SCIENTOLOGY NEWS RECAP: Leah Remini, Aaron Smith-Levin and Mike Rinder - Let's Discuss

Scientology - Life After a Cult
5 May 202480:13

TLDRThe host, Natalie, welcomes viewers to a lively discussion on Scientology, highlighting recent news and developments within the community. She shares her personal experiences, including her family's departure from the Church and her ongoing interviews with various figures. The conversation touches on the activities of Leah Remini, Aaron Smith-Levin, and Mike Rinder, and the host addresses the controversy surrounding these personalities. Natalie also discusses the impact of social media on the movement against Scientology, the importance of transparency, and the various efforts to expose alleged abuses within the Church. The summary concludes with an invitation for viewers to join in on the conversation and share their thoughts on the ongoing debate.


  • 🎉 The host, Natalie, is live from Hawaii, celebrating her father's life with her family.
  • 🗣️ There's a discussion about various Scientology-related news, including protests and the activities of prominent ex-Scientologists like Leah Remini, Aaron Smith-Levin, and Mike Rinder.
  • 🛑 Jeff Pomerance, known for his voice in Scientology propaganda, invited people to a protest which apparently did not have a significant turnout.
  • 🏠 An estate sale is mentioned for the late Kirstie Alley, featuring personal items including a bike and a gown she wore in a Jenny Craig commercial.
  • 📊 The host fills out a survey from the San Francisco Scientology center, providing sarcastic responses about her life after leaving Scientology.
  • 🚫 The text mentions concerns about potential harassment or attacks from Scientology-related entities, highlighting the contentious relationship between former members and the organization.
  • 💬 There's a mention of a divide within the community of ex-Scientologists, with discussions about whether certain actions are supportive or detrimental to the cause.
  • 🤝 The host encourages support for various creators and initiatives that aim to expose and combat Scientology, emphasizing the importance of choice and personal conviction.
  • 👵 The host shares her personal experience with Scientology, including the impact on her family and her perspective on the different generations' experiences within the organization.
  • 🌐 Commentary on the importance of transparency and truth within the community, and the potential harm that can come from divisive actions or misinformation.
  • 📈 A reflection on the progress made in exposing Scientology abuses and the global impact of the efforts by various activists and creators.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the provided transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is the Scientology community's reaction to various events and figures, including Leah Remini, Aaron Smith-Levin, Mike Rinder, and the activities surrounding the Aftermath Foundation.

  • Why did the host express disappointment with Leah Remini?

    -The host expressed disappointment with Leah Remini because she believed Leah should have stayed neutral and not taken sides or encouraged attacks against certain individuals within the community.

  • What is the significance of the 'Y Files' mentioned in the transcript?

    -The 'Y Files' is a YouTube show that the host enjoys watching. It is significant because it mentions Scientology and the host appreciates when content outside of the immediate Scientology critical community acknowledges the subject.

  • What is the host's opinion on the protest that Jeff Pomerance invited Scientologists to?

    -The host believes the protest was a failure because very few, if any, Scientologists showed up, and she humorously trolls Jeff Pomerance for his role in promoting Scientology events.

  • Why did the host fill out the survey from the San Francisco Scientology center?

    -The host filled out the survey to provide feedback that could potentially influence or disrupt the center's activities, and to engage with the community in a way that might expose their practices.

  • What was the host's reaction to the news about Kirstie Alley's estate sale?

    -The host found it interesting and shared some details about the items for sale, expressing skepticism about the high prices of certain items, like the bike and the gown.

  • What does the acronym 'OSA' stand for in the context of the transcript?

    -OSA stands for Office of Special Affairs, which is a department within the Church of Scientology responsible for public relations and legal matters.

  • Why did the host mention the term 'Fair Game' in relation to Leah Remini?

    -The host mentioned 'Fair Game' because Leah Remini has been involved in legal disputes with the Church of Scientology, which has a policy of 'Fair Game' that allows for aggressive actions against its critics.

  • What is the host's view on the decentralized nature of the anti-Scientology movement?

