GRAMMY Awards Red Carpet: IDLES

6 Feb 202304:09

TLDRIn this engaging transcript, the band members express their excitement and gratitude for their nominations and the opportunity to celebrate their hard work and that of their peers. They discuss the surreal experience of being in LA post-pandemic, embracing new experiences, and the band's unique sense of humor and style. The atmosphere is lively and positive, with a focus on the joy of being recognized and the camaraderie among the band members.


  • 🎶 The band members express excitement and gratitude for their nominations and the opportunity to celebrate their hard work and that of their peers.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ There is a mention of a missing award, with a commitment to find the culprits who stole it.
  • 🌟 The band has been together for a long time, learning to focus on what's important while maintaining humility.
  • 🏆 The experience of being at the event is described as magical, highlighting the joy of being recognized and appreciated.
  • 📍 The band is from overseas, which adds a sense of surrealism and wonder to their experience at the LA event.
  • 🌞 A contrast is drawn between the sober daytime in LA and the sketchy nightlife, with the speaker having recently recovered from the latter.
  • 🎉 The young age of 20 is playfully mentioned, along with a humorous comment about wearing clothes.
  • 👔 Fashion choices are discussed, including wearing rented clothes and a preference for vintage London style.
  • 🐿️ A humorous anecdote about a flying squirrel and a joke about buying it for a dollar adds levity to the conversation.
  • 🏙️ The contrast between being from the area and the band's outsider perspective is touched upon, with one member claiming a better sense of humor.
  • 🏀 A basketball analogy is used to describe the band's journey and current success, with the nomination for MVP being a significant highlight.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the conversation in the transcript?

    -The main theme of the conversation is the band's experience with their Grammy nominations, their feelings about being in LA post-pandemic, and their personal style choices.

  • How does the band feel about their Grammy nominations?

    -The band feels that it's a dream and a surreal experience. They appreciate the recognition and see it as a celebration of their hard work and their peers.

  • What does the band member mean when they say 'we're coming for you'?

    -The band member is playfully expressing their competitive spirit and determination to continue striving for success, possibly referring to other nominees or challenges in the music industry.

  • How does the band describe their experience in LA?

    -The band finds LA to be great, especially when sober. They mention the difference between the daytime and the nightlife, and one member humorously talks about experiencing the 'sketchy' side of LA.

  • What is the significance of the band member's comment about being 20 years old and wearing his clothes?

    -The comment highlights the band member's youthfulness and possibly a sense of pride in being able to attend such a prestigious event at a young age, while also emphasizing their authenticity and comfort in their own style.

  • What does the band member mean by 'dressed by their cousin' and 'first adult shirt'?

    -This is a humorous way for the band member to describe their fashion choices, suggesting that they may not have had professional styling and are relying on their own or a family member's help to choose their outfit for the event.

  • What is the significance of the band member's mention of 'MVP' and the names that follow?

    -The mention of 'MVP' and the names signifies that one of the band members has been nominated for an award, likely the 'Most Valuable Player' in the context of music, and the names that follow are those of the other band members who are part of the nomination.

  • Why does the band member say 'I have a way better sense of humor than the rest of them'?

    -This statement is a playful jab at the other band members, suggesting that the speaker believes they have a more developed or different sense of humor, which adds to the camaraderie and light-hearted atmosphere of the conversation.

  • What is the significance of the band member's comment about being from Pasadena and having a better sense of humor?

    -The comment implies that the band member feels a connection to their hometown, Pasadena, and that it has influenced their personality and sense of humor, which they believe is superior to that of their bandmates.

  • How does the conversation end?

    -The conversation ends with a band member expressing gratitude and feeling appreciated, which reflects the positive and supportive atmosphere among the band members.



🎤 Band Interview and Grammy Experience

The paragraph introduces a band being interviewed, expressing excitement about their Grammy nominations and the surreal experience of being in LA post-pandemic. The band members discuss the importance of hard work, celebrating with peers, and maintaining a sense of humor. They also touch on the contrast between their British origins and the LA lifestyle, as well as the personal growth and style evolution of the band members, including a humorous mention of a 20-year-old band member and fashion choices.




