The BEST 4-2-3-1 CUSTOM TACTICS - 4-2-3-1 20-0 Instructions & Tips for FC24
- 📈 4231阵型非常灵活,适合整场比赛使用,相比其他阵型不太需要频繁调整。
- 🔄 4231在进攻时流动性强,三名CAM(攻击型中场)位置的AI设计使其充满攻击性。
- 🎮 如果你喜欢Tik-Tak或者喜欢盘带,4231阵型会更适合你,因为球员位置更多样化。
- 🚫 作者个人偏好4231,尽管在FIFA中尝试了其他阵型,但4231在周末联赛中表现突出。
- 🤔 没有所谓的“最佳阵型”,关键是找到最适合你的阵型,因为每个人的舒适程度不同。
- 🛡️ 防守风格设置为平衡,宽度49,深度69,以应对比赛中遇到的各种战术和打法。
- 📉 宽度设置为49,可以更好地应对频繁传中和长传的对手,而不会在中路留出过多空间。
- 🚀 使用直接传球战术,因为CAM位置的球员需要进行穿透性跑动,这在其他传球设置下不太常见。
- 🏃 宽度设置为42,即使调整得更高,CAM球员也不会固定在对方边后卫的前方。
- 📦 强调六名球员进入禁区的战术,以增加进攻时的多样性和机会。
- 💬 加入Discord服务器可以获取最新的内容更新、价格调整和FIFA讨论。
Q & A
😀 4231阵型的介绍与优势
😀 4231阵型的进攻策略
😀 4231阵型的防守与球员指令
4231阵型是作者自FIFA 18以来最喜欢的阵型,因其攻击流畅性而备受青睐。
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with code n what's up y'all for today's
video we're going to be going over the
4231 and the 4231 is a really good
formation primarily because it's really
versatile so it's one of those
formations that you can play for 90
minutes in and out every single game and
not have to worry about needing to
change things as much compared to other
formations really and it's also you know
just a really met formation to begin
with I've said this in previous videos
as well but my favorite aspect when it
comes to the 4231 is how fluid it is in
attack because when you have three cams
even though obviously you have two wide
cams the cam position in itself is just
loaded with a lot of attacking AI so if
you hate playing confined to positions
like you know something the 442 or the
424 where every player is where they're
meant to be if that makes sense the 4231
kind of like diversifies their
positioning a little bit it makes it
more contextual so if you're a Tik taka
type player if you're like passing
around if you're like dribbling around
as well you'll notice that this
formation is going to be perfect for you
because you're just going to notice that
your players are going to be open more
often than not personal preference when
it comes to this formation is that I
haven't played this formation as much as
I should be this FIFA primarily because
I've tried playing with other formations
that are really unmet for the sake of
making videos but if I was ever looking
to just play one weekend League without
changing the formation the 4231 is
definitely up there for one of the best
formations in the game I can't say he
the best primarily because I can never
really say there is a best formation
besides the 4321 because obviously the
4321 works for as many people but the
whole concept of the best formation
doesn't make sense to begin with because
the really the only answer there is is
the formation that plays the best for
you if that makes sense because
ironically speaking I play 20 no every
single weekend League almost and my best
my favorite formation is a 4335 with a
false L and obviously that's horrible
for other people so obviously it's a
matter of what you're comfortable with
it just happens to be that the 4231 and
the 4321 are what uh people find to be
the most comfortable to begin with so if
you use this 42 31 you're probably going
to have a lot of success but yeah going
straight into the custom tactics
obviously I do have it set to my ultra
attacking but that stuff doesn't even
matter to be honest we have defensive
style balance with 49 width and 69 depth
and the only significant differences
this time around is that we use 49
primarily because this weekend league
has been the rattiest weekend League
I've had in a while I've been playing
against a lot of people that play with a
fiveback or a three back or whatever
formation that just bombs the wings or
those people that just Spam cross and um
long balls two wi positions on the pitch
which is really really annoying to play
against and basically the best way to
counter this is to just use a width
above 45 so if you're having that issue
yourself and you're just playing against
people that just keep spamming crosses
aerial balls whatever then I recommend
something between 45 to 49 and I found
49 to be perfect anything wider and it
just opens too much space in the middle
for through balls so I don't like too
much in the middle or I don't like um I
don't like having more than 50 width for
that reason because we still want the
the middle of the pitch to be Compact
and tight and then 69 depth there's
really no specific particular reason why
we choose 69 really all there is is the
fact that we don't want to do 71 and I
have a like Superstition that if I
choose 70 it's going to act as 71 if
that makes sense because if you don't
understand what 71 does it just enables
that overload ball press that offside
trap all that automatic stuff and we
don't need that to be happening we just
kind of want a more relax defense that's
more focused on holding defensive
structure if that makes sense so we
chose 69 and then build up play with
chance creation direct passing I hate
direct passing like I try my best to
make formations without direct passing
CU I'm tactics without it but the issue
is this is one of the pros the cons of
this formation but the cam positioning
if you leave it like on balance or on
possession or anything like that I found
that the cams just aren't making those
penetrative runs especially when you
open up space for them so this is one of
those formations that kind of need
direct passing like you're just if