    -The host appreciates the decentralized nature, as it allows for a variety of voices, styles, and focuses, and enables individuals to make their own decisions about who to support and what to engage with.

  • What is the significance of the mention of 'Clearwater' in the transcript?

    -Clearwater is mentioned as a location significant to the Church of Scientology, where there is an estate sale related to Kirstie Alley, a former Scientologist, and where the host plans to protest at the local Scientology organization.

  • How does the host feel about the use of the phrase 'Hip hip hooray'?

    -The host has reclaimed the phrase 'Hip hip hooray' from the Church of Scientology, using it in a positive and defiant manner, despite its association with the church.



🎉 Introduction and Community Interaction

The speaker, Natalie, warmly greets the audience, acknowledges the presence of channel members and mods, and sets the tone for the video. She introduces the topic of discussing Scientology-related news and her personal experiences. Natalie also invites viewers to engage by liking the video and subscribing for updates. She shares her current location in Hawaii, the reason for her visit, and mentions her family's well-being.


🚨 Scientology Protests and Public Reactions

Natalie discusses a planned protest by Scientologists, which failed to materialize as expected. She touches on the topic of Scientology's adversarial stance against psychiatrists and psychologists. The paragraph also includes a mention of Kirsty Alley's estate sale, highlighting some of the items up for sale and the public's interest in them.


📊 Scientology Survey and Feedback

The speaker humorously interacts with a survey from the San Francisco Scientology organization, providing her feedback in a candid manner. She discusses her life post-Scientology and the improvements she has experienced, including her family dynamics. Natalie also addresses the concept of 'Dynamics' in Scientology and her personal opinion on areas of life that need improvement.


🎥 Content Creation and Community Support

Natalie talks about her content creation process, her focus on Scientology, and her appreciation for the community's support. She mentions her plans to interview different people within the community and encourages viewers to watch the full interviews. The paragraph also includes a discussion about a live event in Los Angeles and the speaker's critique of Scientology's building and safety practices.


💬 Public Protests and Freedom of Speech

The speaker discusses various public protests against Scientology, highlighting the use of creative methods to communicate their messages. She emphasizes the importance of the First Amendment rights and the protesters' interactions with law enforcement. Natalie also shares her admiration for the protesters' dedication and their efforts to educate others about Scientology.


🎶 Music and Protests - The Viper Room Event

Natalie shares a clip from a protest event at the Viper Room, where participants used music as a form of expression and protest. She discusses the role of music in the anti-Scientology movement and the impact of L FM's music on the protests. The paragraph concludes with a personal anecdote about her son interrupting her live stream.


🤔 Speculation on Scientology's Inner Workings

The speaker engages in speculation about the internal dynamics of Scientology, focusing on the organization's control and manipulation tactics. She discusses the importance of transparency and the right of individuals to question and criticize. Natalie also addresses the decentralized nature of the movement against Scientology and the variety of perspectives it includes.


📈 Scientology's Financial Involvement in Estate Sales

Natalie addresses a question about the disposition of assets following the death of a Scientology member, specifically referencing Christy Ali. She clarifies that the estate sale proceeds go to the family, not the Church of Scientology, and discusses the concept of cults profiting from their members' deaths.


🌐 Internet Reactions and Public Opinion

The speaker discusses the reactions and opinions expressed on the internet, particularly on Twitter, regarding various figures within the Scientology debate. She emphasizes the importance of understanding different viewpoints and the right of individuals to communicate or not as they choose.


🤝 Unity and Disagreements within the Anti-Scientology Movement

Natalie talks about the disagreements within the anti-Scientology community and the importance of unity in the face of a common goal. She encourages support for various creators and initiatives that aim to expose and counteract Scientology, regardless of personal opinions on specific individuals or groups.


🎉 Final Thoughts and Upcoming Plans

The speaker concludes the discussion with final thoughts on the importance of questioning and understanding different perspectives. She shares her plans to visit significant locations related to her personal history with Scientology and to attend a local recording artist's performance. Natalie also invites viewers to join her for potential live streaming of these events.




