New AI Bot Alters History?

The Comments Section with Brett Cooper
23 Feb 202410:40

TLDRThe video discusses the controversial AI platform, Gemini, created by Google, which has been criticized for generating content that some view as biased and politicized. The platform has been observed to refuse to generate images involving white people, and instead provides historically inaccurate representations. The video highlights the importance of recognizing that AI is programmed by humans with their own biases and agendas, and calls for awareness of the impact of such biases on technology.


  • 🤖 The emergence of AI platforms like Chatbot and Gemini has sparked discussions about the potential biases in AI responses.
  • 🚨 AI's ability to generate content is not unbiased, as the code is written by humans, which introduces the potential for bias.
  • 🌐 Gemini, a generative AI platform by Google, has been criticized for producing biased and politicized content.
  • 🖼️ Gemini's refusal to generate content involving white people and its alterations of historical figures have raised concerns about historical accuracy.
  • 🏛️ The AI's depiction of historical events, such as the founding fathers, has been described as promoting a leftist narrative over factual accuracy.
  • 💡 AI's response to sensitive topics, like the example of pedophilia, has been criticized for seeming to excuse or downplay the issue.
  • 🧑‍💻 The creator's personal beliefs and biases can significantly influence the AI's output, as seen with the director of Google's Gemini.
  • 🔍 Public scrutiny and investigation into the backgrounds of AI developers can reveal potential sources of bias in the AI's programming.
  • 📈 The incident with Gemini has highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in AI development.
  • 🌟 AI's potential to shape societal narratives and perceptions of history is significant and should be approached with caution.
  • 🛑 The controversy surrounding Gemini serves as a reminder that AI is not infallible and is subject to the biases of its creators.

Q & A

  • What was the main topic of discussion in the initial episode about AI that Brad Cooper mentioned?

    -The main topic of discussion in the initial episode about AI was the potential future of AI and the inherent bias in AI systems, as they are created by humans and thus cannot be completely unbiased.

  • What was the issue with chat GPT that Brad Cooper highlighted?

    -The issue with chat GPT that Brad Cooper highlighted was its bias, as it was not generating responses in an unbiased manner, which he found shocking considering the significant development of AI technology.

  • What is the new generative AI platform introduced in the script?

    -The new generative AI platform introduced in the script is called Gemini, created by Google.

  • What was the notable bias observed in Gemini's responses?

    -The notable bias observed in Gemini's responses was its refusal to generate content involving white people, even in contexts where it would be historically accurate or contextually appropriate.

  • How did Gemini respond to a request for an image of the founding fathers?

    -Gemini responded to a request for an image of the founding fathers by generating images of black and Native American individuals, which was a deviation from the historical accuracy of the founding fathers.

  • What was Gemini's explanation for deviating from the original prompt?

    -Gemini's explanation for deviating from the original prompt was that it aimed to provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context of the period.

  • What was the public's reaction to Gemini's responses?

    -The public's reaction to Gemini's responses was largely negative, with many pointing out the hypocrisy and inaccuracy of the AI's generated content, leading to an uproar online.

  • What was revealed about the director of Google's Gemini?

    -The director of Google's Gemini was exposed, and his personal beliefs and tweets were found to align with the biases observed in Gemini's responses, suggesting that the AI's programming may have been influenced by the personal views of its creators.

  • What did the director acknowledge about Gemini's performance?

    -The director acknowledged that Gemini was generating historical inaccuracies and that Google was working to fix these issues immediately.

  • What is the key takeaway from the script regarding AI and bias?

    -The key takeaway from the script is that AI is not unbiased and is programmed by people with their own agendas and biases. Users should be aware of this and understand that AI outputs are influenced by the values and beliefs of their creators.

  • What was the stance on the issue of diversity and inclusion in AI responses?

    -The stance was that while diversity and inclusion are important, they should not be used to promote inaccuracies or to further racial divides. The focus should be on balance and fairness rather than promoting a one-sided narrative.



🤖 AI Bias and the Emergence of Gemini

This paragraph discusses the inherent bias in AI systems, highlighting the example of Google's AI platform, Gemini. The speaker, Brad Cooper, expresses his astonishment over the platform's refusal to generate content involving white people, even in contexts where it would be historically or factually accurate. The paragraph points out the absurdity of the AI's responses, such as providing chocolate pudding instead of vanilla when asked, and generating images of the Founding Fathers with diverse races instead of their actual appearances. The speaker criticizes the AI's politically motivated bias and calls out the tech giants for their lack of honesty and accuracy in representing history.


🎨 The Misrepresentation of History and Stereotypes

The second paragraph delves deeper into the issue of AI-generated content and its impact on historical representation and stereotypes. It describes how Google's Gemini platform generates images that are not only factually incorrect but also perpetuate certain stereotypes, such as depicting the Pope as a woman or Greek warriors as Asian women. The speaker points out the hypocrisy in the AI's responses, which refuse to generate images of strong white men or other traditionally white figures, citing the reinforcement of harmful stereotypes as the reason. The paragraph also touches on the AI's refusal to create a Norman Rockwell-style painting due to ethical considerations, highlighting the extreme measures taken by the AI to avoid offense.


🚨 The Dangers of AI and the Role of the Creators

In the final paragraph, the speaker discusses the broader implications of AI and its potential dangers when programmed with certain biases. It emphasizes the importance of being aware that AI is not neutral but has an agenda set by its creators. The paragraph also addresses the issue of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) being misused to create racial divides rather than combat racism. The speaker calls out the tech industry for their lack of self-awareness and the propagation of harmful ideologies through the AI they create. The paragraph concludes with a reminder that AI is programmed by people with their own biases and agendas, and it is crucial for users to be cognizant of this fact.



