I'm Scared Making This Video

12 May 202426:22

TLDRThe video discusses the alarming issues surrounding Boeing, a major aircraft manufacturer, and the suspicious deaths of whistleblowers who have spoken out against the company. It highlights the 737 Max model's safety concerns, which led to multiple crashes and the grounding of the fleet. The speaker expresses fear for their safety due to the apparent retaliation against critics. The video also covers allegations of corporate greed, with insiders reporting unethical practices and shortcuts in production, leading to significant financial and safety repercussions. Despite these issues, Boeing continues to operate and even collaborates with NASA on space missions. The summary serves as a warning about the potential dangers of prioritizing profit over safety and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the aviation industry.


  • 🚨 A Boeing whistleblower has died, and there have been crashes of Boeing 737 aircraft, raising concerns about safety and corporate ethics.
  • 📉 The federal government has launched an investigation into Boeing after a window panel blew out mid-flight on a plane.
  • 💸 Boeing is a massive company with a market cap of over $110 billion, making it a significant player in the aerospace industry.
  • ✈️ Boeing has faced criticism for its 737 and 787 aircraft models, which have been involved in fatal accidents and have been grounded.
  • 🔍 There is a pattern of whistleblowers who have spoken out against Boeing experiencing suspicious deaths or illnesses.
  • 🛫 The 737 Max model has been particularly controversial, with issues including faulty sensors and a lack of proper pilot training on new systems.
  • 🛑 Following two major crashes, the 737 Max was grounded worldwide, leading to significant financial and reputational damage to Boeing.
  • 💬 Boeing has been criticized for its lack of transparency and response to the issues, with some accusing the company of prioritizing profits over safety.
  • 🔧 There have been allegations of unethical work practices and shortcuts in manufacturing, leading to safety concerns.
  • 📉 Financially, despite the controversies, Boeing continues to operate and even collaborate with NASA on space shuttle launches.
  • ✈️ The public continues to fly on Boeing aircraft, with some airlines requesting compensation for the grounding of 737 Max planes.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern raised in the video about Boeing's aircraft?

    -The main concern raised in the video is about the safety issues surrounding Boeing's 737 Max aircraft, which has been involved in fatal crashes, and the alleged silencing of whistleblowers who have tried to expose these problems.

  • What is the MCAS system and why was it a point of concern in the Boeing 737 Max?

    -The MCAS, or Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, is a system designed to keep the plane level in case of human error. It was a point of concern because the sensors associated with it were found to be faulty, and pilots were not given proper instructions on how it worked, which contributed to the crashes mentioned in the video.

  • What happened to the whistleblowers who tried to expose issues with Boeing's aircraft?

    -The video mentions that several whistleblowers who tried to expose issues with Boeing's aircraft have died under suspicious circumstances, including apparent self-inflicted gunshot wounds and sudden illnesses.

  • Why did the FAA ground the Boeing 737 Max flights?

    -The FAA grounded the Boeing 737 Max flights due to two major crashes within a short period, which led to a loss of trust in the aircraft's safety. The grounding was a safety measure to prevent further accidents while investigations took place.

  • What is the significance of the 737 Max model in the context of the video?

    -The 737 Max model is significant because it is the aircraft model that has been involved in multiple fatal incidents and is the focus of whistleblower allegations regarding safety concerns and unethical work practices at Boeing.

  • What was the reaction of airlines to the issues with the Boeing 737 Max?

    -The video mentions that some airlines, such as Alaska Airlines and United Airlines, requested compensation due to the grounding of the 737 Max and its impact on their operations. United Airlines also canceled orders for more 737 Max aircraft.

  • What are the broader implications of Boeing's actions as discussed in the video?

    -The broader implications discussed in the video include the prioritization of corporate profits over safety, the potential cover-up of safety issues, and the impact on public trust in the aviation industry.

  • How has Boeing responded to the allegations and issues raised by whistleblowers?

    -Boeing has maintained radio silence and has not directly addressed the allegations, according to the video. However, they have claimed to have made significant changes and improvements to the 737 Max after the grounding.

