Parcoursup 2023 : C'est pour qui ? Les élèves et étudiants concernés

30 Dec 202208:07

TLDRThe video script discusses Parcoursup, a French platform designed for high school students to pursue higher education in France. It emphasizes that not only French students but also those from abroad, like Senegal, can apply. The video highlights three main groups who can benefit from Parcoursup: high school seniors, university students looking to change their major, and individuals with a high school diploma who have not studied in a few years but wish to start anew. It stresses the importance of informing high school students about this opportunity and encourages everyone to apply, regardless of their current educational status, while noting the potential visa issues for international applicants.


  • 📚 Parcoursup is a French platform designed for high school students to pursue higher education in the French CPE (Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures) system.
  • 🌍 It is equivalent to CampusFrance for Senegalese students, which helps new high school graduates get oriented into Senegalese higher education.
  • 🎓 The primary target group for Parcoursup are high school students in France who wish to access higher education, as it is a necessary step for them.
  • 🌐 International students, including those from Senegal, Madagascar, Benin, Togo, and Gabon, are also eligible to apply through Parcoursup.
  • 📢 The speaker emphasizes the importance of informing high school students in Africa about Parcoursup, as many may not be aware of its existence.
  • 🔄 Parcoursup is also for university students who wish to change or reorient their field of study, but they must start in the first year of the program.
  • 🎓 Even those who have taken a break from studies for several years after obtaining their baccalaureate can use Parcoursup to restart their education in a new field.
  • 🇫🇷 For international students, the main challenge when applying to change their field of study is the visa process, but it should not be a barrier to trying.
  • 🚫 Applicants should not expect to find the exact same program name on Parcoursup as their current field of study; it is encouraged to try for a new beginning.
  • 💡 The key takeaway is that Parcoursup is primarily for first-year applications, and everyone is encouraged to apply to maximize their chances of acceptance.
  • 📈 The speaker advises to take a chance and apply, as not trying guarantees no acceptance, but trying may lead to success.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of Parcoursup?

    -Parcoursup is a French platform designed to allow high school students to pursue their studies in the French CPE (Classe Préparatoire aux Études de Sciences) education system.

  • Who is primarily concerned with Parcoursup?

    -The primary concern of Parcoursup are high school students in France who wish to access higher education.

  • Can international students apply through Parcoursup?

    -Yes, international students, including those from Senegal, Madagascar, Benin, Togo, Gabon, and other countries, have the right to apply through Parcoursup.

  • What is the significance of informing high school students about Parcoursup?

    -Informing high school students about Parcoursup is crucial as it provides them with the opportunity to apply for higher education in France and potentially change their future academic paths.

  • What is the second group of people who can use Parcoursup?

    -The second group of people who can use Parcoursup are university students who wish to change or reorient their field of study.

  • What is the condition for university students applying through Parcoursup?

    -University students applying through Parcoursup must start their new field of study from the first year, regardless of their previous academic level.

  • What is the third group of people eligible to apply through Parcoursup?

    -The third group of people are those who have completed their high school education (Baccalaureate) a few years ago and have not pursued further studies but wish to reorient or start a new field of study.

  • What is a common misconception about applying for a change of study program through Parcoursup?

    -A common misconception is that students might not get a visa if they change their field of study. However, changing one's field of study should not negatively impact the visa application process.

  • What advice is given to students who are unsure about their future academic path?

    -Students are encouraged to apply through Parcoursup and try their chances, even if they are unsure about their future academic path, as it can open up opportunities for higher education.

  • What is the recommended strategy for applying to Parcoursup?

    -It is advised not to apply for the exact same field of study that one is currently pursuing. Instead, students should aim to start from the first year of a new field of study to maximize their chances of acceptance.

  • What is the general outcome for students who apply through Parcoursup?

    -The outcome varies; some students may receive multiple acceptances, but generally, the process can be challenging. However, it is encouraged to apply as not trying at all guarantees no acceptance, whereas trying provides a chance for success.



📚 Introduction to Parcoursup and Its Applicability

This paragraph introduces Parcoursup, a French platform designed for high school students to pursue higher education within the French CPE system. It emphasizes the importance of Parcoursup for French high school students and extends its applicability to international students from countries like Senegal, Madagascar, and others, highlighting the opportunity for them to apply through Parcoursup. The speaker also urges viewers, especially those who have been following their channel for a while, to inform high school students about Parcoursup to prevent them from missing out on this opportunity. The paragraph stresses the significance of informing students about this platform, regardless of whether they are in their final year of high school or studying abroad.


🎓 Addressing University Students and Career Changers

The second paragraph focuses on the application of Parcoursup for individuals already in university and those looking to change or reorient their field of study. It clarifies that Parcoursup is not only for high school students but also for university students who wish to switch their major or find a new educational path. The speaker highlights the importance of starting fresh in the first year for those wanting to change their academic direction, regardless of their current level of education, such as a Master's or Bachelor's degree holder. The paragraph also addresses potential visa issues for international students looking to change their field of study, reassuring them that changing one's major should not negatively impact their visa status. The speaker encourages viewers to take a chance and apply through Parcoursup, emphasizing that everyone has the right to reorient their education.

