Put Yourself INSIDE Stable Diffusion

5 Mar 202311:36

TLDRThis tutorial demonstrates how to train a Stable Diffusion model using personal images to create an accurate representation of oneself or another individual. The process involves creating a unique embedding, selecting appropriate settings, and using a subject file for training. By iterating through training steps and updating the embedding, the model eventually generates images that closely resemble the person in the data set, even when applying different styles or themes.


  • 🎯 The tutorial demonstrates how to use Stable Diffusion to generate images from a custom dataset, specifically using the creator's own face as an example.
  • 🖼️ A dataset of 512x512 resolution images is required for the best results with Stable Diffusion, and images should be of various poses, environments, and lighting conditions.
  • 🌟 The process starts by creating an embedding in Stable Diffusion, which is a unique representation of the individual's data.
  • 📝 When naming the embedding, it's important to choose a unique, one-word name to avoid confusion with existing embeddings.
  • 🔧 The number of vectors per token can be adjusted based on the number of images in the dataset, but for this tutorial, a value of three was used.
  • 🚀 Training the model involves setting an embedding learning rate, which determines the pace and precision of the training.
  • 📂 The dataset of images must be copied to the specified directory for the model to access and train on them.
  • 📈 A prompt template is selected to guide the type of image generated, with 'subject' being the focus rather than 'style'.
  • 🔄 The model iterates over the images multiple times (e.g., 3,000 steps) to improve its accuracy, but care must be taken not to overtrain.
  • 🔍 Periodic check images are generated during the training process to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.
  • 🎨 Once trained, the embedding can be used to generate various styles of images, such as portraits, paintings, and even Lego versions of the individual.

Q & A

  • What is the primary focus of this tutorial?

    -The primary focus of this tutorial is to guide users on how to use their own face or someone else's face with a dataset of their face in Stable Diffusion to create personalized embeddings and generate images.

  • What is the recommended resolution for the images used in the dataset?

    -The recommended resolution for the images used in the dataset is 512 by 512 pixels.

  • Why is it important to have a variety of poses and different environments and lighting conditions in the dataset?

    -Having a variety of poses and different environments and lighting conditions in the dataset helps the model to better understand and learn the nuances of the subject's appearance, leading to more accurate and refined image generation.

  • What is the significance of creating a unique name for the embedding during the tutorial?

    -Creating a unique name for the embedding ensures that the model can distinguish this specific training from others, avoiding confusion and allowing for personalized customization.

  • How does the number of vectors per token affect the training process?

    -The number of vectors per token can influence the complexity and detail of the training process. A higher number may provide more detailed results, but it also depends on the number of images used for training.

  • What is the purpose of setting an embedding learning rate during training?

    -The embedding learning rate determines the speed at which the model adjusts and learns from the dataset. A smaller learning rate may result in a slower but more precise and fine-tuned training process.

  • Why is it recommended not to over-train the model?

    -Over-training the model can lead to excessive refinement, which might not necessarily improve the results and could potentially introduce unwanted artifacts or overfitting to the training data.

  • What is the role of the prompt template in the training process?

    -The prompt template is used as a reference for the model during training. It helps the model understand what kind of output is expected, whether it's a portrait, a painting, or any other specific style.

  • How often should the model generate an image during training to monitor progress?

    -It is suggested that the model generates an image every 25 iterations to monitor and assess the progress of the training and make adjustments if necessary.

  • What is the benefit of updating the embedding during training?

    -Updating the embedding during training allows the model to refine its understanding of the subject as it learns from the dataset, leading to improved accuracy and quality of the generated images over time.

  • How can you use the trained embedding to generate images of yourself or others?

    -Once the embedding is trained, you can use it in the text-to-image feature of Stable Diffusion by typing the name of the embedding as the prompt to generate images that resemble the subject of the dataset.



📸 Introduction to Stable Diffusion Tutorial

The paragraph introduces a tutorial on using stable diffusion with one's own face or someone else's, provided there is a dataset of their face images. The speaker explains the importance of having a dataset with 512 by 512 resolution images and the need for capturing a variety of poses, environments, and lighting conditions. The process of embedding oneself into the stable diffusion model is outlined, emphasizing the need for a unique name to avoid confusion with existing embeddings like 'Obama'. The speaker guides through the initial setup for training the model, including selecting an embedding, setting the number of vectors per token, and preparing the dataset for training.


🛠️ Training the Model with Embedding

This paragraph delves into the training process of the stable diffusion model. It explains how to use the created embedding to train the model, highlighting the importance of selecting the right settings such as embedding learning rate and batch size. The speaker provides specific values for these settings and explains their impact on the training process. The paragraph also covers the selection of a prompt template, with a focus on choosing a subject rather than a style. The process of setting the number of training steps and the frequency of image output during training is detailed, providing a clear roadmap for users to follow.


