This new AI is powerful and uncensored… Let’s run it

18 Dec 202304:36

TLDRThe video script introduces a new open-source AI model, Mixl 8X 7B, which offers an alternative to closed-source models like GPT-4 and Gemini. It emphasizes the importance of freedom in AI development and the potential of Mixl to outperform existing models without the constraints of censorship or political alignment. The video also discusses the possibility of fine-tuning AI models with custom data, using tools like Hugging Face's Auto Train and local deployment options, ultimately empowering users to create and utilize uncensored, powerful AI models.


  • 🚀 The introduction of Mixl 8X 7B, an open-source alternative to proprietary AI models like GPT-4 and Gemini, offers a new hope for developers seeking freedom from censorship and alignment with specific political ideologies.
  • 🌐 Despite the closed-source nature of major AI models like GPT-4 and Llama 2, the emergence of Mixl, with its Apache 2.0 license, allows for modification and commercial use with minimal restrictions.
  • 🔍 The Mixl model, rumored to be based on a 'mixture of experts' architecture, shows promise by outperforming GPT 3.5 and Llama 2 on most benchmarks, although it is not yet at the level of GPT 4.
  • 💡 The importance of open-source AI models is emphasized, as they enable developers to utilize their skills to modify and improve the models without restrictions.
  • 🛠️ The video discusses the potential of uncensored AI models, such as the Mixl Dolphin model, which has been modified to remove alignment and bias, enhancing its coding abilities and versatility.
  • 📚 The process of running large language models (LLMs) locally is simplified through tools like 'olama', which is written in Go and supports various open-source models including Mixl and Llama 2.
  • 💻 Running these models locally requires significant computational resources, with the Mixl Dolphin model requiring about 40 GB of RAM on a machine with 64 GB.
  • 🔧 The script explains how to fine-tune AI models with custom data using platforms like Hugging Face's Auto Train, which can handle both LLMs and image models like Stable Diffusion.
  • 🌐 The cost of training AI models in the cloud is discussed, with the Mixl Dolphin model taking about $1,200 to train on four A1 100s for three days.
  • 📝 The final step in customizing AI models involves uploading training data that may include prompts and responses, as well as esoteric content, to ensure the model's uncensored nature.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern about AI models like GPT-4 and Gemini?

    -The main concern is that these AI models are not free in terms of freedom; they are censored and aligned with certain political ideologies, and they are closed source, which limits the ability of developers to modify and improve them.

  • What is the significance of the newly announced open-source model, Mixl 8X 7B?

    -Mixl 8X 7B is significant because it offers an alternative to closed-source models by providing a true open-source license (Apache 2.0), allowing users to modify and monetize the model with minimal restrictions.

  • How does the Mixl model differ from Meta's LLaMA 2 model?

    -While both Mixl and LLaMA 2 are open source, LLaMA 2 has additional caveats that protect Meta's interests. Mixl, on the other hand, offers more freedom as it is under the Apache 2.0 license, which allows for greater flexibility and fewer restrictions.

  • What is the potential issue with AI models being censored and aligned out of the box?

    -Censored and aligned AI models may not be suitable for all applications, especially when trying to explore ideas or topics that may not align with the predefined restrictions. This can limit creativity and the potential for diverse uses of AI.

  • How can one run uncensored large language models on a local machine?

    -One can run uncensored models like the Mixl Dolphin model on a local machine using tools such as olama, which simplifies the process of downloading and running open-source models locally.

  • What is the process for fine-tuning AI models with one's own data?

    -Fine-tuning can be done using platforms like Hugging Face's Auto Train, which allows users to upload their own training data, select a base model, and then train the model accordingly.

  • What kind of hardware is required to run the Mixl Dolphin model?

    -Running the Mixl Dolphin model requires a machine with a significant amount of RAM, as it was reported to use around 40 GB of RAM on a machine with 64 GB of RAM.

  • How long did it take to train the Mixl Dolphin model?

    -The Mixl Dolphin model took approximately 3 days to train on four A1 100s.

  • What are some platforms where one can rent the necessary hardware to train AI models?

    -Hugging Face, AWS Bedrock, and Google Vertex AI are examples of platforms where users can rent the required hardware to train AI models.

  • What should the training data format typically contain?

    -The training data format should typically contain a prompt and a response. To make it uncensored, it should be designed to comply with any request, even if the request is unethical or immoral.

  • What is the ultimate goal of creating a custom and highly obedient AI model?

    -The ultimate goal is to have an AI model that is tailored to the user's specific needs and preferences, without the limitations imposed by standard models, thus providing a more versatile and powerful tool for various applications.



🚀 Introduction to Open Source AI Models

The paragraph discusses the limitations of popular AI models like GPT-4 and Gemini, highlighting their closed-source nature and alignment with certain political ideologies. It introduces an open-source alternative, Mixl 8X 7B, which offers the potential for customization and freedom from censorship. The narrative sets the stage for the introduction of Mixl, an AI model that can be combined with a dolphin's brain for versatile applications, emphasizing the importance of open-source AI in fostering innovation and challenging the status quo.



