How to Make UNDETECTABLE AI Content for Amazon KDP (Guaranteed Method)

Sean Dollwet
19 Jun 202308:55

TLDRIn this video, Sean, a successful Amazon KDP publisher, discusses the proper way to use AI to create content for Amazon KDP. He warns against simply copying and pasting AI-generated text into books or blog posts, as this could lead to penalties from search engines like Google. Sean shares various methods tested to make AI-generated content undetectable, including using tools like QuillBot and Grammarly, pre-training Chat GPT, and directly asking Chat GPT to write in a human-like manner. However, these methods were found ineffective, as they still returned high AI detection scores. The only successful method was manually rewriting the content in one's own words, which significantly reduced the AI detection score. Sean emphasizes the importance of not taking shortcuts and manually editing AI-generated content to ensure originality and quality for long-term business success.


  • 🚫 Do not simply copy and paste AI-generated content into your Amazon KDP books or blog posts on Google, as it can lead to penalties and loss of ranking.
  • ✅ Use AI tools like chat GPT to create content, but ensure you edit it heavily to avoid detection as AI-generated.
  • 📉 Google has changed its stance on AI content, now rewarding high-quality content regardless of whether it's written by a human or AI.
  • 🔍 Be aware of AI detection scores for your content, as tools like and chat GPT detectors are becoming more prevalent.
  • 📝 Test various methods to rewrite AI-generated content to make it undetectable by AI content detectors.
  • 🛠️ Tools like Quillbot and Grammarly can help rewrite and improve the quality of AI-generated text, but may not be foolproof against detection.
  • 📚 Pre-training chat GPT with specific prompts can help generate more human-like text, but still requires manual editing to avoid detection.
  • 💬 Ask chat GPT directly for advice on writing undetectable AI content, but even then, manual rewriting is crucial.
  • ✍️ Manual rewriting of AI-generated content in your own words is the most effective way to ensure it passes AI detection checks.
  • 📉 Even with recent updates to tools like, false positives can occur, so it's important to understand the limitations of these tools.
  • 🎯 Focus on creating high-quality, original content for your Amazon KDP books, rather than relying solely on AI-generated content.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to create undetectable AI content for Amazon KDP using various methods and tools.

  • Why should one not simply copy and paste AI-generated content into a book for Amazon KDP?

    -One should not simply copy and paste AI-generated content into a book for Amazon KDP because Google now penalizes content that is purely AI-written, and it is believed that Amazon may do the same in the future.

  • What was Google's initial stance on AI-generated content according to the video?

    -Google initially stated that AI-generated content was against their guidelines, as mentioned back in April 6, 2022.

  • What is the recommended AI detection score for content to be considered undetectable as AI-written?

    -The recommended AI detection score is below 50, indicating that the content is as likely to be written by a human as by an AI.

  • What is the first method Sean tested to rewrite AI-generated content?

    -The first method Sean tested was using Quillbot and Grammarly to rewrite and rephrase the content.

  • What is the secret prompt technique mentioned in the video?

    -The secret prompt technique is a method of pre-training Chat GPT to write human-like text generation by using a specific prompt to instruct the AI.

  • Why did the methods tested not work as expected according to the video?

    -The methods tested did not work as expected because even after using various rewriting and editing techniques, the AI detection score remained at 100%, indicating the content was still detectable as AI-written.

  • What was the final method Sean concluded as the most effective?

    -The final method Sean concluded as the most effective was manually rewriting the content in one's own words to ensure it is undetectable as AI-generated.

  • What is the significance of the tool mentioned in the video? is a tool used to scan content for its AI detection score, helping to ensure that the content does not appear to be purely AI-written.

  • What is Sean's advice for those serious about building a long-term business with Amazon KDP?

    -Sean advises against taking shortcuts and emphasizes the importance of rewriting AI-generated content to ensure it is undetectable as AI-written for the sake of building a long-term, successful business.

  • What is the potential risk of using AI-generated content without proper editing?

    -The potential risk is that the content may be detected as purely AI-written, which could lead to penalties or a lack of ranking on platforms like Amazon KDP, similar to what has happened with Google.

  • Why might some people consider to be too strict?

    -Some people might consider to be too strict because it has a tendency to flag content as AI-written even when significant manual editing has been done, potentially leading to false positives.



🚀 Introduction to AI Content Creation for Amazon KDP

In this video, Sean introduces viewers to the process of creating AI-generated content for Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). He emphasizes the importance of not simply copying and pasting AI-generated text into books, as Google has started penalizing purely AI-written content. Sean also mentions the potential future penalties from Amazon and the need to produce high-quality content. He provides a free training link for viewers interested in learning more about building a successful KDP business.


