AI can make ART from EMOJIS?! - DALL-E 2

19 Jul 202217:01

TLDRIn this video, Jasmine explores the capabilities of Dali 2, an advanced AI for text-to-visuals, by challenging it with various emoji prompts. She discusses the AI's interpretation of emojis and its ability to generate art in different styles, highlighting the potential of Dali 2 to revolutionize creativity and the art world. Jasmine also touches on the implications for artists and non-artists alike, emphasizing the importance of adapting to and utilizing AI tools for innovative expression.


  • 🎨 Experimentation with Dali 2 AI shows it can generate images from emojis, opening up new possibilities for artists and non-artists alike.
  • 🚀 Dali's interpretation of emojis is similar to how it interprets text, creating artwork that reflects the nuanced meanings behind the emojis.
  • 🌹 The use of specific prompts, such as combining emojis with terms like 'digital art', can significantly influence the style and quality of the generated images.
  • 🐉 Emojis with strong connotations can lead to surreal and abstract interpretations by Dali, showcasing its ability to understand underlying emotions and themes.
  • 🎭 Dali's potential as an artistic tool is highlighted by its capability to produce a wide variety of visual styles, from simple to complex, and its adaptability to user input.
  • 🌌 The AI's capacity to learn from and replicate human expression makes it a compelling tool for artists to expand their creative horizons and produce unique pieces.
  • 📈 The skill of the user in crafting prompts is a crucial factor in guiding Dali to produce desired artwork, indicating a potential new skill set for artists in the digital age.
  • 🎨👽 Dali's success in generating high-quality images from detailed prompts demonstrates the evolving role of AI in the art world, challenging traditional notions of artistry.
  • 🔧 The use of Dali as a tool can both threaten and empower artists, depending on their willingness to adapt and understand the technology.
  • 🌐 The Dali 2 subreddit showcases a variety of user-generated content, highlighting the community aspect and the shared excitement around AI-generated art.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the exploration of Dali 2, an advanced text-to-visuals artificial intelligence, and its capabilities in interpreting emojis and creating art based on them.

  • How does the speaker initially test Dali's ability to turn emojis into art?

    -The speaker initially tests Dali's ability by using a prompt with a smiling love heart eyes emoji, a rose, and sparkles, which results in a romantic, Instagram-like image of roses.

  • What was the outcome when the speaker used four dinosaur emojis in the prompt?

    -Using four dinosaur emojis in the prompt resulted in a variety of dinosaur-based images, with one piece showing two dinosaurs, but not producing multiples of dinosaurs as expected.

  • Why did the speaker get flagged for inappropriate content when using certain emojis?

    -The speaker got flagged for inappropriate content because Dali interprets emojis in the same way it interprets words, and the combination of a smiling love heart, winky kissy face, and eggplant emojis was deemed suggestive by the AI.

  • How did the audience on Twitter interact with the speaker's request?

    -The audience on Twitter replied with their own combinations of emojis for the speaker to try and turn into artwork, without being told that the AI would be creating the art.

  • What does the speaker find compelling about Dali's interpretation of emojis and text?

    -The speaker finds it compelling that Dali is interpreting emojis and text in the same way humans do, with all the lifetimes' worth of visual inspiration and emotional experience conveyed through text and art, making it a new form of artistic expression.

  • What is the significance of adding the word 'horror' to the prompt?

    -Adding the word 'horror' to the prompt significantly refines the output, leading to more thematic and stylistically consistent artworks that align with the intended genre, demonstrating the importance of precise language when using AI tools like Dali.

  • How does the speaker view the potential impact of Dali on artists?

    -The speaker views Dali as a tool that, if utilized effectively, can enhance artists' skills and success. However, artists who do not adapt or understand the technology may feel threatened by it.

  • What is the speaker's final verdict on Dali and its capabilities?

    -The speaker is highly impressed and excited about Dali's capabilities, seeing it as the dawn of a new era for artists and non-artists alike, with endless possibilities for creative expression and art creation.

  • What does the speaker suggest for people who want to see more of Dali's capabilities?

    -The speaker suggests that people can leave comments with their suggestions for emojis or themes they would like to see tested with Dali, and encourages them to subscribe for more content and support the channel.



🎨 Experimenting with Dali 2 AI

The speaker, Jasmine, introduces the topic of exploring artificial intelligence in the context of text-to-visuals AI, specifically Dali 2. She shares her previous experience pitting Dali against real artists and discusses a post on a private Dali Discord channel that sparked her interest. Jasmine talks about her experiments with Dali, turning emojis into art, and the variety of images it produced based on different prompts. She also reflects on the AI's interpretation of emojis and its ability to generate artwork based on user input, highlighting the potential of Dali 2 in the realm of digital art creation.


🤖 Understanding Dali's Interpretations

Jasmine delves deeper into Dali's interpretation of emojis and how it generates images based on the connotations and context of the emojis used. She discusses the results of various prompts, including a combination of emojis that led to a flagged inappropriate response, indicating Dali's sophisticated understanding of the nuances in digital communication. Jasmine also explores how Dali can produce a range of visual styles, from cute and aesthetic to spooky and surreal, based on the user's instructions and the emojis provided.


