Tartaria Explained: CIA Russia Conspiracy, Chinese Tartary, Tartarian America + Ancient Greenland

Ancient Historia
12 Dec 2023108:14

TLDRThis script explores the historical mysteries surrounding Tartaria, a once-great empire with significant influence over diverse regions. It delves into the impact of Communist manipulation on cultural heritage and historical records, particularly concerning Muslim and Tartar communities. The narrative also examines the potential connections between Tartaria and the Americas, with references to ancient Chinese accounts and various historical theories. The script challenges viewers to consider the possibility of lost civilizations and the importance of preserving authentic historical records.


  • πŸ“œ The CIA archives hold a classified document mentioning Tartaria, a once mythologized country.
  • 🌏 The document 'National Cultural Development under Communism', initially classified, reveals historical suppression of minority cultures, particularly Muslims, in Russia.
  • πŸ•°οΈ The script discusses the 1917 Bolshevik promises to Russia's minorities and subsequent betrayals, including the destruction of mosques and repression of religious practices.
  • πŸ“š The manipulation of historical records by the Communist Party is highlighted, especially in regards to Tartarian history, with the intention of distorting facts and portraying Russians favorably.
  • 🌍 The narrative suggests a broader pattern of historical rewriting across Muslim and Tartar regions within the USSR, denying future generations access to their true cultural heritage.
  • 🏰 The document references the significant reduction of mosques in Soviet Russia, from 7,000 to 1,312, indicating a deliberate campaign against Islamic culture.
  • πŸ“– The script alludes to the existence of a comprehensive geographical compendium from 1691, suggesting the possibility of Tartaria being a significant historical entity.
  • 🌌 The discussion includes various historical maps and documents that reference Tartaria and its supposed locations, indicating a complex and debated historical existence.
  • πŸ‘₯ The video script raises questions about the impact of historical manipulation on cultural identity and the importance of preserving authentic historical records.
  • 🧐 The script encourages critical examination of historical narratives and the consideration of diverse cultural perspectives in understanding the past.
  • πŸ” The exploration of the historical existence of Tartaria and its implications on our understanding of global history is a key theme throughout the script.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the CIA document mentioned in the transcript?

    -The CIA document mentioned in the transcript is significant because it provides historical insights into the cultural development under communism, particularly focusing on the treatment of minority groups and their cultural institutions in Russia. It sheds light on the promises made by the Bolsheviks and the subsequent suppression of these groups, including the Muslims and Tartarians.

  • What promise did the Bolsheviks make in the 1917 proclamation to the Muslims of Russia?




πŸ“œ CIA Document on Mythical Tartaria

The paragraph discusses a classified CIA document that mentions a mythical country called Tartaria. The document, titled 'National cultural development under communism,' was published in 1957 and解密 in 1999. It talks about the historical accounts of the Bolsheviks' proclamation in 1917 and their promises to minority groups in Russia, including Muslims, Tartars, and others. It also highlights the suppression of these groups and the manipulation of historical records, particularly the rewriting of Tartarian history to eliminate references to Russian aggression.


πŸ™οΈ Decline of Mosques and Manipulation of History

This paragraph details the decline of mosques in European Russia and other regions from 1917 to 1942, as a result of the Communist regime's policies. It also discusses the manipulation of historical records, particularly the rewriting of history in Muslim and Tartar regions to portray Russians in a positive light. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of preserving authentic historical records for future generations and the challenges posed by historical manipulation to the understanding of cultural heritage and complex community relationships.


🌏 Exploration of Geographical Accounts

The paragraph explores various historical documents that provide geographical accounts of Tartaria, a region described as stretching from Russia to China. It discusses the discrepancies in the records, such as the varying longitudes and latitudes, and the ancient provinces that made up Tartaria. The paragraph also mentions the Great Sham of Tartarie, who was said to have ruled over China, and the historical accounts of Taman's wars and conquests.


🏰 Confusion Over Calu and the Great Wall of China

This paragraph delves into the historical confusion surrounding the locations of Calu and the Great Wall of China. It discusses the accounts of Taman's attempts to invade China, the revolt of Cix, and the capture of Calu. The paragraph highlights the inconsistencies in the historical narrative, particularly the claims that Calu and Beijing are the same place, and the implausibility of Taman having to cross the Great Wall multiple times to reach Beijing.


πŸ—ΊοΈ Geographical Coordinates and Historical Maps

The paragraph examines the geographical coordinates provided in historical documents for Tartaria and attempts to plot these on a modern map. It discusses the historical maps that show different interpretations of the regions of Tartaria, including the areas known as Tataria Deserta, Obc or Zag, Turkistan, Mongol or MOG, and Kath or Kintar. The paragraph also explores the historical names for China, such as Cath and Manangi, and their relation to the Great Wall of China.


🏞️ Mountains, Rivers, and Lakes of Tartaria

This paragraph describes the notable geographical features of Tartaria, including the Imau mountains, the Obi and Jax artist rivers, and the Ki kiasa, Coras, and AMU lakes. It also discusses the historical accounts of the inhabitants of Tartaria, their religious beliefs, and the languages they spoke, which were a mix of Tartar, Turkish, Persian, and Cian words.


🌍 Tartarian Control Over North America?

The paragraph questions the claim that Tartaria had control over North America, as suggested by some historical maps and texts. It critiques the basis for this claim, pointing out the lack of concrete evidence and the inconsistencies in the dating of these historical sources. The paragraph also discusses the theory of Tartarian migrations to America, the potential connections to Native American origins, and the debate over the accuracy of these historical interpretations.


