Australia's Most Dangerous Suburb and the Rise of Drill Rap (Mt Druitt/ONEFOUR)
TLDR这段视频剧本深入探讨了澳大利亚郊区Mount Dru的说唱音乐与当地帮派暴力之间的联系。Mount Dru是澳大利亚最臭名昭著的说唱歌手的聚集地,也是所谓的“postcode Wars”的中心,即不同地区帮派之间的地盘争夺战。视频中,我们跟随制作组的脚步,采访了当地的说唱歌手和音乐制作人,如HR Hefner和VTA Street Villain,他们分享了自己与音乐、犯罪和社区的复杂关系。此外,还有对当地年轻人和他们对说唱文化的看法的洞察。尽管存在犯罪和暴力,但社区成员和艺术家们也在努力通过音乐表达自己,并试图改变外界对Mount Dru的负面看法。
- 🎵 澳大利亚的Mount Dru郊区以其“澳大利亚钻”音乐和暴力犯罪而闻名。
- 🤝 Mount Dru的帮派文化与地域性有关,不同的邮政编码代表着不同的帮派。
- 🚧 该地区的犯罪率上升,不仅限于盗窃,还包括身体暴力。
- 🎥 制作团队在Mount Dru火车站拍摄了关于“邮政编码战争”的纪录片。
- 👤 HR Hefner是一位当地著名的说唱歌手,他因与囚犯有染而声名狼藉。
- 🚫 音乐被认为是导致暴力的原因之一,但当地居民认为暴力在音乐出现之前就已经存在。
- 🚴 Micah是一位年轻的制作人和音乐家,他在自己的社区商店拍摄了第一个视频。
- 🏡 VTA Street Villain是一位当地的说唱歌手和唱片公司老板,他分享了自己在Mount Dru的成长经历。
- 💰 VTA Street Villain提到,他和他的团队通过犯罪活动赚钱,包括偷窃和破坏。
- 🎓 尽管Mount Dru的犯罪率很高,但Micah认为这个地区并不像外界所认为的那么糟糕。
- 🌐 音乐和文化正在Mount Dru发展,年轻的艺术家们受到国际成功的启发,希望推动本地音乐产业。
Q & A
视频中提到的Mount Dru是澳大利亚哪个城市的郊区?
-Mount Dru是澳大利亚悉尼市的一个郊区。
为什么Mount Dru被认为是澳大利亚最危险的郊区之一?
-Mount Dru被认为是澳大利亚最危险的郊区之一,因为那里的枪击犯罪率在上升,且不仅限于盗窃和偷窃,更包括日益严重的身体暴力。
在Mount Dru,'postcode Wars'指的是什么?
-在Mount Dru,'postcode Wars'指的是不同地区帮派之间的争斗,这些帮派通常以他们所在地区的邮政编码来标识自己。
HR Hefner是谁,他在视频中提到了哪些关于Mount Dru的情况?
-HR Hefner是Mount Dru地区的一位当地说唱歌手。他提到Mount Dru是一个暴力的地方,并且因为暴力事件而闻名,他还提到了音乐被一些人视为导致暴力的原因,但他本人不这么认为,因为暴力在音乐出现之前就已经存在。
视频中提到的VTA Street Villain是一位怎样的人?
-VTA Street Villain是一位当地的说唱歌手和唱片公司老板,他在视频中谈到了自己年轻时因犯罪而被捕的经历,以及他如何通过犯罪活动赚钱。
视频中提到的'drill music'是什么,它与Mount Dru有何关联?
-Drill music是一种起源于芝加哥的说唱音乐风格,以其暗黑、暴力的歌词和沉重的节拍而闻名。在Mount Dru,这种音乐风格与当地的帮派文化和暴力事件紧密相关,被认为是表达当地年轻人经历和情感的一种方式。
视频中提到了哪些与Mount Dru地区犯罪活动相关的情况?
-视频中提到了Mount Dru地区的犯罪活动包括偷窃、破坏、贩毒等。这些活动常常与当地的帮派冲突和暴力事件有关。
视频中提到的'14'是谁,他在Mount Dru的音乐场景中扮演了什么角色?
