I Just Monetized My 2nd Faceless YouTube Channel (Here’s Exactly How Step by Step)

Bryan Guerra
28 Jun 202309:35

TLDRThe speaker shares their experience monetizing a faceless YouTube automation channel, emphasizing the importance of selecting a niche of interest, creating high-quality videos, and adapting to YouTube's policies. They detail their process of scriptwriting, voiceover, and video editing, highlighting the shift from AI tools to human touch for better audience engagement. The video also addresses recent changes in YouTube Partner Program requirements, making it more achievable for creators.


  • 🎯 Successfully monetized a second faceless YouTube automation channel despite doubters.
  • 🚀 Recent YouTube Partner Program requirements have been lowered to 500 subscribers and 3,000 hours of watch time.
  • 🧐 The initial faceless channel journey was longer than expected, starting about eight months ago and facing a rejection due to repetitive content.
  • 🔍 Paraphrasing popular videos and overlaying Creative Commons videos led to interest and views, but not to monetization due to policy violations.
  • 🤔 The term 'repetitive content' is broad and open to interpretation, which can lead to rejection from the Partner Program.
  • 💡 Importance of picking a niche of interest or expertise, as it gives an edge over others and makes content creation enjoyable.
  • 🔥 Conduct thorough niche research before starting a channel to avoid saturation and ensure there's genuine interest in the topic.
  • 👥 Outsourcing is key for efficient video production, including scriptwriting, voiceover, and video editing.
  • 🎨 Quality is more important than quantity on YouTube; a small number of high-quality videos can significantly outperform a larger number of mediocre ones.
  • 🚀 Keeping up with niche trends and creating timely content can quickly boost channel growth and views.
  • 💰 Investment of time or money is necessary, but it's seen as an investment in a future asset that can provide monthly returns.

Q & A

  • What was the speaker's initial experience with monetizing their first faceless YouTube channel?

    -The speaker initially faced rejection from YouTube for their first faceless channel due to repetitive content, despite meeting the previous monetization requirements of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time.

  • What recent changes have been made to the YouTube Partner Program requirements?

    -The YouTube Partner Program requirements have been lowered, allowing channels to apply with only 500 subscribers and 3,000 hours of watch time, making it more achievable for content creators.

  • What were the speaker's assumptions about YouTube's monetization policy?

    -The speaker assumed that by not copying other people's videos and paraphrasing popular content with Creative Commons videos, their channel would be accepted for monetization. However, this approach resulted in their channel being flagged for repetitive content.

  • What is the importance of choosing the right niche for a faceless YouTube channel?

    -Choosing the right niche is crucial as it should be something the creator is interested in or knowledgeable about. This provides a competitive edge and makes content creation enjoyable. Additionally, niche research is essential to ensure the chosen topic has enough interest and isn't oversaturated.

  • How does the speaker approach creating high-quality videos for their channel?

    -The speaker focuses on identifying trending topics within their niche, outsourcing the scriptwriting to ChatGPT, and using either their own voiceover or hiring a professional from platforms like Fiverr. They also emphasize the importance of hiring skilled video editors to create high-quality graphics and motion visuals.

  • What are the speaker's recommendations for video editing and graphics?

    -The speaker recommends hiring a skilled whiteboard animator or a video editor proficient in motion graphics and stock videos. They suggest outsourcing this work on platforms like Fiverr, where quality service can be obtained at a reasonable cost.

  • How does the speaker ensure their videos are engaging and of high quality?

    -The speaker ensures engagement by using a human voiceover with natural inflection and speech patterns, as well as high-quality graphics that are relevant and appealing. They stress that quality is more important than quantity and that even a small improvement in video quality can significantly impact views.

  • What is the speaker's advice on video titles and thumbnails?

    -The speaker advises that having a high-quality thumbnail and a compelling title is crucial for attracting viewers. They recommend outsourcing this aspect if one does not have the skills, as it can significantly impact the video's performance.

