Read AI vs Supernormal for Meeting Notes

Dwain: Unfinished
14 Dec 202312:30

TLDRThe speaker discusses their quest for an AI tool that can efficiently capture, summarize, and distribute meeting notes and action items. They compare two tools, Read AI and Supernormal, based on their experiences. Read AI provides a good summary and highlights but lacks a clear action item checklist. Supernormal, even in its free version, impresses with a detailed summary in point format and a clear action item checklist. The speaker is considering Supernormal for its straightforward approach and potential for integration with other tools, and plans to explore its capabilities further in upcoming videos.


  • ๐Ÿ“ The speaker is using AI tools for meeting notes but finds they rarely look back at the notes themselves due to being busy.
  • ๐Ÿš€ The goal is to have AI tools capture, summarize, and generate a checklist of action items for each individual after a meeting.
  • ๐Ÿ” The speaker is comparing two tools: Read AI and Supernormal, to find the best one for their needs.
  • ๐Ÿค– Read AI provides a summary and highlights of the meeting, which the speaker appreciates for its efficiency.
  • ๐Ÿ“‹ Supernormal, even in its free version, offers a detailed summary and actionable checklist, which the speaker finds compelling.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Supernormal's action items are presented in a clear, checklist format, which the speaker prefers for task management.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฑ The speaker is considering how to integrate the checklist into other tools like Notion or Microsoft To-Do.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Supernormal also uses AI to generate ideas based on meeting notes, which the speaker finds useful for planning future discussions.
  • ๐Ÿ“‰ The speaker feels that Read AI has some unnecessary complexity and 'fluff' that they do not need.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฑ The speaker is interested in Supernormal's potential for integration with tools like Zapier for task distribution.
  • ๐ŸŽฏ The ultimate goal is to streamline the process of meeting note capture, summarization, and task distribution.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ The speaker will continue to explore and compare tools, and plans to make further videos about Supernormal.

Q & A

  • What is the main problem the speaker is facing with AI tools for meeting notes?

    -The speaker's main problem is that while AI tools are great for capturing meeting notes, they rarely look back at the notes due to being busy. They want a tool that can summarize the notes, generate a checklist of action items for each individual, and then send these tasks to the respective individuals.

  • Which two tools is the speaker comparing in the video?

    -The speaker is comparing Read AI and Supernormal, two tools recommended for capturing and summarizing meeting notes.

  • What does the speaker like about the Read AI tool?

    -The speaker appreciates the summary feature of Read AI, particularly the highlights that allow for quick skimming through key parts of the meeting, and the creation of chapters for different discussion topics.

  • What is the speaker's issue with the Read AI tool regarding action items?

    -The speaker finds that Read AI does not provide a clear and actionable checklist that can be easily distributed to team members, which is a feature they are looking for.

  • What feature does Supernormal offer that the speaker finds compelling?

    -Supernormal offers a clear checklist of action items that can be checked off, which the speaker finds very useful and compelling.

  • How does Supernormal's action item feature differ from Read AI's?

    -Supernormal's action item feature provides a more detailed and clear checklist directly related to the tasks each individual is supposed to do, whereas Read AI's action items seem to have more fluff and less direct actionability.

  • What is the speaker's goal for the meeting notes tool?

    -The speaker's goal is to have a tool that can efficiently capture meeting notes, summarize them, generate clear action items, and distribute these tasks to the relevant team members.

  • What additional feature does Supernormal offer that the speaker finds interesting?

    -Supernormal has an AI feature that can generate ideas for the meeting based on the meeting notes, which the speaker finds interesting and potentially useful.

  • What is the speaker's current membership status with Read AI?

    -The speaker is an Enterprise member of Read AI, which may provide them with more features than a free or basic membership.

  • What does the speaker plan to do with the action items generated by Supernormal?

    -The speaker plans to explore ways to integrate the action items generated by Supernormal into task management tools like Notion or Microsoft To-Do.

  • What is the speaker's final verdict on Read AI after comparing it with Supernormal?

    -The speaker suggests that while Read AI has some good features, especially from a UI perspective, Supernormal is currently outperforming it in terms of raw functionality and practicality for meeting note requirements.

  • What is the speaker's recommendation for those who found value in the video?

    -The speaker encourages viewers who found value in the video to like, subscribe, and leave a comment, as it helps them and their channel.



๐Ÿ“ AI Tools for Meeting Notes and Task Management

The speaker discusses the challenge of managing meeting notes using AI tools. They express a need for a tool that not only captures notes but also summarizes them, generates a checklist of tasks, and distributes these tasks to the respective individuals involved. The speaker compares two tools, Read AI and Super Normal, based on their experiences. They highlight that while Read AI provides good summaries and highlights, Super Normal offers a more direct approach with actionable checklists and potential integration with task management tools.