-视频中的'14'是一位在Mount Dru地区有影响力的音乐人。他和他的团队通过制作和表演drill music,对当地的音乐文化产生了重要影响,并且激励了像Micah这样的年轻艺术家。
视频中提到的'Dennis'是谁,他在制作Mount Dru音乐视频方面有哪些经验?
视频中提到的'lockdowns'和'robberies at school'是什么意思,它们在Mount Dru地区有多普遍?
-'Lockdowns'和'robberies at school'指的是学校因为安全问题而进行的封锁以及在学校发生的抢劫事件。视频中提到这些事件在Mount Dru地区相对普遍,反映了该地区较高的犯罪率和安全问题。
😀 澳大利亚说唱音乐与帮派冲突
第一段视频脚本描述了澳大利亚郊区Mount Dru的帮派冲突,这些冲突与说唱音乐紧密相关。Mount Dru是澳大利亚最臭名昭著的说唱歌手的所在地,犯罪率上升,特别是身体暴力。视频提到了Mount Dru的火车车站,那里发生了一场打斗,并且介绍了所谓的'postcode Wars',即不同邮政编码区域的帮派之间的争斗。视频中还提到了当地说唱歌手HR Hefner,他讨论了音乐对当地年轻人的影响,以及警察如何将暴力归咎于说唱音乐。
🏠 Mount Dru的日常生活与音乐梦想
第二段脚本通过讲述Mount Dru居民的故事,展示了这个地区除了犯罪和暴力之外的另一面。一位居民回忆了他母亲清理草地上的针头和啤酒瓶的日子,以及他童年时在该地区的经历。脚本中提到了Mount Dru的校园生活,包括学校封锁和抢劫事件。此外,还探讨了当地音乐对年轻人的影响,以及他们如何通过音乐表达自己,并希望有一天能够成功。
🎥 音乐视频拍摄与社区文化
第三段脚本描述了在Mount Dru拍摄音乐视频的过程,以及它如何成为社区文化的一部分。脚本中提到了一位名叫VTA Street Villain的当地说唱歌手和唱片公司老板,他讲述了自己的成长经历,包括他的第一次逮捕和如何通过犯罪开始赚钱。脚本还展示了音乐视频的拍摄现场,包括与当地社区成员的互动,以及一位名叫Dennis的导演分享的拍摄经历。最后,脚本提到了一位年轻的音乐人Draco,他正在工作室制作音乐,这表明了当地音乐文化的活力和发展潜力。
💡Mount Dru
💡钻孔音乐(drill music)
💡地域争端(territorial disputes)
💡澳大利亚说唱(Australian rap)
💡社会问题(social issues)
💡音乐视频(music video)
澳大利亚少年在Mount Dru地区因地域争端和说唱音乐发生冲突
Mount Dru是澳大利亚最臭名昭著的说唱歌手的故乡
纪录片团队访问Mount Dru火车站,这是一场斗殴发生的地点
Postcode Wars是关于地区代码的帮派争斗
HR Hefner是一位当地说唱歌手,他讨论了Mount Dru的暴力历史
Micah是一位年轻的制作人和音乐家,他谈到了Mount Dru地区的生活
VTA Street Villain是一位当地的说唱歌手和唱片公司老板,他分享了自己早年的经历
犯罪是VTA Street Villain早年的主要收入来源,他通过偷窃和破坏来赚钱
VTA Street Villain描述了Mount Dru的生活,既有好的一面也有坏的一面
Drill音乐在Mount Dru地区非常流行,对当地年轻人有很大的影响
纪录片团队在Mount Dru地区拍摄了14的音乐视频,体验了当地的文化和生活方式
at Mount draw it rival gangs come face
to face this is a long running Feud over
rap music this clip show Australian
teenagers battling over territorial
disputes the attacking suburb Mount Dru
is home to Australia's most infamous
rappers we went to Australia to uncover
the truth behind their most violent
music sh they drink and listen to rap
music and [ __ ] the and all of a
sudden they want to go and kill some
sometime [ __ ] first ever got my
first arrest they're petrified they W
they weren't coming across a track no
way welcome to the Department of
information Australia the land of snakes
beaches and Steve Irwin wow but there's
more to the nation than that we're on
our way to mount Dru a sub about an hour
west of the Sydney CBD Mount Dru is the
home of Australian drill and widely
known as its most dangerous suburb gun
rated crime is on the rise in Southwest
Sydney it's not just the burglar thefts
anymore it's the physical violence that
everybody's so worried about now first
we visited Mount dra train station where
the brawl took place what we filming
documentary on M postcode Wars what are
the postcode Wars postcode Wars are
gangs so if you're postcode of Mount Dr
you say you're pen yeah and you're C in
here they give it to you we continue to
another area in Mount Dr called wilmart
to meet a local rapper called HR Hefner
my name is HRI Hefner this is Walmart
this is where I'm from I was raised to
you most of my
usch he's also Infamous for other things
after being charged with having a fling
with an inmate this man calb valer biky
associate and wannabe
rapper was that close that's
close m is a violent place and it has
been a violent place and it's known for
violent things they're definitely trying
to shut it down shut the music down we
were me to have a show a few weeks ago
me and my team and um yeah we got told
that the police weren't having us there
people listen to a song and all of a
sudden you know like they're drinking
listening to rap music and they [ __ ]
they vibing all of a sudden they want to
go out and kill some some kind or go out
and drink with the boys at the pub and
have a brawl you know like that's that's
probably what the police are looking at
like that but honestly it's I don't I
don't see it like that violence has been
happening long before music was even
around they were killing each other in
the [ __ ] the BCS and [ __ ] you
know what you do BR been goodz hey
what's it like on the bike yeah it's mad
it's [ __ ] hectic but like I grew up
all my life on it so it's just natural
to me you know they think we scumbags
and you know it's a place to come where