  • What is the current status of the Boeing 737 Max according to the video?

    -As of the time the video was made, Boeing had conducted new tests and was trying to convince the FAA and the government to allow the 737 Max to return to service, after being grounded due to safety concerns.

  • What other Boeing aircraft models are mentioned in the video as having issues?

    -The video also mentions issues with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, including engine malfunctions and battery fires, as well as concerns raised by a whistleblower about potential structural issues.

  • What is the role of the FAA in overseeing the safety of Boeing's aircraft?

    -The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is responsible for regulating and overseeing the safety of civil aviation in the United States, including the approval and ongoing safety monitoring of aircraft models like Boeing's 737 Max and 787 Dreamliner.



🚨 Whistleblower Deaths and Boeing Controversies

The first paragraph discusses the death of a Boeing whistleblower and the broader scandal at Boeing, including crashes of the Boeing 737 and issues with the 737 Max aircraft. It touches on the fear surrounding speaking out against the company, Boeing's diverse product line, and the company's long history. The speaker also highlights other companies that have faced legal issues due to cost-cutting measures.


🛫 The 737 Max Crisis and Its Market Impact

This paragraph delves into the 737 Max model's troubled history, from its manufacturing in 2011 to the tragic crashes in 2018 and 2019 that led to a global grounding of the aircraft. The speaker discusses the initial approval from the FAA, the subsequent grounding, and the financial cost to Boeing. It also mentions the MCAS system's role in the crashes and the lack of pilot training on this system.


💰 Corporate Greed and the Cost of Boeing's Actions

The third paragraph focuses on the financial and ethical implications of Boeing's actions. It discusses the high costs associated with testing and appeals, the structural issues with the 737 Max, and the pressure on workers due to rushed production. The speaker also highlights a former employee's allegations of unethical work practices and the company's disregard for safety in favor of profits.


🛬 Public Perception and the Reality of Air Travel

Here, the speaker addresses the public's perception of air travel safety despite the controversies and the continuing demand for air travel. It talks about the difficulty of avoiding the Max planes due to last-minute changes and the lack of awareness among corporate officials about the operational complexities and risks. The paragraph also mentions the compensation sought by airlines from Boeing and the cancellation of orders for the Max planes.


🔍 Whistleblower Accounts and Ongoing Issues

The fourth paragraph details the accounts of whistleblowers who have raised concerns about Boeing's practices, including allegations of ignored warnings, unethical work violations, and the pressure to remain silent. It discusses the deaths of whistleblowers and the ongoing issues with the 787 models, including engine malfunctions and structural concerns raised by another whistleblower.


🛰️ Boeing's Future and the State of Air Travel

In the final paragraph, the speaker reflects on Boeing's ongoing operations despite the controversies and the paradox of the company's involvement in space travel while facing criticism for its aircraft safety. It also discusses the increase in air travel post-pandemic and the public's continued reliance on airlines, despite the safety concerns raised by whistleblowers and the documented issues with Boeing's aircraft.



💡Boeing 737 Max

The Boeing 737 Max refers to a series of aircraft models produced by Boeing, including the 737-8, 737-9, and 737-10. These models have been the focus of controversy due to two major crashes in 2018 and 2019, which led to a global grounding of the aircraft. The video discusses the safety concerns and the design flaws, such as issues with the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), that contributed to these tragic incidents.


A whistleblower is an individual who exposes secretive information or activity within a private or public organization that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct. In the context of the video, several whistleblowers who have spoken out against Boeing regarding safety issues have died under suspicious circumstances, adding to the controversy and fear surrounding the company's practices.

💡Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS)

The MCAS is an automated system on the Boeing 737 Max that is designed to prevent the aircraft from stalling by adjusting its angle of attack. The video explains that faulty sensors and a lack of pilot training on the MCAS contributed to the crashes of the 737 Max, as the system erroneously pushed the nose of the planes down, leading to the tragic accidents.

