaker introduces AI Detector Pro, a tool for distinguishing between AI-generated and human-written content. The speaker emphasizes the detector's accuracy in identifying AI-generated text, countering the issue of false positives common in other detectors. The process is demonstrated using a sample project within the AI Detector Pro's interface, where the speaker uploads an AI-generated essay on Macbeth and a couple of human-written texts. The tool's analysis shows a high probability of AI involvement in the essay, further evidenced by detailed feedback on the text's characteristics, akin to a grammar teacher's review. The speaker's explanation includes the tool's ability to assess text based on human-like qualities and its utilization of various linguistic tests, like the Flesch readability tests.


🔄 Testing and Humanizing Text with AI Detector Pro

The second paragraph details the process of testing and humanizing text using AI Detector Pro. The speaker discusses how the tool can rewrite AI-generated text to make it seem human-written, illustrating this with a demonstration where an AI-generated text about Macbeth is rewritten, reducing its AI-detectability score significantly. The ease of this process is showcased by copying the rewritten text into the tool, resulting in a low AI score. The speaker also tests content from Wikipedia to confirm the tool's effectiveness in recognizing human-written text. The importance of blending AI and human elements in content creation is highlighted, with an analogy to graphic design where a mix of templates and customization achieves the best results. The speaker concludes by endorsing the tool for creating content that passes as human-written, beneficial for tasks like SEO in blogging.



💡AI detector

An AI detector is a tool designed to analyze and identify whether content, particularly text, has been generated by artificial intelligence or written by a human. In the context of the video, the AI detector is used to evaluate the authenticity of various texts, providing a probability score to indicate the likelihood of AI authorship.

💡AI-generated text

AI-generated text refers to content created by artificial intelligence algorithms that mimic human writing. These algorithms can produce essays, articles, or other forms of written content, often used for various purposes such as content creation, SEO, or educational exercises. The video specifically discusses the detection and potential improvement of AI-generated text.

💡Human-written text

Human-written text is content that has been composed by a person, as opposed to being generated by AI. It typically exhibits natural language patterns, personal style, and may contain idiosyncrasies that are characteristic of human writing. The video aims to differentiate between AI-generated and human-written content using the AI detector tool.

💡False positives

False positives occur when a tool or system incorrectly identifies an event or condition as being present when it is not. In the context of AI detection, a false positive would be when the detector wrongly classifies human-written content as being AI-generated. The video emphasizes the importance of avoiding false positives in AI detection tools.


In the context of the video, a dashboard refers to the control panel or interface of the AI detector Pro, where users can manage projects, view reports, and access other features. It provides an organized overview of the tool's functionality and the status of ongoing analyses.


In the context of the AI detector Pro, projects refer to individual instances where users can input and analyze text to determine its authorship. Each project allows for the submission of text, analysis, and review of results without interfering with other analyses, providing a structured workflow for users.


Analysis in this context refers to the process of examining the inputted text by the AI detector to determine its likelihood of being AI-generated. The tool assesses various linguistic and stylistic elements to produce a probability score and detailed insights into the text's composition.

💡Humanizing text

Humanizing text is the process of modifying AI-generated content to make it appear more like it was written by a human. This may involve rephrasing, adjusting sentence structures, or adding human-like nuances to reduce the AI score and make the content more natural and relatable.

💡Flesh test

The Flesh test, also known as the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Test, is a method used to assess the readability of text. It calculates a score based on the length of sentences and the complexity of words, which can indicate how easily the text can be understood by readers. The video mentions this test as one of the 100 signals used by the AI detector Pro to analyze text.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of improving the visibility of a website or content in search engine results. High-quality, human-like content is often more favorable for SEO as it tends to engage readers better and can lead to higher rankings. The video discusses the importance of balancing AI-generated and human-written content for optimal SEO.


Calibrations in the context of AI detection refer to the fine-tuning of the tool's algorithms to accurately distinguish between AI-generated and human-written content. High calibration ensures that the detector provides reliable and accurate results, which is crucial for users to trust the tool's analysis.


Introduction to AI Detector Pro, a new AI detection tool.

AI Detector Pro can identify whether content is AI-generated, human-written, or a mixture.

The tool provides proof of its effectiveness by analyzing and comparing AI and human-written texts.

AI Detector Pro offers a dashboard with features like reports and projects for detailed analysis.

The tool can analyze text directly from a user's clipboard or from a URL.

AI Detector Pro gives a probability score of AI-generated content, with a 98% accuracy demonstrated in the tutorial.

The tool provides detailed feedback, highlighting parts of the text that need improvement.

AI Detector Pro uses 100 different signals to analyze text, including the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tests and SEO plugins.

The tool offers a 'Humanize' feature to rewrite AI-generated text to reduce its AI score.

Humanized text can pass the AI detection test, showing a 2 out of 100 AI score.

AI Detector Pro can be used to improve SEO by ensuring content is not purely AI-generated.

The tool is compared to graphic design tools, where pre-built templates are customized for efficiency and creativity.

AI Detector Pro helps in maintaining a balance between AI-generated and human-written content for better engagement and authenticity.

The demonstration shows how AI Detector Pro can be used to analyze and improve a 300-word essay on Macbeth.

The tool's effectiveness is showcased by comparing the analysis of AI-generated text and a direct copy-paste from Wikipedia.

AI Detector Pro is recommended as a valuable tool for writers and content creators seeking to enhance their work with AI-generated content.