I found an insane A.I. Automatic video editor

Marcus Jones
3 Jul 202309:23

TLDRThe video introduces an AI-powered video editing tool called Time Bolt, which significantly reduces editing time by automatically removing silences and unwanted pauses from audio tracks. The tool offers advanced settings, supports multi-track and multi-cam editing, and integrates directly with Premiere for a seamless workflow. The creator emphasizes the software's efficiency and user-friendly features, such as keyboard shortcuts and automatic punch-ins/outs, making it an ideal solution for content creators looking to save time and enhance productivity.


  • 🚀 The speaker discovered an automated video editing tool that significantly saves time, to the point of editing the video the audience is watching.
  • 🔍 The quest for time-saving led to the exploration of an open-source auto video editing software found on GitHub a year ago, which was basic but effective.
  • 📈 The tool removes pauses from audio tracks, making it efficient for editing voiceovers or commentary videos, where silence usually indicates uninteresting parts.
  • 🎥 The software can export the edited audio as an editable file, allowing further refinement in a video editor by manually adjusting the cuts.
  • 💻 Despite the effectiveness of the GitHub code, its complexity made it inaccessible to non-developers, prompting the search for a more user-friendly alternative.
  • 🔥 The search resulted in finding seven auto-editing tools, with Time Bolt emerging as the best option due to its in-depth settings, customization, and advanced features.
  • 🎞️ Time Bolt can handle complex editing tasks, including multi-cam setups, audio and video editing, and synchronization of multiple tracks.
  • 📌 A unique feature of Time Bolt is its 'Um Check' tool, which can automatically remove filler words from voiceovers or videos.
  • 🔗 Time Bolt offers a direct plugin for Premiere, integrating seamlessly into the existing workflow without the need for additional applications.
  • 🛠️ The software provides various editing shortcuts and advanced features like punch-in settings for smoother video transitions and the ability to add background music.
  • 📦 The final edited file can be rendered in different formats, with XML being ideal for compatibility with video editing software, allowing further adjustments without losing original audio quality.

Q & A

  • What is the main problem the speaker is trying to solve with the video editing tool?

    -The main problem the speaker is trying to solve is the lack of time spent on video editing, which hinders the success and growth of a YouTube channel.

  • How does the speaker describe the initial auto video editing tool found on GitHub?

    -The speaker describes the initial auto video editing tool as basic but effective in cutting out pauses from audio tracks, making the editing process more efficient.

  • What is the name of the software the speaker found to be the best among the seven auto editing tools discovered?

    -The best software among the seven auto editing tools discovered is called Time Bolt.

  • What are some of the advanced features of Time Bolt that the speaker highlights?

    -Some advanced features of Time Bolt include in-depth settings and options for customization, the ability to add video and audio editing, support for multi-cam setups, and a direct plug-in for Premiere.

  • How does the speaker demonstrate the use of Time Bolt in the video?

    -The speaker demonstrates the use of Time Bolt by showing how it automatically cuts out silent parts from an audio track, allows editing of the timeline, and how it can be used to add notes for editors.

  • What keyboard shortcut does the speaker use to play or pause the video during editing in Time Bolt?

    -The speaker uses the spacebar on the keyboard to play or pause the video during editing in Time Bolt.

  • How does Time Bolt help in managing the beginning of words that might be cut off due to the editing process?

    -Time Bolt allows the user to adjust the left padding, which adds more space at the beginning of each cut, preventing the cutting off of the start of words.

  • What is the Punch In setting in Time Bolt, and how is it used?

    -The Punch In setting in Time Bolt is a technique used to disguise cuts and improve video flow. It allows the editor to automatically punch in or out on the footage, which would otherwise require adding keyframes in a video editing software.

  • How can transitions be added between clips in Time Bolt?

    -In Time Bolt, transitions can be added between clips by clicking on the 'Apply Transitions' button, selecting the desired transition, setting the duration, and the software automatically applies the transition between each cut.

  • What file type does the speaker choose to render the edited video for compatibility with their video editing software?

    -The speaker chooses to render the edited video as an XML file for compatibility with their video editing software, Premiere.

  • How does the speaker ensure that the cuts made by Time Bolt are editable in their video editing software?

    -The speaker exports the timeline as an XML file, which retains the edits made by Time Bolt in a format that is editable within their video editing software, Premiere.



🎥 Introducing an Efficient Video Editing Tool

The speaker discusses discovering a tool that significantly reduces video editing time to just three clicks. This tool has been used to edit the current video, showcasing its efficiency. The speaker's obsession with time-saving led to the exploration of auto-editing software, starting with an open-source tool found on GitHub. The limitations of this initial tool prompted a search for a more user-friendly alternative, resulting in the discovery of seven different auto-editing tools. The best among them is 'Time Bolt', highlighted for its in-depth settings, multi-track editing capabilities, and direct integration with Premiere. The speaker then demonstrates how Time Bolt selects and edits audio files by removing silence and unwanted parts, emphasizing the time-saving benefits and improved workflow.