🌟 Encouraging High School Students to Explore Parcoursup

In the final paragraph, the speaker reiterates the importance of informing high school students about Parcoursup, especially those who may not have continued their education in recent years. The speaker advises viewers to encourage younger students to explore Parcoursup as an option for higher education, even if they have not studied for a couple of years. The paragraph emphasizes that the platform is open to all, including those who have graduated long ago and are looking to restart their education. The speaker also provides advice on the application process, cautioning against seeking the exact same field of study and encouraging viewers to take a chance by applying, as not doing so could result in missing out on opportunities for acceptance into higher education programs.




Parcoursup is a French platform designed to enable high school students to pursue their studies in the French CPE (Classe Préparatoire aux Études Supérieures) education system. It is the primary focus of the video, as it is the gateway for students to access higher education in France. The platform is also open to international students, allowing them to apply for studies in France, emphasizing the importance of awareness and participation.


Lycéens, or high school students, are the primary users of the Parcoursup platform. They are in a critical stage of their education where decisions made through this platform can significantly impact their future academic and career paths. The video emphasizes the importance of these students understanding how Parcoursup works and utilizing it effectively to apply for higher education.


Formation refers to the educational programs or courses that students can pursue through the Parcoursup platform. It is a broad term that encompasses various fields of study and is central to the video's message about the importance of choosing the right path in education. The term is used to discuss the options available to students and the process of changing or reorienting one's educational focus.


Terminale is the final year of high school in France, which is a crucial time for students as they prepare to transition to higher education or the workforce. In the context of the video, being in terminale is when students typically use Parcoursup to apply for higher education programs, making it a key term in understanding the platform's relevance and usage.


Université refers to higher education institutions where students pursue advanced degrees after completing high school. The video discusses the role of Parcoursup in helping students access French universities and change their educational formation. It is an important concept as it represents the goal that many students aim to reach through the Parcoursup platform.

💡Changer de Formation

Changing one's educational formation or course of study is a significant decision that some students may need to make during their academic journey. The video addresses this by explaining how Parcoursup can facilitate such changes, especially for those in their first year of university who wish to reorient their studies or switch to a different field.


The Baccalauréat, or high school diploma, is the qualification that students earn after completing their secondary education. In the context of the video, having a Baccalauréat is a prerequisite for using Parcoursup to apply for higher education, regardless of how long ago it was obtained. This term is essential as it marks the students' eligibility to engage with the platform.


A visa is an official document that permits an individual to enter, stay, or leave a country. In the video, the term is discussed in relation to international students who wish to study in France through Parcoursup. The speaker emphasizes that changing one's educational formation should not negatively impact visa applications, as students have the right to reorient their studies.


While not explicitly defined in the video, Campuse likely refers to Campus France, a platform that helps international students apply for studies in France. The video mentions that students who have not studied for several years might find it complicated to use Campus France but can still apply through Parcoursup.


In the context of the video, 'Participe' seems to be a misspelling or mispronunciation of 'Parcoursup'. It is used to refer to the platform and process of applying for higher education. The term is central to the video's message, emphasizing the importance of participation in the application process to maximize one's chances of being accepted into a desired educational program.


Acceptation refers to the admission of students into higher education programs. In the video, it is a key outcome that students aim for when using Parcoursup. The speaker discusses the importance of applying to multiple programs to increase the likelihood of acceptance, as well as the potential challenges faced by students in securing a place in their preferred educational institutions.


Parcoursup is a French platform designed for high school students to pursue higher education in the French CPE system.

Particip is equivalent to Campusen for Senegalese students, a system put in place for new high school graduates to be oriented towards higher education in Senegal.

The primary target group for Parcoursup are high school students in France who wish to access higher education.

International students, such as those from Senegal, Madagascar, Benin, Togo, and Gabon, also have the right to apply through Parcoursup.

It is crucial to inform high school students in Africa about the existence of Parcoursup to prevent them from missing out on opportunities.

The second group concerned by Parcoursup includes university students who wish to change or reorient their studies.

Students in their first year of university, whether in France or abroad, can apply to restart their studies through Parcoursup.

Changing one's field of study as a master's student is not directly possible through Parcoursup; one must start in the first year.

Visa issues may arise for students in Senegal changing their field of study, but it should not prevent them from applying as the right to reorient one's education is recognized.

The third group that can use Parcoursup includes individuals who have completed high school but have not studied for several years and wish to reorient or start a new field of study.

Parcoursup is also available for those who have a baccalaureate degree and have not studied for a long time, allowing them to start or reorient their education in higher education.

For international students, the main concern when applying through Parcoursup is the visa application process.

All applicants should be aware that Parcoursup primarily concerns the first year of higher education.

It is advised not to search for the exact same field of study one is currently in when applying through Parcoursup.

Applying through Parcoursup does not guarantee acceptance, but trying increases the chance of getting at least one acceptance.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of trying one's chances through Parcoursup, even if the outcome might not be ideal.

The message concludes with a call to action for older students to inform their younger peers about the opportunities provided by Parcoursup.