🎨 Evaluating and Continuing the Training

The final paragraph discusses the evaluation of the training process and the steps to continue training for better results. The speaker shows the initial output of the model after 25 steps and explains that the quality of the generated images will improve with each iteration. The process of updating the embedding with the latest iteration results and resuming training is outlined. The paragraph also explores the use of different styles and prompts to generate varied images, such as paintings and Lego versions of the subject. The speaker emphasizes the need for more iterations to refine the model and achieve better results, concluding with a demonstration of the improved output after 277 steps.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model used for generating images from textual descriptions. In the context of the video, it is the primary tool used to create visual outputs based on a dataset of images. The video outlines a process of training Stable Diffusion with a specific dataset, which involves creating an embedding and fine-tuning the model to recognize and generate images of a particular individual, in this case, the person named Tom.

💡Data Set

A data set, in this context, refers to a collection of images used to train the Stable Diffusion model. The video emphasizes the importance of having a diverse set of high-resolution images (512 by 512 pixels) that capture various poses, environments, and lighting conditions. This variety helps the AI model learn to recognize and generate more accurate images of the subject.


In the context of the video, embedding is the process of incorporating the subject's unique features into the Stable Diffusion model. This is done by creating a unique identifier (a name) for the training process, which helps the model associate the generated images with the specific individual. The embedding is then used to train the model, allowing it to learn and generate images that resemble the person whose data set was used.


Training, in this context, refers to the process of teaching the Stable Diffusion model to recognize and generate images of a specific individual using their data set. This involves setting various parameters such as learning rate, batch size, and the number of iterations, as well as selecting a prompt template. The training process fine-tunes the model so that it can generate increasingly accurate images of the subject over time.

💡Prompt Template

A prompt template is a textual guide used by the Stable Diffusion model to generate images. It specifies the type of image to create, such as a portrait or a painting, and can include additional descriptors. In the video, the speaker chooses a subject file as the prompt template, which is used consistently during the training process to guide the generation of images.


In the context of the video, an iteration refers to a single cycle or pass through the training data set. The model makes multiple iterations to learn from the data and improve its ability to generate accurate images. The number of iterations is a key parameter in the training process, determining how many times the model will go through the entire data set to refine its learning.

💡Batch Size

Batch size is a parameter in the training process that determines the number of images the model processes at one time. A larger batch size means more images are considered in each training step, which can speed up the training but may also require more computational resources. The video suggests adjusting the batch size based on the capabilities of the user's GPU.

💡Learning Rate

The learning rate is a hyperparameter that controls the size of steps the model takes during the training process towards an optimal solution. A smaller learning rate means the model will learn more slowly and make smaller adjustments with each iteration, potentially leading to a more precise and fine-tuned result. In the video, the speaker sets their learning rate to 0.02 to balance speed and precision.

💡Embedding Learning Rate

Embedding learning rate is a specific parameter related to the training of the embedding within the Stable Diffusion model. It governs how quickly the model updates its internal representation of the subject based on the training data. A lower embedding learning rate may result in slower but more accurate updates to the model's understanding of the subject.

💡Textual Inversion

Textual inversion is a process within the Stable Diffusion model where textual descriptions are used to guide the generation of images. It is a folder mentioned in the video where the training files and settings are located. The textual inversion process is crucial for aligning the generated images with the textual prompts provided during the training and generation phases.

💡Style Transfer

Style transfer is a technique used in AI-generated images where the model is instructed to create an image in a specific artistic style. In the video, the speaker experiments with different styles, such as Van Gogh's painting style, to see how the model can generate images in various artistic interpretations of their appearance.


The tutorial introduces a method to insert personal images into Stable Diffusion for personalized outputs.

A dataset of 512x512 resolution images is recommended for optimal results with Stable Diffusion.

Diverse poses, environments, and lighting conditions in the dataset can enhance the training of the model.

Creating an embedding is essential to incorporate personal data into the Stable Diffusion model.

The tutorial demonstrates how to name and utilize the created embedding for training purposes.

The model needs to be trained with a specific embedding to recognize and generate images of the individual.

Embedding learning rate and batch size are crucial hyperparameters that can affect the training outcome.

The tutorial explains how to set up the training panel with the right dataset and embedding for personalization.

Prompt templates, such as subject and style, play a role in guiding the output of the model.



通过在Stable Diffusion中使用训练后的嵌入,用户可以得到与个人特征相似的图像输出。





教程通过实际例子演示了如何将个人特征融入Stable Diffusion生成的艺术作品中。