How to Remove Background in Gimp Fast and Smooth

Living Image
26 Sept 202206:10

TLDRIn this tutorial, the presenter demonstrates how to quickly and effectively remove the background from an image using GIMP. They start by importing an image and then use various selection tools such as the rectangle, ellipse, and free select tools to isolate the subject. The presenter emphasizes the use of the 'Select by Color Tool' for faster and more accurate selection. After making the selection, they invert it and clear the background. For a more refined result, especially around complex areas like hair, they add a layer mask and use a soft brush to recover the natural look. The video concludes with a tip on how to adjust the hardness and force of the brush for better control and results. The presenter hopes this guide will be helpful for viewers looking to remove backgrounds efficiently in GIMP.


  • 🎨 Use selection tools in GIMP to remove the background of an image.
  • 🔍 The rectangle and ellipse selection tools are good for straightforward shapes.
  • ✂️ The free select tool allows for more precise and custom selection.
  • 🔄 Inverting the selection and clearing it can remove the background.
  • 🚀 The 'Select by Color Tool' can be used for a faster background removal.
  • 📌 The 'Select by Edge Tool' is useful for more complex subjects.
  • 🖌️ After removing the background, you can change the background color or make it transparent by adding an Alpha Channel.
  • 🧹 Use the layer mask and paintbrush tool to refine edges, especially around hair.
  • 🔧 Adjusting the hardness and flow of the paintbrush can help in achieving a natural look.
  • ⏱ Spending more time on the selection and refinement can lead to better results.
  • 👋 The tutorial provides a quick method for background removal using GIMP's selection tools.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video tutorial?

    -The main topic of the video tutorial is how to remove the background of an image quickly and smoothly using GIMP.

  • Which tools does the video mention for selecting areas to keep in an image?

    -The video mentions the rectangle select tool, ellipse select tool, and free select tool as the primary tools for selecting areas to keep in an image.

  • How does the video suggest to remove the background after selecting the area to keep?

    -After selecting the area to keep, the video suggests inverting the selection and then clearing it from the edit menu to remove the background.

  • What is the name of the selection tool the video recommends for fast background removal?

    -The video recommends using the 'Select by Edge' tool for fast background removal.

  • How can one change the background color after removing the original background?

    -To change the background color, one can select the color they want in the color picker and apply it to the new layer created after removing the original background.

  • What is the process to create a transparent background instead of a colored one?

    -To create a transparent background, one needs to go to the layer, right-click on the layer, and add an Alpha Channel.

  • What issues might one encounter when removing the background, particularly with hair?

    -One might encounter issues with maintaining the natural look around the edges of hair. The video suggests using a layer mask and a paintbrush tool to fix these issues.

  • How can one adjust the hardness and force of the paintbrush tool to refine the selection around hair?

    -One can adjust the hardness to a low value, such as 0.5, and the force to around 15, then zoom in and brush carefully around the hair to refine the selection.

  • What is the importance of adjusting the brush settings when refining the selection around hair?

    -Adjusting the brush settings is important to achieve a natural look around the edges of the hair and to get the expected results according to personal preference.

  • What does the video suggest for users who want to achieve a better result with more time spent on refining the selection?

    -The video suggests that by spending more time around the edges and adjusting the brush settings, users can produce a better result.

  • What is the final message from the tutorial to the viewers?

    -The final message is a hope that the tutorial will help the viewers and a goodbye, indicating the end of the tutorial.



🖼️ Background Removal Techniques

The video begins with an introduction to the process of removing the background from an image quickly. The presenter explains the use of selection tools such as rectangle, ellipse, and free selection to isolate the subject. They emphasize the importance of inverting the selection and clearing it to remove the background. The presenter also mentions alternative tools like the foreground selection tool, first select tool, and select by color tool. However, they choose to use the select tool for its efficiency and speed. The video demonstrates how to use the select tool, including adjusting the selection if needed, and how to change the background color or make it transparent by adding an Alpha Channel.


