How to Rewrite Articles for free | SEO Friendly | Remove Plagiarism

w3 academy
29 Oct 202105:25

TLDRIn this informative video, the presenter shares two effective methods for creating unique and plagiarism-free articles for blogs or other purposes. The first method involves using the free online tool at, specifically the Article Rewriter feature, to transform existing content into a unique piece with zero percent plagiarism. The second method leverages Google Translate to translate an article into a different language, then back into English, resulting in a rephrased version that retains the original meaning but alters the wording. Both techniques are demonstrated to produce content that is 100% unique and suitable for SEO and other uses. The video concludes with an invitation to subscribe for more valuable content.


  • 📝 Use's Article Rewriter to create unique and plagiarism-free articles.
  • 🔍 Before rewriting, check the plagiarism of the original article to ensure it's not already copied content.
  • 💡 Copy and paste the original content into the Article Rewriter, then click submit for a rewritten version.
  • 🆕 The rewritten content should be unique and can be used for blog posts or SEO purposes.
  • 🔗 The link to Article Rewriter is provided in the video description for easy access.
  • 🌐 Utilize Google Translate as a second method to rewrite articles by translating the text through multiple languages.
  • 🔄 Start with the original English article, translate it to Portuguese, then to Italian, Spanish, and back to English.
  • 📑 This translation process changes the wording while maintaining the original article's context.
  • 📝 The resulting article from Google Translate is also plagiarism-free and unique.
  • 🛠️ Use advanced plagiarism checkers like the one from w3tools to ensure the content is truly unique.
  • 🔗 Access the plagiarism checker tool from the link provided in the video description.
  • 👍 Subscribe to the YouTube channel for more informative videos in the future.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is teaching viewers how to create unique and plagiarism-free articles for their blogs or other purposes.

  • How many methods does the video presenter share for rewriting articles?

    -The video presenter shares two methods for rewriting articles.

  • What is the first method for creating unique articles mentioned in the video?

    -The first method is to use a free online tool, specifically's Article Rewriter, to create a unique and plagiarism-free article.

  • How does the Article Rewriter tool on work?

    -The Article Rewriter tool takes existing content, rewrites it to be unique, and reduces plagiarism to zero percent, making the content suitable for use on blogs or websites.

  • What is the second method for creating plagiarism-free articles discussed in the video?

    -The second method involves using Google Translate to translate an article into multiple languages and back to English, which changes the wording while maintaining the original context.

  • How does the Google Translate method help in creating unique articles?

    -The Google Translate method helps by altering the phrasing of the original article while keeping the meaning intact, resulting in a unique article that is not considered plagiarism.

  • What is the purpose of using these rewriting methods?

    -The purpose of using these rewriting methods is to generate content that is suitable for SEO purposes, can be used on blogs or websites, and adheres to plagiarism-free standards.

  • How can viewers access the Article Rewriter tool mentioned in the video?

    -Viewers can access the Article Rewriter tool by visiting and navigating to the tool's page, which is provided in the video description.

  • What is the name of the advanced plagiarism checker mentioned in the video?

    -The advanced plagiarism checker mentioned in the video is provided by w3tools.

  • How can viewers ensure the content they create is truly unique and plagiarism-free?

    -Viewers can use the advanced plagiarism checker by w3tools to check the uniqueness of their rewritten content and ensure it is free from plagiarism.

  • What does the video presenter recommend for viewers who want to follow along with the content?

    -The video presenter recommends that viewers subscribe to their YouTube channel to not miss future videos.

  • What is the significance of using plagiarism-free content on blogs or websites?

    -Using plagiarism-free content is significant because it ensures originality, improves SEO rankings, and avoids copyright issues, which can lead to penalties or legal actions.



📝 Creating Unique Articles with Plagiarism-Free Tools

This paragraph introduces the video's topic, which is about generating unique and plagiarism-free articles for blogging or other purposes. The speaker outlines two methods to achieve this goal. The first method involves using an online tool from, specifically the 'article rewriter' feature, to create content that is 100% unique and free from plagiarism. The process is demonstrated by copying an existing article, pasting it into the tool, and then receiving a rewritten version that can be used for blogging or SEO purposes. The second method is using Google Translate to translate an article into multiple languages and back to English, effectively rephrasing the content while maintaining the original meaning. The paragraph concludes with a mention of an advanced plagiarism checker tool from w3tools to ensure the content's uniqueness.


