Shadiversity OBLITERATED By BASED Sellsword Arts

Westside Tyler
8 Feb 202461:42

TLDRThe video script discusses the portrayal of swordsmanship in popular media, particularly in anime and video games, and how it often deviates from historical accuracy. The speaker criticizes content creators who promote unrealistic sword fighting techniques due to their appeal to a broader audience. They argue for a more authentic approach to swordsmanship, emphasizing the importance of understanding historical European martial arts (HEMA) and the need for critical viewing of sword-related content. Despite the disagreements within the community, there is a call for collaboration and respect among creators to enhance the overall quality and credibility of sword fighting content.


  • 🗡️ The speaker criticizes the portrayal of swordsmanship in pop culture, anime, and video games, arguing that they do not accurately represent historical European martial arts (HEMA).
  • 🎥 The speaker emphasizes the importance of content creators being honest and open about their expertise and the limitations of their experiments or demonstrations.
  • 🤺 The speaker advocates for a more critical approach to consuming sword-related content, urging viewers to scrutinize the credibility of presenters and their techniques.
  • 🏋️‍♂️ The speaker highlights the physical fitness and martial arts background of content creators as a key factor in the authenticity and reliability of their剑术-related content.
  • 🤔 The speaker expresses concern over the potential for misinformation in the HEMA community due to the popularity of fantasy-based content.
  • 📚 The speaker acknowledges the existence of a variety of interpretations within HEMA, and the lack of a unified definition or standard.
  • 💭 The speaker shares personal experiences and opinions on the HEMA community, including disagreements and the importance of self-correction in content creation.
  • 🗣️ The speaker calls for a balance between entertaining content and educational accuracy in sword fighting videos, especially when it comes to teaching techniques.
  • 👥 The speaker discusses the need for a diverse range of content within the HEMA community, from hobbyists to highly skilled practitioners.
  • 🔍 The speaker encourages viewers to seek out and support content creators who demonstrate a strong understanding of HEMA and a commitment to historical accuracy.
  • 🌐 The speaker reflects on the challenges of gaining exposure and recognition for HEMA within the broader context of popular culture and media.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue the speaker has with the portrayal of swordsmanship in popular media?

    -The speaker criticizes the portrayal of swordsmanship in popular media, such as anime and video games, for not accurately representing the realistic use of swords. They argue that this can lead to misunderstandings about historical European martial arts (HEMA) and the true nature of swordsmanship.

  • What does the speaker suggest is a problem with the HEMA community?

    -The speaker suggests that a problem with the HEMA community is the lack of scrutiny and attention, which has not created a clear distinction between serious practitioners and less dedicated hobbyists. This lack of a filtering process is compared to the early stages of MMA, where there was a mix of serious martial artists and less skilled individuals.

  • How does the speaker describe the approach of some popular sword content creators?

    -The speaker describes some popular sword content creators as courting the audience interested in anime and video games, and thus, they tend to present sword techniques and fights in a way that aligns with those media forms, which can be misleading in terms of historical accuracy.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the importance of physical fitness and posture in martial arts?

    -The speaker emphasizes the importance of physical fitness and proper posture in martial arts, stating that it is a sign of someone who understands and practices the art. They argue that good posture and balance are indicative of a person who has trained and is capable of effectively using a sword.

  • Why does the speaker criticize Shad EMB Brooks' approach to swordsmanship?

    -The speaker criticizes Shad EMB Brooks for his lack of practical fencing experience and for promoting a two-bladed sword that the speaker considers impractical and goofy. They argue that Shad's approach lacks the authenticity and integrity needed for a proper understanding of swordsmanship.

  • What is the speaker's view on the representation of swordsmanship in fantasy and anime?

    -The speaker acknowledges that fantasy and anime can be enjoyable, but they caution against confusing these fictional representations with the reality of historical swordsmanship. They argue that it's important for content creators to make clear distinctions between the two to avoid misleading the audience.

  • What does the speaker suggest is a key aspect to evaluate a martial artist's skill?

    -The speaker suggests that footwork and body movement are key aspects to evaluate a martial artist's skill. They argue that by observing how someone moves their feet and maintains their balance during a fight, one can determine their level of expertise and practice.

  • What is the speaker's advice for those interested in learning about swordsmanship?

    -The speaker advises those interested in learning about swordsmanship to seek out content from legitimate practitioners, to be critical of presenters, and to understand the experimental process. They also recommend watching content that focuses on realistic sword fighting techniques and tactics.

  • How does the speaker describe the ideal approach to creating content about swordsmanship?

    -The speaker describes the ideal approach to creating content about swordsmanship as one that is grounded in reality and integrity. They advocate for content that accurately represents the use of swords and swordsmanship, and for creators to have a deep understanding and practical experience in the subject matter.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the importance of physical demonstration in martial arts content?

