Mythic #113 - We Test Out The Best Decks In MKM Standard Before Outlaws Of Thunder Junction

12 Apr 202452:32

TLDRIn this video, the content creator discusses their final gameplay before the release of new cards from Outlaws at Thunder Junction. They reflect on the best decks from Murders at Carlo Manor, particularly the Boros Convoke deck, and share their excitement for upcoming cards. The video also features a series of matches against various decks, showcasing the creator's strategic thinking and gameplay.


  • 🎥 The video discusses the best decks in the Magic: The Gathering (MTG) standard format before the release of the Outlaws of Thunder Junction set.
  • 🌟 The creator is particularly excited about the potential of certain cards from the upcoming set and plans to ask other content creators about their thoughts and deck-building strategies.
  • 🎲 The video features gameplay with a specific deck that has been highly successful, achieving a 68% win rate over 200 games, and is considered one of the best in the current meta.
  • 🃏 The deck in question utilizes the Boros convoke mechanic and has been a powerhouse since the Murders at Carlo Manor set was released.
  • 🔥 The creator emphasizes the importance of adapting to the meta and being aware of potential threats and new strategies that other players might employ.
  • 📈 The video showcases a game where the creator goes against a variety of decks, including Mono-Green and Skeletons, highlighting the diversity in the high Mythic tier.
  • 🤔 The creator discusses the strategic considerations and decision-making process during gameplay, including how to handle potential sweepers and the value of card draw.
  • 🏆 The video concludes with a 100-game winning streak, reinforcing the deck's strength and the creator's confidence in its performance.
  • 📅 The creator plans to release a video on Monday discussing the most anticipated cards and potential deck ideas for the new set with other content creators.
  • 🌐 The video encourages viewers to check out the channels of the content creators featured for more in-depth gameplay and ideas.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video is discussing and testing the best decks in the Magic: The Gathering (MTG) standard format before the release of the new set, Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

  • What is the narrator's approach to the video content?

    -The narrator plans to ask several content creators about the cards they are most excited for and the decks they intend to build around in the first week or two after the new cards are released.

  • What is the narrator's opinion on the current meta-game?

    -The narrator believes that the meta-game is dominated by decks introduced with the Murders at Carlo Manor set, specifically highlighting the Elixir of Memory deck and the Tamir ramp deck.

  • What is the narrator's strategy for playing against decks with sweepers?

    -The narrator emphasizes the importance of applying pressure and making the opponent use their sweepers, thus limiting their options and increasing the narrator's chances of winning.

  • What is the significance of the 'Fast L' addition to the deck?

    -The 'Fast L' is a significant addition because it improves the deck's mana base, making it more consistent and allowing for more aggressive one-drops without the pain of playing pain lands.

  • What is the narrator's view on the current win rate of the deck?

    -The narrator acknowledges that the win rate has decreased slightly due to adaptations by other players to counter the deck, but still considers it one of the top three best decks in the format.

  • What is the narrator's strategy for playing against control decks?

    -The narrator suggests that it's important to constantly think about potential threats and plays around them, such as using cards like Idan's Recruiter to avoid sweepers and maintain board presence.

  • What are the narrator's expectations for the new set release?

    -The narrator is excited about the new set and expects it to bring fresh variety and new deck ideas to the standard format, especially in the higher ranks of play like Mythic.

  • How does the narrator plan to adapt the deck after the rotation?

    -The narrator expects that the deck will lose the Epicure card after the rotation, but believes that the deck can adapt by possibly increasing the number of one-drops and finding a suitable replacement for the artifact creature.

  • What is the narrator's final verdict on the deck?

    -The narrator gives the deck a black belt rating, acknowledging its high win rate and strong performance over the past weeks, and expects it to remain a top contender until the next rotation.



🎮 Final Gameplay Video Before New Card Release

The speaker discusses the upcoming end of their gameplay videos before the release of new cards from the Outlaws at Thunder Junction. They mention a plan to interview content creators about the new cards they're most excited for and their strategies for building decks around them. The speaker also reflects on the current standard of gameplay and their anticipation for sharing these insights with their audience.


🏆 Playing with Top Decks from Murders at Carlo Manor

The speaker shares their experience playing with what they consider the best decks from the Murders at Carlo Manor. They discuss the performance of a particular deck that was significantly improved with the addition of certain cards and express their intention to play this deck one last time before the new cards are released. The speaker also talks about the evolution of the deck and its current standing in the meta.


🤔 Strategic Decisions in Gameplay

The speaker delves into the strategic decisions they made during gameplay, including the management of their deck and the anticipation of their opponent's potential moves. They discuss the importance of considering various scenarios and how these considerations influenced their gameplay, highlighting the dynamic nature of the game and the need for adaptability.


📈 Climbing the Ladder and Reflecting on Opponent's Deck

The speaker talks about their journey of climbing the ladder and the different decks they've encountered, including a unique crime-style deck. They reflect on the strategies used against this deck and how it felt to be ahead in the game despite the constant threat of potential losses. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of the opponent's deck and potential threats.


🌟 Excitement for Upcoming Skeletons and Deck Evolution

The speaker expresses their excitement for the upcoming skeletons and how they plan to incorporate them into their deck. They discuss a specific game where they faced a challenging opponent with an interesting deck and how the game played out. The speaker also talks about their strategy for future games and the potential evolution of their deck.