💡Corporate Greed

Corporate greed refers to the excessive pursuit of profits by a corporation, often at the expense of ethics or the well-being of others. The video suggests that Boeing's rush to produce and market the 737 Max, coupled with cost-cutting measures and lack of transparency, exemplifies corporate greed and may have played a role in the aircraft's safety issues.

💡Grounding of Aircraft

The grounding of an aircraft refers to the temporary or permanent withdrawal of an aircraft type from service due to safety concerns. The video discusses how the Boeing 737 Max was grounded worldwide after two fatal crashes, and the subsequent investigations and scrutiny that followed.

💡Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

The FAA is the United States governmental body responsible for the regulation and oversight of civilian aviation. The video mentions the FAA's role in approving the Boeing 737 Max for flight, and the subsequent investigations and hearings that took place after the crashes, highlighting the relationship between regulatory bodies and the aviation industry.

💡Quality Control

Quality control is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production—often applied to manufactured goods. In the video, concerns are raised about the quality control at Boeing, with whistleblowers alleging unethical work practices and potential defects in the 737 Max aircraft.

💡Alaska Airlines Flight 1282

Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 is mentioned in the video as an incident where a Boeing aircraft experienced a pressure drop due to a door plug and exit blowing out. This event led to the grounding and inspection of all Boeing 737 Max aircraft, further highlighting the safety concerns surrounding this model.

💡Boeing 787 Dreamliner

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a long-haul, mid-size wide-body, twin-engine jet airliner developed by Boeing. The video discusses issues with the 787 Dreamliner, including engine malfunctions and battery fires, and the testimony of a whistleblower regarding concerns over the aircraft's structural integrity.

💡International Space Station (ISS)

The ISS is a space station, or a habitable artificial satellite, in low Earth orbit. It is a program of international cooperation between space agencies involving Russia, the United States, Japan, Canada, and the European Space Agency. The video notes that despite the controversies, Boeing is collaborating with NASA to launch a shuttle to the ISS, indicating the company's ongoing role in space exploration.


Ryanair is a European low-cost airline with headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. The video uses Ryanair as an example of a carrier that might not operate Boeing aircraft, implying that passengers in Europe may not be as directly affected by the Boeing 737 Max issues as those in other regions.


Boeing whistleblowers have faced death, raising concerns about the safety and integrity of the company's aircrafts.

Boeing 737 and 787 aircrafts have been criticized for being potentially unsafe, held together with 'paper and string'.

The 737 Max model has been involved in fatal crashes, leading to a federal investigation and grounding of the aircraft.

Boeing's market cap is over $110 billion, indicating the company's significant influence and financial power.

Boeing has faced criticism for its rushed production and alleged cost-cutting measures that may compromise safety.

The 737 Max was involved in two major crashes within five months, leading to the death of all passengers on board.

Boeing's MCAS system, intended to stabilize the aircraft, has been implicated in the 737 Max crashes due to faulty sensors and lack of pilot training.

A door plug failure on Alaska Airlines flight 1282 resulted in a pressure drop and the loss of items from the aircraft, prompting further inspections of the 737 Max model.

Former Boeing employee Ed Pi has claimed that he tried to warn about the 737 Max's safety issues before the accidents occurred.

Boeing has been accused of corporate greed, with allegations of ignoring safety in favor of profits and shareholder value.

Despite the controversies, Boeing continues to operate and has even collaborated with NASA for space missions.

The International Air Transport Association reports that post-pandemic, a significant number of people are choosing to fly more or as much as before.

Boeing's 737 Max aircraft were grounded and then underwent new testing and appeals costing the company over $9 billion.

Whistleblower John Barnett, who testified against Boeing, was found dead after raising concerns about the 737 Max planes.

The FAA is investigating claims made by whistleblower Sal Cella regarding potential structural issues with Boeing's 787 and 777 models.

Boeing has stated that they have made significant changes and improvements to their aircraft models, including the addition of shims and fasteners.

Despite the safety concerns, airlines are still ordering Boeing aircraft, with Alaska Airlines requesting compensation rather than canceling orders.

United Airlines is reportedly canceling orders for more 737 Maxes due to ongoing FAA approval wait times.