    -The speaker believes that physical demonstration is crucial in martial arts content. They argue that content creators should be able to demonstrate their skills and techniques physically, as it lends credibility to their teachings and discussions about swordsmanship.



🗣️ Critique on Sword Content and Authenticity

The speaker discusses the importance of creating authentic sword content and criticizes the use of the term 'armchair Warrior'. They argue that content creators should have practical experience with swordsmanship to provide accurate information. The speaker also expresses frustration with the influence of pop culture, anime, and video games on sword fighting portrayals, stating that these often lack realism and can mislead viewers. They emphasize the need for more scrutiny and attention to elevate the quality and authenticity of sword-related content.


🥊 Comparing Different Sword Fighting Styles

The speaker compares different approaches to sword fighting, highlighting the contrast between serious, dedicated athletes and unserious hobbyists. They discuss the wide range of剑术 disciplines and the varying levels of dedication and skill within the community. The speaker also touches on the challenges of establishing a definitive definition for historical European martial arts (HEMA) and the need for more education and understanding of the craft.


🤸‍♂️ The Importance of Posture and Movement in Fencing

The speaker delves into the technical aspects of fencing, emphasizing the importance of posture and body movement. They discuss how proper stance and balance are crucial for effective sword fighting and provide tips on achieving and maintaining good posture. The speaker also critiques the lack of understanding and application of these fundamentals in popular sword content, advocating for more realistic and educational content.


🏋️‍♂️ Training and Physical Preparation for Fencing

The speaker talks about the physical training required for fencing, including exercises and stretches to improve posture and movement. They suggest specific workouts such as deadlifts and back shoulder flies to build strength and flexibility. The speaker also encourages viewers to be critical of content creators and to seek out credible sources of information on swordsmanship.


🧠 Critical Evaluation of Sword Fighting Experiments

The speaker discusses the importance of critical thinking when evaluating sword fighting experiments and demonstrations. They highlight the need for proper testing procedures and the recognition of limitations in experiments. The speaker also admits to past mistakes and emphasizes the importance of correcting oneself and learning from new information.


🤺 Legitimate Sword Fighting Channels and Content

The speaker recommends several channels that provide legitimate and reality-based swordsmanship content. They encourage viewers to follow these channels to gain a better understanding of how swords were actually used. The speaker also discusses the challenges of finding authentic content amidst the popularity of fantasy and anime-influenced portrayals.


🎭 The Distinction Between Fantasy and Reality in Sword Fighting

The speaker addresses the difficulty some people have in differentiating between fantasy sword fighting and historical reality. They argue that while enjoying fantasy content is not a problem, it's important to also be exposed to realistic sword fighting techniques to gain a well-rounded understanding. The speaker also criticizes those who present themselves as experts without practical experience or knowledge.


🏌️‍♂️ The Role of Footwork in Martial Arts

The speaker explains the fundamental role of footwork in all martial arts, using fencing as an example. They discuss the importance of maintaining balance and mobility through proper foot placement and the impact it has on power, reach, and overall effectiveness in combat. The speaker also critiques those who demonstrate poor footwork, suggesting it's a sign of inexperience or lack of skill.


🗡️ The Critique on Non-Practicing Sword Content Creators

The speaker criticizes content creators who discuss swordsmanship without actually practicing the art. They argue that without practical experience, these creators cannot accurately discuss the techniques and nuances of sword fighting. The speaker also addresses the issue of vague posting and the importance of being transparent and honest about criticisms.


🎥 The Impact of Pop Culture on Sword Fighting Perception

The speaker expresses concern over the influence of pop culture, anime, and video games on the perception of sword fighting. They argue that these mediums often present unrealistic and exaggerated portrayals that can lead to misunderstandings about the nature of historical swordsmanship. The speaker advocates for more content that accurately represents the reality of sword fighting techniques and tactics.


🤔 Reflecting on Criticisms and Content Creation

The speaker reflects on criticisms they have received and the importance of responding to these constructively. They acknowledge the need for content creators to be open to feedback and willing to improve their understanding and presentation of topics. The speaker also emphasizes the value of creating content that is both entertaining and informative, without compromising on accuracy or integrity.



💡Armchair Warrior

The term 'Armchair Warrior' is often used to describe individuals who analyze or critique aspects of combat, strategy, or martial arts from a comfortable and safe position without actual experience or expertise. In the context of the video, it is used critically to imply that certain content creators may not have the practical skills to back up their discussions or demonstrations of swordsmanship.


