Is Devin A Scam?

11 Apr 202417:40

TLDRThe speaker expresses skepticism about Devin, an AI software engineering tool, questioning its legitimacy and criticizing its website as unprofessional and inefficient. They point out the lack of advanced technology, poor user authentication, and the absence of error handling as red flags. The speaker also discusses the broader implications of venture capitalism in the developer tools market, suggesting that many tools feel like cash grabs rather than genuine innovations. They emphasize the importance of good engineering practices and the need for critical thinking when evaluating new technologies, while also acknowledging the potential of AI in the future.


  • 🤨 The speaker expresses skepticism about Devin (presumably a software or AI service), suggesting it might be a scam based on the quality of its website.
  • 💻 The website for Devin is criticized for its poor design, lack of advanced technology, and use of tracking, which raises concerns about the legitimacy of the service.
  • 📧 The Devin service requires user approval before access, which the speaker finds suspicious, as it seems to be a data collection tactic.
  • 📈 The speaker notes the absence of error handling or notifications on the Devin platform, which is unprofessional for a service aimed at developers.
  • 👥 There is mention of the team behind Devin, including their impressive ranks on coding platforms like Codeforces, which adds credibility but also raises questions about the service's current state.
  • 📘 The use of third-party services like for authentication instead of building their own is questioned, suggesting that an AI-driven company should be capable of better.
  • 📈 The speaker is frustrated with the current state of venture capitalism and developer tools, feeling that many tools are cash grabs rather than genuinely useful products.
  • 📰 The Devin blog is described as a static page with hardcoded entries, not a dynamic or genuine blogging platform, which is unimpressive for a tech company.
  • 🔍 The speaker conducted research on LinkedIn to learn more about the people behind Devin, suspecting that they might be trying to scam investors.
  • 📈 The speaker discusses the importance of not just data structures and algorithms, but also engineering skills like error handling, logging, and observability in building reliable services.
  • 🚀 The speaker is not convinced by the hype around AI and its immediate impact, suggesting that while AI will change things in the future, the next 6 months won't be as revolutionary as some predict.
  • 🤔 There is a call for critical thinking and not accepting things at face value, encouraging the audience to look beyond the hype and assess the true value and functionality of tools like Devin.

Q & A

  • What is the general sentiment towards Devin in the transcript?

    -The general sentiment is negative, with the speaker expressing dislike for Devin and skepticism about its legitimacy.

  • What does the speaker criticize about Devin's website?

    -The speaker criticizes the website for being of poor quality, having a simple white background, and lacking advanced technology features.

  • Why does the speaker believe that the website might be a scam?

    -The speaker believes it might be a scam due to the website's poor design, lack of functionality, and the requirement to request access, which feels like a data collection tactic.

  • What does the speaker think about the use of for user authentication?

    -The speaker questions why Devin, if it's as advanced as claimed, would use for authentication instead of building a simple login functionality themselves.

  • How does the speaker feel about the current state of venture capitalism and developer productivity tools?

    -The speaker feels frustrated and believes the market is in a bad state, with many tools feeling like cash grabs and scams.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the technical competence of the team behind Devin?

    -The speaker suggests that despite the team's high rankings on coding platforms like Codeforces, the actual product does not reflect their supposed competence.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the importance of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) in software engineering?

    -The speaker believes that while DSA is important for understanding how to approach problems, it is not directly related to building reliable services or handling errors effectively.

  • Why does the speaker feel that the speaker's criticism of Devin is important?

    -The speaker feels that being critical is important to understand the future of development and society, and to not blindly accept products without scrutiny.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the timeline of AI integration into society?

    -The speaker disagrees with those who believe that AI will drastically change society in a very short period, such as six months, and views this as fear-mongering and overhyping.

  • What is the speaker's view on the current state of affairs regarding AI and developer tools?

    -The speaker finds the current state exhausting, with a sense of being continuously taken advantage of by tools that promise much but deliver little.

  • Why does the speaker think that the speaker's experience with Devin might not be representative of all users?

    -The speaker acknowledges that their experience might be unique and that others might have different perspectives, but they stand by their criticisms based on their own interactions with Devin.



🤨 Scam Allegations and Website Critique

The speaker expresses a general dislike for Devon and skepticism about claims that it might be a scam. They criticize the website's quality, suggesting it lacks advanced AI and efficient technology. The speaker also questions the website's user authentication process and the use of third-party services like, implying that an AI-driven company should be capable of better. They discuss the potential for data collection without user consent and the lack of a preview feature, which further fuels their suspicion of a scam. The speaker also touches on the broader issue of venture capitalism and developer tools, suggesting a saturation of the market with potentially overhyped and underdelivering products.


😕 Frustration with Developer Tools and VC Funding

The speaker continues to vent their frustration with the current state of developer productivity tools and venture capital funding. They describe a feeling that many tools are merely cash grabs, designed to exploit developers and investors. The speaker also discusses their experience with applying to Devon AI and the lack of immediate feedback or functionality, which adds to their skepticism. They mention the importance of error handling in software development and criticize the lack of it on the Devon AI platform. The speaker also addresses the overvaluation of competitive programming achievements in the professional world, suggesting that practical engineering skills are more important.


