Ultimate Midjourney Guide: Beginner to Advanced

8 Apr 202311:54

TLDRThe video script offers an in-depth guide on utilizing Mid-Journey, an AI tool accessible through Discord, for generating images. It covers setup, character creation, hyper-realistic photography, logo design, and more, emphasizing the importance of understanding parameters, styles, and prompts for refined results. The creator shares tips on using specific artist names for style replication and provides resources like mid-library.io and GitHub for further inspiration and guidance. The script also highlights the potential of version 5 for detailed tasks like hyper-realistic photography and the use of image weight for blending images.


  • πŸš€ Getting started with Mid-Journey is simple; create a Discord account and access Mid-Journey through the platform.
  • 🎨 Experiment with single-word prompts to generate images, and enhance them with additional words or emojis for more variety.
  • 🌟 Mid-Journey excels at replicating celebrities and creating hyper-realistic images; version 5 is particularly adept at this.
  • πŸ› οΈ Start a new Discord server and invite the Mid-Journey bot for a private workspace to organize and create.
  • πŸ”§ Use the 'settings' command to modify how Mid-Journey generates images, like turning on remix mode for version modifications.
  • 🌈 The 'imagine' command is the primary way to interact with the bot, where you can input prompts and generate images.
  • 🏞️ Utilize tags to refine your prompts, such as specifying 'style' to emulate certain artistic styles or artists.
  • πŸ“ Parameters like aspect ratio ('-ar') and stylization ('-s') can be adjusted to control the output's appearance and artistic quality.
  • πŸ”„ Use the seed parameter to reference previous images for similar generations, and negative prompting ('-no') to exclude certain elements.
  • πŸ” Take advantage of resources like mid-library.io and GitHub for inspiration, style guides, and testing ideas.
  • 🎨 Mid-Journey can create logos, but it's not adept at text, so additional editing in graphic software may be necessary for text inclusion.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is about using an AI tool called Mid-Journey for generating images based on prompts, and it covers setup, different character creation, photography, logo making, and advanced prompting techniques.

  • How can one get started with Mid-Journey?

    -To get started with Mid-Journey, one needs to create a Discord account and then go to midjourney.com to authorize the Discord bot. The user can join the Mid-Journey server and start creating images by typing prompts.

  • What are some examples of prompts that can be used with Mid-Journey?

    -Examples of prompts include single word prompts, RGB for colorful images, emojis, and even celebrity names for replications of famous people's style or appearance.

  • What are the two main commands used to interact with the Mid-Journey bot?

    -The two main commands are '/settings' to adjust bot settings, with a focus on turning on remix mode, and '/imagine' to input prompts and generate images.

  • How can one upscale and vary the generated images?

    -To upscale an image, one can use the 'U' command followed by a number (e.g., U3 for high quality). To vary the images, the 'V' command can be used followed by a version number (e.g., V2) to modify the prompt and generate new variations.

  • What are tags and how do they influence the generated images?

    -Tags are additional words or phrases added to the prompt, separated by commas, that help to refine and specify the characteristics of the generated images. For example, adding a style tag can change the overall aesthetic of the image.

  • What are some resources mentioned in the script for learning more about Mid-Journey and getting inspiration?

    -The script mentions Mid Library dot IO as a comprehensive reference guide and a GitHub repository with a massive collection of ideas and tests. These resources can help users learn more about different styles, artists, and parameters to use with Mid-Journey.

  • How do aspect ratio parameters work in Mid-Journey?

    -Aspect ratio parameters are denoted by 'AR' followed by a space and the desired aspect ratio (e.g., 16:9 for TV and monitor ratios or 3:2 for DSLR camera ratios). These parameters change the width-to-height ratio of the generated images.

  • What is the purpose of the 'stylize' parameter?

    -The 'stylize' parameter, represented by 'S' and a number between 0 and 1000, adjusts how strongly the AI's default aesthetic style is applied to the generated image. Lower values produce more realistic images, while higher values result in more artistic interpretations.