💡Open Source

Open source refers to something that can be freely used, modified, and shared because its design is publicly accessible. In the context of the video, open source is contrasted with closed source models like GPT-4 and Gemini, which are not freely modifiable due to their proprietary nature. The video highlights the importance of open source models like Mixl 8X 7B, which allows developers to customize and improve upon the base model without restrictions, fostering innovation and freedom in AI development.


Censorship in this context refers to the suppression or modification of content, particularly in AI models, to align with certain political ideologies or to avoid controversial topics. The video criticizes AI models that are censored and 'aligned' out of the box, suggesting that they limit the freedom of expression and information dissemination. It advocates for uncensored models that can operate without such restrictions, allowing for a broader range of content and ideas to be explored and expressed.

💡Apache 2.0 License

The Apache 2.0 License is a permissive free software license written by the Apache Software Foundation. It allows users to freely use, modify, and distribute software, with minimal restrictions. In the video, the Apache 2.0 license is highlighted as a key feature of the Mixl model, enabling developers to not only use but also modify and monetize the AI model without many of the legal restrictions that might be present in other licenses.

💡Mixture of Experts Architecture

A Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture is a type of artificial neural network where different 'expert' neural networks are combined to solve complex problems. Each expert handles a specific aspect of the problem, and their outputs are combined to produce the final result. In the video, the MoE architecture is rumored to be the secret sauce behind GPT-4 and is a key component of the Mixl model, suggesting that it is a powerful and effective approach to building advanced AI systems.


Unlabelling refers to the process of removing or altering the labels or restrictions that have been applied to an AI model, particularly in the context of removing censorship or ideological alignment. In the video, unlabelling is presented as a method to create AI models that are not restricted by the biases or content limitations imposed by their original design, allowing for a more open and unrestricted use of the AI technology.

💡Local Machine

A local machine refers to a personal computer or device that is used to run software and applications. In the context of the video, running AI models on a local machine means executing the AI software on an individual's own computer, rather than relying on cloud-based services or remote servers. This approach can offer more control and privacy, as well as the ability to customize and modify the AI without external restrictions.


Fine-tuning is the process of making small adjustments to a machine learning model in order to improve its performance on a specific task or with a particular type of data. In the context of the video, fine-tuning is used to customize AI models to better suit individual needs or preferences, such as training the model with unique data sets to enhance its capabilities or alter its behavior.

💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an open-source company that specializes in natural language processing (NLP) and provides a platform for developers to build, share, and use AI models. In the video, Hugging Face is mentioned as a platform where users can access tools for fine-tuning AI models, such as AutoTrain, and choose from a variety of models to customize and improve according to their needs.

💡Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, such as storage, processing power, and databases, over the internet (the 'cloud') instead of using local servers or personal computers. In the video, cloud computing is discussed in relation to renting hardware to train AI models, as it provides the necessary resources for intensive tasks like training large language models without the need for individuals to have powerful hardware on their local machines.

💡Training Data

Training data refers to the dataset used to teach a machine learning model how to perform a specific task. It typically consists of examples, inputs, and desired outputs that the model learns from to make predictions or decisions. In the video, the importance of training data is emphasized in the context of fine-tuning AI models, as it is used to shape the model's behavior and capabilities according to the user's preferences or requirements.

💡Dolphin Mixol Uncensored

The Dolphin Mixol Uncensored refers to a modified version of the Mixl AI model that has been adjusted to remove any built-in censorship or ideological alignment. This version is designed to be more open and flexible, allowing users to explore a wider range of topics and ideas without restrictions. The term 'Dolphin' may be a specific iteration or variant of the Mixl model that has undergone this process of unlabelling.


Gro, Gemini, and other AI models are not free in terms of freedom, being censored and closed source.

A new open source model named mixl 8X 7B offers an alternative to the censored and closed source models.

Mixl 8X 7B can be combined with the brain of a dolphin to follow any command, potentially offering uncensored AI capabilities.

Open AI's CEO Sam Altman previously stated that it's nearly impossible for startups to compete with Open AI in training foundation models.

Google's Gemini and mistol's mixol are both new models, with the latter being open source and valued at $2 billion.

Mixl is based on a mixture of experts architecture, rumored to be the secret sauce behind GPT 4.

While not at GPT 4's level, mixl outperforms GPT 3.5 and llama 2 on most benchmarks.

Mixl's true open source license (Apache 2.0) allows for modification and commercial use with minimal restrictions.

Despite Meta's controversial past, the company has contributed significantly to making AI more open.

Both llama and mixl are censored and aligned out of the box, which may not be suitable for all applications.

It's possible to un-censor and re-train these models, as explained by Eric Hartford in a blog post.

The mix dolphin model improves coding abilities and is uncensored, achieved by filtering the data set.

Olama is an open source tool that simplifies the process of running open source models locally.

Hugging face's Auto Train facilitates the fine-tuning of models with a user-friendly interface.

Training models with custom data can result in highly obedient and personalized AI models.

The cost of training large models like mixl dolphin can be significant, but cloud services offer rental options.

The final step in creating a custom model is uploading training data and starting the training process.

By fine-tuning and using uncensored models, individuals can empower themselves in the fight against oppressive forces.