Midjourney Prompts & Experiments (What works in Midjourney V6?)

Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
29 Feb 202409:43

TLDRThe video explores the impact of various linguistic elements on AI-generated images, including the use of power words for quality, word order, punctuation, and different languages. It demonstrates how these factors can influence the output, with a focus on the subtle differences they create. The experiment also investigates the effect of prompt shortening and the 'describe' function on the generative process, revealing insights into how AI interprets and transforms inputs into visual content.


  • 🌟 The use of a 'seed' value helps generate similar but not identical images with the same prompt.
  • ✍️ Adding punctuation like commas and full stops can slightly alter the resulting image.
  • 🔤 Changing the word order or capitalizing words can lead to variations in the image's style.
  • 🐶 Experimenting with 'power words' for quality, such as '4K' or 'HD', can steer the image towards a more photographic style.
  • 🎨 Using 'highly detailed' prompts can result in artwork with more intricate designs.
  • 🌐 Testing with different languages shows that while some understanding is present, the full comprehension of prompts may not be accurate.
  • 📸 Shortening prompts with 'shorten' can maintain the essence of the original image, indicating redundancy in longer prompts.
  • 🚀 The 'describe' function can generate new prompts based on an existing image, offering variations and refinements.
  • 🔄 Refeeding an image into the system using 'describe' and then generating can yield interesting and expanded results.
  • 🧠 The experiments demonstrate the influence of language, structure, and specific terms on AI-generated images.
  • 💡 The video invites viewers to suggest new experiments and engage with the content by commenting.

Q & A

  • What was the main purpose of the experiments conducted in the video?

    -The main purpose of the experiments was to investigate the impact of various factors on the output of AI-generated images, such as the use of power words for quality, the order of words, punctuation, different languages, and the use of the 'describe' function.

  • How did using a seed with a specific number affect the AI-generated image?

    -Using a seed with a specific number produced extremely similar results when the same prompt was entered multiple times, demonstrating that the seed helps to achieve consistency in image generation.

  • What was observed when an exclamation mark was added to the prompt?

    -Adding an exclamation mark to the prompt resulted in a slightly different image, indicating that even small changes in the prompt can influence the output, although the differences might not be drastic.

  • What effect did changing the word order have on the AI-generated image?

    -Altering the word order led to subtle changes in the image, suggesting that the sequence of words can have a minimal impact on the final result.

  • How did using power words for quality, such as '4K' and 'HD', influence the style of the AI-generated images?

    -Power words for quality like '4K' and 'HD'倾向于将图像风格引向摄影方向,可能是因为AI在训练过程中接触到的这类词汇多与摄影图像相关。

  • What was the outcome of testing AI-generated images with different languages?

    -Testing with different languages yielded mixed results. While some languages like Japanese and Italian seemed to retain the general concept of the prompt, others like Chinese and German did not interpret the prompt as precisely, indicating that the AI's understanding of languages varies.

  • What did the 'shorten' command achieve when applied to the original prompt?

    -The 'shorten' command effectively condensed the original prompt into shorter versions, demonstrating that a significant portion of the original prompt could be removed without drastically altering the essence of the AI-generated image.

  • How accurate was the 'describe' function in capturing the essence of an existing image?

    -The 'describe' function provided reasonably accurate descriptions of the existing image, capturing the main subject matter and generating prompts that resulted in similar images, although with some variations.

  • What was the overall conclusion regarding the use of power words to enhance image quality?

    -The overall conclusion was that using power words to enhance image quality did not significantly improve the quality of the image. Instead, these words seemed to steer the prompt towards a direction more commonly associated with the word, rather than enhancing the image's quality per se.

  • What was the most effective way to achieve unique results based on the experiments?

    -Based on the experiments, the most effective way to achieve unique results was by using the 'shorten' command, which could focus on the most important aspects of the prompt and produce accurate results with less redundancy.

  • What was suggested for future experiments based on the video content?

    -The video suggested that viewers could suggest their own ideas for experiments, which could then be tested and explored in future videos, encouraging audience engagement and further exploration of AI-generated image capabilities.