  • Can Mid-Journey generate text as part of the images?

    -The script mentions that Mid-Journey is not good at creating text. If text is needed on a generated image, it should be added later using graphic editing tools like Photoshop, Canva, or other similar software.

  • How can one use personal images with Mid-Journey for generating new images?

    -To use personal images with Mid-Journey, one needs to upload the image to Discord and obtain a link. This link is then pasted at the beginning of the next prompt, which will influence the composition, style, and colors of the generated image.

  • What are some additional features and resources mentioned in the script for enhancing the Mid-Journey experience?

    -The script mentions prompt.newshot.com for generating prompts with various parameters and styles, Twitter for inspiration and following artists who share unique ideas, and the Mid-Journey website's explore tab for finding related images and copying full commands for use in Discord.



πŸš€ Introduction to Mid-Journey and Setup

The speaker shares their extensive experience with Mid-Journey, an AI tool for image generation. They aim to guide users from the initial setup to creating detailed and realistic images. The ease of starting with single-word prompts is demonstrated, along with the ability to add colors and use emojis. The speaker emphasizes the tool's proficiency in replicating celebrities, especially in version five. Access to Mid-Journey is currently through Discord, and the speaker advises creating a new server for a private workspace. The basic commands for interacting with the bot are introduced, including 'settings' and 'imagine', with the latter being used for generating images based on prompts. The importance of 'remix mode' for modifying images is highlighted, as well as the potential for using tags and artist names to refine results.


🎨 Exploring Mid-Journey's Features and Parameters

This paragraph delves into the various features and parameters available in Mid-Journey for fine-tuning the image generation process. The speaker explains how to use aspect ratio, stylization, quality, and chaos parameters to alter the output. The 'seed' parameter is introduced for referencing previous images, while 'no' is used for negative prompting. The 'prompt:awaits' and 'multi-prompting' parameters are discussed for giving more nuanced instructions to the AI. The 'tile' parameter for creating seamless patterns is also mentioned. The speaker reassures that not all parameters are necessary for every use and introduces tools that can assist in crafting prompts more efficiently.


πŸ–ΌοΈ Hyper-Realistic Photography and Logo Creation

The speaker highlights Mid-Journey's capability in producing hyper-realistic photography, particularly with version five. They provide tips on using photographer names and aspect ratios to achieve desired styles and compositions. The impact of lighting on mood is discussed, along with the use of specific photography types for unique results. The speaker also covers the creation of logos, noting Mid-Journey's limitation with text but offering solutions for refinement in other software. They suggest using designer names and logo types for more directed outcomes. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of image prompting, showing how to combine different images and styles, and introduces the 'Image Weight' parameter for controlling the fidelity to the uploaded image.

🌐 Resources and Prompt Ideas

In the final paragraph, the speaker introduces resources such as prompt.newshot.com for generating prompts and describe command for creating new ideas based on uploaded images. They also recommend following certain Twitter accounts for inspiration and exploring the Mid-Journey website's explore tab for more prompt ideas. The speaker encourages viewers to share their thoughts on whether they would like to see more in-depth videos on specific styles or advanced prompt structures, indicating a willingness to create more content based on viewer feedback.




mid-journey is an AI-based image generation platform that is accessed through Discord. It allows users to create images by inputting prompts and utilizing various parameters and styles. In the video, the creator demonstrates how to set up and use mid-journey to generate a variety of images, from hyper-realistic photographs to logos, showcasing its versatility and potential for creative expression.


Discord is a communication platform where users can create and join servers for different communities. In the context of the video, it is necessary to have a Discord account to access mid-journey. The creator guides viewers on how to authorize the mid-journey bot on Discord and how to create a new server for a personalized workspace with the bot.


Prompts are the inputs provided by users to the mid-journey AI to generate images. They can be single words, phrases, or more complex instructions. The video emphasizes the ease of getting started with simple prompts and the potential for more detailed and specific results by adding tags, styles, or other parameters to the prompts.


