20 Feb 202406:59

TLDRThe review discusses the fifth album 'Tank' by UK rock band Idols, highlighting their evolution from their loud and brash beginnings to a more nuanced sound. The album sees the band experimenting with dance grooves and varied instrumentation, showing growth in both musicality and lyrical depth. Despite some shortcomings in song transitions, 'Tank' is viewed as an improvement over their previous work, earning a rating of seven.


  • 🎶 The review is about the fifth album 'Tank' from the UK rock and post-punk band Idols, known for their loud and opinionated music.
  • 🚀 Idols gained popularity in the late 2010s with their bold sound and critical takes on societal issues like violence, sexism, and ignorance.
  • 📈 The band's trajectory has been upward, with their sound becoming increasingly blunt and their messages more pronounced.
  • 💥 The 2020 record 'Ultra Mono' was particularly notable for its loud and unapologetic delivery of the band's views.
  • 🌟 'Ultra Mono' was a fan favorite and critically acclaimed, though not as nuanced as its predecessors.
  • 🎵 The band's frontman, Joe Talbot, and the group have recognized limitations in their unbridled anger and explosive approach.
  • 🔄 The previous album 'Crawler' marked a shift with a more stripped-back and toned-down sound, reflecting a desire to change creatively.
  • 🕺 'Tank' sees the band attempting to build back up with more dance grooves and looped instrumentation, moving towards a more balanced sound.
  • 🎭 The album features collaborations, including with LCD Soundsystem, and production from Nigel Godrich, known for his work with Radiohead.
  • 🌧 While 'Tank' shows growth and a more nuanced approach, some tracks still struggle with compelling transitions and fully developed sounds.
  • 💬 Joe Talbot's lyrics on 'Tank' show a more concerted effort to write about love, emotional intelligence, and self-determination.

Q & A

  • Which band's album is being reviewed in the transcript?

    -The album being reviewed is from the band Idols.

  • What is the general perception of Idols in the music scene?

    -Idols are perceived as one of the loudest, most brash, and opinionated bands out of the UK, known for their bold presentation and themes of systematic violence, sexism, bigotry, and general ignorance.

  • How does the reviewer describe the sound evolution of Idols from their 2020 record to their latest album?

    -The sound evolution shows a shift from the nuanced and explosive sound of their 2020 record 'Ultra Mono' to a more stripped back and toned down sound in their latest album, with an emphasis on subtlety over sheer rage.

  • What is the significance of the track 'Model Village'?

    -'Model Village' is a track that the reviewer personally favors, as it represents the band's unbridled anger and the emotions fueling their songs, which they no longer wish to present.

  • What change in direction did the band make with their album 'Crawler'?

    -With 'Crawler', the band shifted to a more stripped back sound, emphasizing subtlety and focusing on themes of love and emotional intelligence, marking a departure from their previous hardline stances.

  • How does the reviewer describe the band's attempt to reintroduce a pulse into their music in the 'Tank' album?

    -The band attempts to reintroduce a pulse by embracing dance grooves and looped bits of instrumentation, moving away from rowdy riffs and head-pounding mixes.

  • What collaboration is mentioned in the review that influenced the band's sound?

    -A collaboration with LCD Sound System is mentioned, which influenced the band's move towards dance grooves while maintaining a heavy, grim atmospheric sound.

  • What is the reviewer's opinion on the lyrics of the 'Tank' album?

    -The reviewer is more impressed with the lyrics on the 'Tank' album than on 'Crawler', noting an effort to write about themes of love and emotional intelligence, which aligns with the band's sonic and stylistic shift.

  • Which track is highlighted as a straightforward rocker on the 'Tank' album?

    -The song 'Hall and Oats' is highlighted as the most straightforward rocker on the 'Tank' album.

  • How does the reviewer rate the 'Tank' album on a scale?

    -The reviewer rates the 'Tank' album a light seven, considering it an improvement on the previous album 'Crawler'.



🎶 Evolution and Review of Idols' New Album 'Tank'

This paragraph introduces the review of the new album 'Tank' by the band Idols, highlighting their musical journey and reputation as a loud and opinionated group from the UK. It discusses the band's evolution from their breakout in the 2010s to their 2020 record 'Ultra Mono', and the creative challenges they face in balancing their punk roots with a more nuanced sound. The reviewer shares personal opinions on the band's previous work and sets the stage for an in-depth analysis of 'Tank', noting the band's attempts to incorporate dance grooves and varied instrumentation while maintaining their signature heavy atmosphere.


🎵 Analyzing Lyrics and Emotional Themes in 'Tank'

The second paragraph delves into the lyrical content and emotional themes explored in 'Tank'. It commends the band's frontman, Joe Talbot, for making a concerted effort to write about love and emotional intelligence, aligning with the band's sonic and stylistic shifts. The reviewer expresses mixed feelings about the closing track and its subdued ending but appreciates the messages of self-determination and gratitude conveyed through the album. The paragraph also highlights the catchy and supportive message in 'Hall and Oats', a standout track that addresses male loneliness with humor and heart. The reviewer concludes by rating the album with a 7/10, acknowledging it as an improvement over the band's previous work and invites the audience to share their opinions.




