Leveraging 3D and IPAdapter Techniques Comfyui Animatediff ( Mixamo + Cinema 4d)

goshnii AI
16 Apr 202408:32

TLDRThis tutorial guides viewers through the process of transforming a basic animation into a dynamic 3D animated sequence using a combination of techniques. It begins with downloading a free character rig from Mixamo and customizing it for a basketball bouncing animation. The character is then imported into Cinema 4D, where additional details like a basketball and a street basketball scene are added. Camera animation is created for a dynamic viewing experience. The animation is further enhanced with the use of Comfy UI and the LCM nodes, and the process is refined by incorporating control net for a more detailed preview. The video concludes with a face replacement technique using the IP adapter, which allows for a more personalized and realistic character representation. The tutorial is a valuable resource for those interested in 3D animation and anime-style character development.


  • 🎬 Use 3D animation and anime techniques to transform basic animations into more engaging content.
  • 🚀 Start with a free character rig from Mixamo and customize it to your preference in terms of speed, position, and other details.
  • 📂 Save the animation in FBX format and adjust the frame rate to 24 before downloading.
  • 💻 Use a 3D application like Cinema 4D to modify the FBX file and add creative details like a basketball for the character to interact with.
  • 🏀 Animate the basketball to match the character's movements using keyframes and adjust the interval for a realistic bounce.
  • 🌃 Create a fake environment for the character to enhance the scene, which can be refined later by AI.
  • 📸 Add camera animation for dynamic focal length changes, like a zoom in and out effect, to make the animation more interesting.
  • 🔄 Use lighting and render settings to achieve the desired visual outcome and loop the animation for continuous play.
  • 📱 Resize the video to a suitable format for your platform and create a short loop for repetition.
  • 🤖 Integrate the 3D animation with Animix and control net to leverage AI for arranging and enhancing the scene.
  • 🧑‍💻 Modify the workflow by using control net and advanced control net nodes for better scene control and preview.
  • 🖼️ Use the IP adapter for face replacement with a specific model to achieve a more personalized and realistic outcome.

Q & A

  • What is the first step in turning a basic animation into an amazing air animation using the described technique?

    -The first step is to go to Mixamo and download a free animation character rig, then search for a specific animation like 'basketball' and adjust the character's speed, position, and other details as preferred.

  • What file format is recommended to save the downloaded animation as?

    -The recommended file format to save the downloaded animation is FBX.

  • Which software is used to import and modify the FBX file?

    -Cinema 4D is used to import and modify the FBX file.

  • How does one add a basketball to the character's animation in Cinema 4D?

    -A basketball is selected from the free assets, positioned under the character's right arm, and keyframes are set to animate the ball bouncing in sync with the character's original animation.

  • What is the purpose of creating a fake environment in the character's animation?

    -Creating a fake environment helps to give more context to the animation and allows the AI in Comfyui to handle the details with its arrangement process.

  • How is the camera animation created to add a zoom in and zoom out effect?

    -The camera animation is created by changing the focal length of the camera properties at different keyframes along the timeline to simulate a simple zoom in and zoom out effect.

  • What is the process for exporting the animation into Comfyui?

    -After setting up the animation and environment in Cinema 4D, the work is exported and then imported into Comfyui where further adjustments and AI enhancements are made.

  • How does the control net node help in the workflow?

    -The control net node helps by providing a preview of what the final animation will look like by combining the 3D animation with AI-generated elements.

  • What is the role of the IP adapter in the animation process?

    -The IP adapter is used for face replacement in the animation. It takes a selected face image and integrates it into the animation using advanced processing nodes.

  • How does the video combine node contribute to the workflow?

    -The video combine node is used to merge different elements of the animation, such as the character, basketball, and environment, to create a cohesive preview.

  • What is the final output format of the animation?

    -The final output format of the animation is a 5-second looped video, typically resized to a specific dimension like 512x512 pixels.

  • How can one enhance their understanding of the workflow using animate St and LCM nodes?

    -One can enhance their understanding by referring to previous videos that explain how to build the workflow using animate St and LCM nodes, with links to these resources often provided for further study.



🎨 Creating a Dynamic 3D Animation with Anime Effects

The first paragraph introduces a comprehensive guide to transforming a standard animation into an engaging experience using 3D animation and anime techniques. The process begins with downloading a free character rig from Maximo and selecting an animation, such as basketball. Customization of the character's speed, position, and other details are discussed. The character is then imported into Cinema 4D, where additional elements like a basketball are added to complement the animation. Key framing is utilized to animate the ball's bounce and rotation. A fake street basketball environment is created using box shapes for buildings, and camera animation is added for a dynamic perspective. The character and scene are rendered, and the workflow is modified using control nodes in Kyui, with an emphasis on avoiding common mistakes.


