Testing Crazy Chat GPT Prompts In Kittl AI 😲

29 Mar 202418:40

TLDRIn this video, the creators explore the capabilities of an AI art generation tool, KD AI, using various prompts to generate unique and abstract images. They experiment with different styles and settings, such as abstract interpretations of a thunderstorm, surreal landscapes merging nature with technology, and futuristic cityscapes inspired by ancient Mayan architecture. The video showcases the AI's ability to create compelling visuals based on prompts, including a portrait of a mythical creature from Norse mythology and a scene depicting the harmony between humans and robots. The creators also discuss the tool's new features, like image upscaling, prompt memory, and a library of user-generated images. The video concludes with a demonstration of the tool's multiple art boards feature, encouraging viewers to try KD AI for themselves and share their creations.


  • 🎨 The video discusses testing AI-generated prompts using chat GPT in KD (Kite Design), focusing on creating abstract and surreal art pieces.
  • 🌩️ An abstract interpretation of a thunderstorm was created, which was described as looking distraught and wave-like, resembling a thunderstorm in the clouds.
  • 🏞️ A surreal landscape merging elements of nature and technology was attempted, with varying levels of success in blending the two themes.
  • 📸 The concept of upscaling images for better quality was explored, with a focus on making the visuals smoother and more refined.
  • 🤖 A futuristic cityscape inspired by ancient Mayan architecture was created, with a Blade Runner-like aesthetic and a mix of old and new elements.
  • 🐺 A portrait of a mythical creature from Norse mythology was generated, with the AI choosing to depict a wolf with runes, which was well-received.
  • 🤖🧑 A scene depicting the harmony between humans and robots in a futuristic society was created, with a strong emphasis on the concept of harmony.
  • 🌌 A black hole consuming a star was visualized in a mesmerizing way, showcasing the AI's ability to create realistic cosmic phenomena.
  • 🌈 A digital collage representing cultural diversity and unity was created, with a focus on blending different elements to symbolize unity.
  • 👸 A classic fairy tale was reimagined with a cyberpunk twist, resulting in a unique blend of traditional storytelling and futuristic themes.
  • 🌊 The beauty of the underwater world was illustrated, showcasing diverse marine life in a coral reef, with an emphasis on the vibrant colors and details of the sea life.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is testing and creating various prompts using AI, specifically in a platform called KD AI, to generate different styles of digital art.

  • What type of art was generated first in the transcript?

    -The first type of art generated was an abstract interpretation of a thunderstorm.

  • What was the reaction to the surrealist landscape merging elements of nature and technology?

    -The reaction was mixed, with the creators expressing nervousness and surprise at the outcome, which was very surreal and not exactly what they had imagined.

  • What style of art was suggested to be cool for a futuristic cityscape inspired by ancient Mayan architecture?

    -The Deco style was suggested to be cool for creating a futuristic cityscape inspired by ancient Mayan architecture.

  • What mythical creature from Norse mythology was depicted in one of the prompts?

    -A wolf, which could be interpreted as a Fenrir, was depicted in one of the prompts related to Norse mythology.

  • How did the creators feel about the final result of the harmony between humans and robots in a futuristic society?

    -The creators found the final result to be terrifying yet fascinating, noting that it went hard on the concept of harmony.

  • What was the general sentiment towards the generated image of a black hole consuming a star?

    -The sentiment was that the image was mesmerizing and intense, with the creators expressing awe at its realism.

  • What new features were mentioned in the transcript that have been added to KD AI?

    -The new features mentioned include an image upscaler, prompt memory, a KD images library, multiple art boards, and the ability to search and add user-generated content.

  • What was the creators' intention with the final prompt about two brothers sitting at a desk testing AI prompts?

    -The intention was to generate a humorous and realistic representation of themselves using the AI, which they found to be impressively accurate.

  • How did the creators plan to use the generated images?

    -The creators planned to use the generated images for various merchandise such as phone cases, mouse pads, and blankets, and also as thumbnails for their videos.

  • What was the overall tone of the video transcript?

    -The overall tone of the video transcript was experimental and playful, with the creators enthusiastically exploring the capabilities of the AI and reacting to the results.



🌩️ Testing AI Art Generation

The speaker is experimenting with AI art generation using chat GPT. They discuss creating an abstract interpretation of a thunderstorm and explore different styles, including photography and surrealism. The results are surprising and visually appealing, with the AI producing unique and interesting images that the speaker finds cool and exciting.


🎨 Exploring Styles and Themes

The conversation continues with the speaker testing various prompts for AI art generation, including surreal landscapes merging nature with technology, futuristic cityscapes inspired by ancient Mayan architecture, and portraits of mythical creatures from Norse mythology. They also discuss the potential applications for these AI-generated images, such as thumbnails for future-looking videos, and the creative process behind them.


