HyperWrite Powers Its Generative AI Service with Cohere

24 Jan 202311:36

TLDRIn this engaging interview, Louis Stott from Cohere discusses the power of large language models with Matt, the CEO of HyperWrite. Founded in late 2020, HyperWrite aims to simplify interaction with AI models for the average user, focusing initially on writing assistance. The platform streamlines the writing process from planning to editing, offering real-time assistance and generating content in the user's writing style. Matt shares his insights on the evolution of AI language models and how HyperWrite leverages Cohere's models to provide a seamless user experience. He also addresses concerns about deploying large language models, emphasizing the importance of safety and the implementation of filtering technologies. Looking ahead, Matt envisions HyperWrite as an ambient personal computing assistant, enhancing everyday interactions and tasks. He advises other business leaders to start integrating AI models today to gain a competitive edge and to focus on hiring in-house expertise. The growth of HyperWrite has been remarkable, with business professionals being the fastest growing segment, as the tool significantly improves their email writing efficiency.


  • 📝 HyperWrite is an AI-powered writing assistant that uses large language models to help users with writing tasks.
  • 🚀 Founded in late 2020, HyperWrite aims to make it easy for everyone to get value from large-scale AI models through writing.
  • 🔍 The technology can translate a user's brief summary into a fully written piece in their style, such as emails or business memos.
  • 🌐 HyperWrite's services cover the entire writing process, from planning and drafting to editing and iterating.
  • ✅ The platform provides real-time assistance, offering immediate alternative options and edits to improve the writing.
  • 🤖 The use of large language models has grown significantly, enabling capabilities that were unimaginable a few years ago.
  • 🏢 HyperWrite chose to use a hosted model like Cohere to focus on customer needs rather than the complexities of model hosting.
  • 👥 The company prioritizes customer satisfaction and user experience, allowing them to focus on their strengths and iterate quickly.
  • 🛡️ HyperWrite employs multiple layers of filters to mitigate risks associated with AI-generated content, ensuring safety and quality.
  • 📈 The company is growing rapidly, with business professionals being the fastest growing segment, due to the tool's effectiveness in tasks like email writing.
  • 🌟 HyperWrite envisions a future where AI models become ambient personal computing assistants, enhancing everyday interactions and tasks.
  • 💡 For businesses looking to deploy AI models, the advice is to start now, learn, and hire in-house expertise to maximize the benefits and efficiency gains.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of HyperWrite?

    -HyperWrite is an AI-powered writing assistant that aims to make it easy for everyone to get value out of large-scale AI models, particularly in writing. It assists users across the writing process, from planning to drafting, editing, and iterating.

  • How does HyperWrite help with writing an email?

    -HyperWrite can take a quick summary of what a user wants to say and translate it into a full, well-written email in the user's writing style, capturing the exact message they want to convey.

  • What is the role of large language models in HyperWrite's service?

    -Large language models are the foundation of HyperWrite's service. They enable the platform to generate text, understand context, and provide personalized writing assistance, which would not be possible without these advanced AI capabilities.

  • How did the idea for HyperWrite come about?

    -The idea for HyperWrite came about when Matt, the CEO, was working on another business and started fine-tuning GPT-2 on his own emails. He found the AI's understanding and personalization remarkable, which led him to pursue the concept further as the technology advanced.

  • Why did HyperWrite choose to use a hosted large language model like Cohere's instead of building their own?

    -HyperWrite chose a hosted solution to focus entirely on the customer and their needs. It allows them to concentrate on building and iterating the product without worrying about the complexities of building, hosting, and serving large language models.

  • What kind of support does Cohere provide to HyperWrite?

    -Cohere provides hands-on support to HyperWrite, helping them solve problems, figure out use cases, and scale their operations. This support acts as an extension of HyperWrite's team, enabling them to achieve more and faster results.

  • How does HyperWrite mitigate the risk of generating inappropriate content with large language models?

    -HyperWrite uses filtering technology, similar to what is used in social media, with multiple layers of filters to check, approve, and clear the outputs before they are shown to the user, ensuring that the content is appropriate.

  • What future use cases does HyperWrite envision for large language models?

    -HyperWrite sees large language models as superpowers for users, with the potential to automate writing and eventually automate everything else. They envision an ambient personal computing assistant that is always with the user, helping with various tasks and interactions in life.

  • What advice does Matt have for business leaders looking to deploy large language models in their organizations?

    -Matt advises starting today, as early adoption and learning are key to long-term success. He also recommends hiring in-house expertise who understand how to use and deploy these models effectively, as this can lead to significant efficiency gains and value.

  • Who is the typical user of HyperWrite?

    -The typical user of HyperWrite can be anyone, as it is a general tool with specific use examples. The main categories of users include marketers, business professionals, students, and English learners.

  • In which area is HyperWrite seeing the most growth?

    -HyperWrite is seeing the most growth among business professionals, as it provides unique value in areas like email writing, leading to high user satisfaction and organic growth through word-of-mouth.



🤖 Introduction to Hyperwrite and Cohere Partnership

The first paragraph introduces Louis Stott and Matt, the CEO of Hyperwrite, an AI-powered writing assistant focused on consumer use. Matt explains that Hyperwrite was founded in late 2020 with the goal of making large-scale AI models accessible to the average person through an easy-to-use writing interface. The technology allows users to input a summary of their desired content, and the system generates a fully written piece in the user's style. The success of Hyperwrite is attributed to advancements in large language models and their partnership with Cohere, which provides the necessary API for these capabilities.


