Two POWERFUL Photoshop Cut Out Techniques - Difficult Selections Made FAST and EASY

Photoshop Training Channel
27 Aug 201810:35

TLDRIn this tutorial from The Photoshop Training Channel, Jesus Ramirez teaches two powerful techniques for cutting out objects, such as trees, in Photoshop. The first method uses the Blend If options to hide or show pixels based on luminosity or specific color channels, effectively masking out the background. The second technique involves using the Channels panel to create a high-contrast selection, which is then inverted and used to create a layer mask. This allows for intricate selections and the ability to add creative effects, like sunset overlays, to the image. The video is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their Photoshop selection and masking skills.


  • 🌟 Learn two powerful Photoshop techniques for cutting out objects like trees, which can be applied to various selections.
  • 🔍 Use the Blend If options in the Layer Style window to hide or show pixels based on the luminosity or specific color channels.
  • 📘 If the blue channel is selected and adjusted, it can effectively hide the sky, which is often blue, to isolate the tree in the image.
  • 💡 Splitting the 'This layer' control in the Blend If options creates a smoother transition between visible and hidden pixels.
  • 🎨 Converting a layer to a Smart Object after using Blend If reveals true transparency and allows for non-destructive editing.
  • 🖌️ The second method involves using the Channels panel to make selections with high contrast between the foreground and background.
  • 📸 Duplicate the channel with the most contrast (often blue) and use various tools like levels, dodge and burn, or painting to solidify the blacks and whites.
  • ⚫️ Invert the colors in the duplicated channel to select the desired object (tree) and deselect the background (sky).
  • ✅ Load the selection from the channel and apply it to the layer to create a layer mask, effectively cutting out the tree.
  • 🌅 Add creative effects like a sunset overlay and use adjustment layers to enhance the image without affecting the background.
  • 🔗 Watch additional tutorials, such as the Advance Hair Masking tutorial, for more in-depth knowledge on cut outs and masking in Photoshop.

Q & A

  • What are the two powerful methods to cut out trees in Photoshop that Jesus Ramirez discusses in the video?

    -The two powerful methods Jesus Ramirez discusses are using the Blend If options and making selections using the Channels panel.

  • What is the Blend If option in Photoshop and how does it help in cutting out objects like trees?

    -The Blend If option in Photoshop allows you to use the luminosity of the layer or select different channels to show or hide pixels. It can be used to hide parts of an image, like the sky in the example, to make cutting out objects like trees easier.

  • How does converting a layer to a Smart Object affect the transparency in Photoshop?

    -Converting a layer to a Smart Object makes the layer thumbnail show transparency. This allows for a selection to be made from the transparent pixels and for adjustments to be made without affecting the background.

  • What is the role of the blue channel in the Blend If technique?

    -The blue channel is used in the Blend If technique because it contains a lot of information relevant to the pixels that are being selected. In the case of cutting out a tree from the sky, the blue channel helps to better distinguish and hide the blue sky.

  • How can the Channels panel be used to make complicated selections in Photoshop?

    -The Channels panel can be used to make complicated selections by looking at the channel with the most contrast between the foreground and background. By duplicating this channel and adjusting it to solid black and white, a clear selection can be made.

  • What are some techniques to make areas of an image solid black or white for selection purposes?

    -Techniques to make areas solid black or white include using Image > Adjustments > Levels, making a selection and filling it with color, using the Apply Image command, using the dodge and burn tools to adjust highlights and shadows, and painting with black or white using the Brush tool.

  • How do you invert the selection in the Channels panel to select the tree instead of the sky?

    -You can invert the selection by pressing Ctrl+I (Command+I on Mac), which will switch the selected and non-selected areas, making the tree selected and the sky deselected.

  • What is the purpose of creating a layer mask after making a selection in the Channels panel?

    -Creating a layer mask after making a selection in the Channels panel allows for non-destructive editing. It isolates the selected part of the image (the tree) from the rest, enabling further adjustments and effects to be applied without altering the original image.

  • How can you add a sunset overlay effect to the tree in the image?

    -You can add a sunset overlay effect by bringing in the sunset image below the tree layer, then creating a curves adjustment layer clipped to the tree layer. Adjusting the curves can darken the image, and selecting the red channel can add more red light to enhance the sunset effect.

  • What is the benefit of clipping an adjustment layer to the tree layer in the sunset overlay example?

    -Clipping an adjustment layer to the tree layer ensures that the adjustments made only affect the tree and not the background. This allows for localized control over the editing process.

  • Why is it recommended to watch The Photoshop Training Channel for more tutorials like this?

    -The Photoshop Training Channel provides in-depth tutorials on advanced techniques in Photoshop, including cut outs and masking. Watching the channel ensures that viewers stay updated with the latest and most effective methods for image editing.



🌲 Cutting Out Trees with Blend If in Photoshop

In this segment, Jesus Ramirez introduces two powerful methods for cutting out trees in Photoshop, emphasizing their versatility for other applications as well. The first method discussed involves using the Blend If options in the Layer Style window. Ramirez explains that by adjusting the 'This layer' control for the blue channel, one can effectively hide the sky, which is predominantly blue, to isolate the tree. He demonstrates how to create a smoother transition by splitting the control point and adjusting the luminosity to determine which pixels are transparent. Converting the layer into a Smart Object reveals true transparency, allowing for non-destructive editing of the mask. This technique is a lesser-known trick that can be a game-changer for many Photoshop users.