🎨 Refining Edges and Hair Details

The second paragraph focuses on refining the edges of the image, particularly around complex areas like hair. The presenter shows how to use a layer mask with a white full opacity to recover the natural look around the hair. They also discuss the importance of adjusting the brush hardness and flow to achieve the desired results. The presenter encourages viewers to take their time to refine the edges for a better outcome. The tutorial concludes with a reminder that spending more time on the selection process can lead to a higher quality result and thanks the viewers for watching.



💡Background Removal

Background removal refers to the process of eliminating the backdrop of an image to isolate the subject. In the video, this is achieved using selection tools in GIMP to create a clean and focused look on the subject, which is essential for various design and presentation purposes.

💡Selection Tools

Selection tools in graphic software like GIMP are used to outline and select specific areas of an image for editing. The video mentions rectangle, ellipse, and free select tools, which are fundamental in the background removal process, allowing for precise control over which parts of the image are manipulated.

💡Invert Selection

Invert selection is a feature that reverses the current selection in an image, allowing users to switch between selecting the subject and the background. In the context of the video, inverting the selection after marking the subject enables the user to target the background for removal.


The 'clear' function in GIMP is used to delete the selected area of an image. After inverting the selection to target the background, the 'clear' command is used to remove it, leaving only the subject of the image intact.

💡Fuzzy Select Tool

The Fuzzy Select Tool in GIMP is an intelligent selection tool that automatically detects and selects areas of similar color and tone. It is highlighted in the video as a useful tool for quickly selecting the subject of an image for background removal, as it requires less manual adjustment.

💡Foreground and Select Tool

The Foreground Select Tool is another selection tool in GIMP that helps in isolating the subject from the background by identifying and selecting the foreground elements. The video suggests this tool as an alternative for background removal, though it may require more time for fine-tuning.

💡Select by Color Tool

The Select by Color Tool allows users to make selections based on a specific color in the image. While not the primary focus of the video, it is mentioned as one of the alternative tools that can be used for background removal if the user is dealing with images where color selection is advantageous.

💡Layer Mask

A layer mask in GIMP is a non-destructive editing feature that hides or reveals parts of a layer. In the video, a layer mask is used after removing the background to refine the selection, particularly around complex areas like hair, to maintain a natural look.

💡Paintbrush Tool

The Paintbrush Tool is used for freehand drawing and painting in GIMP. In the context of the video, it is employed with a layer mask to carefully paint over areas, such as hair, that require fine-tuning after the initial background removal to achieve a smoother and more realistic edge.

💡Hardness and Flow

Hardness and flow are settings for the paintbrush that control the edge sharpness and the rate at which the paint is applied. In the video, adjusting these settings allows for a more precise and gradual transition when refining the edges of the subject with a layer mask.

💡Alpha Channel

An Alpha Channel in GIMP is an additional color channel that carries information about the opacity of the image. By adding an Alpha Channel, as shown in the video, users can create a transparent background instead of a solid color, which is useful for various design applications where the subject needs to be superimposed onto different backgrounds.


Demonstrates how to remove the background of an image quickly using GIMP

Selection tools and the parts tool are used to select the area to keep and remove the background

The process involves inverting the selection and clearing it to remove the background

Different selection tools such as rectangle, ellipse, and free select are available for various shapes

The smart select tool is highlighted as a useful tool for fast background removal

Other tools like the foreground selection tool, select tool, and select by color tool can also be used

The smart select tool is favored for its intelligence in selecting areas without much manual effort

Backspace can be used to undo selections and make adjustments

Pressing enter or return finalizes the selection

Background color can be changed or a transparent background can be added by adding an Alpha Channel

Issues around hair can be fixed using a layer mask with a white full opacity

The paint brush tool is used to adjust the hardness and force for a more natural look around the hair edges

Time investment can lead to better results in refining the edges around hair

Adjusting the brush's hardness and force is crucial for achieving expected results

The tutorial provides a fast method for background removal using the smart select tool

The presenter hopes the tutorial will be helpful for viewers

The video concludes with a goodbye and an invitation to see viewers next time