🏆 Achieving a 100-Game Winning Streak

The speaker recounts their achievement of a 100-game winning streak with their deck, highlighting the deck's performance and its high win rate over several weeks. They discuss the significance of this accomplishment and the potential changes they foresee for the deck with the introduction of new cards and the rotation of others.


🤝 Collaborating with Content Creators for New Card Insights

The speaker shares their plans to collaborate with other content creators to discuss the new cards from the Outlaws of Thunder Junction. They express their excitement for the insights and new ideas that these creators will bring to the table and how this collaboration will provide valuable content for their audience.




In the context of the video, 'Mythic' refers to a high level of play in the game being discussed, specifically the Mythic rank in the competitive ladder. It signifies a high degree of skill and expertise, where players are deeply engaged with the game's meta and are often playing with or against top-tier decks. The video script mentions 'Mythic' multiple times, indicating the level of play and the competitive nature of the matches being analyzed and played.

💡Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Outlaws of Thunder Junction is presumably a new set or expansion in the game being discussed. It is likely to introduce new cards and mechanics that will shake up the current meta, offering players new strategies and deck options. The anticipation for this release is a central theme in the video, with the speaker looking forward to testing out the new cards and seeing how they will influence the game.


Standard, in the context of trading card games like Magic: The Gathering, refers to a format where players can only use cards from the most recent sets, typically the last few years' worth. This format is significant as it represents the current meta and encourages players to keep up with the latest releases. The speaker in the video is discussing decks and strategies in the Standard format before the release of new cards.


In the context of the video, 'decks' refer to the specific sets of cards that players use in the game. Each deck has a unique combination of cards, strategies, and 'win conditions' that players aim to execute to achieve victory. The speaker is reviewing and discussing various decks, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and how they fit into the current meta.

💡Content Creators

Content creators in this context are individuals who produce and share content related to the game, often providing insights, strategies, and entertainment to the gaming community. They may create videos, articles, or live streams where they discuss the game, showcase new cards, and share their experiences playing. The speaker in the video plans to ask other content creators about their thoughts on upcoming cards and strategies, indicating a collaborative and community-driven aspect to the game's culture.


The term 'meta' in gaming refers to the 'metagame', which is the game's strategic landscape or the most effective strategies, decks, and cards that players commonly use. It evolves with new card releases, balance changes, and competitive play. The speaker is interested in exploring and discussing the current meta, as well as how it might change with the introduction of new cards from 'Outlaws of Thunder Junction'.


Aggro, short for aggressive, is a term used to describe a playstyle focused on dealing damage to the opponent as quickly as possible, often sacrificing long-term strategy for immediate pressure. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions an 'aggro deck', indicating a preference for fast, hard-hitting strategies that aim to win games quickly by overwhelming the opponent with threats.


Control, in the context of trading card games, refers to a strategy focused on managing the game state and disrupting the opponent's plans rather than dealing damage quickly. Control decks typically aim to maintain an advantage through card draw, removal spells, and other forms of manipulation, eventually winning through a slower, more strategic approach. The speaker discusses the need to adapt to control matchups, indicating an awareness of different strategic approaches within the game.


In trading card games, 'rotation' refers to the process where certain sets of cards are no longer legal for play in a specific format, usually because newer sets have been released. This forces the meta to evolve as players must adapt to the changing pool of available cards. The speaker mentions a specific rotation date, indicating the anticipation of changes to the game's environment and the need to adjust decks accordingly.


Epicure, in the context of the video, appears to be a card or game mechanic that is part of a deck's strategy. It is likely a card with a significant impact on gameplay, contributing to the deck's effectiveness and win condition. The speaker discusses the importance of Epicure in the current deck and anticipates its loss due to the upcoming rotation.


Convoke, as used in the video, is likely a game mechanic or a specific card's ability that allows for the simplified or discounted casting of spells by sacrificing creatures. This mechanic can lead to powerful interactions and combos, enabling players to generate card advantage or execute strategies more efficiently. The speaker's mention of 'Boris convoke' suggests it is a notable aspect of the game and a part of the current deck's strategy.


Content creators share their most hyped cards for the upcoming set Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

The video will showcase the best decks from the set Murders at Carlo Manor.

The deck featuring Edix, Memory Artist was a new creation after the release of Carlo Manor.

The Tamir ramp deck is powerful but requires learning how to beat it as it will be around until the rotation in July.

Boris, Convoke Expert was a significant addition to the deck, transforming it from a tier 2 or 3 into a top contender.

The deck's key strategy is to utilize Epicure, Novice Inspector, and Frontliner effectively.

The deck's original formation included Warleader's Call and Case of the Gateway Express.

Gleeful Demolition is a crucial card for the deck, allowing for artifact destruction and squad buffing.

The deck's win rate has been affected by the upcoming set's hate cards, decreasing its success in recent weeks.

The addition of fast lands will significantly improve the deck's mana base.

The deck has maintained an impressive 68% win rate over 200 games, making it a top choice in the meta.

The upcoming set is expected to bring variety and innovation to the standard format.

The video will feature interviews with content creators discussing their ideas and strategies for the new set.

The deck's success is attributed to its adaptability and multiple win conditions.

Epicure's potential replacement will be crucial for the deck's performance post-rotation.

The video will provide insights into the evolving meta and the impact of the new set on existing decks.