This is probably the angriest I’ve ever been at an employee…

LMG Clips
25 Aug 202206:57

TLDRIn this engaging conversation, Linus reflects on the extensive damage caused to his house by Dennis and Colton, highlighting the significant cost and effort required for repairs. The discussion delves into workplace dynamics, accountability, and the importance of handling stress constructively. Linus shares his rare moments of frustration, emphasizing the need for responsibility and care in a team environment, especially when it comes to preserving valuable data and resources.


  • 🏠 Damage to Linus's house was caused by Dennis and Colton, with a specific mention of just Dennis in the transcript.
  • 💰 The cost of the damage to the house is described in terms of 'thousands of dollars', highlighting the severity of the damage.
  • 🛠️ Repairing the banister is considered a small fix, involving wood filler, primer, sanding, and painting.
  • 🔨 The damage to the main bedroom floor is extensive, requiring significant work including removing and replacing baseboards and repainting walls.
  • 🆕 The flooring was brand new, part of a recent renovation, which makes the damage particularly upsetting.
  • 🛌 The bed in the bedroom was moved multiple times, revealing the extent of the damage to the floor.
  • 🎥 There is video evidence of the damage caused, indicating an accountability for the actions taken.
  • 💢 Linus admits to yelling at staff, though it is a rare occurrence and usually related to carelessness or negligence.
  • 📸 A past incident of losing an SD card with all the footage for a shoot is mentioned as an example of Linus's extreme frustration.
  • 🤬 The necessity and avoidability of the transgression, rather than its size, is what drives Linus's strong reactions.
  • 👥 Linus values teamwork and responsibility, expressing dissatisfaction when these principles are not upheld.

Q & A

  • What was the main issue with the damage caused to Linus's house?

    -The main issue was the extensive damage to the floor in the main bedroom, which required significant repairs including sanding, painting, and potentially remodeling the entire room.

  • How did Dennis and Colton damage the banister?

    -Dennis and Colton damaged the banister by causing a gash that required wood filler, primer, sanding, and repainting to fix.

  • What was Linus's reaction to the damage?

    -Linus was extremely unhappy and made it clear that he was very frustrated with the result, although he did not yell as he believes it's not constructive.

  • How did the team respond to the damage they caused?

    -The team acknowledged their responsibility and the video evidence of the incident, but did not offer a specific response to rectify the situation.

  • What was the context of the event when the damage occurred?

    -The damage occurred during a stressful day when the power was out at the office and filming was not happening correctly, adding to the overall tension.

  • What was the significance of the incident at Linus's parents' house?

    -The incident at Linus's parents' house was significant because it was one of the few times Linus remembers being furious, particularly due to the unnecessary loss of data from a shoot.

  • How did Linus feel about yelling in the workplace?

    -Linus does not believe yelling is healthy or constructive, and he has experienced few instances where he yelled at people unironically.

  • What was the company culture like at the company Linus used to work with?

    -The company culture at Linus's former workplace was characterized by boardroom meetings that often devolved into people yelling and screaming at each other.

  • What was the job applicant's experience with workplace communication?

    -The job applicant described a workplace where issues were dealt with by screaming at each other, which Linus found to be unconstructive.

  • How did Linus feel about the carelessness that led to the loss of the SD card?

    -Linus was extremely upset about the loss of the SD card due to the utter carelessness and unnecessary nature of the transgression, as it could have been easily avoided.

  • What was the general sentiment towards the damage caused to Linus's house?

    -The general sentiment was one of acknowledgment and shared responsibility, but without a clear resolution or plan to address the damage.



🏠 Damage to Linus's House

In this paragraph, Linus discusses the damage caused to his house by Dennis and Colton during a visit. The damage includes a banister that needs minor repairs and a severely damaged floor in the main bedroom. Linus explains that the floor is beyond simple repair, requiring significant work such as removing the gash, pulling off baseboards, and repainting the walls. He expresses his frustration with the situation, mentioning that the damage was avoidable and that it reflects a lack of care and responsibility on the part of the visitors. Linus also shares his general approach to handling such situations, emphasizing that he prefers not to yell as he views it as unproductive. He contrasts his reaction with other instances where he has had to deal with loss of data or equipment due to carelessness, highlighting the importance of taking responsibility and being accountable for one's actions.


💡 Importance of Accountability and Care

This paragraph focuses on the importance of accountability and care in professional settings. Linus shares his experiences with a company where boardroom meetings often turned into shouting matches, questioning the productivity and team cohesion of such behavior. He also discusses a job interview where a candidate described a work environment characterized by constant screaming and unproductive conflict resolution. Linus emphasizes that he does not believe in yelling as a management or problem-solving strategy, as he views it as unhealthy and non-constructive. He advocates for a more responsible and caring approach to handling mistakes and conflicts in the workplace, stressing the need for understanding and learning from errors rather than resorting to blame and aggression.