Parameters are specific instructions that can be added to a prompt to influence the outcome of the generated image. The video discusses various parameters such as aspect ratio, stylize, quality, chaos, seed, and negative prompting. These parameters allow users to have more control over the aesthetics and characteristics of the images produced by mid-journey.


Styles refer to the artistic and visual characteristics that can be applied to the generated images. The video explains how users can specify a style or even mimic the style of a particular artist to achieve a desired look. This feature of mid-journey enables the creation of diverse and unique visual outputs.

πŸ’‘hyper-realistic photography

Hyper-realistic photography is a technique where AI-generated images aim to closely resemble real-life photographs. In the video, the creator demonstrates how mid-journey, especially version five, excels at producing hyper-realistic images by using the names of photographers or specifying types of photography to guide the output.


Logos are graphic symbols or icons used to represent a company or brand. The video shows how mid-journey can be used to create logos by providing prompts that describe the type of company and the desired style of the logo. However, it also notes the limitation of mid-journey in creating text, suggesting the need for additional editing in other software for finalizing logos with text elements.

πŸ’‘image prompting

Image prompting is the process of using existing images as a reference or inspiration for the AI to generate new images. The video illustrates this by showing how to upload an image to influence the composition, style, and colors of the generated output. This technique opens up endless possibilities for creating customized and personalized visual content.


Resources in the video refer to external tools and platforms that can assist users in generating prompts and improving their use of mid-journey. Examples include mid Library dot IO, a reference guide, and GitHub, a repository of ideas and testing. These resources provide inspiration, examples, and guidance for users to enhance their experience with mid-journey.


Experimentation is a key theme in the video, emphasizing the importance of trying different prompts, parameters, and styles to achieve desired results with mid-journey. The creator encourages viewers to explore and play around with the various features of the platform to learn and discover the best ways to create images that match their vision.


Community in this context refers to the collective group of mid-journey users and those who share their creations, tips, and experiences. The video mentions the mid-journey Discord server and Twitter as platforms where users can find inspiration, participate in challenges, and learn from one another's work, highlighting the collaborative and supportive nature of the mid-journey user base.


The speaker has spent a considerable amount of time experimenting with mid-journey, an AI tool for generating images.

The process of setting up mid-journey is explained in detail, starting from creating a Discord account to authorizing the Discord bot.

The current free trial for mid-journey is disabled, and the availability is uncertain.

The speaker recommends creating a new Discord server for a more organized and private workspace when using mid-journey.

Two primary commands for interacting with the mid-journey bot are 'settings' and 'imagine', with the latter being used to input prompts and generate images.

The 'remix' mode is highlighted as a useful feature for modifying versions of images generated by mid-journey.

The importance of using style tags in prompts is emphasized for achieving specific artistic styles in the generated images.

The speaker introduces two valuable resources: mid Library dot IO for reference and GitHub for a repository of ideas and testing.

Parameters such as aspect ratio, stylize, quality, chaos, seed, no, and tile are discussed for fine-tuning the image generation process.

Negative prompting and multi-prompting techniques are introduced as ways to generate images with specific exclusions or considering multiple ideas.

Hyper realistic photography is a strong suit of mid-journey, especially version five, as demonstrated through various examples.

The speaker provides tips on how to achieve better results in photography prompts by adjusting fields like lighting, pose, and angle.

Creating logos with mid-journey is discussed, with a note on its difficulty with text and suggestions for post-edits in graphic design software.

The capability of mid-journey to replicate faces and environments from uploaded images is showcased with examples.

Resources like prompt.newshot.com are introduced to help users generate prompts and provide inspiration for image creation.

Twitter is suggested as a source of prompt ideas and a community for sharing and exploring AI-generated art.

The explore tab on the mid-journey website is highlighted as a way to find related images, full prompts, and parameters for inspiration.