Taurus ♉️Out of NOWHERE they’re back to start fresh & want to prove they’ve changed…just know THIS♥️

k's tarot
17 May 202426:06

TLDRThis intuitive reading for Taurus addresses past love and the possibility of reconciliation. The person in question may have neglected the relationship and is now seeking to apologize and make amends, possibly offering support or a fresh start. The reader senses a mix of emotions, including heartbreak and defensiveness, and suggests that Taurus may need to set boundaries. The potential for a conversation is high, with the past lover expressing a desire to fix the relationship but possibly avoiding a deep discussion about past issues. Taurus is advised to approach the situation with caution, maintain confidence, and be open to new possibilities, whether that means giving the past relationship another chance or exploring new connections. The reading also touches on themes of personal growth, emotional detachment, and the importance of gratitude and self-awareness.


  • 🔮 This reading is for Taurus and focuses on past love with someone they have a history with.
  • 💌 The reader emphasizes that energy is fluid and roles may be reversed, so viewers should only take what resonates with them.
  • 🃏 The Five of Swords suggests past mind games or self-sabotage, and the Page of Cups indicates an apology or acknowledgment of past heartbreak.
  • 👤 The person in question may have been emotionally immature or unavailable, possibly prioritizing other aspects of life over the relationship.
  • ⏳ The Eight of Cups and Temperance cards hint at the person contemplating whether to walk away and their hope for a future conversation.
  • 🤔 The Queen of Swords reflects Taurus's need for boundaries and the realization that they deserve better.
  • 🔄 The Tower and Wheel of Fortune cards suggest unexpected changes and conversations, indicating that the person may reach out to Taurus.
  • 🛑 The Five of Wands and Two of Swords indicate differences in opinion and potential indecision or indecisiveness from the person.
  • 💔 The Five of Cups reveals regret and a sense of shame from the person, who may not be ready to discuss past issues openly.
  • 🔄 The Ace of Swords and King of Cups suggest a desire from the person to work on the relationship and possibly offer support.
  • 🤝 The Empress and Judgment cards indicate a potential for a fresh start and the person's intention to show they've changed.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of this tarot reading for Taurus?

    -The main focus is on a past love connection where someone from Taurus's past returns to start fresh and prove they’ve changed.

  • What should viewers remember about the energy and roles in the reading?

    -Viewers should remember that energy is fluid, roles can be reversed, and they should only take what resonates with them.

  • What significant card appears during the shuffle, and what does it suggest?

    -The Five of Swords appears, suggesting possible mind games or self-sabotage in the connection.

  • How does the returning person feel about prioritizing the connection?

    -The returning person is aware they did not prioritize the connection and might get defensive about it.

  • What is indicated by the Page of Cups in the reading?

    -The Page of Cups indicates that the person wants to apologize, possibly for breaking Taurus’s heart or involving a third party.

  • What emotional challenges does this person face?

    -This person struggles with emotional immaturity, being emotionally unavailable, and getting defensive when their lack of prioritization is mentioned.

  • What actions does the reading predict the person will take towards Taurus in the next two to four weeks?

    -The person is expected to rush in for a conversation, express their feelings, and offer support or an opportunity to work together.

  • What is Taurus’s likely reaction to this person’s return?

    -Taurus is likely to be cautious, emotionally detached, and will take things slow, not fully trusting the person's intentions right away.

  • What does the Tower and the Wheel of Fortune suggest about the timing of this person’s return?

    -The Tower and the Wheel of Fortune suggest that the person’s return will be unexpected and is influenced by divine timing.

  • What potential does the reading see for the future of this relationship?

    -The potential outcome includes Taurus being willing to give the person another chance but remaining emotionally detached and maintaining personal boundaries.



🔮 Intuitive General Love Reading for Taurus

The reading begins by welcoming Taurus and setting the context for an intuitive general love message, possibly related to past love. The reader emphasizes the fluidity of energy and encourages the audience to connect with the message if it resonates. The presence of the Five of Swords card suggests potential mind games or self-sabotage. The reader mentions that love can take various forms, not just romantic, and that the reading could apply to multiple people. A key message is an apology from someone who didn't prioritize the connection, possibly leading to heartbreak. The reader senses emotional immaturity and defensiveness in the person's approach to apologizing and owning up to their actions.