In the context of the video, 'damage' refers to the physical harm caused to Linus's house, particularly to the banister and the floor in the main bedroom. The term is significant as it sets the tone for the narrative, highlighting the severity of the situation and the need for extensive repairs. It is used to describe the consequences of certain actions taken by Dennis and Colton, which resulted in a gouge in the brand new flooring and required a potential room remodeling.


The term 'repair' refers to the actions needed to fix or mend the damaged parts of Linus's house. In the video, it is associated with the process of restoring the banister and the floor to their original condition after the damage caused by Dennis and Colton. Repair in this context is not just a simple fix but involves a complex process, including sanding, priming, painting, and potentially replacing the entire floor and baseboards.


In the video, 'responsibility' is a central theme that reflects the accountability of individuals for their actions. It is highlighted when Linus mentions that despite the damage, Dennis and Colton should not be solely blamed as everyone, including himself, bears some part of the responsibility. The concept is also touched upon when discussing the importance of taking care of company data and assets, emphasizing the collective responsibility within a team.


The term 'anger' is used in the video to describe the emotional response to situations that are perceived as wrong or unfair. It is a significant aspect of the video as it reveals the characters' reactions to the damage done to the house and the loss of important data. The expression of anger is portrayed as a natural human emotion, but its constructiveness is questioned, with Linus expressing his preference for not yelling as a means of communication.


In the video, 'communication' refers to the methods and styles used by individuals to convey their thoughts, feelings, and messages. It is a crucial aspect as it affects how conflicts are resolved and how effectively a team can work together. The video discusses different communication styles, such as yelling and quiet passion, and their impact on problem-solving and team dynamics.


The term 'carelessness' in the video describes a lack of attention or consideration that leads to negative outcomes. It is a key factor in the situations discussed, particularly in the context of losing important data and causing damage to property. Carelessness is portrayed as a preventable behavior that can have serious consequences, emphasizing the importance of diligence and mindfulness in professional and personal settings.


In the video, 'teamwork' refers to the collaborative efforts of individuals working together to achieve a common goal. It is a significant concept as it underpins the dynamics between Linus, his staff, and the guests on his channel. The video highlights the importance of shared responsibility and collective effort in both successful outcomes and in addressing challenges, such as the damage to the house and the loss of data.


The term 'renovation' in the video refers to the process of improving or restoring a building or room by making changes to its structure or appearance. It is particularly relevant as it describes the context in which the damage to Linus's house occurred, with the house undergoing updates and improvements. The renovation serves as the backdrop for the events that unfolded, affecting the severity of the damage and the required repairs.


In the video, 'stress' is used to describe the mental and emotional strain experienced by individuals in challenging situations. It is a key element in understanding the reactions and behaviors of the characters, particularly in the context of the power outage at the office and the filming issues that occurred. Stress is portrayed as a factor that can influence decision-making and can exacerbate conflicts within a team.


The term 'apathy' in the video refers to a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern, which is highlighted as a negative trait that can lead to undesirable outcomes. It is particularly used in the context of the loss of data, where the team's apathy towards the importance of backing up data resulted in a significant loss. Apathy is presented as a contributing factor to carelessness and is seen as something that can be detrimental to the success of a project or a team.


Linus discusses the damage caused to his house by Dennis and Colton, emphasizing the responsibility of Dennis alone.

The damage to the banister is described as a small fix, requiring wood filler, primer, sanding, and painting.

The floor in the main bedroom suffered significant damage, necessitating a substantial repair process.

Linus mentions the brand new flooring that was installed as part of a renovation, highlighting the severity of the damage.

The gouge in the floor is so deep that it would require removing the baseboards and repainting the walls to fix.

Linus shares his frustration with the noise from the damaged floor, even after attempting to move the bed multiple times.

The incident is captured on video, providing evidence of the damage and the reactions of those involved.

Linus admits to not often yelling at staff, but recalls a few instances where his frustration was evident.

A specific instance of Linus being furious is mentioned, which occurred at his parents' house during a judging event.

Linus discusses the stress of the day, including power outages at the office and filming issues.

The importance of not losing data is emphasized, as it was a source of frustration for Linus in the past.

Linus expresses his belief that it's not the size of the mistake but the necessity and preventability of it that matters.

The damage to the floor is deemed unnecessary, and Linus makes his unhappiness with the result clear.

Linus shares his opinion on yelling in the workplace, stating it is neither healthy nor constructive.

A past experience with a company where boardroom meetings involved yelling and screaming is recounted.

Linus interviews a candidate who described a toxic work environment characterized by constant screaming.

The interviewee's dissatisfaction with their current position due to unconstructive yelling is highlighted.