Qui est concerné par les démarches parcourSup ?

22 Jan 202106:31

TLDRThe video script discusses Parcoursup, a French application platform for higher education. It clarifies that while it is primarily for high school seniors, it is now open to all levels of students in France, including foreigners. The speaker explains that even those with advanced degrees can apply for entry-level programs, but acceptance may be questioned by universities or embassies due to the applicant's educational background. The advice given is to apply if in the first year of studies or finishing high school, as it poses fewer issues with institutions and visas.


  • 😂 The speaker humorously expresses reluctance to revisit the topic of Parcoursup, implying its clarity in previous discussions.
  • 📚 Parcoursup is a French platform used primarily by high school seniors for higher education applications, but it's open to all educational levels.
  • 👨‍🎓 International students residing in France can use Parcoursup, while those abroad should use Campus France for certain programs.
  • 🔒 Parcoursup allows applications to BTS (vocational training) and preparatory classes, not just university courses.
  • 🙋‍♂️ Anyone can theoretically apply to start over in education via Parcoursup, regardless of their current level or age.
  • 📝 The platform doesn’t block applications based on qualifications; it's designed to facilitate educational reorientation.
  • 👨‍🏫 Acceptance into programs might be challenging for overqualified candidates due to the skepticism of educational institutions.
  • 🚫 Visa acquisition can be problematic for foreign students applying to lower-level courses than their current studies.
  • 👨‍💻 Embassies may question the intent of applicants, making the visa process stricter for seemingly downgrading educational paths.
  • 👍 It's advised that Parcoursup is best suited for current terminal students or those seeking to start their higher education journey.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of Parcoursup?

    -Parcoursup is a software or platform designed for high school students in their final year, primarily for those in French high schools, but it has been opened to all candidates including those who wish to apply for first-year programs like BTS and preparatory classes.

  • Is there any restriction based on the level of education for using Parcoursup?

    -There is no restriction on the level of education. Even if a candidate is at a higher level of education like Master's or License 3, they can use Parcoursup to apply for first-year programs if they wish to reorient their studies.

  • Can international students apply through Parcoursup?

    -International students studying in France can apply through Parcoursup for first-year programs. However, international students outside of France, especially those without a French high school diploma, cannot apply for undergraduate or DUT programs through Parcoursup and should use Campus France instead.

  • What are the potential challenges for candidates who are accepted into a program through Parcoursup?

    -While being accepted into a program is possible, the main challenge could be at the level of the embassies. They might question the intentions of candidates who have higher education levels applying for first-year programs, which could complicate the visa process.

  • What does the speaker suggest for candidates who are in their final year or first year of higher education?

    -The speaker suggests that if you are in your final year of high school or first year of higher education, you can apply through Parcoursup without any issues, as it will not pose problems for the institutions or the embassy.

  • What is the speaker's advice for candidates who are at a higher level of education but want to apply for first-year programs?

    -The speaker advises that while there is no restriction to apply, it might be complicated to be accepted by the institutions and even more challenging to get a visa through the embassy. However, nothing prevents them from applying.

  • How does Parcoursup handle candidates with high levels of education applying for lower-level programs?

    -Parcoursup will consider such candidates as making a career change or reorientation. The software does not block such applications, allowing candidates to proceed with their applications.

  • What is the significance of the speaker's father's example from Senegal?

    -The example illustrates that there is no age or experience barrier to applying through Parcoursup. Even if a person has a high level of education and is older, they can apply for first-year programs if they wish to reorient their career.

  • What is the speaker's advice for candidates who have a master's degree and want to apply for BTS or preparatory classes?

    -The speaker advises that while it is possible to apply, the candidate should be prepared for potential scrutiny from universities and lyceums, and the visa application process could be complicated due to the unusual educational path.

  • How can candidates increase their chances of being accepted into a program through Parcoursup?

    -Candidates can improve their chances by clearly stating their motivation for reorientation in their application, which might persuade the institutions to accept them despite their unusual educational background.

  • What does the speaker suggest as the best time to use Parcoursup for applications?

    -The speaker suggests that the best time to use Parcoursup is when candidates are in their final year of high school or in the first year of a higher education program, as this aligns well with the typical progression of studies and will not raise concerns with institutions or embassies.



📚 Introduction to Parcoursup and Eligibility

This paragraph introduces the concept of Parcoursup, a French application platform for students in their final year of high school (terminale). It explains that the French government has opened up the platform to all levels of study, meaning even students pursuing higher education like Masters or Bachelor's degree can apply to first-year programs like BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) or preparatory classes. The speaker clarifies that there are no barriers to applying through Parcoursup, regardless of the applicant's current educational level or age. However, it is noted that international students outside of France may face restrictions if they do not hold a French high school diploma, as certain programs are available through Campus France instead.