🔬 Experimenting with MidJourney Prompts

The video begins with an introduction to a series of experiments aimed at understanding the impact of certain power words for quality, the order of words, punctuation, and other languages on the output of MidJourney AI. The first experiment involves setting a seed to establish consistent results. It is noted that minor differences can occur even with the same seed, but these are not identical. The addition of an exclamation mark changes the output, demonstrating that small alterations can lead to different results. The video also explores the effects of commas, capitalization, and word order, concluding that these do have an impact, albeit a minimal one. The use of power words like '4K' and 'HD' is found to steer the output towards photography, while 'highly detailed' leans more towards artwork. The video suggests that these terms may not enhance quality but direct the style of the output based on their common usage.


🌐 Testing MidJourney with Different Languages

The video continues with an exploration of how MidJourney AI interprets prompts in different languages. It is suggested that the AI does not have extensive training on non-English languages, and the results vary significantly. Japanese and Italian prompts yield some understanding, with recognizable elements from the original prompt, but the combination of elements is not as precise. Chinese and German prompts show a more limited understanding, with elements present but not combined as intended. The video also tests the AI's understanding of Japanese characters by using a prompt related to warriors and battle, which leans towards a samurai theme, indicating some level of character recognition. The video concludes that while using different languages can produce unique results, the AI's full understanding of the prompt is not guaranteed.




In the context of the video, 'Journey' likely refers to a type of AI or generative model being used to create images based on textual prompts. It is a central theme as the video explores various ways to manipulate and refine the output of this AI system.


A 'seed' in the context of AI image generation is an initial input value that is used to produce a specific output. The video discusses the use of seeds to achieve consistent results when generating images with the AI system.

💡Power Words

Power words are terms that are believed to have a significant impact on the output when used in prompts for AI image generation. The video investigates whether certain 'power words' for quality actually influence the resulting images.

💡Image Generation

Image generation refers to the process of creating visual content using AI algorithms based on textual descriptions or other inputs. The video is centered around experimenting with different methods to improve or alter the image generation process.


Punctuation refers to the marks or signs used in writing to separate sentences and phrases, and to convey meaning. In the context of the video, punctuation like commas and dashes is explored to see if it affects the AI's interpretation and resulting image generation.


Language in this context refers to the use of different linguistic systems (e.g., English, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, German) in the textual prompts for AI image generation. The video examines whether the AI understands and reacts differently to prompts in various languages.


To 'shorten' in the context of the video means to reduce the length or complexity of a textual prompt to see if a more concise description can still effectively guide the AI in generating desired images.

💡Describe Function

The 'describe function' refers to a feature of the AI system that can analyze an existing image and generate a more detailed textual description of it. This function is used in the video to create new prompts based on an existing image.


Experimentation in this context involves systematically trying out different variables, such as power words, punctuation, language, and shortening prompts, to observe their effects on AI-generated images. The video is essentially a series of experiments to understand the nuances of AI image generation.


Quality in the context of the video pertains to the resolution, detail, and overall aesthetic appeal of the images generated by the AI system. The video aims to find out if certain words or techniques can enhance the quality of these images.


The experiment aims to determine the impact of power words and word order on image generation.

Using the same seed with a prompt results in similar but not identical images.

Adding an exclamation mark to the prompt produces a slightly different image.

Commas, capitalization, and word order changes can affect the style and details of the generated image.

Power words like 4K and HD lean the image towards photography, while highly detailed prompts favor artwork.

The AI does not fully understand prompts in other languages, but some understanding is evident.

Shortening prompts with the 'shorten' command can maintain the essence of the original image.

The 'describe' function can offer more detailed prompts based on an existing image.

Experiments show that minor changes in prompts can lead to varied image outputs.

The AI's understanding of non-English languages is limited but can still provide unique results.

Using 'describe' on an image and refed into the system can create slightly different interpretations.

The experiment explores the balance between the AI's understanding of language and its image generation capabilities.

The study provides insights into how AI can be guided to produce desired image outcomes through word choice and manipulation.

The results suggest that AI's interpretation of power words is influenced by its training data.

The experiment demonstrates the potential for creative exploration with AI in art and photography.

The findings could have practical applications in content creation, design, and AI-assisted image editing.

The video invites viewers to suggest new experiments and engage with the AI's capabilities.