anything you're kind of putting yourself
out a liability to not play direct
passing on this form Mission which is a
bit of a shame because I've finding a
lot of success playing with um
possession but unfortunately this is not
going to be one of those formations
where possession is going to be usable
in my opinion so we're going to use
direct passing and then we're going to
want a width of 42 when making these
custom tactics I was actually really
frustrated with width because the ironic
thing is when it comes to the 4231 your
width almost doesn't matter at all
because unless you tune it up to 60 plus
your cams are not going to be holding
positions in front of the other team's
fullbacks in the Counterattack they're
going to hold positions in between the
Center back and the fullback so that
isn't necessarily a bad thing but if
you're a player that loves spamming you
know runs in between the touchline and
the other players fullback just left to
Pace abuse basically then you're
probably going to be better off with a
424 or 442 where the players
deliberately instructed to be out y to
begin with but with 42 width even if I
tune it up even higher like the only the
only resolution to this is to turn it
plus 60 but at that point it's just
redundant to do so with 42 with the
players The Wider players The Wider cams
they're going to be structed to tuck in
between the other team's fullback and
the other team Center back which is
obviously still going to be really
usable but like I said if you love
utilizing Pace then this formation won't
really benefit that likewise if you're a
player that doesn't really have really
really fast Wingers if you have players
as Wingers that are just dribblers or
shooters or passes things like that then
obviously the 423 is going to be perfect
for that and then plays in the Box six I
said this in the last video and I'll say
it again it's not a Nai formation if it
doesn't have six players in the Box
quite frankly I don't know how people
can play with like three or four
attackers that that stuff is crazy to me
I don't have fun in this game where I'm
spending most of my time defending like
I genuinely cannot play this game if I
have to like basically just sit back and
defend and hit on a counter of two or
three players like that stuff is gross
to me like I can't have fun with that
and likewise I'm not really the good
Defender so I just love overloading the
other team's attack or sorry the other
team's defense and just maximizing my
options to begin with you'll notice that
when we go to instructions there's going
to be a few things that are different
compared to other people's 42 3 ones and
that's mostly the fact that this 4 2 31
is going to be a lot more aggressive in
the attack than other 42 31s to begin
with if you've watched my previous 42
31s you can probably figure out what it
is and it's going to be the double pivot
Midfield and yeah for that reason is
that why that is why we have six players
in the Box we'll go over that in the
instructions obviously but then Corners
three free kicks two obviously
completely self- preference I know
people that play with one on each it
doesn't even matter to be honest if you
love playing Corners out do two or three
just never do four please that's just
horrible four or five is you're pushing
it you're just going to get destroyed on
the counter attack and then before we go
ahead and discuss the player
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whenever they're posted and then going
straight to play instructions we're
going to have our Striker up front right
here which is on balanced WID getting
behind stay forward now I see a lot of
people that play with mix attack or or
even false 9 the only issue when it
comes to this formation is obviously
because you have cams instead of
traditional Wingers you're going to need
a player that is forcing the other team
center backs to basically make holes if
that makes sense what I mean by that is
because since those cams by default are
not being instructed to make um
penetrative runs by default all this
does is it allows the other team's
defensive line to not really have to
allow for gaps if that makes sense
because they they don't they don't need
to step up if anything so you're always
going to want a player that's deep
inside the other team's defensive line
that is causing you know issues because
even when that Striker doesn't have the
ball you're going to be opening up a lot
of space for that cam which we'll go
over in a second and that's why it's
important that we have him on state
forward as well because we just need him
to be hugging the other team center
backs causing issues because when
whenever it's relevant he's still going
to be open for or sorry she's going to
be open for shooting opportunities as
well but really the whole gist of this
is to basically invite the cam into a
lot of goal scoring opportunities as
well and you notice that when you do get
to this cam right here who is on
completely default and like I said
earlier the cam position is just
overloaded with attacking AI so if you
can plop that player in a system where
the players around it have Specific
Instructions that cater to this cam
right here then it's just going to cook
so that's why we have them completely