you're going to get [ __ ] attacked or
harassed you know what do you think
about Mount Dr
Drill drill that's home that's home bro
that's why every where we GRE up listen
to it if we like drinking sitting down
drinking we Chuck one Flor
on for others coming in from like the
beaches from the beaches they're
petrified they W they won't coming
across a track no way after talking to
HR we went to see a young producer and
musician called
Micah how are
youou yeah this is my local shop man
where I come all the time he I shot my
first video here oh this is like was
back when the drill ship was blowing up
thought I was a gangster back then yeah
I'm this
$2 Watch Me 2 years time I'll be in a
different different car here Mercedes
Benz these are the blocks bro these are
the blocks you don't want to walk in
there everyone tries to say man's a real
bad place but it's not that bad you know
like we all got good our hot out here
you know yeah so man J's like the main
Center and there's just like little
suburbs around it and [ __ ] it's a lot
more crime rate out here I just go a lot
I guess a lot more people are struggling
you know so like we're we're exposed to
that type of stuff a bit more than I'd
say kids in the Eastern suburbs in near
the beaches and that they don't see that
much after talking to Micah we went to a
park and prepared to interview another
local rapper and record label owner
called VTA Street villain just start
filming at the
house yeah this is my first house in me
it was
about eight families living here Poli
always to come cuz we kids used to get
roughed up a lot you know get get that
all in the discipline you know this is
where our first first ever got my first
arrest was here yeah we almost we just
missed this poll lucky we come off the
gutter here how old were you then then I
was like 15 like we always had money you
know we and and and we always figured a
way out to make money you know even as
so young how would you make
money man like the main source of income
was crime started stealing you know
started um you know
like breaking Z and there the wall of Fe
just come down and the crime level just
went up our age we pulling in like a
couple Grand a week and we're just we're
happy we like walking millionaires you
that's what all you could really do in
West City like you're either very good
at sport and very smart or just a street
C so yeah this this is my house right
here like I remember my mom used to go
off with me because like she spent a
week cleaning needles and beer bottles
out of the grass and I used to run
through it and slice my feet open and
[ __ ] this this was me back in the day on
that push bike there that that was me
you know and hey like 9 out that was
probably stolen too what's Mount draw
like CRA sometimes
it's sort of good sort of bad I guess
yeah whatever they say what's your
music I'm probably going to go inside
and tell my mom what happened what are
you going to tell her um that yeah I'm
now on TV I guess yeah this is this is
our school here go through the lockdowns
go through the um robberies at school
and I'm pretty sure the computer room
got robbed when I was in U7 here when
the drill start getting big in Mountain
Dr it I think I started hearing about it
when I was in jail we grew up doing
things like that and we can like really
talk about our violent upbringings our
vient doings so yeah you're just blaming
it on area be but area be was way way
before Jew you know the music kind of
changed because he was public and he was
like out to the world now you know
before group of boys would get onto a
park have a fight and that was it I I
haven't even met anyone that that was
back around fighting people from
Guilford you know what I mean like I
probably talked to a few of the men
but they don't talk about it they don't
know what I started they don't know how
it started but they know it started cuz
they were part of it you know what I
mean Halo I grew up with Halo a good
friend of mine this is the first time
I've linked up with him since we've been
in jail so I was involved in shooting
look I don't regret nothing really um
I'm sorry to the person I done it to