Idols is a rock and post-punk band from the UK that gained prominence in the late 2010s. Known for their loud and brash sound, they tackle themes such as systematic violence, sexism, and bigotry. In the context of the video, the band is transitioning and exploring new musical directions, which reflects their growth and evolution in the industry.

💡Joe Talbot

Joe Talbot is the frontman of the band Idols. He plays a significant role in shaping the band's sound and lyrical content. In the video, it is mentioned that Joe is beginning to explore themes of love and emotional intelligence, indicating a shift in the band's creative direction.

💡Ultra Mono

Ultra Mono is a 2020 record by Idols that is characterized by its loud and aggressive sound. It represents a peak in the band's exploration of societal issues. The video script contrasts this album with their newer work, 'tank', where the band is seen to be moving towards a more nuanced and varied sound.


Crawler is the preceding album to 'tank' by Idols. It is described as having a more stripped-back and toned-down sound compared to their earlier work. The video script suggests that 'Crawler' reflects a transitional phase for the band, where they were exploring a less aggressive and more subtle approach to their music.

💡Dance Grooves

Dance grooves refer to the rhythmic patterns in music that are designed to be danced to. In the context of the video, Idols is embracing dance grooves in their new album 'tank', which indicates a shift from their traditional punk and post-punk sound to a more accessible and rhythmically diverse style.

💡LCD Sound System

LCD Sound System is an American rock band known for their fusion of various musical styles, including dance-punk and new wave. In the video, Idols collaborates with LCD Sound System, which influences the dance-oriented direction of some tracks on the 'tank' album.

💡Nigel Godrich

Nigel Godrich is a renowned music producer, famous for his work with Radiohead and other notable artists. In the video, his involvement in the production of Idols' 'tank' album is discussed, indicating the band's attempt to achieve a more varied and cinematic sound.

💡Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand, use, and manage one's own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. In the video, Joe Talbot's attempt to write about themes of love and emotional intelligence is seen as part of the band's evolving lyrical content.


Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness or appreciation for something or someone. In the context of the video, the song 'Gratitude' by Idols is highlighted as an example of the band exploring themes of thankfulness and emotional depth.

💡Male Loneliness

Male loneliness is a social issue that refers to the feelings of isolation and lack of companionship that some men may experience. In the video, the song 'Hall, Oats' by Idols is mentioned in relation to a meme about male loneliness, suggesting that the song addresses themes of camaraderie and support among men.


Transition in a musical context refers to the process of changing from one style, genre, or sound to another. In the video, Idols' new album 'tank' is seen as a transition from their previous aggressive and loud sound to a more nuanced, balanced, and occasionally groovy style.


Review of the new Idols album, Tank, the fifth full-length LP from the Rock and Post Punk outfit.

Idols gained a reputation as one of the loudest, most brash, and opinionated bands out of the UK since the late 2010s.

The band's music addresses issues like systematic violence, sexism, bigotry, and general ignorance.

Their 2020 record, Ultra Mono, was a personal favorite and reached a peak in the band's sound and message.

The album, Tank, is not as nuanced as previous works and is delivered in a loud, straightforward manner.

Idols' creative direction began to feel limiting due to their unbridled anger and explosive punk appeal.

Frontman Joe Talbot started seeing limitations in the presentation of anger in their songs.

The track 'Model Village' showcases the band's struggle with their creative direction and emotional fuel.

The follow-up LP, Crawler, reflected a change of heart with a more stripped-back and toned-down sound.

Tank sees the band attempting to rebuild their sound with more dance grooves and looped instrumentation.

Collaboration with LCD Soundsystem on the song 'Dancer' brings Idols closer to the dance floor while maintaining their heavy sound.

Kenny Beats, a frequent collaborator, contributed to the groovier elements of the record, such as on 'Gift Horse'.

The band has not completely changed their sound but has become more varied and balanced.

Some songs on the album struggle with writing compelling transitions and building up the emotional and sonic structure.

The band experiments with eerie and cinematic instrumentation, as heard on the opener and 'A Gospel'.

Nigel Godrich, known for his work with Radiohead, is the super producer on this album, contributing to its varied and pretty sounds.

Joe Talbot's lyrics focus more on themes of love and emotional intelligence, a shift from previous themes.

The closing track discusses self-determination and growth, ending the record on a thoughtful note.

The song 'Gratitude' stands out for its passionate vocals and killer choruses.

The song 'Hall and Oats' embraces the theme of male camaraderie and support.

Overall, Tank is an improvement on Crawler, with more nuanced and occasionally groovy tracks.