The tech of tomorrow: Haptics, Desktop CNC, Hyundai E-Corner | Hard Reset

4 Apr 202411:34

TLDRAt CES in Las Vegas, Nick from 'Hard Reset' explores innovative technologies set to transform our future lifestyles. Highlights include Exeger's Powerfoyle, a flexible solar panel replacing batteries in various devices, smart telescopes from Vaonis that adapt to smartphone advancements, and Hyundai's e-Corner system enabling agile vehicle movement. The event showcases a mix of established brands and passionate startups, all contributing to the exciting evolution of personal technology and transportation.


  • 🌟 Exeger's Powerfoyle technology is a flexible solar panel that can replace batteries in various devices, improving sustainability and convenience.
  • 🎧 3M's headset is an example of how Powerfoyle is integrated into consumer products, eliminating the need for frequent battery replacements.
  • 🔭 Vaonis' smart telescopes adapt to smartphone camera advancements, providing users with an upgradable and always-improving telescope experience.
  • 🚗 Hyundai's e-Corner system revolutionizes car design by giving each wheel its own motor, enabling more agile and unique vehicle structures.
  • 🚜 Kia's modular van system caters to the needs of professionals who require customizable and functional vehicles for their work.
  • 🏠 LG's concept car envisions a future where personal vehicles are more like mobile homes, with built-in amenities like coffee machines.
  • 💼 Home manufacturing advancements, such as Formlabs' 3D printers, allow for a wide range of materials to be used in the same machine, from soft silicone to rigid ceramics.
  • 🛠️ Coast Runner's desktop CNC machine aims to make the process of milling various materials as easy as 3D printing, expanding possibilities for personal fabrication.
  • 🍽️ 3D printing for food and supplements opens up opportunities for personalized dietary and medical solutions.
  • 🕶️ Afference's haptic feedback technology for VR and AR aims to provide more realistic sensations by directly stimulating the nervous system, enhancing immersive experiences.
  • 📱 Ixana's Wi-R technology enables wireless transmission of data through the human body, offering a new way for wearable devices to communicate without radio waves.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the technology showcased by Nick from 'Hard Reset' at CES?

    -The main purpose is to explore and discuss the latest technologies that have the potential to change the way we live in the future.

  • What makes Exeger's Powerfoyle technology stand out according to the script?

    -Powerfoyle is a flexible solar panel that is efficient enough to work both indoors and outdoors, and powerful enough to replace batteries in various devices, contributing to sustainability and reducing the need for battery replacements.

  • Which brands have utilized Powerfoyle technology in their products as mentioned in the script?

    -Urbanista Design, Adidas, and 3M have used Powerfoyle technology in some of their products.

  • How does the 3M headset benefit from the Powerfoyle technology?

    -The 3M headset benefits from Powerfoyle by eliminating the need for disposable batteries, making it more convenient and environmentally friendly.

  • What are the advantages of the smart telescopes from Vaonis as described in the script?

    -Vaonis' smart telescopes connect to smartphones, enhancing the magnification and image quality as the phone's camera technology improves. They also feature automatic tracking and adjustment for steady observation.

  • What unique feature does the LG concept car have that sets it apart from other autonomous vehicle concepts?

    -The LG concept car is designed with the idea that the car interior will become like a home, featuring amenities such as a built-in coffee machine that extends from the trunk.

  • How does the modular van system from Kia cater to professionals who rely on their vehicles for work?

    -Kia's modular van system allows users to customize their vehicle with a specific set of functions, similar to building with Legos, making it highly adaptable for various work-related uses.

  • What is the significance of the 3D printing and CNC technologies showcased by Formlabs and Coast Runner?

    -Formlabs and Coast Runner are pushing the boundaries of home manufacturing by enabling the creation of a wide range of materials and products, from soft silicone to rigid ceramics and metals, with ease and precision.

  • How does the technology from Afference enhance the VR and AR experience?

    -Afference's technology provides haptic feedback in VR and AR by directly stimulating the nervous system, offering a more immersive experience without relying on traditional vibrating motors.

  • What is the innovative aspect of Ixana's wireless transmission technology?

    -Ixana's technology allows wireless transmission between devices without using radio waves like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Instead, it uses the human body as a connector for data transfer, offering a low-power alternative for wearable devices.

  • What was the most inspiring aspect of CES for the team from 'Hard Reset'?

    -The most inspiring aspect was seeing the people behind the technologies, especially the small startups and individuals who developed their ideas in garages or universities and brought them to CES for the world to discover.



🌟 Innovations at CES with Nick from 'Hard Reset'

Nick from 'Hard Reset' shares his experience at CES in Las Vegas, highlighting the latest technologies and their potential impact on future lifestyles. He discusses his favorite product, Powerfoyle, a flexible solar panel by Exeger that can replace batteries in various devices. The technology is integrated into products by Urbanista Design, Adidas, and 3M. Nick also explores the 3M headset, which traditionally would require weekly battery changes. He further delves into the convenience and sustainability of devices not needing battery replacements, and introduces smart telescopes from Vaonis that improve with the advancement of phone cameras and include features like automatic tracking. The paragraph also touches on transparent display technology and no-snow skis from SKWheel, emphasizing the blend of innovation with practicality and safety.


🚗 Futuristic Car Concepts and Home Manufacturing

This paragraph discusses the future of car ownership and the concept of autonomous vehicles as presented by LG and other companies like Zoox and Waymo. It highlights LG's concept car designed to feel like home, with features such as a built-in coffee machine. The modular van system from Kia is also mentioned, catering to professionals who need customized vehicle functionalities. The paragraph then transitions into home manufacturing, showcasing the versatility of materials that can be used in 3D printers by Formlabs, and the ease of use associated with their technology. It also touches on the Coast Runner's desktop CNC machine, which aims to simplify CNC operations to the level of 3D printing. The potential of 3D printing in food and supplements is also noted, as well as advancements in interface technologies, particularly haptic feedback for VR and AR by Afference that bypasses traditional vibrating motors for a more natural sensation.