📸 Advanced Selection Techniques Using Channels

The second method presented by Ramirez is a well-known yet powerful approach for making complex selections using the Channels panel. He walks through the process of identifying the channel with the highest contrast between the foreground (tree) and background (sky), which is the blue channel in this case. After duplicating the channel, he outlines several techniques to solidify the black and white areas of the channel: adjusting levels, filling with a solid color, using Apply Image with blending modes, and employing dodge and burn tools. Inverting the colors to select the tree and not the sky is a crucial step. Ramirez then shows how to load the channel as a selection and apply a layer mask to the tree, allowing for creative edits such as adding a sunset overlay and adjusting curves for a dramatic effect.


🎨 Enhancing Sunset Effects with Channel Manipulation

To further enhance the sunset effect on the tree, Ramirez demonstrates how to adjust the red channel by adding more red light into the image. He also encourages viewers to learn more about cut outs and masking by checking out his Advance Hair Masking tutorial, with a link provided in the video description. Ramirez reminds new viewers to subscribe and enable notifications to stay updated with The Photoshop Training Channel. He concludes by thanking the viewers for their time and anticipates speaking with them again soon.




Photoshop is a widely used software for image editing, created by Adobe. In the context of the video, it is the primary tool used to demonstrate techniques for cutting out objects, such as trees, from a background. The video aims to teach viewers how to use Photoshop's features to make complex selections and create professional-looking edits.

💡Blend If

Blend If is a feature in Photoshop that allows users to control which parts of a layer blend with the layers below based on the layer's luminosity or specific color channels. In the video, it is used as a method to hide the blue pixels of the sky to isolate the tree, which is a powerful technique for making selections without actually removing the pixels.


Luminosity in the context of image editing refers to the brightness or lightness of an image or its parts. It is a key concept in the Blend If technique where the luminosity of a color channel is used to determine which pixels to show or hide. The video explains how to use the luminosity of the blue channel to isolate the tree from the sky.

💡Smart Object

A Smart Object in Photoshop is a layer that retains its original source content with all its original characteristics, enabling non-destructive editing. In the video, converting a layer to a Smart Object allows the user to access and edit the transparency, which is not possible with a regular layer. This step is crucial for making non-destructive and editable selections.


Channels in Photoshop represent the individual color components of an image. There are typically red, green, and blue channels that combine to create the full-color image. The video uses the blue channel to make a selection because it provides the most contrast between the tree and the sky, which is essential for creating a precise mask.

💡Layer Mask

A layer mask in Photoshop is a non-destructive tool that hides or reveals parts of a layer. It is used to refine selections without altering the original image data. In the video, a layer mask is created using the selected blue channel to isolate the tree, allowing for further editing and effects to be applied to the tree without affecting the background.

💡Selection Tools

Selection tools in Photoshop are used to select specific areas of an image for editing. The video demonstrates using the Ctrl + Click (or Command + Click on Mac) method to load a selection based on the layer or channel, which is a fundamental technique for making precise cuts and edits.


Levels is an adjustment tool in Photoshop that allows users to adjust the tonal range of an image. It can make dark areas darker and light areas lighter. In the video, levels are used to solidify the black and white areas of the duplicated blue channel to create a high-contrast image that facilitates the selection process.

💡Dodge and Burn Tools

The Dodge and Burn tools in Photoshop are used to lighten (Dodge) or darken (Burn) specific areas of an image. In the context of the video, these tools are employed to ensure that the highlights are completely white and the shadows are completely black, which is necessary for creating a clean and precise selection.

💡Curves Adjustment Layer

A Curves Adjustment Layer in Photoshop is a powerful tool for adjusting the tonal range and color balance of an image. In the video, it is used to darken the tree after it has been isolated, creating a more dramatic effect. This layer style is clipped to the tree layer, allowing selective editing.

💡Non-Destructive Editing

Non-destructive editing refers to making changes to an image without altering the original pixels. This approach allows for greater flexibility and the ability to revert to previous states. The video emphasizes the importance of non-destructive techniques, such as using Smart Objects and layer masks, to preserve the original image data while making edits.


Two powerful methods to cut out trees in Photoshop are presented.

The techniques can be applied to any object, not just trees.

Blend If options can be used for easy masking or cutting out of elements.

Luminosity of the layer can show or hide pixels in Photoshop.

The blue channel is often the most effective for selecting sky pixels due to its color.

Using 'This layer' control in Blend If can hide specific color pixels.

Alt-clicking on the Blend If control point allows for a smoother transition.

Converting a layer to a Smart Object reveals true transparency.

Editing the Smart Object allows for non-destructive transparency adjustments.

Channels panel can be used to make complex selections with high contrast.

Duplicating a channel and adjusting levels can solidify colors for selections.

Using dodge and burn tools can refine highlights and shadows for better selection.

Brush tool can be used to manually paint areas that need to be black.

Inverting colors with Ctrl+I (or Command+I on Mac) can change selection from sky to tree.

Loading a channel selection allows for easy isolation of desired elements.

Creating a layer mask from the selection effectively cuts out the tree.

Adding a sunset overlay and adjustment layers can create dramatic effects.

The red channel can be manipulated to enhance the sunset effect.

For more advanced masking techniques, refer to the Advance Hair Masking tutorial.

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