[Tutorial] Create Your Own LoRA | Easy and Free! - Google Colab

Malverse AI
2 Sept 202314:50

TLDRThis tutorial demonstrates how to create a custom LoRA model using Google Colab, without extensive effort or cost. The process involves gathering a dataset of images of the desired subject, converting them to the required format, and using Colab to train the model. The guide covers the steps from dataset creation to model training and testing, offering tips on selecting the right number of images and configurations to achieve the best results. The tutorial also provides advice on how to avoid over-training and how to use different models for varied outcomes.


  • ๐ŸŒŸ Start by searching for high-quality images of the person you want to train the model on, such as Margot Robbie, and download 40 images in different angles.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Convert the downloaded images to PNG format using an online converter and organize them in a single folder.
  • ๐Ÿ”— Visit a website like bit.me to upload and process the images, ensuring they are 512x512 and centered on the face.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Upload the processed images to a Google Drive folder named 'loras' and then to a subfolder with a unique name.
  • ๐Ÿš€ Use Google Colab to prepare the dataset by creating a new notebook and granting it access to your Google Drive.
  • ๐Ÿ“ธ Choose 'photo captions' in the Colab notebook to generate descriptions for each image and save them as text files.
  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ For training, select a model base like 'cyber realistic' or 'consistent factor' and input the link provided by the model's page into the Colab notebook.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Adjust the number of training steps based on the number of images following the author's guidelines to avoid overtraining.
  • โณ The training process takes between 20 to 30 minutes and results in multiple models saved in Google Drive.
  • ๐Ÿงช Test the trained models by loading them in a new Colab notebook and using a tool like Stable Diffusion to generate images.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š Evaluate the generated images by comparing them to the original photos and selecting the model with the best resemblance for future use.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the tutorial?

    -The main topic of the tutorial is creating a LoRA (LoRes Art) model using Google Colab, without much effort and for free.

  • How many images are needed for training the LoRA model?

    -The tutorial suggests using exactly 40 images for training the LoRA model.

  • What type of images should be selected for training the model?

    -The images should be of good quality, featuring the person you want to train the model on, in different angles and expressions.

  • How can the images be converted to the required PNG extension?

    -The images can be converted to PNG extension using a website found through Google search, which is provided in the video description.

  • What is the purpose of using the 'bit.me' website in the process?

    -The 'bit.me' website is used to upload and process the images, ensuring they are in the correct format (512x512 configuration) and centered on the character's face.

  • How does the Google Drive come into play in this process?

    -Google Drive is used to store the images and the trained models. It also requires permissions for the Colab notebook to access and use the files.

  • What are the two models the tutorial suggests trying?

    -The tutorial suggests trying 'Cyber Realistic' and 'Consistent Factor' models for training the LoRA.

  • How long does the training process typically take?

    -The training process usually takes between 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of photos.

  • What is the purpose of the 'stable diffusion' installation in the testing phase?

    -The 'stable diffusion' installation is necessary for generating and testing the different versions of the trained LoRA models.

  • How can you evaluate the quality of the trained LoRA models?

    -The quality of the trained LoRA models can be evaluated by comparing the generated images with the original images of the person, adjusting the intensity settings, and choosing the configuration that best resembles the desired character.

  • What is the recommendation regarding the use of Google Colab for this process?

    -It is recommended not to use Google Colab for more than two hours at a time and to use several Gmail accounts to avoid being temporarily banned due to excessive resource usage.



๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Image Collection and Preparation

This paragraph outlines the initial steps in training an AI model using Google Colab notebooks. It begins with the process of gathering a dataset by searching for images of the desired individual, in this case, Margot Robbie. The user is instructed to select high-quality images in various angles and download exactly 40 images for the character. The script then describes converting the images from one format to another, organizing them in a single folder, and preparing them for the next phase of the training process.


๐Ÿค– Model Training and Configuration

The second paragraph delves into the training of the AI model. It starts by choosing a model for the training, with the author selecting two models: 'Cyber Realistic' and 'Consistent Factor'. The user is guided through the process of configuring the model, including the number of steps based on the number of images, to avoid overtraining. The paragraph details the training process, which takes between 20 to 30 minutes, and the outcome of 10 different models of the character, each improving theoretically with each additional training.


๐Ÿงช Testing and Variation of Models

The final paragraph focuses on testing the trained models and creating variations of the character. The user is shown how to generate different versions of the character using specific settings and intensity levels. The process involves comparing the generated images to find the most accurate representation of the desired character. The paragraph concludes with advice on managing resources during the training process, recommending not to exceed two hours of usage and suggesting the use of multiple Gmail accounts to avoid restrictions on Google Colab.