🤔 Taurus's Boundaries and Future Conversations

The second paragraph delves into Taurus's current energy, reflecting a need for boundaries with the person in question, regardless of the nature of their relationship. The reader senses that Taurus is seen as strong and perceptive by the other person. There's an indication of a forthcoming conversation, possibly about fixing the relationship. The reader pulls cards that suggest the other person wants to work together and may offer support or even a job. However, there's a sense that the other person may not want to discuss past issues, opting instead to focus on the future. The Tower and Wheel of Fortune cards hint at unexpected developments, and the reader advises Taurus to be aware of potential conflicting values and the other person's desire for commitment, despite differences in opinion.


💔 Taurus's Hesitation and Potential for Fresh Starts

In the third paragraph, the reader addresses Taurus's hesitation to trust and let the other person back in, despite a possible good turning point. The reading suggests that Taurus may not be emotionally attached and is maintaining confidence, focusing on personal growth and other aspects of life. The other person is described as wanting to start fresh and leave the past behind, with intentions to show Taurus how much they mean without fully diving into past issues. The potential outcome indicates that Taurus is open to giving the relationship another chance but will do so cautiously, not allowing the person to disappoint them again. There's also a possibility of Taurus walking away to explore new opportunities or connections.


🗣️ Identifying the Person and Taurus's Emotional Detachment

The fourth paragraph provides advice on identifying the person in question through their communication style and actions. The reader suggests that Taurus may feel emotionally detached, choosing to observe rather than become reactively involved. There's an emphasis on Taurus's self-awareness and understanding of what they want, contrasting with the other person's readiness to re-engage. The reader advises Taurus to take things slow and not to allow the other person to rush the process. The reading also includes symbolic messages and advice, such as being a leader, expecting the unexpected, and maintaining emotional boundaries.


🤫 Hidden Messages and Taurus's Inner Strength

The fifth paragraph explores the hidden messages and feelings from the first person towards Taurus. The reader senses that this person has strong feelings but is not openly expressing them, possibly due to pride or fear of vulnerability. There's an indication of secrets being kept, which could be related to past connections or unresolved issues. The reader encourages Taurus to find the inner strength to face any fears with confidence and to trust in their ability to overcome challenges. The message concludes with a reminder of Taurus's past resilience and the potential for personal growth and new beginnings.


🔮 Final Insights and Resources for Taurus

The final paragraph offers closing insights and resources for Taurus. The reader provides potential initials, numbers, and significant dates that may resonate with the viewer's situation. They encourage Taurus to take the reading as their own if it resonates and to seek further guidance if needed. The reader also mentions a link for a free psychic reading and a discount code, emphasizing the importance of self-discovery and personal growth. The message ends on a positive note, sending love and light to the audience.




Taurus is an astrological sign represented by the bull. In the context of this video, it refers to the target audience, individuals born between April 20 and May 20, who are believed to have certain personality traits associated with this zodiac sign. The script addresses Taurus directly, providing them with a personalized tarot reading that is meant to resonate with their current situation or feelings.

💡Intuitive General

In the realm of tarot readings, 'Intuitive General' suggests a reading that is not specific to one area of life but rather covers a broad spectrum of experiences and insights. The video promises an intuitive reading that encompasses love and other aspects of life, aiming to provide a general overview that Taurus individuals can apply to their personal situations.

💡Past Love

The term 'Past Love' refers to a romantic relationship that has ended. In the video, the reader discusses the possibility of reconnecting with someone from the viewer's past, indicating that the tarot reading may provide insights into unresolved feelings or potential for reconciliation with an ex-partner.


In the context of this tarot reading, 'Energy' is used to describe the spiritual or emotional vibrations that are believed to influence a person's life. The reader mentions that 'energy is fluid,' suggesting that the tarot reading can apply to various people and situations, and that the viewer should only take in what resonates with them personally.

💡Page of Cups

The 'Page of Cups' is a tarot card that typically represents emotional awareness, sensitivity, and the arrival of news or messages. In the script, it is used to symbolize someone who may have caused heartbreak or put the viewer in a difficult situation, possibly by not prioritizing the relationship.

💡Emotional Immaturity

The concept of 'Emotional Immaturity' in the video refers to a person's inability to handle emotions in a mature or responsible way. The reader suggests that the person in question may not know how to properly apologize or acknowledge their actions, which could be indicative of their emotional immaturity.


In tarot, the 'Temperance' card often symbolizes balance, moderation, and the blending of opposing elements. The reader uses this card to convey that the person from the viewer's past sees them as intelligent and self-aware, suggesting that a balanced approach to their relationship could be beneficial.

💡Queen of Swords

The 'Queen of Swords' in tarot readings is associated with clarity, truth, and the ability to make tough decisions. The script implies that the viewer may have reached a point where they need to set boundaries with the person from their past, reflecting a Queen of Swords energy of decisiveness and self-protection.