🔄 Utilizing Google Translate and W3 Tools for Content Creation

The speaker summarizes the video's content, emphasizing the use of Google Translate and the free article rewriter from W3 Tools to create 100% unique and plagiarism-free content. The paragraph encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel to stay updated with future videos. It reinforces the effectiveness of the demonstrated tools in producing high-quality content suitable for blogs and websites.



💡Article Rewriter

An 'Article Rewriter' is a tool that rephrases existing content to create new, unique versions of articles. In the context of the video, the Article Rewriter from is used to generate content that is free from plagiarism, which is crucial for SEO and maintaining originality on a blog or website. The tool is showcased as a method to input copied text and produce a rewritten version that is distinct from the original.


Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit and presenting them as one's own. The video emphasizes the importance of avoiding plagiarism by creating unique content or effectively rewriting existing content. The term is central to the video's theme as it highlights the need for originality in online content to achieve better SEO rankings and adhere to ethical standards.

💡Unique Content

Unique content is original material that has not been previously published or widely available. The video focuses on methods to create such content by using tools like the Article Rewriter and Google Translate. The goal is to maintain the essence of the original article while altering its wording to ensure it is distinct and not considered plagiarized, which is vital for SEO and the credibility of a blog or website.

💡SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the practice of optimizing content to rank higher in search engine results. The video discusses creating unique and plagiarism-free articles to improve SEO, as search engines favor original content. Unique articles are more likely to be indexed and ranked well, which can lead to increased organic traffic to a blog or website.

💡Google Translate

Google Translate is an online service that translates text from one language to another. In the video, it is used as a method to rewrite articles by translating an English article into multiple languages and then back into English. This process changes the wording of the article while preserving its meaning, resulting in content that is both unique and free from plagiarism.

💡 is mentioned in the video as a website providing an Article Rewriter tool. This online service is part of the solution presented to create plagiarism-free content. The website is used to demonstrate how to take existing content and produce a new version that is unique and suitable for SEO purposes.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of generating original material for various forms of media. In the context of the video, content creation is discussed in relation to writing articles for blogs or websites. The focus is on producing content that is not only original but also optimized for search engines, which can be achieved through the use of rewriting tools and translation services.

💡Online Tool

An online tool, as mentioned in the video, is a software application that runs on the internet. The video specifically refers to the Article Rewriter from as an online tool that aids in content creation by generating unique articles. Online tools are convenient as they can be accessed from anywhere and are often user-friendly, making them a popular choice for bloggers and website owners.

💡Zero Percent Plagiarism

The term 'Zero Percent Plagiarism' indicates that a piece of content has no instances of plagiarism and is entirely original. The video script emphasizes the goal of achieving this level of originality through the use of rewriting tools and translation methods. It is a key objective for those looking to improve their SEO and maintain the integrity of their online content.


Blogging is the act of regularly sharing information, opinions, or stories through an online journal or website known as a blog. The video is aimed at bloggers who need to create engaging, unique content for their blogs. It discusses techniques to ensure that blog posts are original and optimized for search engines, which is essential for attracting readers and improving a blog's visibility online.

💡Advanced Plagiarism Checker

An Advanced Plagiarism Checker is a tool used to detect instances of plagiarism in written content. In the video, the Advanced Plagiarism Checker by w3 tools is mentioned as a way to verify the uniqueness of rewritten articles. It is an essential tool for content creators to ensure that their articles are free from plagiarism before publishing them on their blogs or websites.


The video discusses methods to create unique and plagiarism-free articles for blogging or other purposes.

Method one involves using a free online tool, specifically, to rewrite articles.

The article rewriter can create 100% unique and plagiarism-free content.

Demonstration of checking plagiarism on an article copied from Google and rewriting it using the tool.

The rewritten article is shown to be 100% unique and suitable for SEO purposes.

The second method for creating unique content is using Google Translate.

The process involves translating an English article into Portuguese, then Italian, Spanish, and back to English.

This translation method changes the wording but retains the context of the original article.

The final article is plagiarism-free and unique, suitable for blogging or website content.

An advanced plagiarism checker by w3tools is available to ensure content uniqueness.

The video provides a link to the w3tools article rewriter tool in the description.

The video demonstrates how to use Google Translate to rewrite articles for content creation.

The video emphasizes the importance of unique content for SEO and blogging.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on using the tools for article rewriting.

The video assures viewers that the content generated will be suitable for various purposes including SEO.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel for future content.

The video concludes with a summary of the methods discussed for creating unique and plagiarism-free articles.