Insecure Shadiversity ATTACKS Fellow Swordtuber Sellsword Arts

Actual Jake
30 Jan 202436:26

TLDRThe transcript revolves around a dispute within the Sword YouTube community, where Shadiversity feels attacked by another content creator's video that critiques those who discuss sword techniques without practical experience. The response video aims to clarify misunderstandings, emphasizing the importance of hands-on experience in swordsmanship for credibility and stressing the need for critical thinking when consuming such content.


  • 🤺 The 'Sword YouTube' community is a mix of various content creators with differing approaches to sword-related content.
  • 👊 Shadiversity feels attacked by another content creator's video and believes there is a misunderstanding.
  • 🗣️ Shadiversity is accused of not being an expert in swords and misrepresenting sword techniques and history.
  • 🎥 The original video creator suggests there's a difference between fantasy sword content and educational content about swordsmanship.
  • 🤔 Shadiversity is seen as insecure and overly defensive about his knowledge and abilities related to swords.
  • 📺 A public live stream is proposed to clear up misunderstandings between Shadiversity and the original video content creator.
  • 🗡️ The importance of practical experience with swords is emphasized for those presenting themselves as authorities on the subject.
  • 💭 The original video encourages viewers to discern between fantasy and educational content when it comes to swords.
  • 🤼‍♂️ The value of historical European martial arts and practical training with real swords is highlighted.
  • 🙄 Shadiversity is criticized for not being transparent about who he is calling out in his response video.
  • 🚫 Negative reactions and hate comments have been prevalent in the comment sections following the release of the videos.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue between Shadiversity and the regular sword YouTube community?

    -The main issue is that Shadiversity has started a dispute with the regular sword YouTube community because he perceives himself as an outsider and feels insecure about accusations made in a video, leading him to believe that he is being targeted for not being an expert in swords.

  • How does the speaker in the video describe the sword community?

    -The speaker describes the sword community as a supportive and collaborative group throughout its history, with occasional disagreements but an overall respect for each other's content and contributions.

  • What was the original video's intention according to David from Cort Arts?

    -The intention of the original video was to educate followers on the difference between content made purely for fantasy and fun and content made to educate on the actual use of swords in a historical context.

  • What is Shadiversity's main criticism against other content creators?

    -Shadiversity's main criticism is that content creators should not present themselves as authorities on swords and swordsmanship if they do not practice the art, as they may spread misinformation.

  • How does the speaker in the video address the issue of being criticized for not being an expert?

    -The speaker acknowledges that while they may not be an expert in every area, they still contribute positively to the community and encourage critical thinking and the consumption of diverse content.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the use of foam swords in training?

    -The speaker suggests that foam swords are not a good approximation of steel swords and should not be used to test the viability of techniques, but can be useful for low-gear sparring and practice without the need for full protective gear.

  • How does the speaker feel about the comments and reactions to the video?

    -The speaker is upset by the negative and disrespectful comments, and has been deleting inappropriate comments to maintain a positive and family-friendly environment on their channel.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the representation of swordsmen in pop culture?

    -The speaker finds it disrespectful to true warriors who have experienced the pain of war, as swordsmen in pop culture and history were not just athletes but also killers and murderers when necessary.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the importance of critical thinking in consuming content?

    -The speaker encourages viewers to use critical thinking skills to understand and discern the content they are watching, rather than blindly following any one content creator's perspective.

  • How does the speaker plan to move forward after the controversy?

    -The speaker plans to continue making content as they always have, not letting the controversy change their approach, and encourages viewers to keep consuming content the way they have been, while being mindful of the diversity of perspectives.



🗣️ Content Creation and Misunderstandings

The paragraph discusses the speaker's decision to respond to a video by Shadiversity, who has initiated a dispute with the sword community. The speaker feels misunderstood and plans to address the issue by suggesting a public live stream to clear up any confusion. The speaker also critiques Shadiversity's approach to sword content and defends the collaborative nature of the sword community.


🤺 The Sword Community's Expertise

In this section, the speaker clarifies their stance on the importance of expertise in sword-related content creation. They argue that while enjoying pop culture and fantasy sword content is fine, one should not present themselves as an authority on swords without practical experience. The speaker emphasizes the difference between fantasy and educational content and encourages viewers to discern between the two.


🏰 Addressing Shadiversity's Claims

The speaker addresses Shadiversity's video, feeling that it contains aggressive and negative statements towards other content creators. They express disappointment in Shadiversity's encouragement for viewers not to watch certain content creators and argue that no one has the right to dictate what others should watch. The speaker also defends their own content and contributions to the community.


🎥 Critiquing Shadiversity's Video

The speaker critiques Shadiversity's video for its lack of focus and coherence. They find it unnecessary and express disinterest in watching the full video. The speaker also discusses the supportive nature of the sword community and how disagreements are usually respectful and constructive. They mention their own content and the importance of using critical thinking when consuming media.


