These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

5 May 202222:56

TLDRThe transcript explores the world of social media influencers, particularly on the platform TikTok, and their journey to fame and fortune. It delves into the strategies they use to create content, amass followers, and secure brand deals, highlighting the competitive nature of the industry. The video also touches on the moral and existential concerns surrounding the rise of influencers and the potential future implications for those who build their careers on social media platforms.


  • 🎉 Influencers are individuals who have gained fame through social media platforms, particularly TikTok, where they have amassed large followings.
  • 💰 Influencers can make significant amounts of money, sometimes in the millions, through brand deals, sponsorships, and content creation.
  • 🏠 Content houses, like the Vault in West Hollywood, are dedicated spaces where influencers live and produce content for their social media platforms.
  • 📈 TikTok's rapid growth has made it the fastest-growing social media platform, with around a billion active users, particularly appealing to Gen Z and younger millennials.
  • 🚀 The success of influencers often relies on their ability to consistently produce engaging content, which requires a lot of effort and dedication, contrary to the perception of it being a leisurely job.
  • 🤝 Collaboration and cross-pollination between influencers and content houses are common practices to maintain relevance and increase visibility.
  • 💸 The monetization of influencer content can involve promoting products, songs, or other people's creations, with influencers earning a commission or fee for such promotions.
  • 📊 The influencer landscape is competitive, with many young individuals vying for attention and success, sometimes leading to exploitation and high-pressure environments.
  • 🤔 The sustainability of influencer careers is uncertain, with some influencers looking towards other industries like real estate or e-commerce to diversify their income sources.
  • 🌐 The influencer economy has shifted traditional notions of fame and celebrity, making it more accessible but also more commercially driven, with the primary goal being financial gain.
  • 📖 The script highlights the importance of content creation in the modern digital age and how it has transformed the way individuals can achieve fame and financial success.

Q & A

  • How did the influencer in the script describe their profession?

    -The influencer described their profession as being famous for social media, akin to how Beyonce and Jay-Z are famous for music.

  • What was the main reason for the individuals in the script to forego college and move to LA?

    -The main reason was to pursue a career as influencers on social media platforms like TikTok, where they could potentially make a significant amount of money by creating content.

  • What is the significance of the 'Vault House' in West Hollywood mentioned in the script?

    -The 'Vault House' is a TikTok house where six people produce content for their 1.5 million followers. It serves as a collaborative space for influencers to create content and grow their online presence.

  • How did the influencer with 4.1 million followers describe their experience with the platform?

    -The influencer described their experience as transformative, going from a regular individual to someone with a large following and the ability to make money through brand deals and promotions.

  • What does the manager in the script suggest is the key to retaining a following on TikTok?

    -The manager suggests that the key to retaining a following is a steady stream of content, as successful TikTok personalities take no time off and constantly produce new material to keep their audience engaged.

  • What is the role of the agency and content houses like Valtez in the influencer ecosystem?

    -Agencies and content houses like Valtez recruit talent, sign them to contracts, and provide them with resources and a supportive environment to create content and grow their online presence.

  • How does the script describe the influencer lifestyle?

    -The script describes the influencer lifestyle as one that may appear like a constant vacation, but in reality, it requires a lot of hard work, constant content creation, and no time off to maintain their online presence and popularity.

  • What concerns do the influencers in the script express about the future of their career?

    -The influencers express concerns about the sustainability of their career, the potential for burnout, and the possibility of being washed out if they do not continue to produce engaging content.

  • How does the script address the moral and existential panic surrounding TikTok and its influence on young people?

    -The script acknowledges the moral panic and concerns about the app's impact on mental health, as well as the existential panic for influencers if the platform were to be banned or lose popularity.

  • What is the script's perspective on the commercialization of fame through social media platforms like TikTok?

    -The script suggests that social media platforms like TikTok have made fame more democratic but also more aggressively commercial, turning influencers into human billboards focused on making money and gaining fame through content creation.

  • What does the script imply about the value of a traditional education compared to the opportunities provided by social media?

    -The script implies that while traditional education was once a necessary stepping stone for success, social media now offers an alternative path to wealth and fame, particularly for younger generations.



🎥 Influencer's Earnings and Lifestyle

The paragraph discusses the phenomenon of influencers making significant amounts of money through social media platforms, particularly TikTok. It highlights the story of an influencer who made 15 million dollars and explains how they monetize their online presence by being famous for social media, akin to how Beyonce and Jay-Z are famous for music. The influencer lifestyle is explored, including the decision to forego college for the chance to make money by creating content on TikTok. The concept of a 'TikTok house' is introduced, where a group of influencers live together and produce content for their followers. The paragraph delves into the dynamics of the influencer economy, the decision-making behind content creation, and the financial benefits of being an influencer.


🌟 Success and Monetization on TikTok

This paragraph focuses on the success of a TikTok influencer known for her scary content, who has garnered 4 million followers and 68 million views on her most successful video. It discusses the various ways influencers make money, such as promoting products and songs, and the role of managers in their income. The paragraph also touches on the exploitation of young influencers and the competitive nature of the influencer world. It highlights the importance of engagement and content creation for maintaining and growing an online following, and the impact of social media on the influencers' personal and professional lives.