  • How long did it take the speaker to monetize their second faceless YouTube channel?

    -The speaker does not specify the exact timeframe but mentions that the journey was longer than expected, starting about eight months prior to the video and including several updates along the way.

  • What is the speaker's view on the use of AI tools for creating YouTube content?

    -The speaker believes that while AI tools can be useful for creating content quickly, they may compromise on quality. They prefer human voiceovers and skilled video editing over AI-generated graphics for better engagement and viewership.

  • What is the key takeaway from the speaker's experience with monetizing faceless YouTube channels?

    -The key takeaway is that monetizing a faceless YouTube channel is achievable but requires time, consistency, and investment. It is important to pick a niche with interest, create high-quality videos on trending topics, and understand that monetization is an investment in a potential future asset.



🚀 Monetizing a Faceless YouTube Channel: Strategies and Insights

The speaker shares their experience of successfully monetizing a faceless YouTube channel, debunking common doubts. They detail the process of identifying a suitable niche, creating engaging content, and the time taken to achieve results. The speaker also discusses recent changes in YouTube's monetization policies, such as lowered requirements for the YouTube Partner Program, which now only need 500 subscribers and 3,000 hours of watch time. The journey of creating a faceless channel is described as longer than expected, with the first video being uploaded eight months ago. The speaker encountered issues with YouTube's policy on repetitive content and suggests that using Creative Commons videos might have been the problem. They emphasize the importance of picking a niche based on personal interest or knowledge and conducting thorough niche research before starting a channel.


🎤 Enhancing Video Quality and Engagement

The speaker discusses the importance of high-quality voiceovers and graphics in creating engaging videos for a faceless YouTube channel. They share their experiences with using AI tools for voiceovers and graphics, but ultimately prefer human voiceovers for better audience engagement. The speaker outlines their approach to video creation, which involves staying updated on popular topics within the niche, outsourcing scriptwriting to chatbots, and hiring voiceover artists and video editors. They compare two approaches for video editing: whiteboard animation and motion graphics with stock videos. The speaker emphasizes that quality is more important than quantity on YouTube and shares their successful formula for monetizing faceless YouTube channels, highlighting the need for time, consistency, and investment. They conclude by encouraging creators to focus on niches and topics of interest to ensure video success.




Monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a digital platform or content, such as a YouTube channel. In the context of the video, it is the goal of the creator to earn money from their faceless YouTube automation channels by following certain strategies and meeting YouTube's Partner Program requirements. The video details the creator's journey to monetize their channels and the lowered门槛, which now requires 500 subscribers and 3,000 hours of watch time.

💡Faceless YouTube Channel

A faceless YouTube channel is a type of content platform where the focus is on the content itself rather than the personality of the creator. These channels often do not feature the creator on camera and may use voiceovers, animations, or text overlays to present information. The video describes the creator's experience in establishing and growing such channels, emphasizing the importance of niche selection, quality content, and effective video editing.

💡Niche Selection

Niche selection refers to the process of choosing a specific topic or area of interest for content creation that is not overly saturated and has a potential audience. It is crucial for the success of a YouTube channel as it determines the target audience and the potential for viewer engagement. The video emphasizes the importance of picking a niche that the creator is knowledgeable about or passionate about to increase the chances of success.

💡YouTube Partner Program

The YouTube Partner Program is an initiative by YouTube that allows content creators to monetize their channels through various means such as ad revenue sharing. To qualify for the program, certain requirements must be met, including a specific number of subscribers and watch hours. The video discusses the recent changes to these requirements, making it more accessible for creators to apply.

💡Content Creation

Content creation involves the process of producing and publishing digital content, such as videos, for online platforms like YouTube. High-quality content is essential for attracting and retaining an audience. The video emphasizes the importance of creating engaging, well-researched content that resonates with the chosen niche and audience. It also discusses the use of various tools and strategies to enhance content quality and viewer engagement.