🧐 Analysis of Cognition AI's Team and Market Perception

The speaker delves into the credentials of the Cognition AI team, which developed Devon, highlighting their high ranks in competitive programming. They argue that the team's expertise and the investments made by venture capitalists indicate that the changes brought by AI are real and happening now. The speaker advises against dismissing these advancements and emphasizes the importance of hard work and diversifying skills. They also caution against fear-mongering and overhyping AI's short-term impact, while acknowledging its potential for significant long-term change. The speaker criticizes those who oversimplify the complexity of software development and the role of AI in it.


😒 Criticism of Excessive Scripting and a Call for Pragmatism

The speaker comments on the heavy use of scripting on the Devon AI website, noting the large amount of JavaScript code loaded even for users who are not logged in. They compare it unfavorably to other platforms like Confluence and criticize the excessive use of resources. The speaker also questions the need for such complexity and suggests that simpler solutions might be more effective. They express a desire for more practical and efficient use of AI in software development, emphasizing the importance of creation and problem-solving in coding. The speaker concludes by urging a balanced view of AI's role in development, recognizing both its potential and its current limitations.




A scam refers to a fraudulent or deceptive scheme carried out for personal gain or to cause damage to another individual or entity. In the video's context, the speaker is questioning the legitimacy of 'Devon' (likely referring to an AI or software service), suspecting it might be a scam due to various red flags such as a poorly designed website, lack of transparency, and questionable user experience.

💡AI Engineer

An AI engineer is a professional who designs, builds, and maintains systems that use artificial intelligence and machine learning. The video mentions an AI engineer in relation to the expectation that if such a professional were involved, the website for the service in question would be of higher quality and more functional.


HDMX is not a standard term in the video's context, it might be a typo or a specific reference that the speaker uses to denote a supposed advanced technology. The speaker criticizes the website for not being on 'HDMX', implying that it lacks the sophistication expected of an advanced AI system.

💡User Authentication

User authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or device. It's a security measure to ensure that only authorized users can access a system. The video discusses the use of for user authentication, questioning why a company claiming to have advanced AI capabilities would outsource such a fundamental feature.

💡Error Handling

Error handling in computing involves the processes and strategies used to identify and manage errors without causing a system crash or failure. The speaker criticizes the lack of error handling on the website, suggesting that it is a sign of poor development practices and a lack of professionalism.

💡Venture Capitalist (VC)

A venture capitalist is an investor who provides capital to startups and small companies with long-term growth potential in exchange for equity. The video discusses the role of VCs in funding developer productivity tools, implying that there may be a rush to capitalize on the AI market without a focus on creating robust and reliable products.

💡React Components

React components are the building blocks of React applications, representing elements or parts of a user interface and their functionality. The speaker mentions being able to see React components in the Chrome debugger, which suggests a lack of optimization or obfuscation in the website's code.

💡Code Forces

Codeforces is a competitive programming community where programmers can measure their skills against each other by participating in contests and solving algorithmic problems. The video refers to Codeforces ranks to emphasize the technical prowess of the team behind the AI service, contrasting it with the poor quality of the product presented.

💡Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)

Data structures and algorithms are fundamental concepts in computer science that allow for efficient data organization and processing. The speaker discusses the importance of DSA in understanding how to approach problems but also distinguishes it from other aspects of programming, such as error handling and service reliability.


Next.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building server-rendered or statically exported web applications. It is mentioned in the video when the speaker is inspecting the network resources of the website, noting the heavy use of JavaScript and the potential for excessive resource loading.


Autocompletes are features in software that predict and suggest completions of the word or phrase a user is typing. The speaker mentions using autocompletes to increase their coding speed, indicating a preference for tools that enhance productivity and the creative process.


The community has a strong negative sentiment towards Devon, with claims that it might be a scam.

The website for Devon is criticized for its poor design and lack of advanced technology.

The speaker expresses a desire for a better website, challenging Devon to improve.

Concerns are raised about the website's user authentication process and the use of

The lack of error handling and notifications on the website is seen as unprofessional and frustrating.

The speaker mocks the use of Google Docs and Sheets, suggesting a lack of technical sophistication.

The blog on the website is revealed to be a static page with hardcoded entries, not an actual blog.

LinkedIn research indicates that the team behind Devon includes software engineers with questionable credibility.

The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of venture capitalism and developer tools.

Devon's preview feature is criticized for being a potential ploy to collect user data without providing value.

The upload functionality on the website initially had no restrictions, raising questions about user data privacy.

The speaker questions the legitimacy of Devon's AI capabilities and its ability to create efficient software.

The importance of handling errors and observability in software engineering is emphasized.

The speaker argues that being good at data structures and algorithms does not necessarily make one a great programmer.

The speaker suggests that misinformation about Devon is spreading and criticizes those who label it a scam without evidence.

The potential of AI to transform society is acknowledged, but the speaker cautions against overhyping short-term changes.

The speaker appreciates the act of creation in coding and expresses a desire for tools that can enhance the development process.

The amount of code written for the website is seen as impressive, despite the criticisms.