🗡️ The Importance of Sword Practice

The speaker emphasizes the importance of practicing sword techniques to be considered an authority on the subject. They argue that theoretical knowledge is not enough and that practical experience is essential. The speaker also discusses their own martial arts practice and the types of swords they train with, highlighting the difference between historical European martial arts and other sword-based disciplines.


💭 Responding to Criticism

The speaker responds to criticism and negative comments they have received since Shadiversity's video was published. They express their commitment to maintaining a positive and family-friendly environment and their intention to delete inappropriate comments. The speaker also reflects on the nature of online interactions and the impact of negative comments on creators.


🛡️ Defending Sword Content

The speaker defends their content and the value it provides to the sword community. They argue against Shadiversity's claim that they are not knowledgeable about swords and assert their expertise in the field. The speaker also criticizes Shadiversity's approach to discussing swords and emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between different types of sword content.


🎭 Theatrics and Authenticity

The speaker criticizes Shadiversity for what they perceive as theatrical and inauthentic behavior in his videos. They express disbelief at some of the claims made and question Shadiversity's credibility. The speaker also discusses their own content creation process and the importance of honesty and integrity in their work.



💡Sword YouTube

The term 'Sword YouTube' refers to a subset of content creators on YouTube who focus on sword-related content, such as sword fighting techniques, historical sword facts, and sword-making. In the context of the video, it highlights the niche community that revolves around the interest and study of swords.


Shadiversity is likely the username or channel name of a content creator within the Sword YouTube community. The term is used in the video to reference this individual's content and their interactions with other members of the community.


Fencing is a sport that involves the use of swords, specifically the foil, épée, or sabre, following a set of rules in a marked area. In the video, fencing is used as a point of reference to discuss the practical application of swordsmanship and the expertise required to comment on the subject.


A misunderstanding occurs when there is a misinterpretation or incorrect assumption about a particular issue or statement. In the video, the creator believes that shadiversity has misunderstood the point of his original video, leading to a conflict within the community.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing various forms of content, such as videos, articles, or podcasts, for online platforms. In the context of the video, content creation is central to the discussion as it pertains to the different approaches and philosophies of the creators within the Sword YouTube community.


In the context of the video, 'community' refers to the group of individuals who share a common interest in swords and swordsmanship, and who interact with each other through content creation and discussions. The term emphasizes the collaborative and supportive nature of this particular group.


Authority in this context refers to the perceived expertise or credibility one has on a subject matter. The video discusses the importance of having practical experience with swords in order to be considered an authority on the topic and to provide reliable information.

💡Pop Culture

Pop culture refers to the popular culture and media content, such as movies, TV shows, and video games, that are widely consumed and enjoyed by the general public. In the video, pop culture is used as a contrast to educational content, highlighting the difference between entertainment and factual information about swords.


Criticism in this context refers to the act of expressing disapproval or analyzing the faults or shortcomings of something, often with the intent to improve or provoke thought. The video addresses the criticism that has arisen within the Sword YouTube community and how it affects the relationships among its members.


Authenticity refers to the quality of being genuine, true, or accurate. In the context of the video, authenticity is important when discussing the credibility of content creators and their ability to provide accurate information about swords and swordsmanship.


The speaker discusses the dynamics within the Sword YouTube community, noting both support and disagreements.

Shadiversity is mentioned as having a conflict with others in the sword community due to his unique approach to sword content.

The speaker refuses to watch Shadiversity's entire video, opting to only view specific parts to address the issue.

A challenge is proposed for a public live stream discussion to clear up misunderstandings between Shadiversity and the speaker.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of being an active practitioner in the art of swordsmanship to be considered an authority.

The speaker clarifies that enjoying pop culture and fantasy sword content does not make one an expert in real swordsmanship.

The speaker acknowledges the value of historical insights into swords, even if the historian doesn't fence.

The speaker defends the use of foam swords and other training tools, explaining their purpose in a safe and practical manner.

The speaker addresses negative comments and hate speech, stating their commitment to maintaining a positive and family-friendly channel.

The speaker criticizes Shadiversity for not being transparent about who he is addressing in his video, calling it disingenuous.

The speaker asserts their right, and the right of others, to enjoy and discuss swords and sword content without being told who to listen to.

The speaker expresses disappointment in the lack of critical thinking among viewers and encourages them to question what they watch.

The speaker maintains their stance on the importance of practical experience in swordsmanship to claim authority on the subject.

The speaker highlights the positive aspects of the sword community, such as collaboration and mutual respect, despite disagreements.

The speaker points out the irony of Shadiversity's reaction to criticism, given his own conservative and Mormon background.

The speaker emphasizes their dedication to continuing their content creation, undeterred by the controversy.