๐Ÿ” Comparing Read AI and Super Normal for Meeting Efficiency

The speaker provides a detailed comparison between Read AI and Super Normal. They note that Read AI offers a good summary and highlights, but Super Normal stands out for its direct approach to summarizing and providing actionable checklists. The speaker appreciates Super Normal's ability to generate a clear task list that can be checked off, which is a feature they find more useful for their workflow. They also mention the potential for using AI to generate ideas based on meeting notes, which could be a valuable addition to the meeting process.


๐Ÿš€ Super Normal's Potential and Integration Capabilities

The speaker expresses a preference for Super Normal due to its straightforward approach to meeting notes and task assignment. They mention the tool's ability to assign tasks directly to the speaker and the potential for integrating with other tools like Zapier or Microsoft To-Do. The speaker's ultimate goal is to distribute the meeting's action items to each participant, and they believe Super Normal might be the key to achieving this. They also mention their intention to continue exploring Super Normal and possibly subscribe to its paid plan for more advanced features.



๐Ÿ’กAI tools

AI tools refer to artificial intelligence applications that assist in various tasks, such as recording and summarizing meetings. In the video, the speaker discusses using AI tools to capture notes and action items from meetings, which is central to the theme of improving efficiency in business processes.

๐Ÿ’กMeeting Notes

Meeting notes are written records of what was discussed during a meeting. The speaker expresses a need for AI to not only capture these notes but also to summarize them effectively, highlighting the importance of concise and actionable information extraction from meeting discussions.


A summary is a condensed version of a longer piece of information, capturing the main points. The video's theme revolves around the speaker's desire for AI to provide summaries of meeting content, which would help in quickly grasping the essence of the discussions without having to review the entire transcript.


A checklist is a list of items that need to be checked or completed. In the context of the video, the speaker wants AI to generate a checklist of tasks assigned to individuals during a meeting, emphasizing the need for clear and actionable outcomes from meeting notes.

๐Ÿ’กTask List

A task list is a compilation of tasks that need to be accomplished, often with assigned responsibilities. The speaker is interested in AI tools that can distribute task lists to team members after a meeting, which is a key aspect of the video's focus on streamlining post-meeting workflows.

๐Ÿ’กRead AI

Read AI is an AI tool mentioned in the video that provides meeting summaries and highlights. The speaker compares it with another tool, Supernormal, to determine which one better meets their needs for efficient meeting note processing and task management.


Supernormal is an AI tool that the speaker has recently started using and is comparing with Read AI. It is noted for its ability to provide detailed summaries and action items in a clear, point-format, which aligns with the speaker's goal of obtaining concise and actionable meeting outcomes.

๐Ÿ’กAction Items

Action items are specific tasks that need to be completed following a meeting. The video discusses the speaker's preference for AI tools that can identify and clearly outline action items, which is crucial for ensuring follow-through and accountability among team members.


Integration refers to the ability of an AI tool to connect and work with other software or platforms. The speaker mentions the potential of Supernormal's paid plan to integrate with tools like Zapier or Microsoft, which is important for automating the distribution of meeting summaries and task lists.

๐Ÿ’กFlutter Development

Flutter development refers to the process of creating applications using the Flutter framework, which is an open-source UI software development kit. In the video, it is mentioned as a topic of discussion in a meeting, illustrating how AI tools can help summarize and generate action items from technical discussions.

๐Ÿ’กProof of Concept

A proof of concept is an initial demonstration of a product or idea to validate its feasibility. The video script includes a discussion about sharing a proof of concept, which the AI tool is expected to capture as an action item, showing the tool's utility in handling project-specific terminology and tasks.


The user is seeking a tool to capture, summarize, and distribute meeting notes and action items efficiently.

The user compares Read AI and Supernormal, highlighting the need for a streamlined tool that focuses on meeting efficiency.

Read AI provides a summary and highlights of the meeting, which the user appreciates for quick skimming.

Supernormal's dashboard offers a clear and direct summary in point format, which the user finds more appealing.

Supernormal generates a checklist of action items that can be checked off, which the user finds useful.

The user prefers a tool that can integrate with other platforms like Notion or Microsoft To-Do for task management.

Read AI offers chaptered summaries and detailed action items but may include unnecessary complexity.

Supernormal's free plan already provides compelling features that meet the user's requirements.

The user is considering paying for Supernormal due to its practicality and potential for integration with other tools.

Supernormal uses AI to generate ideas based on meeting notes, which the user finds to be a valuable feature.

The user is interested in the ability to distribute meeting summaries and action items to individual team members.

The user finds Read AI's UI and analytics appealing but prefers Supernormal for its raw functionality and practicality.

Supernormal's task assignment feature automatically assigns tasks to the relevant individuals, which the user likes.

The user plans to continue exploring and potentially paying for Supernormal due to its effectiveness.

The user is open to further functionalities from Read AI but currently leans towards Supernormal for meeting note efficiency.

The user values the ability to quickly find areas of importance in a meeting through the use of highlights and summaries.

The user emphasizes the importance of a tool that can streamline the meeting process without unnecessary features.

The user is interested in exploring further functionalities of Supernormal, including its AI-driven features.