🏠 Life in a TikTok House

The paragraph provides an insight into the life of influencers living in a TikTok house, managed by Michelle Vanius, who runs the agency Valtez. It explores the concept of content houses and how they function as a platform for influencers to create and share content. The paragraph discusses the business model of these houses, the investment in the younger generation, and the potential for long-term financial success. It also touches on the personal experiences of the influencers, their motivations for joining the TikTok house, and the dynamics of living with other content creators.


🤔 The Future of Influencer Careers

This paragraph delves into the future prospects and sustainability of influencer careers, particularly on TikTok. It discusses the potential risks and rewards of being an influencer, the importance of diversifying income sources, and the impact of the platform on the mental health and well-being of young creators. The paragraph also explores the societal and moral concerns surrounding the influencer culture, the potential for regulation, and the shift in traditional career paths. It concludes with the perspectives of parents and influencers on the value of education versus the opportunities presented by social media platforms.


🎬 Behind the Scenes of Influencer Culture

The final paragraph provides a behind-the-scenes look at the influencer culture, highlighting the traditional aspirations of influencers to transition into traditional media and entertainment. It contrasts the new world of social media with the old, discussing the reduced role of traditional gatekeepers and the increased democratization of fame. The paragraph also touches on the commercial nature of content creation on platforms like TikTok, the focus on personality over content, and the changing perceptions of 'selling out.' It concludes with a reflection on the influencer's role as a human billboard and the transient nature of their fame.




An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others, typically by promoting products or services on social media platforms. In the context of the video, influencers leverage their online presence and follower base to earn money and fame, often by creating content on platforms like TikTok.


Monetization refers to the process of generating income from a digital asset, service, or user base. In the video, this concept is central to understanding how influencers earn money from their social media presence, through brand promotions, sponsored content, and other revenue streams.


TikTok is a social media platform known for its short-form videos, where users can create and share content set to music. It has become a significant avenue for individuals to gain fame and monetize their online presence. The platform's popularity, especially among younger demographics, is a key focus in the video.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing various forms of media and content online. Influencers are heavily involved in content creation as a means to engage their audience and maintain their online presence. The quality and frequency of content are crucial for their success.


Engagement in the context of social media refers to the interactions and reactions users have with content posted online. High engagement typically indicates a strong connection with the audience, which can translate into more significant opportunities for monetization. Influencers aim to maximize engagement to increase their visibility and earning potential.

💡Brand Deals

Brand deals involve collaborations between influencers and companies where the influencer promotes or endorses a product or service in exchange for payment or other forms of compensation. These deals are a primary source of income for many influencers and are often tailored to the influencer's audience and content niche.


Followers are individuals who choose to subscribe to or receive updates from a social media user's content. The number of followers an influencer has can impact their perceived influence and earning potential, as brands often seek to partner with influencers who have large, active audiences.

💡Content House

A content house is a living space where a group of content creators reside and collaborate on creating content for social media platforms. These houses often provide resources and a supportive environment to help creators optimize their content production and social media presence.

💡Social Media

Social media refers to websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking. It has become a powerful tool for communication, marketing, and personal branding, as highlighted by the influencer culture discussed in the video.

💡Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity endorsements involve famous individuals promoting products or services to leverage their fame and influence to increase the product's appeal and sales. In the video, this concept is discussed in relation to influencers acting as modern-day endorsers, using their social media presence to advertise for brands.

💡Mental Health

Mental health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. The video touches on concerns that the pressures of social media and influencer culture may have negative impacts on the mental health of young people involved in these platforms.


Influencers can make significant amounts of money, with one example being an influencer making 15 million dollars.

The concept of influencers is akin to being famous for social media, similar to how Beyonce and Jay-Z are famous for music.

The Vault, a TikTok house in West Hollywood, houses six influencers who create content for 1.5 million followers.

TikTok has become the fastest-growing social media platform, with around a billion active users.

The platform is particularly popular among Gen Z and younger millennials, with dance trends being a significant part of its appeal.

Influencers can make more money by having a female-based audience, as they can charge more for sponsored content.

The youngest influencer in the group is 18 years old, and they all have individual accounts with different niches.

One influencer's most successful video had 68 million views, but they did not get paid for it due to the nature of the content.

Influencers often make money through promoting other people's songs, products, or services.

The influencer lifestyle can be competitive and incestuous, with many influencers living in close proximity and collaborating.

The key to retaining a following on TikTok is a steady stream of content, with influencers constantly creating and posting new material.

Influencers are always thinking about posting and maintaining their online presence, even when they are not actively creating content.

The life of an influencer may seem like a constant vacation, but they work tirelessly to maintain their online persona and content production.

Influencers often have to perform countless takes to get their videos just right, with many of their filmed moments never making it to their feed.

The influencer industry is lucrative, with some making enough money to invest in other ventures like e-commerce and real estate.

The rise of social media influencers has challenged traditional notions of celebrity and fame, making it more democratic but also more aggressively commercial.

The influencer economy is based on the personalities of individuals rather than traditional forms of entertainment or artistic expression.

The success of influencers on TikTok has led to concerns about the impact on traditional career paths and the potential for exploitation.

Despite the challenges and criticisms, many influencers see their social media success as a way to achieve financial independence and potentially create generational wealth.