🤖 Integrating AI and IP Adapter for Advanced Animation Effects

The second paragraph delves into the integration of AI and an IP adapter for advanced character animation effects. The process involves disconnecting and reconnecting nodes within the animation software to control the character's movements. A custom prompt featuring a 2D vector illustration of Michael Jordan is used to guide the AI animation. The strength of the control net is adjusted for a more natural outcome. The IP adapter is introduced for face replacement, using a full-face model and a specific image for the replacement. The face image is positioned and connected to the IP adapter, with a preview node to monitor the results. The outcome is a highly impressive animation that closely resembles Michael Jordan. The paragraph concludes with exporting the 3D character and discussing the benefits of creating a fake environment for more detailed control over the final animation.



💡3D animation

3D animation refers to the process of creating the illusion of motion in three-dimensional space. It's a technique used in the video to transform a basic animation into a more dynamic and visually appealing one. The video demonstrates how to use 3D animation software to enhance a character's movements and add elements like a bouncing basketball to the scene.


Anime is a style of animation that originated in Japan and is characterized by colorful artwork, fantastical themes, and vibrant characters. In the context of the video, the term 'anime' is used to describe the aesthetic that the creator wants to achieve by incorporating elements of Japanese animation into the 3D animation.

💡IP adapter

An IP adapter in the video context refers to a tool or technique used for face replacement in animations. It's part of the process where a character's face is replaced with another, such as turning a generic character into a likeness of Michael Jordan. The IP adapter is used to align and integrate the new face seamlessly with the existing animation.

💡Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software application. In the video, it's used to import and manipulate the 3D character rig, add details like a basketball, and set up the environment for the animation. It's a key software in the workflow for creating the final animated sequence.

💡Animate UI

Animate UI likely refers to a user interface for animation software, which in this case might be a part of the process to control and refine the animation. The video mentions using 'Animate UI' in conjunction with other tools to create a more polished and automated animation workflow.

💡FBX file

An FBX file is a widely used file format for 3D models and animations. It allows for the exchange of complex 3D data between different 3D applications. In the video, the character rig is saved as an FBX file to be imported into Cinema 4D for further animation work.


Keyframes are points in an animation timeline that define the starting position of an object or a change in an object's motion. The video script describes setting up keyframes to animate the basketball bouncing and to create a camera animation effect, which are crucial for giving life and flow to the 3D animation.

💡Control net

A control net in the video's context seems to refer to a system or workflow that manages the integration of different elements of the animation, possibly an AI-driven tool that helps in refining the animation based on certain inputs or 'prompts'. It's used to align the 3D animation with the desired aesthetic and motion.

💡Depth model

A depth model in 3D animation is used to represent the spatial relationships between objects, creating a sense of realism. The video mentions using a depth model to match up with the processor, which could be a part of creating a more realistic and layered animation.

💡AI Arrangement

AI Arrangement likely refers to an artificial intelligence-driven process that automates the arrangement of visual elements within the animation. In the video, it's mentioned in the context of using Anime St to handle the details of the environment created with box shapes, suggesting a level of automation in the creative process.

💡Loop animation

A loop animation is a type of animation that repeats seamlessly. In the video, the creator resizes the video to create a 5-second loop animation of the character bouncing a basketball. This technique is often used for animations that are meant to be viewed repeatedly, such as in video games or on websites.


The process involves turning a basic animation into an enhanced one using 3D animation and anime techniques.

A face replacement technique using the IP adapter is included in the workflow.

Keyframe animation is utilized to animate a basketball bouncing in sync with a character.

Cinema 4D is used as the primary 3D application for importing and adjusting the animation.

Free assets such as a basketball are used to add more creativity to the scene.

A fake environment is created using box shapes to represent buildings for a street basketball scene.

Camera animation is added to create a simple zoom in and zoom out effect.

Animate St and LCM nodes are used to build the workflow for the animation.

An infinite light is added to the scene for better visibility and positioning.

The animation is rendered in a loop with a resolution of 800 by 800.

A 5-second loop animation is created by duplicating and resizing the video.

Control net is used to preview and combine the 3D animation workflow.

Depth and video combine nodes are used to match the processor and create a preview.

A 2D vector illustration of Michael Jordan is used as a prompt for the AI.

The IP adapter is used for a full face replacement to achieve a more realistic outcome.

The latent image size is increased for better detail in the final render.

A fake environment is created to provide more details for the anime St AI arrangement process.

The final output is a 3D character animation with a street basketball scene, integrating character, environment, and camera movements.