💡Ace of Swords

The 'Ace of Swords' represents new beginnings, clarity, and the power of truth. In the video, it signifies an upcoming conversation or a fresh start between the viewer and the person from their past, suggesting that there may be an opportunity to address past issues and move forward.


The 'Judgment' card in tarot readings is about self-reflection, forgiveness, and making important decisions. The reader indicates that the person from the viewer's past wants to start over and leave the past behind, asking for a second chance in a manner that aligns with the themes of reevaluation and renewal associated with the Judgment card.


Sagittarius is another astrological sign, represented by the archer. The script suggests that the person from the viewer's past could be a Sagittarius, indicating that their actions and behaviors might be influenced by the typical traits of this zodiac sign, such as optimism and a desire for freedom.

💡Five of Swords

The 'Five of Swords' in a tarot reading often symbolizes conflict, defeat, and possibly betrayal. The reader mentions this card multiple times, suggesting that there may have been mind games or self-sabotage in the past relationship, and that these issues could resurface or need to be addressed.

💡Wheel of Fortune

The 'Wheel of Fortune' card represents cycles of change, fate, and the ups and downs of life. The reader uses this card to convey that unexpected events or conversations may occur, emphasizing the idea that life's changes are beyond our control and that the viewer should be prepared for sudden shifts in their relationship dynamics.

💡Three of Pentacles

The 'Three of Pentacles' is a tarot card that signifies teamwork, collaboration, and the sharing of skills. In the script, it suggests that the person from the viewer's past wants to work together to fix their relationship, indicating a willingness to cooperate and共同努力 to resolve past issues.

💡Queen of Wands

The 'Queen of Wands' in tarot readings is associated with creativity, passion, and leadership. The reader indicates that the viewer may be willing to give the relationship another chance, embodying the Queen of Wands' energy of confidence and self-assuredness as they navigate the potential for reconciliation.

💡The Fool

The 'Fool' card in tarot represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and taking a leap of faith. The script suggests that the viewer may be open to exploring new possibilities, whether that involves giving the past relationship another chance or pursuing a new path altogether.

💡The Moon

The 'The Moon' card in tarot is linked to mystery, intuition, and the subconscious. The reader mentions this card to indicate that there may be hidden feelings or secrets that have not yet been revealed, and that the viewer should be prepared for the unexpected as these come to light.

💡The Tower

The 'The Tower' card signifies upheaval, sudden change, and revelations. The script uses this card to foreshadow a potential dramatic event or realization that could impact the viewer's relationship, suggesting that they should be ready for significant shifts.

💡The Hanged Man

The 'The Hanged Man' in tarot readings represents new perspectives, surrender, and seeing things from a different angle. The reader suggests that the person from the viewer's past has gained a new understanding of the relationship, which could lead to a shift in how they approach reconciliation.

💡The Emperor

The 'The Emperor' card is associated with authority, structure, and taking charge. The script indicates that the viewer may need to assert themselves and take control of the situation, embodying the leadership qualities of The Emperor as they navigate the complexities of their relationship.

💡The World

The 'The World' card in tarot signifies completion, success, and the integration of all aspects of life. The reader uses this card to suggest that the viewer is on the verge of a significant life change or accomplishment, which could be related to their personal growth or the resolution of their relationship.


Taurus, someone from your past wants to reconnect and prove they've changed.

The person may have previously prioritized other aspects of their life over the relationship.

There's an apology coming from the individual, possibly not fully acknowledging their past actions.

The individual might have been emotionally unavailable or deceitful in the past.

They are contemplating whether to walk away completely or try to mend the relationship.

Taurus, you are seen as intelligent and self-aware, with a strong sense of boundaries.

The person may attempt to show their commitment by offering support or resources.

There's a potential for a conversation to occur within the next two to four weeks.

The individual may be hoping for a fresh start, without fully addressing past issues.

Unexpected changes could occur, with the potential for the person to re-enter your life.

They may see things from a new perspective, hoping for a shift in the dynamic between you two.

There could be disagreements on the concepts of commitment and effort within the relationship.

The person has reflected on the reasons behind past conflicts and understands their part in them.

Taurus, you may be hesitant to trust too quickly and prefer to take things slow.

There's a possibility of new interests or opportunities arising, which could capture your attention.

The individual may be hiding something from you, possibly related to their past.

Taurus, you are encouraged to maintain emotional detachment and observe the situation carefully.

The reading suggests that you have the inner strength to face any fears that may arise with confidence.

There's an emphasis on gratitude and recognizing the abundance in your life, despite any disruptions.