🚀 Hyperwrite's Use of Large Language Models and Risk Mitigation

The second paragraph delves into how Hyperwrite utilizes large language models throughout the writing process, from planning to drafting, editing, and iterating. The platform offers real-time assistance, enabling users to create outlines, draft paragraphs, and receive immediate feedback and revisions. Concerns about deploying large language models due to potential inappropriate outputs are addressed by mentioning the use of filtering technology and多层过滤 (multiple layers of filters) to ensure content safety before it reaches the user. Matt also discusses the rapid development and future use cases for AI, envisioning an ambient personal computing assistant that assists with various tasks beyond writing.


📈 Hyperwrite's Growth and User Base

The third paragraph discusses the remarkable growth of Hyperwrite, which is outpacing expectations with increasing percentage growth over time. Business professionals represent the fastest-growing segment, as the tool significantly aids in email composition and other writing tasks, leading to high user satisfaction and organic growth. The tool's broad appeal is highlighted, with users ranging from marketers to students and English learners, all benefiting from personalized AI assistance tailored to their specific needs.



💡Generative AI Service

Generative AI Service refers to artificial intelligence systems that are capable of creating new content, such as text, images, or music, that is not simply a replication of existing data. In the context of the video, HyperWrite is a generative AI service that assists users with writing tasks, utilizing large language models to generate text in a user's own writing style.

💡Large Language Models

Large Language Models are sophisticated AI models designed to process and understand human language. They are trained on vast amounts of text data and can perform various language-related tasks. In the video, these models are the foundation of HyperWrite's service, allowing it to generate written content based on user prompts.


API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of protocols and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. Cohere makes large language models available via API, which HyperWrite uses to access the language models for its writing assistant service.

💡AI Powered Writing Assistant

An AI Powered Writing Assistant is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to assist with the writing process. It can automate various aspects of writing, such as drafting, editing, and proofreading. HyperWrite is described as the largest AI powered writing assistant focused on consumers, aiming to simplify the process of writing by leveraging large-scale AI models.

💡Customer Success

Customer Success is a term used to describe the ongoing relationship and interaction a company has with its customers to ensure they are achieving their desired outcomes from the products or services purchased. Louis Stott is identified as looking after customer success at Cohere, which implies his role is to ensure that Cohere's customers, like HyperWrite, are successful in their use of Cohere's language models.


Fine-tuning is a process in machine learning where a pre-trained model is further trained on a specific task to improve its performance for that task. Matt, the CEO of HyperWrite, mentions that he was fine-tuning GPT-2 on his own emails, which allowed him to see the potential of language models for personalized writing assistance.

💡Risk Mitigation

Risk Mitigation involves the process of identifying, assessing, and taking steps to reduce the impact of potential risks. In the context of deploying large language models, HyperWrite uses filtering technology to mitigate the risk of generating inappropriate content, ensuring that outputs are checked and approved before being shown to users.

💡Business Professionals

Business Professionals are individuals who work in the business sector and may require writing assistance for tasks such as creating emails, business memos, and documents. HyperWrite is particularly beneficial for this group as it can automate the writing process, making it more efficient and effective.

💡Organic Growth

Organic Growth refers to an increase in a company's size or value stemming from its current operations or business activities as opposed to growth from external factors such as acquisitions. HyperWrite's growth is described as organic, meaning it comes from users sharing the tool with others due to the value they find in it.

💡Personal Computing Assistant

A Personal Computing Assistant is a futuristic concept of an AI system that is always available to assist with various tasks, providing personalized help, advice, and feedback. HyperWrite envisions evolving into such an assistant, leveraging large language models to become an ambient, always-on helper for users.

💡Edge Cases

Edge Cases are scenarios that are at the outer limits of normal operation or functionality and may not be covered by typical processes or models. In the context of AI and language models, edge cases could be instances where the model produces unexpected or inappropriate outputs. HyperWrite addresses this by implementing multiple layers of content filters.


Cohere provides large language models via API to customers, including HyperWrite.

HyperWrite is an AI-powered writing assistant focused on consumers, founded in late 2020.

The goal of HyperWrite is to create an interface for the average person to interact with large-scale AI models.

HyperWrite can generate a fully written email in your style based on a quick summary of what you want to say.

Large language models have made it possible for HyperWrite to assist with writing, planning, drafting, editing, and iterating.

HyperWrite's platform allows users to request multiple drafts and revisions instantly.

The technology enables real-time editing, proofreading, and enhancement of writing to make it more engaging.

HyperWrite chose to use a hosted large language model from Cohere to focus on customer needs rather than model maintenance.

Cohere's hands-on support allows HyperWrite to extend their team's capabilities and solve problems quickly.

HyperWrite has implemented multiple layers of filters to mitigate the risk of inappropriate outputs.

The company is growing rapidly, with business professionals being the fastest growing segment.

HyperWrite envisions a future where AI models act as ambient personal computing assistants, always available to help.

For other businesses looking to deploy AI models, the advice is to start today and hire in-house expertise.

HyperWrite's user base is broad, including marketers, business professionals, students, and English learners.

The tool is designed to be a general writing assistant, with specific use cases for various types of writing.

HyperWrite's growth is largely organic, driven by word-of-mouth as users share the tool with others.

Cohere's support has been instrumental in allowing HyperWrite to scale without significant downtime.