Live Building with the Drag & Drop Capabilities in FlutterFlow

11 Apr 202465:05

TLDRIn this engaging live stream, the host dives into the drag and drop capabilities of FlutterFlow, showcasing how to build an interactive task management app. The session includes a discussion on best practices, the importance of using the right tool for the job, and the exciting announcement of the host's transition from a full-time employee at FlutterFlow to focusing on education and consulting. The host also reflects on their growth and the global reach of FlutterFlow, highlighting the community's role in shaping the future of app development.


  • 🎉 The speaker shares a personal story about gifting custom Flutter Flow jerseys to friends for their birthday and Christmas, highlighting their passion for basketball and soccer.
  • 🌟 This is the final official Flutter Flow live stream, but the speaker will continue to do live streams on Thursday mornings on the Koo Channel, transitioning from the Flutter Flow official channel due to the growing team and new objectives.
  • 🚀 The speaker discusses the new drag & drop capabilities in Flutter Flow, which opens up possibilities for creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces, such as task management apps with drag-and-drop features.
  • 📦 The speaker explains the process of setting up the drag & drop widget, including defining the type of items that can be dragged, creating a drag target, and implementing a list view to display tasks or documents.
  • 🔧 The speaker shares a technical challenge they faced with the drag & drop feature, specifically with the action on the card causing an error, and how they resolved it by moving the action to a button.
  • 🔄 The importance of using page states to style the container based on drag actions, such as changing background colors when a drag enters or exits the target area.
  • 📝 The speaker emphasizes the need to update document statuses when tasks are dragged from one list to another, using conditional actions to ensure only relevant documents are updated.
  • 🛠️ Tips on how to fix common issues with the drag & drop feature, such as removing actions from the card and utilizing components effectively.
  • 🎯 The speaker reflects on their time at Flutter Flow, sharing personal growth and the impact of the experience on their professional journey.
  • 📈 The speaker discusses the future of their involvement with Flutter Flow, focusing on education and empowering more builders to create production-ready applications.
  • 🤝 The speaker expresses excitement for future collaborations with developers and the community to establish best practices for Flutter Flow app development.

Q & A

  • What was the birthday gift mentioned in the transcript?

    -The birthday gift mentioned was a custom-made Flutter Flow jersey.

  • What significant change is happening to the Flutter Flow live streams?

    -The last official Flutter Flow live stream is being discussed, with future live streams moving to the Koo Channel and not being hosted on the Flutter Flow official channel.

  • What feature of Flutter Flow is being discussed in the live stream?

    -The drag and drop widget feature is being discussed, along with its implementation and possibilities.

  • How does the speaker describe their experience with the drag and drop feature initially?

    -The speaker initially describes their experience as challenging and frustrating, but then they realized it was not as difficult as they thought and became excited about its possibilities.

  • What is the main purpose of using a drag Target in the Flutter Flow application?

    -The main purpose of using a drag Target is to define the type of items that can be dragged into it and to handle the logic for when items are dragged over or dropped onto it.

  • What is the issue the speaker encountered with the task card component?

    -The speaker encountered an error when trying to use the task card component as a draggable item. The issue was related to having an action on the entire card, which conflicted with the drag functionality.

  • How did the speaker resolve the bug they encountered?

    -The speaker resolved the bug by removing the action from the card itself and moving it to a button, allowing the card to be draggable without conflicts.

  • What is the significance of the speaker's transition from a full-time employee at Flutter Flow?

    -The speaker is transitioning to focus more on education for Flutter Flow, aiming to empower more builders and increase the amount of education provided to the community.

  • What advice does the speaker give regarding passing document references versus passing whole documents?

    -The speaker advises that for direct links or navigation purposes, passing a document reference is more appropriate. However, for components that rely on another document already being loaded, passing the whole document might be more efficient to avoid additional queries.

  • What is the speaker's view on using Flutter Flow for building SEO-heavy websites?

    -The speaker believes that Flutter Flow is not the best platform for building SEO-heavy websites. They recommend using other platforms that are more optimized for SEO, and using Flutter Flow for app development.



🎉 Introduction and Personal Reflections

The speaker begins by sharing a personal story about custom-made jerseys as birthday and Christmas gifts. They express excitement for the future and the people who will join the live stream. The speaker reflects on their journey, from being the first non-founder employee to their current role, and the growth of the team. They also announce the transition of the live streams to a new channel, Koo, and the shift in focus to new objectives and development projects.


🚀 Building a Drag and Drop Feature

The speaker dives into the process of building a drag and drop feature, using a task management app as a real-world example. They explain the setup, including creating two columns for pending and completed tasks, and the use of drag targets and containers. The speaker also discusses the importance of having separate filters for the two columns and the challenges they faced with the reorderable list feature.


🔧 Debugging and Component Optimization

The speaker addresses a bug they encountered with the drag and drop feature and shares their process of debugging. They discuss the need to wrap the list view in a draggable widget and the importance of matching the draggable data type. The speaker also talks about optimizing the component by removing actions directly on the card and instead using a right arrow menu for better functionality.


