The Only Way to Stop Procrastinating (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control) [👽/A5/26-04-23]

26 Apr 202304:25

TLDRThe video reveals that procrastination stems not from laziness or lack of motivation, but from fear and anxiety triggered by the brain's survival instinct. It suggests that our past failures and traumas influence our present actions, leading to a cycle of stagnation. To overcome this, one must reinvent their internal map and identity, aligning with their true self to create a desired future. The speaker, Tim, invites viewers to an advanced class for mastering life reinvention, promising to break free from procrastination and unleash one's potential.


  • 🚫 Procrastination is not caused by laziness, lack of motivation, or poor time management.
  • 🧠 The brain's primary function is survival, not success, which can lead to fear and anxiety when striving for goals.
  • 🔁 Past failures and traumas can significantly impact present behavior and decision-making.
  • 🔄 Repeated behaviors solidify an identity associated with them, which can perpetuate procrastination.
  • 🆓 To overcome procrastination, one must free themselves from their current identity and reinvent their internal map.
  • 🧘 Self-congruence is a powerful force in psychology; how you view yourself controls your behaviors.
  • 🌱 Letting go of who you've learned to be is crucial to becoming who you need to be for the future you want.
  • 💪 Perfectionism, procrastination, laziness, and lack of motivation can be overcome by changing your self-identity.
  • 📚 An advanced process is required to achieve this change, which will be taught in an upcoming class.
  • 📢 Tim, the founder of Success Insider, has positively impacted over 40 million lives with personal growth content.
  • 🎓 The upcoming master class will teach the art of life reinvention, enabling control over one's mind to work for, not against, oneself.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of the human brain according to the video script?

    -The primary function of the human brain is not designed to make you successful, but to help you survive.

  • Why do people tend to procrastinate when they are trying to achieve their goals or start a new project?

    -People procrastinate because they begin to feel fear, anxiety, stress, or other uncomfortable emotions, which are triggered by the brain's focus on past experiences and the need to survive.

  • What is the connection between past experiences and the emotions felt in the present moment while striving for a new future?

    -Past failures, setbacks, and traumas have a significant impact on the present moment, influencing the emotions felt when trying to work towards a new future.

  • What does the script suggest is the reason for the repetitive nature of certain behaviors?

    -The script suggests that the more a behavior is repeated, the more it solidifies an identity associated with that behavior, leading to a cycle of repetition.

  • How does the script define the solution to overcoming procrastination?

    -The solution is to free oneself from one's current identity and reinvent one's internal map, aligning with the need to remain congruent with one's self-identity.

  • What is the key to overcoming perfectionism, procrastination, laziness, and lack of motivation according to the video script?

    -The key is to learn to let go of who you've learned to be, in order to become who you need to be to create the future you truly want.

  • What is the name of the personal growth channel mentioned in the script?

    -The personal growth channel mentioned is called Success Insider.

  • In what year did Success Insider become one of the fastest-growing personal development YouTube channels?

    -Success Insider became one of the fastest-growing personal development YouTube channels in 2016.

  • What is the estimated number of people impacted positively by Success Insider to date?

    -Success Insider has positively impacted the lives of over 40 million people to date.

  • What is the main topic of the advanced math class being advertised in the video script?

    -The main topic of the advanced math class is the art of reinvention and how to let go and truly be who you're born to be.

  • What is the purpose of the master class mentioned in the script?

    -The purpose of the master class is to teach the art of life reinvention, enabling participants to take control of their minds and train them to work for them instead of against them.



🧠 Overcoming Procrastination Through Self-Reinvention

This paragraph discusses the psychological reasons behind procrastination, which are rooted in fear and anxiety rather than laziness or poor time management. It explains that the brain's primary function is survival, not success, causing it to draw on past experiences to inform present actions. This can lead to a cycle of repeating past failures and emotions, which in turn leads to procrastination. The solution proposed is to free oneself from one's current identity and reinvent one's internal map to align with one's desired future. The speaker, Tim, invites viewers to an advanced training class to learn how to let go of old behaviors and embrace a new identity, which will help overcome procrastination, perfectionism, and lack of motivation.




Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions, often leading to reduced productivity or stress. In the video, it is identified not as a result of laziness or lack of motivation, but rather as a response to fear and anxiety when facing new goals or projects. The speaker suggests that overcoming procrastination involves changing one's internal identity and mindset.


Self-control refers to an individual's ability to regulate their emotions, thoughts, and actions to achieve long-term goals. The video argues that self-control is not the key to stopping procrastination, implying that the root cause lies deeper within one's psychological makeup.


Fear is an emotional response to perceived threats or danger. In the context of the video, fear is mentioned as a trigger for procrastination when individuals face the uncertainty of striving for a new future or starting a new project. It is a barrier that must be overcome to achieve one's goals.


Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, often about an imminent event or without a clear cause. The video script discusses anxiety as an uncomfortable emotion that can arise when individuals contemplate taking steps towards their desired future, thus leading to procrastination.


Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. It is identified in the video as an emotion that individuals may feel when they are working towards their goals, which can contribute to the tendency to procrastinate.

💡Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a 'fraud'. The video mentions it as one of the uncomfortable emotions that can cause people to procrastinate when they are attempting to achieve success.


Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system and brain functions. The video references neuroscience to explain that the primary function of the human brain is survival, not necessarily success, which influences how individuals react to new challenges and goals.

💡Internal Map

An internal map, in the context of the video, refers to the mental and emotional framework that an individual uses to navigate their life. The speaker suggests that to overcome procrastination, one must reinvent or change their internal map to align with their desired future.


Congruence in psychology refers to the alignment between one's self-image, values, and behaviors. The video emphasizes the need for individuals to remain congruent with their self-identity, which is a powerful force in human psychology and a key factor in controlling behaviors.


Reinvention is the process of creating a new version of oneself, often involving significant changes in behavior, identity, or lifestyle. The video presents reinvention as a solution to overcoming procrastination by letting go of past identities and embracing the person one needs to become to achieve their goals.


Perfectionism is a personality trait involving striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high standards. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the issues that can be overcome through the process of reinvention, along with procrastination, laziness, and lack of motivation.

💡Personal Growth

Personal growth refers to the process of improving one's character, skills, and knowledge to enhance one's quality of life. The video's host, Tim, has been in the field of personal growth for 12 years and aims to help viewers achieve this through his advanced training on life reinvention.


The real reason for procrastination is not due to laziness, lack of motivation, or poor time management.

Feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress can trigger procrastination when striving for a new future.

The brain's primary function is survival, not success, which influences decision-making based on past experiences.

Past failures and traumas can have a significant impact on present emotions and actions.

Behaviors are solidified through repetition, creating an identity that controls our actions.

To overcome procrastination, one must reinvent their internal map and identity.

The need to remain congruent with one's self-identity is a powerful force in human psychology.

Letting go of who you've learned to be is key to becoming who you need to be.

Perfectionism, procrastination, laziness, and lack of motivation can be overcome by changing one's identity.

An advanced process is required to discover how to let go and truly be oneself.

An upcoming advanced math class will teach the art of reinvention.

Seats for the class are being released for free to help more students worldwide.

The class aims to take control of one's mind and train it to work for you.

Tim, the founder of Success Insider, has been in the field of human behavior for 12 years.

Success Insider became one of the fastest-growing personal development YouTube channels in 2016.

The channel has positively impacted over 40 million people's lives.

The Advanced Training is a new beginning and a chance to finally be in control.

The class is free, offering nothing to lose and everything to gain.