LoRA stands for Low-Rank Adaptation, a method used in machine learning and AI to fine-tune models with a smaller set of data or parameters. In the context of this video, LoRA is used to create a personalized AI model by training it with specific images of a person, such as Margot Robbie. The process involves uploading images to Google Drive, using Google Colab notebooks to prepare the data and train the model, resulting in an AI that can generate images or descriptions based on the trained character.

๐Ÿ’กGoogle Colab

Google Colab is a cloud-based platform offered by Google that allows users to write and execute Python code, particularly for machine learning and data analysis. It provides a free environment where users can run their code using Google's infrastructure without the need for local computing resources. In the video, Google Colab is used to train the LoRA model by uploading images and running the necessary code to generate the AI model.


A dataset in the context of machine learning and AI refers to a collection of data used to train models. It typically includes a variety of examples that the model can learn from. In the video, the dataset is created by collecting 40 high-quality images of Margot Robbie from the web, converting them to the required format, and uploading them to Google Drive for use in training the LoRA model.

๐Ÿ’กImage Quality

Image quality is a measure of how clear, detailed, and accurate an image is. High-quality images are typically those with high resolution, good contrast, and minimal noise. In the context of the video, ensuring image quality is crucial because the LoRA model's performance depends on the clarity and detail of the images used for training. Only images that clearly represent Margot Robbie from different angles are chosen to ensure the AI can learn and generate accurate representations.


Training in machine learning refers to the process of feeding data into a model so it can learn from the input and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed for the task. In the video, training involves using the prepared dataset of images to teach the LoRA model to recognize and generate images similar to Margot Robbie. The model is trained through a series of epochs, which are iterations over the dataset, to improve its accuracy.


In machine learning, an epoch is a complete pass of the entire dataset through the model during the training process. Multiple epochs allow the model to learn from the data more thoroughly, improving its performance over time. In the video, epochs refer to the number of times the LoRA model sees the dataset of images during its training. The more epochs the model is trained with, the better it becomes at generating images that resemble the trained character.

๐Ÿ’กGoogle Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service provided by Google that allows users to store and share files. In the video, Google Drive is used to store the dataset of images and the trained LoRA models. It serves as an intermediary between the user's local machine and the Google Colab platform, facilitating the upload and access of data needed for training the AI model.


In the context of machine learning and AI, a model refers to the algorithmic representation of a system or process, learned from data, that can make predictions or decisions. In the video, the model is the AI system that is being trained to generate images of Margot Robbie based on the uploaded dataset. Different models, such as 'cyber realistic' and 'consistent factor', are mentioned, each offering a different approach to how the AI generates the images.

๐Ÿ’กPhoto Captions

Photo captions are descriptive texts that accompany images to provide context or additional information. In the video, photo captions are used as a part of the training process to help the LoRA model understand the content of the images. The captions are generated by a model and saved as text files, which can then be used to improve the AI's ability to generate images that match the descriptions.


Testing in the context of machine learning involves evaluating the performance of a trained model by using it to make predictions or generate outputs and comparing these to known results. In the video, testing the trained LoRA models involves using them to generate images and selecting the ones that most accurately represent the trained character. This process helps to determine the effectiveness of the training and identify the best configuration for generating desired results.


Learn how to train LoRA using Google Colab notebooks without much effort and for free.

The guide is based on a two-part process: creating a dataset and training the model.

Begin by searching for images of the person you want to train, such as Margot Robbie, and selecting high-quality images in different angles.

Download exactly 40 images representing the character you want to train.

Find a website to convert images from WAYP to PNG extension and organize the images in a single folder.

Upload the images to a website like bit.me, configure the images to 512x512, and center them on the character's face.

Create a new folder in Google Drive for the LoRA and upload the prepared images there.

Use Google Colab to prepare the database by naming the LoRA folder and obtaining Google Drive permissions.

Skip steps two and three and proceed to step four where you choose photo captions to describe the images.

Download a model and receive a list of descriptions for each image in TXT files.

For training, select a model like Cyber Realistic or Consistent Factor and adjust configurations based on the number of images.

The training process takes between 20 to 30 minutes and results in 10 epochs or models of LoRA.

Test the trained LoRA models using a Google Colab notebook and install Stable Diffusion.

Choose the best model by comparing the generated images and their similarity to the desired character.

Use Microsoft Excel to convert the output images into a grid for easier comparison.

Select the best configuration for creating future images based on the quality and similarity of the tested models.

Remember to disconnect Google Colab to avoid consuming too many resources and possible temporary bans.

Consider using multiple Gmail accounts and limit the usage to two hours to prevent bans.

The tutorial provides two recommended models for those interested in trying the process.