🛠️ Testing Methods to Create Undetectable AI Content

Sean discusses various methods to create content that is undetectable as AI-generated. He first uses Quillbot and Grammarly to paraphrase and rewrite content, but finds this method ineffective as it still registers as 100% AI on originality checks. He then explores pre-training Chat GPT for more human-like text generation, but this too fails to lower the AI detection score. Sean also asks Chat GPT directly for advice on writing undetectable AI content and requests a rewrite to avoid AI detection, both of which are unsuccessful. Finally, he manually rewrites the content, which significantly lowers the AI detection score to 1%, proving that manual editing is the most effective method.



💡Amazon KDP

Amazon KDP, which stands for Kindle Direct Publishing, is a platform that allows authors and publishers to make their books available for the Kindle and in print. In the video, it is the primary platform discussed for publishing AI-generated content, emphasizing the importance of creating content that is undetectable as AI-written to avoid penalties and ensure success on the platform.

💡AI Content

AI Content refers to any written material that has been generated or significantly influenced by artificial intelligence tools. The video focuses on creating AI content that can be published on Amazon KDP without being detected as AI-generated, which is crucial to avoid potential penalties or demotion in search rankings.


Undetectable AI Content is material that, despite being generated by AI, does not raise flags or get detected by content detection systems as being AI-written. The video provides methods and strategies to achieve this, which is essential for publishing on platforms like Amazon KDP without facing negative consequences.

💡Google Penalties

Google Penalties refer to the negative impact on search rankings that a website may experience due to various factors, including the use of low-quality content or content that is purely AI-generated. The video mentions that Google has changed its stance on AI content and now penalizes websites with such content, highlighting the need for high-quality, human-like content.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model that can generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the context of the video, it is used as a tool to create book content for Amazon KDP. However, the challenge is to edit and rewrite the AI-generated content to make it undetectable as AI-written.

💡Quill Bot

Quill Bot is a content rewriting tool that can paraphrase and rephrase text to create a new version that is similar in meaning but different in wording. The video discusses using Quill Bot as a method to rewrite AI-generated content to make it appear more human-written.


Grammarly is a writing assistant tool that checks for grammar, spelling, and stylistic mistakes in written text. It is mentioned in the video as a tool to further refine the content rewritten by Quill Bot, ensuring that the text is grammatically correct and well-written.

💡 is a tool that scans content for AI detection scores, which can indicate how likely it is that the content was generated by AI. The video uses this tool to test the effectiveness of various methods for making AI content undetectable.

💡AI Detection Scores

AI Detection Scores are numerical values that represent the likelihood of a piece of content being AI-generated. The lower the score, the less likely the content is to be detected as AI-written. The video emphasizes aiming for a score below 50 to ensure the content appears more human-written.

💡Manual Rewrite

Manual Rewrite involves taking AI-generated content and rephrasing it in one's own words to ensure it is original and undetectable as AI-written. The video concludes that this method is the most effective way to create content suitable for publishing on Amazon KDP.

💡False Positives

False Positives occur when a detection system incorrectly identifies content as AI-generated when it is not. The video discusses concerns that the updated tool may be too strict and potentially generating false positives, which could affect the reliability of the tool's results.


The video provides a method to create undetectable AI content for Amazon KDP.

Presenter Sean has experience in building and selling a seven-figure KDP business.

A warning against simply copying and pasting AI-generated text into books or blog posts due to potential penalties.

Google's changing stance on AI-generated content and its impact on search rankings.

The importance of editing AI-generated content to avoid detection as AI-written.

Demonstration of using quillbot and Grammarly to paraphrase and improve AI-generated text.

Testing various methods to reduce AI detection scores, including pre-training chat GPT and direct prompts for human-like text. is used to scan content for AI detection with a goal of achieving a score below 50%.

Manual rewriting of AI-generated content proved to be the only effective method to reduce the AI detection score to 1%.

Discussion on the strictness of the updated tool and its potential for false positives.

Advice to not solely rely on AI content detectors but to manually rewrite content for authenticity.

Emphasis on the need for quality content that can pass as human-written to build a long-term business.

A free training link is provided for building a seven-figure KDP publishing business.

The video concludes with a recommendation to avoid shortcuts and ensure content quality for Amazon KDP publishing.

The presenter shares personal insights and learnings from testing different methods of AI content generation.

A reminder that the landscape of AI content and its acceptance by platforms like Google and Amazon is constantly evolving.

An offer to update the audience if there are any significant changes in the approach to AI content for KDP.

The video ends with an encouragement to subscribe for more publishing advice and an invitation to check out