because of my mate I'm in prison for
nothing to boast about nothing to be
proud of do you have any low points when
you're in prison [ __ ] every day every
single day every day like [ __ ] every
day a big crowd had soon gathered and
hoodrich started worrying about the
police that c they didn't turn up but we
headed back to the shops and everyone
else started going
home we also visited mic's home studio
still with my
parents hey lasts stin in their badside
this is where I rap most of my stuff I
guess I've been doing music my whole
life since I was a little kid I think
when 14 when 14 started they they kind
of like were the first people to go
International and like that inspired you
know younger artists like me and other
people coming up as well to push music
we never had that before so I feel like
the culture is growing a lot more and
it's going to be a big scene one day
I'll show you young Talent this guy his
name is Draco he's from M he hasn't
released any music yet we've just been
in the studio working on stuff this is
my beat it's
crazy it's my beat what you know
and I light trying to get United Keys
when I roll up enough to the what you
mean uped
greens there was still more information
we needed to find out we were put in
touch with Dennis who directed all 14's
early music videos he was on set that
evening so he spoke to him there it was
crazy it was just like nothing's been
done like that before like chaos would
happen in front of you and you would
just have to like react to what's
happening it was kind of like a 80%
chance that cops would come and it got
pretty bad to the point where like
another client was like oh yeah want to
shoot a drill video and we'll just call
the cops to come to our
set soon told us4 were filming a music
video the next day and gave us the
manager's number as we headed to a
distant campsite for the night we prayed
we would be allowed to attend wait till
the morning yeah do a hard cut till the
morning we soon hit a back to Mount dra
but had heard nothing from the manager
finally he called and we were allowed to
get down to business yet as we arrived
our mic was quickly taken by one of 14's
close friends the motor oh look had a
crash hey on the scene on
the what's up [ __ ] you know what
the [ __ ] it is man we are here yes how
ganging that this family this family out
here this is Mount
Dr we're at the4 music video in Mount
oh we live here where do you live oh
just over there what's happening in your
front yard one Fall's here what are they
doing doing a
musical our we all dances here we all
just dancing for one4 backing up for
he yeah they're making a scene bro the
noise the bikes you know drinking that's
bro I like do with the motorbikes the
burnout I just like burnouts to be
honest with you what do you call a Ply
with One Wing I don't know what do you
call it dizzy why cuz he like fighing
running circles how do you know one 14
oh they're my brothers I grow up with
them that's all the brothers out here
all my brothers are here from
who are you I'm Shaye I know quite a bit
cuz I've been listening it to for like 2
to 3 years
now yeah I'm so nervous right now my
daughter is the biggest fan of 1 14 she
loved them what what's your favorite
song I can't even name them but I I know
he hear it all the time I'm welcome to
prison or home in the way welcome to
prison I don't know I just like the
scenery and um home in like home in in
the way just like filmed in my bush they
want you just
come is this your mom yes this is my mom
what do you think about her love for
one4 I don't mind she loved them seen
them all the time she WS she can rap do
you think she could be a rapper well she
wants to be so hopefully I just I just
said to my mom today coming down here is
probably like a good start to my rapping
career watch how it's
done thank you
I got the music video is wrapping up
we've got a flight to catch back to New
Zealand this has been drill and mount Dr
Griffin what do you think that's a rap
bro I'm hooked in subscribe to patreon
thanks for paying for our shitty van so
I can smell Lou stinky
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