🌐 Wireless Technology and the Spirit of Innovation at CES

The final paragraph focuses on a groundbreaking wireless technology that uses the human body for data transmission, known as Wi-R. This technology, demonstrated through a pair of glasses and an electrode, has vast applications for low-power data transfer among wearable devices. The paragraph also emphasizes the people behind the technology at CES, from large international companies to small startups and individual inventors. It celebrates the democratization of innovation, where diverse creators have the opportunity to shape the future, and reflects on the inspiring aspect of witnessing such a diverse range of ideas and the creative process at the event.




CES, short for Consumer Electronics Show, is a renowned trade fair where the latest in consumer technology is showcased. In the context of the video, CES is the venue where Nick from 'Hard Reset' is exploring new and innovative technologies that have the potential to change the way we live in the future.


Powerfoyle is a technology developed by Exeger, which refers to a type of light, flexible solar panel. These panels are efficient enough to operate both indoors and outdoors and are powerful enough to replace batteries in various devices. The significance of Powerfoyle in the video is that it represents a sustainable and efficient solution for powering everyday devices, reducing the reliance on disposable batteries.

💡3M Headsets

3M Headsets are a specific application of the Powerfoyle technology, representing a product that has integrated this innovative solar panel system. These headsets are notable for being standalone and using standard alkaline batteries, which traditionally need to be replaced weekly. The integration of Powerfoyle technology signifies a shift towards more sustainable and convenient electronic devices.

💡Vaonis Smart Telescopes

Vaonis Smart Telescopes are a technological advancement in the field of astronomy that connects to smartphones, leveraging the improving camera technology of phones to enhance the telescope's magnification and image quality. These telescopes adapt to the user's phone upgrades, ensuring they never become obsolete and providing a user-friendly experience for stargazing and capturing celestial images.

💡Transparent Display Technology

Transparent Display Technology refers to displays that are see-through and can be integrated into various surfaces such as retail displays or car windshields. This technology has practical applications beyond traditional TVs, such as creating heads-up displays in vehicles that adapt to outside lighting conditions, enhancing safety and convenience.

💡No-Snow Skis

No-Snow Skis, developed by SKWheel, are a type of personal mobility device designed for high-speed travel without the need for snow. These skis are not only visually appealing but also incorporate safety features such as a lower center of gravity and additional brakes, making them a thrilling yet controlled experience.

💡Hyundai e-Corner System

The Hyundai e-Corner System is an innovative automotive technology that integrates a motor, suspension, and power steering into a single unit for each wheel. This system eliminates the need for traditional mechanical components like the transmission or differential, allowing for more agile vehicle movement and the creation of unique vehicle designs and shapes.

💡LG Concept Car

The LG Concept Car represents a vision for the future of car ownership where the vehicle is more than just a means of transportation—it becomes an extension of one's home. This concept focuses on the idea of personalization and comfort, with features like a built-in coffee machine, suggesting a shift towards experiential and lifestyle-focused vehicle design.

💡Home Manufacturing

Home Manufacturing refers to the ability to produce goods or components within the home using technologies like 3D printers and CNC machines. This trend empowers individuals to create a wide range of items, from household objects to complex mechanical parts, promoting personal creativity and self-sufficiency.

💡Haptic Feedback

Haptic Feedback is a technology that provides tactile sensations to users, enhancing their interaction with digital content. In the context of AR and VR, it involves stimulating the nervous system to mimic real-world sensations, offering a more immersive and realistic experience without relying on vibrating motors.


Wi-R is a wireless transmission technology developed by Ixana that allows data to be sent between devices without using radio waves like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Instead, it utilizes the human body as a conduit for data, enabling low-power data transfer and potentially revolutionizing the way wearable devices communicate.


Nick from 'Hard Reset' attended CES in Las Vegas to explore the latest technology.

Exeger's Powerfoyle technology is a flexible solar panel efficient for both indoor and outdoor use.

Powerfoyle can replace batteries in various devices, including headphones from Urbanista Design, Adidas, and 3M.

The 3M headset is a highly advanced ear protector, previously requiring disposable batteries.

Powerfoyle is also integrated into bike helmets, pet-tracking harnesses, remotes, and speakers.

Vaonis' smart telescopes connect to smartphones, improving as phone cameras advance.

The smart telescopes feature automatic tracking and can adjust based on the phone's capabilities.

Transparent display technology has potential applications in smart retail and automotive heads-up displays.

SKWheel's no-snow skis can reach speeds of 80 km/h with added safety features.

Hyundai's e-Corner system allows for individual motors in each wheel, enabling new car designs and functionalities.

LG's concept car envisions a future where the car interior becomes an extension of one's home, complete with a coffee machine.

Kia's modular van system allows for customization of vehicle functions for work and personal use.

Formlabs' 3D printers offer a wide range of materials, from soft silicone to rigid ceramics.

Coast Runner's desktop CNC machine can mill diverse materials, aiming to simplify CNC like 3D printing.

3D printing for food and supplements addresses personalized dietary and medical needs.

Afference is developing haptic feedback technology for VR and AR that stimulates the nervous system directly.

Ixana's Wi-R technology enables wireless transmission of data without radio waves, using the body as a connector.

Small startups and individual innovators are increasingly contributing to technological advancements, showcased at CES.