A voiceover is a recording of a voice that is used in audiovisual media to provide narration, dialogue, or other commentary. In the context of the video, voiceovers are used to convey information and stories without showing the creator's face, which is typical for faceless YouTube channels. The quality of the voiceover is crucial for connecting with the audience and keeping them engaged with the content.

💡Video Editing

Video editing is the process of manipulating and assembling video shots into a coherent sequence, often with added effects, transitions, and graphics. It is a critical component in content creation that enhances the visual appeal and overall quality of the final product. The video discusses the importance of hiring skilled video editors to create high-quality videos that can perform well on YouTube.

💡Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animation is a style of video content where illustrations are drawn and animated on a whiteboard in real-time, often accompanied by a voiceover. This format is popular for explainer videos and can be an effective way to present complex information in a simple and engaging manner. The video mentions the use of whiteboard animations as one of the approaches to creating content for the faceless YouTube channels.

💡Motion Graphics

Motion graphics, also known as kinetic typography or animated graphics, involve the integration of animation and graphic design to create visually dynamic content. This technique is used in video editing to enhance storytelling and make the content more engaging. The video discusses the use of motion graphics in video editing as a method to produce high-quality videos that can attract more views and subscribers.

💡Thumbnails and Titles

Thumbnails and titles are crucial elements of a YouTube video that serve as the first point of contact with potential viewers. They need to be eye-catching and accurately represent the content to encourage clicks and views. High-quality thumbnails and compelling titles can significantly increase the visibility and performance of a video on YouTube. The video emphasizes the importance of investing in good thumbnail design to support content success.


Consistency in content creation refers to the regular production and posting of content to maintain viewer interest and grow an audience. It is important for building momentum and keeping subscribers engaged over time. The video highlights the need for consistent content creation to achieve success on YouTube, especially when aiming to reach the threshold for monetization.


The speaker has successfully monetized their second faceless YouTube automation channel, defying doubters and proving that it can be done.

A detailed breakdown of the process used to identify a good faceless channel niche and create successful videos for the channel is provided.

Recent developments in YouTube monetization have lowered the requirements for the YouTube Partner Program, now only needing 500 subscribers and 3,000 hours of watch time.

The speaker's initial approach involved paraphrasing popular political videos and overlaying Creative Commons videos, which led to views but resulted in channel rejection due to repetitive content.

The term 'repetitive content' is broad and open to interpretation by YouTube reviewers, making it a common reason for channels not being accepted into the partner program.

The speaker believes that the use of Creative Commons videos, without sufficient editing or addition of new content, was the main issue leading to the channel rejection.

Picking a niche that you're interested in or knowledgeable about gives you an advantage and makes video creation more enjoyable.

Conducting niche research before launching a channel is crucial to avoid failure and ensure there is interest and potential for success in the chosen niche.

The speaker advises against just copying others' successful niches and emphasizes the importance of finding a unique and less saturated niche.

A combination of interest in the niche and quality content is essential for success, as is the case with a niche with lots of interest but slightly more competition.

The speaker shares a proven formula for creating videos, emphasizing the importance of staying updated with trending topics within the niche.

Human voiceovers are preferred over AI tools for connecting with the audience and keeping them engaged, especially on faceless channels.

Quality is more important than quantity on YouTube, with even a slight increase in quality leading to a significant difference in views.

The speaker's approach to video creation involves staying updated with niche trends, outsourcing scriptwriting, doing voiceovers, and hiring video editors for high-quality graphics.

Whiteboard animation or motion graphics are used for video editing, depending on the niche and topic, with a focus on hiring skilled animators or editors.

High-quality thumbnails and titles are crucial for attracting views, and these can also be outsourced to designers.

The speaker emphasizes that monetizing a faceless YouTube channel is achievable with time, consistency, and investment, and provides a step-by-step guide on how to do so.