🎞️ Advanced Features and Editing Techniques with Time Bolt

The speaker continues to elaborate on the advanced features of Time Bolt, such as keyboard shortcuts for faster editing, the punch-in and punch-out technique for smoother cuts, and the application of transitions between clips. The speaker also explains how to render the edited content into different file types for further editing in a video editing program. The demonstration includes adjusting settings, applying transitions, and selecting background music. The speaker then shows how the exported XML file from Time Bolt can be imported into Premiere for further refinement, maintaining the original audio's integrity. The video concludes with a note on sponsorship and a call to action for viewers to explore Time Bolt and other resources for growing their YouTube channel.



💡Auto video editing

Auto video editing refers to the process of using software to automatically edit videos by analyzing the content and making cuts based on certain criteria, such as removing silences or pauses. In the video, the speaker discusses their discovery of an auto-editing tool that significantly reduces the time spent on editing, allowing for more efficient video production.


Time-saving is the concept of reducing the amount of time spent on a task or activity. In the context of the video, the speaker is obsessed with finding ways to save time in video editing to increase productivity and create more content for their YouTube channel.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control and collaboration that is used by developers. It allows them to store and manage their code, track changes, and work together on projects. In the video, the speaker mentions finding an auto-editing tool on GitHub, which is a platform known for hosting open-source projects and code.

💡Open Source

Open Source refers to a type of software whose source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute the software. The speaker mentions an open source auto video editing tool, emphasizing the benefits of customizable and community-driven software.


Efficiency in this context refers to the ability to perform tasks in the least amount of time while maintaining quality. The speaker is focused on improving efficiency in their video editing process to produce more content and improve their YouTube channel's success.

💡Time Bolt

Time Bolt is a software mentioned in the video as the best auto editor the speaker found. It offers advanced features like in-depth settings, options for video and audio editing, and direct plug-in support for Premiere, making it a comprehensive tool for efficient video editing.

💡Multi-cam setups

Multi-cam setups refer to the use of multiple video cameras to capture different angles or perspectives of the same scene. This is often used in professional video production to create a more dynamic and engaging viewing experience. The speaker mentions that Time Bolt can edit multi-cam setups, keeping all video and audio tracks in sync.

💡Direct plug-in for Premiere

A direct plug-in for Premiere refers to an additional software component that integrates seamlessly with Adobe Premiere Pro, a popular video editing software. This allows users to access the features of the plug-in directly within the Premiere interface, streamlining the editing process. The speaker praises Time Bolt for having such a plug-in, which simplifies their workflow.

💡Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keys on a computer keyboard that, when pressed in a specific sequence, execute a command or action more quickly than using a mouse or other input method. In the video, the speaker mentions that Time Bolt offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts to speed up the editing process.

💡XML file

An XML file, or Extensible Markup Language file, is a type of file used to store and transport data. It is designed to be both human-readable and machine-readable, making it ideal for data exchange between different systems. In the video, the speaker exports an XML file from Time Bolt, which can be imported into their video editing software to maintain the edits made by the auto editor.


Transitions in video editing are visual and audio effects used to move from one scene or shot to another. They help to create a smooth and professional flow between different parts of a video. The speaker mentions the ability to apply transitions between cuts in Time Bolt, which can enhance the overall look and feel of the edited video.


Discovered a tool that edits videos in just three clicks, saving hundreds of hours of editing time.

The tool was used to edit the video the viewer is watching, showcasing its effectiveness.

The quest to save time began a year ago due to the realization that lack of time is a major obstacle to YouTube success.

An Open Source Auto video editing Kodi was found on GitHub, which was the first step into auto-editing but was too technical for average users.

Recent advancements in AI have led to the development of more user-friendly auto-editing tools.

Seven auto-editing tools were found, with Time Bolt being the most impressive.

Time Bolt offers in-depth settings and options, making it highly customizable and advanced.

The software can edit multi-cam setups, keeping multiple video and audio tracks in sync.

Time Bolt features a tool called 'um check' that removes filler words from voiceovers or videos.

A direct plugin for Premiere allows automatic video editing within Premiere itself, streamlining the workflow.

Time Bolt offers numerous keyboard shortcuts for faster editing.

The 'punch in' setting helps disguise cuts and improve video flow in talking head videos.

Transitions can be applied between cuts with ease, enhancing the overall video presentation.

Background music can be added to videos directly within the software.

The software can render the edited video in various file types compatible with video editing programs.

The edited XML file can be imported into video editing software with all cuts editable, retaining the original audio.

The presenter has transitioned from using the Kodi code to Time Bolt for its efficiency and ease of use.

A link is provided for those interested in Time Bolt, with a small kickback supporting the channel for purchases made through it.