💡AI Bias

AI Bias refers to the inherent subjectivity or prejudice in artificial intelligence systems, which is introduced by the humans who design and program them. In the video, the speaker expresses shock at the realization that AI, which seems to provide answers out of thin air, is not unbiased. The AI system, Gemini, is criticized for generating content that appears to favor certain groups over others, reflecting the biases of its creators.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model that generates human-like text based on the prompts it receives. It is mentioned in the video as an example of an AI technology that has been previously discussed by the speaker, and which also exhibits biases. The speaker uses Chat GPT as a reference point to introduce the discussion on the new AI platform, Gemini, and its apparent biases.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to AI systems that are capable of creating new content, such as images, text, or ideas, based on the data they have been trained on. In the context of the video, Gemini is a generative AI platform that can produce images and text in response to user prompts, but it is criticized for its apparent political biases and refusal to generate certain types of content.

💡Historical Accuracy

Historical accuracy refers to the precise and truthful representation of past events and figures. In the video, the speaker criticizes Gemini for generating images that deviate from historical accuracy, such as depicting the founding fathers as diverse individuals, which, while promoting inclusivity, may not align with historical records.

💡Political Correctness

Political correctness is the practice of avoiding language or actions that could offend certain groups of people, often with the intention of promoting inclusivity and equality. The video discusses how the AI platform, Gemini, seems to be influenced by political correctness, as it generates content that avoids stereotypes and promotes diversity, even at the cost of historical accuracy.


Stereotypes are widely held but fixed and oversimplified images or ideas about a particular type of person or thing. In the video, the speaker argues that while Gemini claims to avoid stereotypes, it actually perpetuates new ones by refusing to generate certain types of content, such as images of strong white men, under the guise of promoting diversity and inclusivity.

💡Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion refer to the practice of ensuring that different groups of people are represented fairly and included in various aspects of society, including the workplace, education, and media. The video criticizes the AI platform Gemini for seemingly prioritizing diversity and inclusion over historical accuracy, by generating images and content that reflect a more diverse representation of historical figures and scenarios.


Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, or other forms of expression that are considered politically unacceptable or offensive. In the video, the speaker accuses Gemini of a form of censorship by refusing to generate certain types of content, such as images of white people in historical contexts, which they believe is a biased and politically motivated decision.

💡Programming Bias

Programming bias refers to the intentional or unintentional influence of a programmer's personal beliefs, values, or preferences on the code they write, which can result in the AI system exhibiting those same biases. In the video, the speaker suggests that the biases observed in Gemini's output are a direct result of programming bias by the developers behind the AI platform.

💡Social Media Influence

Social media influence refers to the impact that platforms like Twitter and Facebook have on public opinion, behavior, and the spread of information. In the video, the speaker highlights the role of social media in shaping the narrative around AI biases, as evidenced by the public's reaction to Gemini's outputs and the subsequent exposure of the platform's director's personal beliefs on Twitter.

💡Mental Health

Mental health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. In the context of the video, the AI's response to a question about pedophilia is used to illustrate the platform's approach to sensitive topics, emphasizing the importance of treating individuals with mental health issues, such as pedophilia, with compassion and understanding.


DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which are values that focus on creating a just and fair environment where all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, have access to opportunities and resources. The video criticizes the implementation of DEI, suggesting that it has led to a divisive approach that promotes certain groups over others, rather than fostering true inclusivity.


The story discussed involves an AI platform called Gemini, created by Google, which has been found to exhibit biases and politicization in its outputs.

Gemini's bias was evident when it refused to generate content involving white people, even for prompts as simple as 'vanilla pudding', opting to show 'chocolate pudding' instead.

The AI's response to requests for images of historical figures, such as the Founding Fathers, was to provide images of black and Native American individuals, deviating from historical accuracy.

Gemini's justification for these deviations was to provide a 'more accurate and inclusive' representation of historical contexts, despite the lack of factual accuracy.

The AI's refusal to generate certain images, like a strong white man, was based on the claim that it could 'reinforce harmful stereotypes', while it had no issue generating images of strong black men.

Requests for images of a white cowboy or a beautiful white woman were also declined by Gemini, citing the same concern about reinforcing stereotypes.

The AI platform did not shy away from generating content that was considered 'diverse', such as a black cowboy or a beautiful black woman, without any mention of stereotypes.

Gemini's refusal to generate a Norman Rockwell style painting due to ethical considerations highlights the AI's programmed understanding of what is considered offensive or inaccurate.

The AI's response to a question about pedophilia was to treat it as a mental illness deserving of compassion and understanding, which was seen as an attempt to excuse the behavior.

The controversy surrounding Gemini's outputs led to an investigation into the background of its director, revealing tweets that supported the AI's biases and politicization.

The director of Google's Gemini acknowledged the historical inaccuracies in the AI's outputs but did not express remorse, suggesting a lack of concern for the impact of these biases.

The story serves as a reminder that AI is programmed by humans with their own biases and agendas, and users should be aware of this when interacting with such technology.

The video content creator expresses concern about the influence of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives on AI development, suggesting they may contribute to racial divides rather than unity.

The video emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and skepticism when dealing with AI technologies that may be influenced by political or ideological biases.

The content creator encourages viewers to protect their online data and privacy, using a VPN like ExpressVPN to secure their information from potential hackers.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to like, subscribe, and follow the content creator on various social media platforms for more engaging content.