🌟 The Impact of AI on Art and Creativity

The speaker discusses the potential impact of AI tools like Dali on the art world and the creative process. She highlights the ability of Dali to produce high-quality images based on detailed prompts and the skill required to guide the AI effectively. Jasmine also touches on the fear and excitement within the artistic community regarding AI's role in art creation. She emphasizes the importance of adapting to and understanding AI tools to stay relevant and create unique, compelling works of art, suggesting that AI like Dali can enhance an artist's abilities rather than replace them.


🚀 Embracing the Future of AI in Art

Jasmine concludes the video by expressing her excitement for the future of AI in art and creativity. She encourages artists to see AI as an opportunity to create unique stories and artworks, and for non-artists to explore their own creativity through AI tools. Jasmine highlights the potential of Dali to unlock new levels of imagination and inspire a new era of artistic expression. She invites viewers to suggest future tests for Dali and encourages them to engage with the content by commenting, liking, and subscribing to see more of such explorations.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to create visual art from text inputs, specifically through the platform Dali 2, which showcases the advanced capabilities of AI in the field of art and creativity.

💡Dali 2

Dali 2 is an advanced AI platform that specializes in converting text descriptions into visual art. It is capable of interpreting emojis and textual prompts to generate images that resemble human-made artwork. The name 'Dali' is likely inspired by the famous surrealist artist Salvador Dali, reflecting the platform's focus on creating unique and imaginative visuals.


Emojis are digital icons or symbols used to express an idea or emotion in a text message or online communication. In the video, emojis serve as the input for the Dali 2 AI, which then generates visual art based on the emojis' symbolic meanings.


Text-to-Visuals refers to the process of converting textual descriptions into visual images. In the context of the video, this process is facilitated by the Dali 2 AI, which takes textual input in the form of emojis and descriptions and generates corresponding visual art.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new and expressive. In the video, creativity is a central theme as the AI platform Dali 2 is shown to exhibit a form of creativity by generating unique and varied visual art based on textual and emoji inputs.

💡Digital Art

Digital Art refers to artwork that is created using digital technology, often with the aid of specialized software or platforms. In the video, digital art is the end product of the AI's interpretation of textual and emoji prompts, resulting in visually compelling images that can be appreciated aesthetically.

💡Artistic Interpretation

Artistic Interpretation is the process by which an artist conveys their understanding or perspective of a subject, idea, or emotion through their work. In the context of the video, artistic interpretation is demonstrated by the AI's ability to generate images that reflect its 'understanding' of the input emojis and text.

💡Emoji Art Prompts

Emoji Art Prompts are textual or pictorial cues that use emojis to guide the creation of art. These prompts are used as inputs for AI platforms like Dali 2 to generate corresponding visual art, challenging the AI's ability to understand and translate the symbolic meanings of emojis into images.


Aesthetic refers to the visual appearance or the artistic style and beauty of an object, image, or design. In the video, the term is used to describe the pleasing and visually appealing qualities of the digital art generated by Dali 2 based on the input prompts.


Surrealism is an artistic and literary movement that seeks to express the subconscious or irrational aspects of the mind by juxtaposing unexpected or dreamlike elements. In the video, surrealism is referenced when discussing the AI's ability to create images that have a surreal or dreamlike quality, often by combining unrelated elements in a visually intriguing way.

💡Artistic Evolution

Artistic Evolution refers to the development and change in an artist's style or the broader progression of art as a whole over time. In the context of the video, artistic evolution is discussed in relation to the potential impact of AI on the art world, suggesting that AI platforms like Dali 2 could lead to new forms of artistic expression and creativity.


Jasmine discusses the use of Dali 2, an advanced text to visuals artificial intelligence.

Dali 2 was tested against real artists on Fiverr in a forthcoming video.

An image was generated from a boy's face and a rocket ship emojis, sparking Jasmine's interest.

Experiments with Dali 2 involved turning emojis into art, such as a smiling love heart eyes emoji with a rose.

Dali 2 produced a variety of dinosaur-based images from four dinosaur saws emojis.

The AI was flagged for inappropriate content when given a love heart, winky kissy face, and eggplant emojis.

Jasmine engaged Twitter users to suggest emoji combinations for Dali 2 to turn into artwork.

A prompt with a poop emoji resulted in a bus, showing Dali's interpretation of emojis.

An owl, two people, a mountain, and a Japanese gate emoji combination led to a potential wedding portrait.

Dali 2's interpretation of emojis can be more complex and abstract than literal.

The AI tool can produce artwork in different visual styles, such as a minimalist, Cubist line art.

Dali 2 has the potential to be a valuable tool for artists, pushing their skills and success forward.

The AI can generate high-resolution images with specific styles, like a portrait in the style of Vincent van Gogh.

Dali 2's ability to create content from minimal input, such as emojis, opens up new possibilities for creators.

The AI's interpretation of prompts shows its capacity for creativity and understanding context.

Jasmine expresses excitement for the dawn of a new era in art creation, facilitated by AI tools like Dali 2.

Dali 2's success in producing artwork is influenced by the skill of the user in crafting prompts.

The AI tool can provide variations of a generated image, offering different styles and poses.

Jasmine invites viewers to suggest what else to test with Dali 2, indicating the vast potential of the AI.