📅 Task Management and Live Stream Updates

The speaker continues to build out the task management app, focusing on updating the status of tasks and the use of backend calls. They explain how to set up drag targets and the conditions for updating documents. The speaker also talks about the transition of the live streams, addressing questions about the backend comments and the future of the live streams on the Koo channel.


🔄 Drag and Drop Functionality

The speaker refines the drag and drop functionality, discussing the conditional actions for on drag accept and on drag exit. They explain how to update the document status based on the task's current status and the importance of using page states for styling the container. The speaker also talks about the challenges of positioning dropdown menus and the lessons learned from building other projects.


🌐 Web Development and Best Practices

The speaker discusses the use of Flutter Flow for web development, emphasizing that it is best suited for building apps rather than SEO-heavy websites. They talk about the importance of using the right tool for the right job and the benefits of using Flutter Flow for web apps that interact with databases and utilize dynamic data. The speaker also shares their personal growth and learning experiences at Flutter Flow and their future plans to focus on education and training for the community.


🎬 Final Thoughts and Future Plans

The speaker shares their final thoughts on their time at Flutter Flow, reflecting on the growth of the company and the impact it has had on their personal and professional development. They express gratitude for the opportunity to influence product development and the excitement of teaching others. The speaker outlines their future plans to produce more educational content and to help establish best practices within the Flutter Flow community.



💡Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop is a user interface technique that allows users to move items from one place to another within a digital environment by dragging the item with a mouse or other pointer device and then releasing it at the desired location. In the context of the video, it refers to a feature in FlutterFlow that enables users to interactively build and organize their applications with ease and intuitiveness, as seen in the live demonstration of moving tasks between different columns.


FlutterFlow is a platform for building applications using the Flutter framework, without the need to write traditional code. It provides a visual interface for designing and developing apps, making it accessible for users with various skill levels. In the video, the host discusses the capabilities of FlutterFlow, including the new Drag & Drop feature, and how it simplifies the app development process.


A jersey, in this context, refers to a custom-made piece of clothing worn for sports or as a form of team identification. The video mentions a custom-made FlutterFlow jersey as a birthday and Christmas gift, symbolizing the speaker's personal connection and commitment to the FlutterFlow community and team spirit.

💡Reorderable Lists

Reorderable Lists are a UI component that allows users to change the order of items in a list by dragging and dropping them to a new position. In the video, the speaker discusses the implementation of this feature in FlutterFlow, which enhances the user experience by providing a more interactive and flexible way to organize content within an app.


Development in this context refers to the process of creating, improving, and maintaining software or applications. The video discusses the growth and development of the FlutterFlow platform, including the addition of new features and the challenges that come with expanding the team and focusing on new objectives.

💡Live Stream

A live stream is a real-time broadcast of video and audio content over the internet. In the video, the speaker is hosting a live stream to demonstrate and discuss the features of FlutterFlow, interact with the audience, and announce updates related to the platform and future live streams.

💡Koo Channel

The Koo Channel is mentioned as the new platform where the speaker will continue to host live streams related to FlutterFlow. This indicates a shift in the way the speaker engages with the community and shares knowledge about app development using FlutterFlow.

💡Backend Calls

Backend calls are requests made to a server or a database to perform operations such as fetching, updating, or storing data. In the video, the speaker discusses making backend calls to retrieve and manipulate task documents, which are then displayed in the app using FlutterFlow's drag and drop capabilities.


Widgets are reusable components in a user interface that can contain other widgets, data, and logic. The video talks about using various widgets in FlutterFlow, such as drag targets, list views, and task cards, to build functional and visually appealing parts of an application.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of optimizing websites to rank higher in search engine results, thereby increasing visibility and organic traffic. The video briefly touches on the topic of SEO in relation to web development, advising that while FlutterFlow is excellent for building apps, it may not be the best choice for SEO-heavy websites due to the nature of its rendering process.


Live stream on building with the Drag & Drop capabilities in FlutterFlow

Introduction of custom-made FlutterFlow jerseys as birthday and Christmas gifts

Announcement of the final official FlutterFlow live stream and transition to the Koo Channel

Discussion on the challenges and growth of the FlutterFlow team

Excitement for the drag and drop widget and its potential applications

Demonstration of building a task management app with drag and drop functionality

Explanation of the drag target and container setup for the task management app

Debugging and resolving issues encountered during the live stream

Importance of using page state for styling based on drag and drop interactions

Conditional actions for updating document statuses on drag accept

Discussion on the correct method for scrolling inside a container with a fixed header

Transition of live streams to Cleo Design and focus on education for FlutterFlow

Reflection on the benefits and growth experienced during the time at FlutterFlow

Vision for the future of FlutterFlow and the goal to establish best practices

Plans to produce more educational content and increase the number of experts in the community

Appreciation for the global reach and community support of FlutterFlow