What I learned after 1 year of note-taking in Obsidian (3 Do's and 1 Don't)
- 📈 美国人平均每天消费数字内容超过8小时。
- 🤔 面对海量信息,很多人感到不知所措和压力重重。
- 💡 使用Obsidian帮助管理和整理信息。
- 🚫 任务管理并不是提高生产力的最佳方式,特别是对于创造独特价值的思考伙伴。
- 🌟 真正的生产力意味着投入产出比高,通过构建特定知识来实现。
- 🛠️ 特定知识是通过追求个人兴趣和激情获得的,不可外包或自动化。
- 🔍 使用Obsidian时,不需要复杂的组织结构,简化组织可以提高效率。
- 📱 在所有设备上同步Obsidian是养成笔记习惯的关键。
- 📝 使用Zettelkasten方法在Obsidian中创建原子化笔记,促进不同想法之间的连接。
- ⏰ 在信息过载的时代,人们的注意力跨度缩短,Zettelkasten方法有助于简化笔记过程。
- 🔗 通过视频链接可以了解更多关于Obsidian和Zettelkasten方法的详细信息。
Q & A
📚 消费内容与信息处理
🧠 组织最小化与思维自由
consuming content is legit a full-time
job the average American now spends more
than eight hours a day consuming digital
content I mean eight hours a day it's
like nine to five if it's an audiobook
we read a whole book worth of
information every single day that is
crazy after all that we consume every
single day what is our output what do we
do with all that information honestly I
felt overwhelmed I didn't know what to
do with it there were all these great
information these insights but I
couldn't quite grapple with any of them
I just stayed on the surface it feels
like I was just swimming in circles I
was learning more but I felt more
frustrated and confused so out of this
frustration that's when I started
obsidian and to be honest at the
beginning I thought okay I don't know if
I can continue with this I mean with
Apple notes with Evernotes with whatever
knows or any sort of productivity app
that I was using I tried it and I
couldn't quite stick with it but I'm an
optimistic person so I went ahead tried
obsidian and a year later here I am and
I still freaking love it there's live
before obsidian and then there's live
after not to say they're more periods
where I wasn't using it as much but I
kept on coming back and it was so easy
to get started again so here's one thing
in obsidian that didn't work for me and
three things that did let's get to it
first the one thing that didn't work for
me which was task management I know it
sounds controversial but hear me out
what do you think you need more in order
to be more productive another task
manager or a thought partner who can
keep track of your thoughts help you see
connections between different seemingly
unrelated ideas help you keep track of
your insights over time and being
searchable so that at any point in your
life you don't have to rely just on your
memory and still see all the Amazing
Ideas you've built up over time so you
don't have to fall into this problem of
I read a bunch of books but I can't
remember anything from it now you might
be saying okay why are you comparing
apples with oranges what's the
connection here and I didn't see the
connection either until I saw this point
made by Naval his idea changed how I
view productivity now let's Define
productivity productivity to him meant
that getting outsized returns for what
you put in so for the time and the
effort you put in what can you get out
of it and of course like anything in the
world you need leverage to get outsized
results same for the knowledge worker so
Naval says if you have specific
acknowledge you have leverage they have
to pay you what you're worth if they pay
you what you're worth then you can get
your time back you can be hyper
efficient you're not doing meetings for
meetings sake you're not trying to
impress other people you're not writing
things down to make it look like you did
work all you care about is the actual
work itself so when you do just the
actual work itself you'll be more
productive far more efficient so in this
definition a task manager is productive
if it helps you build your specific
knowledge but if it's just a run list of
other people's priorities your
priorities then even if you take
everything off if they don't help you
build that leverage then how productive
is it really and so you might ask okay
but what is this specific knowledge that
Naval is referring to specific knowledge
is knowledge that you cannot be trained
for if Society can train you it can
train someone else and replace you
specific knowledge is found by pursuing
your genuine curiosity and passion
rather than whatever is hot right now
building specific knowledge will feel
like play to you but will look like work
to others when specific knowledge is
taught it's through apprenticeships not
schools specific knowledge is often
highly technical or creative it cannot
be outsourced or automated so all this
hype with is AI going to replace
everyone's jobs well yes if you're doing
something that can be automated but at
the same time if you have specific
knowledge then it can't replace you
because remember AI is great at going
let's say from 10 to 100 but taking
something from zero to one creating
something having specific knowledge
might be more crucial more urgent than
it was before okay coming back to
obsidian what does this mean for us
because specific knowledge cannot just
be taught with a course I am choosing to
use obsidian to build my specific
knowledge no one can do this for me I
can't Outsource it so the two things I
want to do is one protect my time and
create space where I can focus on
building specific knowledge and really
go deeper and two distinguish tasks that
are priorities for me and priority for
others and try to manage my time for
those two things task management for me
doesn't happen in obsidian because I am
focused I don't want to be distracted by
all the tasks I have to think about when
I am in obsidian and if you're curious
about my system you can check out this
video here
now let's move on to the three things
that worked for me in obsidian first
minimum organization in obsidian again a