🌍 Challenges for International Applicants

The speaker discusses the potential challenges faced by international students applying through Parcoursup. While there are no restrictions on applying, the acceptance into programs and obtaining a visa could be complicated, especially for those applying to first-year programs after completing higher levels of education. The speaker shares experiences of seeing many international students face difficulties, particularly at the embassy level, where unusual educational pathways might raise questions and affect visa approval. The advice given is for applicants to consider their reasons and plans carefully before applying through Parcoursup, especially if they are at an advanced stage of their education and looking to apply for a lower-level program.




Parcoursup is a French online platform for higher education applications, specifically designed for high school students in their final year (terminale). It has been opened up by the French government to all levels of students, including those at the master's or License 3 level who wish to apply for first-year programs such as BTS (Technical Bachelor's Degree) or preparatory classes. The platform allows students, both French and foreign, studying in France to apply for these programs, but there are certain restrictions for foreign students applying from abroad.

💡Étudiants en terminale

French high school students in their final year, known as 'terminale', are the primary target users of Parcoursup. These students are in a critical phase of their education, preparing for and applying to higher education programs such as BTS or preparatory classes.

💡BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur)

BTS, or Brevet de Technicien Supérieur, is a two-year higher education program in France that leads to a Technical Bachelor's Degree. It is a vocational program focusing on technical and practical skills, preparing students for specific professional fields.

💡Classe prépa

Classe prépa, or preparatory classes, are specialized high school programs in France that prepare students for entrance exams to elite higher education institutions, such as the grandes écoles. These classes are known for their rigorous academic curriculum.


Candidature refers to the process of applying to higher education programs. In the context of the video, it involves using Parcoursup to submit applications for various programs like BTS or preparatory classes.


In the context of the video, 'étrangers' refers to foreign students or international students who wish to apply for higher education programs in France through Parcoursup. The video discusses the specific challenges and restrictions that these students may face.

💡Licence 3

Licence 3, or License 3, is the third and final year of undergraduate studies in France, leading to a bachelor's degree. Students at this level have completed two years of higher education and are preparing to move on to more specialized or advanced studies.

💡Master 1

Master 1, or Master 1, is the first year of master's degree programs in France. Students at this level have completed their bachelor's degree and are pursuing a more specialized and advanced education in their chosen field.


Réorientation refers to the process of changing one's academic or professional direction. In the context of the video, it describes students who, despite having reached a certain level of education, decide to apply for a different program that is typically pursued at an earlier stage in their academic career.

💡Lettre de motivation

A 'lettre de motivation' or motivation letter is a document that students submit along with their applications to higher education programs. It explains why they are interested in a particular program and how it aligns with their academic and career goals.


A visa is an official document or authorization that allows a foreigner to enter, stay, or leave a country for a specified period. In the context of the video, it discusses the challenges that foreign students may face when applying for a visa through the French embassy to study in France using Parcoursup.


Parcoursup is a software or platform for application purposes made for high school students.

The French government has decided to open Parcoursup to all applications, meaning students at any level can apply.

Even if you are a master's or third-year license student, you can apply for the first year if you wish to.

International students in France can also apply through Parcoursup, regardless of their current level of study.

Students with foreign high school diplomas cannot apply for a license or DUT through Parcoursup, as these are available on Campus France.

You can apply for BTS and preparatory classes through Parcoursup.

The software does not prevent you from applying even if you have high-level degrees and want to reorient towards a BTS or preparatory class.

Acceptance by universities or high schools may be questioned if you have a higher degree and apply for a lower-level program.

International students may face visa issues if they apply for a lower-level program through Parcoursup.

Despite potential complications, nothing prevents you from applying through Parcoursup, even if you have higher-level qualifications.

The speaker advises applying through Parcoursup if you are in your final year of high school or first year of any degree.

The speaker suggests that even those in higher education levels can apply through Parcoursup, but acceptance and visa acquisition may be challenging.

The video aims to clarify who Parcoursup is for and address misunderstandings about its application process.

The speaker emphasizes that the software considers applications for real reorientation, not just a change of study level.

The speaker mentions that some BTS or preparatory classes may accept students who are reorienting due to their motivation letter.

The video provides insights into the practical application of Parcoursup and the potential challenges faced by applicants.