Shadiversity is a YouTube channel run by Shad Brooks, who is known for his content related to swords, martial arts, and historical European martial arts (HEMA). In the video script, Shadiversity is referenced as a source of both inspiration and critique, highlighting the complex dynamics within the online community of sword enthusiasts and content creators.

💡HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts)

HEMA refers to the study and practice of martial arts from European history, often based on historical texts and manuscripts. It involves recreating and interpreting these techniques for modern practice, with a focus on historical accuracy and effective combat. In the video, HEMA is mentioned as a discipline that the speaker seems to have some familiarity with and is used as a point of comparison to the more fantastical depictions of swordsmanship in popular media.


Fencing is a modern sport that evolved from the practice of swordsmanship, involving the use of specific types of swords such as the foil, epee, or sabre, and following a set of rules and techniques. It is both a sport and a martial art that requires agility, precision, and tactical thinking. In the context of the video, fencing is mentioned as an essential aspect of understanding real swordsmanship, contrasting with the often unrealistic portrayals in media.

💡Sword Media

Sword Media refers to the various forms of content related to swords and swordsmanship, including YouTube videos, social media posts, and other digital platforms. This content can range from historical reenactments and instructional videos to fictional depictions in pop culture. The video script discusses the influence of sword media on public perception and the need for accurate representation.

💡Pop Culture

Pop culture, short for popular culture, encompasses the ideas, trends, and media that are widely consumed and enjoyed by the general public. It includes television, movies, music, and internet phenomena. In the context of the video, pop culture is discussed as a significant influence on how swords and swordsmanship are perceived, often leading to fantastical and inaccurate portrayals.


Anime is a style of animation that originated in Japan and has gained global popularity. It is characterized by vibrant graphics, imaginative storytelling, and distinctive audiovisual elements. In the video, anime is mentioned as a genre that often includes stylized and exaggerated sword fighting scenes, which may not reflect realistic swordsmanship techniques.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing various forms of digital content, such as videos, articles, podcasts, and social media posts. In the context of the video, content creation is discussed in relation to the responsibility of creators to provide accurate and informative material, especially when it comes to topics like swordsmanship.


Authenticity refers to the quality of being genuine, true, or accurate. In the context of the video, it relates to the accuracy and truthfulness of the information and demonstrations provided by content creators about swordsmanship and historical martial arts.


Critique is the act of analyzing and offering judgments on the merits of a subject, often with the aim of improving or refining it. In the video, critique is used to discuss the evaluation of sword-related content and the need for constructive feedback to enhance the quality and accuracy of such content.

💡Online Community

An online community refers to a group of individuals who interact and communicate through digital platforms, often sharing common interests or activities. In the context of the video, the online community is centered around the interest in swords, martial arts, and historical European martial arts (HEMA).


The speaker emphasizes the importance of accuracy in sword-related content, arguing that while pop culture and anime can be enjoyable, they do not accurately represent historical swordsmanship.

The speaker discusses the challenges of creating content that is both entertaining and historically accurate, expressing a desire to maintain integrity in the face of commercial pressures.

The critique of certain content creators who blend anime techniques with sword fighting, suggesting that this can lead to a misunderstanding of how swords would have been used in reality.

The speaker acknowledges the need to cater to popular trends in order to gain views, but also expresses a commitment to doing so with integrity and a sense of responsibility.

The importance of physical fitness and proper posture in martial arts and swordsmanship is highlighted, with the speaker noting that a good stance and body language can indicate a person's proficiency.

The speaker points out the discrepancies in the design of a double-bladed sword, criticizing the inconsistencies in the cross guard's shape and design.

The critique of 'armchair Warrior' mentality is discussed, with the speaker advocating for practical experience and expertise over theoretical knowledge in the context of swordsmanship.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of community and mutual respect among content creators, even when disagreements arise.

The speaker addresses the issue of gatekeeping in the swordsmanship community, arguing against the creation of elitist standards that exclude others.

The critique of content that focuses on fantasy and pop culture elements at the expense of historical accuracy and practical application in swordsmanship.

The speaker discusses the role of social media and online platforms in shaping perceptions and expectations of swordsmanship, highlighting the influence of popular content creators.

The speaker calls for a balance between creating entertaining content and educating viewers about the realities of historical swordsmanship, advocating for a responsible approach to content creation.

The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of scrutiny and attention given to the quality and accuracy of swordsmanship content, calling for higher standards within the community.

The critique of the 'assassin's creed' look in swordsmanship, with the speaker arguing that appearances and aesthetics can sometimes detract from the substance and skill of the martial art.

The speaker highlights the importance of critical thinking and discernment when consuming swordsmanship content, urging viewers to question and evaluate the credibility of presenters.

The speaker discusses the evolution of the swordsmanship community and the need for continuous learning and self-improvement, even for established content creators and practitioners.