little bit controversial I know everyone
likes to do mlcs everyone like folders
tags you know data view to create
awesome systems and I have built some of
those over time but especially when I
started there is no need for complicated
organization let me share why first I
don't have a notion brain and by that I
mean very hierarchical very structured
brain that works with a database so
Michael can't even write it within the
lines and so my brain is more of the
wandering type I like to explore what
are the connections between seemingly
unrelated ideas intersectional thinking
is something I really care about so all
those parameters make me feel really
constricted and I can't really think
within them so if you chose obsidian
you're probably attracted to more of
this wandering type of thinking than the
very structured thinking so it's
important to know whether you have a
notion brain or an obsidian brain then
we reason number two is I don't think in
folders because I have this wondering
brain you know in school let's say we
had folders for each of the subjects and
you would save notes within them but
actually that structure itself is top
down it doesn't help us think across
subjects to see connections between
different ideas even though they're all
connected so you know in my computer I
never save anything other than in the
downloads folder I just use one feature
and that is search it doesn't matter
where the note is hiding I don't have to
remember any hierarchies I just need to
search to find the note I'm looking for
so the result of minimum organization is
that I can spend more time thinking
about those ideas than organizing those
ideas I mean if I may quote Einstein
here if a clutter desk is a sign of a
cluttered mind of what then is an empty
desk assign if you want to see my
minimum organization to get started you
can check out this video here
all right moving on to the second thing
in obsidian that is a must and that's
syncing between all devices
I know this sounds really trivial but it
is the key to building a note-taking
habit this is the same as people saying
if you want to read you have to identify
the places in your house that you spend
a lot of time in and you put books in
those places I spend most of my time in
the living room in my office and in the
bedroom then I put books there so it
doesn't matter when I sit down I will
have a book in front of me which helps
me build a reading habit so the same
with taking notes and thinking through
ideas for me at the beginning I only use
obsidian on my desktop which meant that
if I was reading anything on my phone
consuming anything I had to go get my
laptop in order to take notes and
obviously I didn't do that which then
made me feel like okay well I'm already
missing out all these ideas yeah why
bother but when I got obsidian on my
phone then there was no excuse doesn't
matter what I was doing I was reminded
take notes in obsidian and luckily
syncing is free in obsidian you just
have to have a cloud drive that works
with your operating system I've also
done a video on how to sync this so you
can check this out of course if it's too
much hassle you can also pay that's an
option too so choose what works for you
removing all the friction is key now for
the third thing to harness the power of
the obsidian it is to use the zetocaster
method within obsidian this one truly a
game changer our brain in the era of
information overload is trying to think
quickly right just scan just skim just
bring up a little tidbits of stats like
Microsoft did a study in 2000 the
average human attention span was 12
seconds in 2013 it was eight and is
quickly dropping I can roll my eyes
blame it all on Tick Tock talk about as
Millennials how gen Z are kind of these
dancing aliens who use Emoji funny and
call it the end of the conversation
because I know there is no time to go
deeper on this topic so I don't need to
offer anything of substance right so I
just say the same same things that other
people say again I am swimming on the
surface in circles I'm not really going
anywhere so how can I offer something
that's not boring not judgmental not
cliche well that's where comes in I
covered zerocastan in detail in this
video here but if you're new a very
quick recap there are three types of
notes that you take which are literature
notes fleeting notes and permanent notes
and the goal of zetacastin is to put
these ideas into Atomic sizes and make
connections between different ideas a
crucial feature of the zetocaster notes
is that they are Atomic which of course
is great because you have to synthesize
different ideas but the key is that
because our attention span is so short
now I don't actually dread writing a
zerocaster note because I know it's
going to be short it's okay to be short
and because of that I don't
procrastinate I just get to it because
it's easy since we are building a habit
because it's not complex like other
systems The Habit sticks the steps are
so simple they're only three one pick an
atomic idea two write it down and three
connected to another idea and of course
you can get complicated with these you
can use the idea Compass or other
Thinking Tools to stretch your ideas to
expand on them but if you're just
starting it's more than enough to just
start with these steps if you don't know
where to start again I've made a video
on this you can check it out and if you
want something that's all done for you
I've got a template check it out in the
link in the description and I'll see you
in the next one bye
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