The term 'band' refers to a group of musicians who perform music together. In the context of the video, it signifies the collective of individuals who have worked together to create music and are being recognized for their efforts through nominations and awards. The band members are celebrating their achievements and the hard work they've put into their craft, as seen in their interactions and discussions about their experiences and the excitement surrounding their nominations.


Awards are symbolic tokens given to individuals or groups to acknowledge their excellence or achievements in a particular field. In the video, the band is excited about their award nominations, which represent the recognition of their musical talent and the impact they've made in the industry. The awards serve as a validation of their hard work and the quality of their art.


The Grammy Awards are one of the most prestigious recognitions in the music industry, honoring outstanding achievements in various categories. In the context of the video, the band is participating in the Grammys post-pandemic, which adds a layer of surreal excitement as they are not only experiencing the event but also doing so after a significant global event like the pandemic. The Grammys symbolize the pinnacle of success in music and being a part of it is a dream come true for many artists.


The term 'post-pandemic' refers to the period after the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when societies are adjusting to the new normal and resuming activities that were disrupted or restricted. In the video, the band's experience at the Grammys is described as surreal partly because it's their first major industry event after the pandemic, adding a unique significance to their participation and the emotions they're feeling.


Celebrating is the act of marking one's achievements or important events with festivities or special activities. In the video, the band is in a celebratory mood as they attend the Grammys, an event that honors their achievements and provides an opportunity to appreciate their peers. It signifies a positive atmosphere and a collective acknowledgment of hard work and success.

💡hard work

Hard work refers to the dedication, effort, and persistence put into achieving a goal or task. In the video, the band emphasizes the importance of hard work in their journey to success, as they've been in the industry for a long time and have learned to stay focused on what's important. Their achievements and nominations are a direct result of their consistent efforts and commitment to their craft.


Culprits are individuals responsible for a wrongdoing or a crime. In the video, the term is used in a playful and informal context, referring to the hypothetical people who 'stole' the band's award. It adds a sense of humor to the conversation and does not imply any actual wrongdoing.


LA, short for Los Angeles, is a city in California known for its significant role in the entertainment industry, particularly music and film. In the video, the band members share their experiences in LA, especially noting the difference between the daytime and nighttime in the city. Their comments reflect the excitement and novelty of being in a city renowned for its vibrant culture and opportunities in the arts.


Surreal describes a situation or experience that is dreamlike or bizarre, often defying reality or expectations. In the video, the band members use the term to describe their feelings about attending the Grammys and being in LA, indicating that the events and environment feel almost too extraordinary to be real.


Nominations are formal proposals or selections for an award or honor, indicating that the nominee has been recognized for their excellence or achievements in a specific field. In the video, the band's nominations are a central theme, as they discuss the significance of being acknowledged for their work and the joy of celebrating this recognition with their peers.


British refers to individuals or things related to the United Kingdom, its people, culture, or language. In the video, one of the band members jokes about not being British, which adds a humorous element to the conversation and highlights the diversity within the group. It also subtly touches on the theme of international recognition and the global nature of the music industry.


Nice to meet the whole band

Feeling sad about not having any scraps due to overpromising

Searching for culprits who stole the award

Excitement about being nominated for incredible awards

Long-term experience in the industry and keeping focus on what's important

Celebrating hard work and peers at the event

The magic of being at the event and having a beautiful time

The surreal experience of being in LA post-pandemic for the event

Embracing the new and enjoying LA, especially sober

Recovering from a sketchy situation and being 20 years old

Wearing stylish clothes and expressing gratitude

Mention of wearing a rental and the humorous take on it

Sharing a love for vintage clothing from London

Feeling a sense of humor superior to the rest of the band

The band's album during the pandemic and now experiencing LA

Nomination for MVP and the congratulations received

Feeling wanted and appreciating the positive reception