🏰 Legendary Cities and Myths of Tartaria

This paragraph explores the myths and legends associated with Tartaria, including the stories of the Seven Cities of Chabola and the legendary King Tartar X. It discusses the historical accounts of Spanish adventurers searching for these cities and the stories told by Native Americans. The paragraph also examines the historical pageants and local myths that revolved around these legends, highlighting how they became part of the local culture in the 19th century.


🌏 Tartars in America: Theories and Evidence

The paragraph discusses various theories and pieces of evidence that suggest Tartars may have been present in America before European colonization. It mentions the work of Uzziah Priest and other historians who proposed that different races, including Tartars, Scandinavians, and Welsh, had colonized parts of America. The paragraph also highlights the similarities between the physical features, languages, and customs of Native Americans and Tartars, as well as the potential migration routes via the Bering Strait.


πŸ›Ά Navigation and Exploration of Tartars

This paragraph explores the accounts of Tartar navigation and exploration, including their potential journeys to North America and South America. It discusses the story of Hakata, a Tartar conqueror, who supposedly marched into North America and subdued parts of the Persian Kingdom. The paragraph also mentions the theory of a Tartar origin for the Peruvian Empire and the findings of a cross in an Inca temple, which some believe was brought by Tartars or Christians associated with the Mongol Empire.


πŸ›οΈ American Tartars and Historical Confusions

The paragraph delves into the historical references to 'American Tartars,' discussing the confusion and debates surrounding this term. It examines various historical texts and maps that mention American Tartars or Tartary, and the potential implications of these references. The paragraph also explores the idea of Tartars being present in North America and their potential impact on the indigenous populations, as well as the theories about the origins of the name 'Tartary' in relation to America.


🏞️ Greenland: Ice, Ruins, and Historical Anomalies

This paragraph discusses the historical and scientific perspectives on Greenland, including the claims that it was once ice-free and had a thriving civilization. It explores the idea of ancient canals and passages through Greenland, as depicted in old maps, and the possibility of buried ruins under the ice. The paragraph also touches on the history of Greenland's colonization and the current concerns about the melting of its ice sheet, which could reveal more about its past.




Tartaria, as mentioned in the transcript, refers to a historical region or civilization that has been a subject of various theories and debates. It is often associated with the Tartars, a group of nomadic tribes from Central Asia. In the context of the video, Tartaria is linked to discussions about the origins of certain American cultures and the possibility of ancient connections between Asia and the Americas.

πŸ’‘CIA Document

The CIA Document mentioned in the transcript is a classified document from the mid-1900s that makes reference to Tartaria. The document's significance lies in its potential to shed light on historical narratives and geopolitical implications, as it suggests that Tartaria was recognized by the CIA, adding a layer of intrigue and conspiracy to the discussions about this mythical civilization.

πŸ’‘National Cultural Development

National Cultural Development refers to the process of preserving, promoting, and evolving a nation's cultural heritage, values, and practices. In the context of the transcript, this concept is linked to the discussion of how the Communist Party in the USSR manipulated historical narratives, particularly those related to minority groups such as the Tartars, to consolidate power and control over the cultural development of the nation.

πŸ’‘Communist Party

The Communist Party, as discussed in the transcript, is a political organization that was in power in the Soviet Union. The Party's policies and actions, particularly in relation to minority groups and cultural suppression, are a central theme in the video. The Communist Party's interference in cultural and historical narratives is presented as a significant factor in shaping the national identity and cultural development of the USSR.

πŸ’‘Historical Manipulation

Historical Manipulation refers to the deliberate alteration or distortion of historical records, narratives, or facts to serve a particular agenda or ideology. In the context of the transcript, this concept is used to describe the actions of the Communist Party in the USSR, who are accused of rewriting history to portray Russians in a positive light and to suppress the true history of minority groups like the Tartars.

πŸ’‘Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage encompasses the traditions, values, customs, and historical artifacts that are passed down from one generation to the next within a community or nation. In the video, the concept of cultural heritage is significant as it is linked to the discussion of how the Communist Party in the USSR attempted to erase or alter the cultural heritage of minority groups, particularly the Tartars, through historical manipulation and suppression.


The Bolsheviks were a revolutionary party led by Lenin that played a key role in the 1917 Russian Revolution, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union. In the context of the transcript, the Bolsheviks are discussed in relation to their initial promises of equality and sovereignty to minority peoples, including the Tartars, and how these promises were later betrayed through policies of suppression and cultural erasure.

πŸ’‘Muslim Regions of Russia

Muslim Regions of Russia refer to areas within Russia that have a predominantly Muslim population. In the transcript, these regions are significant as they are the areas where the Communist Party's policies of suppression and historical manipulation had a profound impact on the Muslim communities, affecting their religious practices, cultural expression, and historical narrative.

πŸ’‘Tartar History

Tartar History refers to the historical accounts and narratives related to the Tartars, a group of people with significant cultural and historical ties to various regions, including Russia and Central Asia. In the context of the transcript, Tartar History is a point of contention, as it was allegedly manipulated and rewritten by the Communist Party in the USSR to serve their political agenda.

πŸ’‘Historical Records

Historical Records are documents, writings, or other evidence that provide information about past events, societies, and cultures. In the video, the importance of preserving accurate historical records is emphasized, particularly in relation to the Communist Party's attempts to alter records about Tartar history and other minority groups within the USSR.

πŸ’‘Geopolitical Implications

Geopolitical Implications refer to the potential impact of political decisions, historical events, or cultural narratives on international relations, global power dynamics, and regional stability. In the context of the transcript, the discussion of Tartaria, its history, and its potential connections to the Americas carries geopolitical implications, as it challenges established narratives and could reshape our understanding of global history and cultural ties.


In the mid-1900s, a classified CIA document mentioned a country named Tartaria, which has become a myth.

The document, titled 'National cultural development under communism,' was first published in June 1957 and classified immediately.