Scientology is a set of religious beliefs and practices that was developed in the early 1950s by L. Ron Hubbard. The term is central to the video as it discusses various aspects and controversies related to the Church of Scientology, including protests and the experiences of individuals who have left the organization.

💡Leah Remini

Leah Remini is an actress and former Scientologist who is known for her public criticism of the Church of Scientology. In the video, she is discussed as a prominent figure in the movement against the Church, highlighting her role in exposing its practices.

💡Aaron Smith-Levin

Aaron Smith-Levin is a former member of the Church of Scientology and an activist who speaks out against the organization. The video mentions him in the context of discussions around Scientology's practices and the experiences of those who have left.

💡Mike Rinder

Mike Rinder is a former high-ranking official in the Church of Scientology who has become a vocal critic after leaving the organization. The video references his role in exposing alleged misconduct within the Church and his involvement in various discussions and conflicts within the anti-Scientology community.


The act of protesting is a recurring theme in the video, with discussions about protests against the Church of Scientology, the reasons behind them, and the impact they have on raising awareness about the organization's practices.

💡Aftermath Foundation

The Aftermath Foundation is an organization founded by Leah Remini and Mike Rinder to support victims of the Church of Scientology. It is mentioned in the context of discussions about support for the foundation and its role in the broader movement against Scientology.

💡Fair Game

Fair Game is a term used by the Church of Scientology to refer to individuals who have been declared as enemies of the Church. In the video, it is discussed in the context of the Church's tactics towards its critics and former members.


Ex-Scientologist refers to individuals who were once members of the Church of Scientology but have since left the organization. The video features discussions with and about ex-Scientologists, their experiences, and their activism against the Church.


The term psychiatrists is mentioned in the video in relation to a protest organized by Scientologists against an event hosted by the American Psychiatric Association, reflecting the Church's opposition to psychiatry as depicted in the video.


In the context of Scientology, Dynamics refer to the different areas or aspects of life that one should strive to improve and maintain. The video discusses the concept of Dynamics as part of the Church's teachings and how they are perceived by ex-members.

💡Human Trafficking Cult

The term is used in the video to describe allegations against the Church of Scientology, suggesting that it engages in practices similar to those of a cult, including the exploitation of individuals. It reflects the critical perspective of the video's content and the speaker's views on the Church.


The host, Natalie, discusses the latest news in the world of Scientology, including the controversy surrounding figures like Leah Remini, Aaron Smith-Levin, and Mike Rinder.

Natalie shares her personal experience with Scientology, having left the organization with three generations of her family.

The show covers a call to action for a protest by Jeff Pomerance, a longtime Scientologist, which seemingly did not have the turnout he expected.

Kirstie Alley's estate sale is mentioned, where personal items, including a bike and a gown she wore in a Jenny Craig commercial, are being sold.

The host fills out a survey from the San Francisco Scientology center, providing her honest feedback about her life post-Scientology.

A recent event at the Hollywood testing center is discussed, where protesters used backpacks to spread awareness about missing Scientologist family members.

The host talks about the importance of supporting various creators and initiatives that aim to expose and combat the influence of Scientology.

Natalie shares her thoughts on the conflict within the anti-Scientology community, emphasizing the need for transparency and understanding.

The discussion includes speculation about the motivations behind Leah Remini's actions and her stance on certain issues within Scientology.

A clip is played where Leah Remini is asked about her lack of focus on child abuse within Scientology, despite being an ambassador for child protection.

The host expresses her disappointment in the division and infighting among those who should be united in the fight against Scientology.

Natalie talks about her upcoming plans to visit significant locations from her time in Scientology and potentially live stream an event.

The conversation touches on the generational differences within the anti-Scientology movement and how it affects communication and perspectives.

The host emphasizes the importance of supporting the efforts of all those who contribute to exposing the abuses of Scientology, regardless of their approach.

Natalie discusses the potential consequences of the Aftermath Foundation's actions, including the risk of discrediting themselves in the public eye.

The show ends with a reminder for viewers to subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with the latest discussions and events.