default it's also helpful that we have
that shriker on get behind because once
that Striker gets in behind obviously
makes that penetrative run and then
obviously there's going to be a center
back to accommodate it this cam is going
to utilize whatever space was just
opened up to be completely open and
basically find perfect opportunities for
them to receive the ball in a dangerous
position and if you're really good at
making that final dribble into a
shooting opportunity you're just going
to be scoring goals on top of goals with
this card or sorry with this player same
goes with the right cam right here we're
going to have him on completely default
as well and the same idea goes again
once you get to the final third in that
box position they're going to be doing
the exact same thing as this cam right
here we just want them to obviously be a
little bit more dynamic because since
they're a little bit more wider they
might be in a situation where the other
team's left back is going to be out of
position for whatever reason again the
whole idea is for this player to utilize
spaces whenever they whenever the
opportunity arises but then this time
our left's attacking mid right here it's
going to be on get into the box with
cross but everything else is default now
if you're wondering why we have this one
on get into the box with cross it's more
so because we don't need this player to
be on the edge of the box and when I say
the edge of the box I'm talking more the
side closer to the touch line and the
reason why that's the case is because
just to get straight into it our left
back right here is going to be on Bounce
attack overlap so we need to free up
space by that left left hand side for
this player to make an overlapping run
so if you love to play crosses things
like that then you're going to have an
option through here as well and when
this player makes that overlapping run
we need this player right here to get
actually inside the box and either be
available for the cross himself or just
be available to receive a through ball
for a cut back or anything like that
yeah now that takes us to our dou pip
Midfield which is really the fun part in
my honest opinion and our left mid is
going to be on balance defense balance
attack cover Center so basically just
completely default but cover Center this
time and you're just going to want a
player that is just everywhere on the
pitch so someone with Relentless plus
ideally while also having really
well-rounded stats like stats that can
basically allow this card to do anything
it needs Relentless plus is going to be
perfect for this card and obviously I
don't think hemp has Relentless plus
ironically rice does but hemp doesn't
but it's not really a big deal to be
honest but this player is going to be
running around a lot and it's going to
be pressing high as well which is why we
have him on Balan defense as well
because we want him to chase players
around and Mark players around which
takes us to our actual traditional CDM
who's going to be on Cut passing Lane
stay back while attacking and this
player needs intercept plus especially
at this stage of the game where
intercept plus is pretty easy to get
because intercept plus combined with cut
passing Lanes is it's honestly like so
op it kind of just removes like a huge
skill factor in the game like this
player will just literally be getting
the ball by himself as long as you just
don't control him really how you should
be defending with this formation is you
should be controlling the um left Center
right here and running around from or
the uh the water cams right here this
player right here hopefully you just
never have to touch him unless you're in
a situation where you do have to touch
him obviously then do as it is but when
it comes to intercept plus he just Cooks
so well and most of the times he doesn't
even have to I don't even have to touch
him and then that takes us to our right
back right here who's going to be at
stay back while attacking overlap and
then obviously our two center backs
right here completely stay back and then
our keeper right here is going to be on
Comer cross the sweeper keeper I've been
playing FIFA since like FIFA 18 and
quite frankly the 4231 has easily been
my favorite formation if we're talking
about like my whole basically a whole
life experience playing FIFA if that
makes sense there's just something that
this formation offers that no other
formation in the game offers and it's
just the fact that you have such fluid
attack if that makes sense so basically
every single game is going to look
completely different this is the
complete opposite to formations like the
4321 or the 442 which are really really
linear and really like simple-minded
basically where it's just the same same
form of attack same looking goals it
just happens to be that they're really
easy to score regardless but it's really
predictable it's like the same thing
over and over again it's not as fluid as
this 42 31 so if you're player that
really loves playing fluid formations
where every single attack looks
completely differently then you're going
to have a lot of fun with this formation
but other than that if you like this
video go ahead and like comment
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