🌌 Pushing the AI to Its Limits

The speaker pushes the AI to create images representing cultural diversity and unity, reimagining classic fairy tales with a cyberpunk twist, and showcasing the beauty of the underwater world. They explore different styles like art deco and psychedelic, and discuss the AI's ability to generate detailed and imaginative scenes. The speaker is impressed with the AI's performance and the quality of the generated images.


📱 Discussing AI Capabilities and Updates

The speaker talks about the latest updates in KD AI, including an image upscaler, prompt memory, and a library of images created with KD AI. They demonstrate how to use multiple art boards and adjust the size and style of the generated images. The speaker expresses excitement about the potential uses for the AI-generated images, such as printing them on merchandise like t-shirts and gym bags, and encourages viewers to test and play with KD AI themselves.



💡AI Generations

AI Generations refers to the different stages or versions of artificial intelligence technology as it evolves over time. In the context of the video, the term is used to describe the testing of various AI capabilities using chat GPT, which is a form of AI. The video explores how these AI generations can create abstract interpretations and artistic representations.

💡Abstract Interpretation

An abstract interpretation is a representation that does not depict a subject in a literal or realistic way. It often involves the use of shapes, colors, and forms to evoke emotion or ideas. In the video, the creators use AI to generate abstract interpretations of concepts like a thunderstorm, which results in a non-representational, artistic depiction.


Surrealism is an artistic and literary movement that seeks to express the unconscious mind, often by combining elements of reality in unexpected ways. The video discusses creating surreal landscapes that merge elements of nature and technology, aiming to capture the dreamlike quality associated with surrealism.


Anime refers to a style of animation that originated in Japan, characterized by colorful artwork, fantastical themes, and vibrant characters. In the script, the creators experiment with generating anime-style images using AI, which involves creating characters and scenes typical of this genre.

💡Futuristic Cityscape

A futuristic cityscape is an artistic representation of a city in the future, often featuring advanced technology and innovative architectural designs. The video explores creating a futuristic cityscape inspired by ancient Mayan architecture, combining historical elements with modern or futuristic concepts.

💡Mythical Creatures

Mythical creatures are beings from folklore, legends, or mythology, often endowed with supernatural powers or characteristics. The video script mentions generating a portrait of a mythical creature from Norse mythology, such as a kelpy or a wolf, which are then depicted in a stylized, artistic manner.


Harmony refers to a state of agreement, concord, or unity. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the balance between humans and robots in a futuristic society, aiming to depict a harmonious coexistence between the two.


Cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction that features advanced technological and scientific achievements, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order. The video discusses reimagining classic fairy tales with a cyberpunk twist, which involves creating a futuristic, often dystopian, setting with elements of advanced technology.

💡Underwater World

The underwater world refers to the marine environment and its diverse life forms. The video script includes a prompt to illustrate the beauty of the underwater world, showcasing diverse marine life in a coral reef, which is then visually interpreted by the AI.

💡Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity refers to the variety of cultures present within a society or community. The video touches on creating a digital collage representing cultural diversity and unity, which is an artistic expression that aims to reflect the rich tapestry of different cultures and their harmonious integration.

💡Digital Art

Digital art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process. The video is centered around the creation of digital art through AI, where the AI generates various images and styles based on given prompts, showcasing the capabilities of digital art creation.


Testing AI generations in KD using chat GPT to generate prompts and abstract interpretations.

Creating an abstract interpretation of a thunderstorm with a unique style.

Selecting photography to enhance the visual appeal of the generated images.

Merging elements of nature and technology in a surrealist landscape.

Experimenting with different styles, including anime and art deco, to achieve desired effects.

Generating a futuristic cityscape inspired by ancient Mayan architecture.

Using holographic elements to create a futuristic and surreal visual.

Designing a portrait of a mythical creature from Norse mythology with a cyberpunk twist.

Depicting the harmony between humans and robots in a futuristic society through digital art.

Illustrating the beauty of the underwater world with diverse marine life in a coral reef setting.

Reimagining a classic fairy tale with a cyberpunk twist, featuring a castle and robotic elements.

The AI's ability to generate highly detailed and realistic images based on complex prompts.

Using the image upscaler feature to enhance the quality of the generated images.

Incorporating the KD images library to search and add elements from other user-generated content.

Utilizing multiple art boards to combine different generated images into a single composition.

The introduction of prompt memory, allowing users to reuse and refine previous prompts.

The ability to adjust hues, saturation, and contrast to customize the final appearance of the images.

The potential applications of the generated images, such as for merchandise like t-shirts, phone cases, and more.