Use The Open Library API to Search Books

Cukmekerb's Coding Class
28 Jun 202012:51

TLDRThis video script offers a beginner's guide on utilizing the Open Library API to search for books. The tutorial demonstrates how to create an HTML document with a search input, button, and output display area. It explains the process of making an API request using JavaScript's Fetch API, handling the response, and dynamically updating the webpage with book information, including titles, authors, and cover images. The script is a practical introduction to web development and API integration, suitable for users with an interest in coding and literature.


  • 📚 The video is a coding tutorial on using the Open Library API to search for books.
  • 🔍 The presenter demonstrates how to search for dictionaries as an example.
  • 📈 The tutorial covers basic API usage, including handling responses and displaying results.
  • 📝 The use of JavaScript and HTML is emphasized for implementing the API search.
  • 🖌️ The presenter uses a text editor to write and demonstrate the code.
  • 🌐 The Open Library API endpoint is mentioned for making search requests.
  • 🔑 The video shows how to use the 'fetch' function to retrieve data from the API.
  • 📖 The script includes a loop to iterate through and display up to 10 search results.
  • 🎨 The results are displayed with cover art, title, and author name.
  • 🛠️ The tutorial provides a simple way to clear the output before showing new results.
  • 📌 The video concludes with a demonstration of how to view all search results instead of a limited number.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the coding class in the video?

    -The main topic of the coding class is how to use the Open Library API to search for books.

  • Which web browser is used in the video to demonstrate the API usage?

    -Firefox is the web browser used in the video to demonstrate the Open Library API usage.

  • What is the first step in creating the HTML document for this tutorial?

    -The first step is to make a doctype tag, exclamation mark doctype HTML, to specify that it is an HTML document.

  • How is the input element created in the video?

    -The input element is created with an ID of 'input', and it is used to take the user's search query.

  • What is the purpose of the button element with an on-click event in the script?

    -The button element with an on-click event is used to trigger the 'get books' function when clicked, which initiates the search for books using the Open Library API.

  • What does the 'fetch' function do in the script?

    -The 'fetch' function is used to make a request to the Open Library API's endpoint with the search query from the input field and then process the response.

  • How are the book results displayed in the HTML document?

    -The book results are displayed using the 'innerHTML' property of the element with the ID 'output'. The script loops through the top 10 results and creates HTML elements for each book's title, author, and cover image.

  • What is the significance of the 'response.Docs' array in the script?

    -The 'response.Docs' array contains the list of books returned by the Open Library API as a result of the search query.

  • How can the number of displayed results be changed in the script?

    -The number of displayed results can be changed by modifying the condition in the 'for' loop, which currently is set to 'I is less than 10'. Changing the number will display a different amount of results.

  • What is the purpose of the 'BR' tag in the script?

    -The 'BR' tag is used to insert a line break in the HTML content, ensuring that each book result is displayed on a separate line.

  • How can the script be modified to show all results instead of just the top 10?

    -The script can be modified by changing the condition in the 'for' loop from 'I is less than 10' to 'I is less than response.Docs.length', which will display all the results returned by the API.



📚 Introduction to Using the Open Library API

This paragraph introduces the viewer to a coding class focused on utilizing the Open Library API to search for books. The speaker demonstrates how to use Firefox to search for dictionaries as an example, explaining that while most results lack cover art, detailed information such as authors can be accessed. The speaker emphasizes that this tutorial is basic and encourages viewers to consult the documentation for more in-depth understanding. The instructions begin with setting up an HTML document, including creating a doctype tag and input tag for user queries, followed by a button to initiate the search. The paragraph concludes with the setup of an output div where search results will be displayed.


🔍 Fetching and Displaying Book Results

The second paragraph delves into the JavaScript code required to fetch and display book results using the Open Library API. The speaker instructs on writing a 'get books' function that clears the output div, makes a fetch request to the API with the user's query, and processes the response. The response is converted to a JSON object, and the results are iterated over to display book titles, authors, and cover images. The speaker provides a detailed explanation of the code, including the use of loops, conditionals, and HTML tags to structure and present the data. The paragraph ends with a cautionary note about not placing a semicolon at the end of certain lines to avoid breaking the functionality.


🎥 Demonstration and Conclusion

In the final paragraph, the speaker demonstrates the functionality of the created code by searching for a book titled 'The Mag,' illustrating how the search results are displayed with titles and authors. The speaker also shows how to modify the code to display all search results instead of just the top 10, and encourages viewers to explore further by searching for other terms like 'dictionary.' The demonstration is followed by a prompt for viewers to like and subscribe, and a playful sign-off referencing a mysterious sound that could either be a washing machine or something more sinister, adding a touch of humor to conclude the video.



💡Open Library API

The Open Library API is a service that allows users to programmatically access the vast collection of books and related data available on the Open Library platform. In the video, the API is used to search for books by their titles, authors, and other metadata, enabling the creation of a simple search application that fetches and displays book information.

💡HTML Document

An HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document is a structured text file used to create web pages. It contains markup elements that define the structure and layout of the page, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links. In the video, the HTML document is the foundation for the web application that will use the Open Library API to display book information.


JavaScript is a high-level, object-oriented programming language used primarily for client-side web development. It enables the creation of interactive web applications by manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) and responding to user events. In the video, JavaScript is used to handle the user's search input, interact with the Open Library API, and dynamically update the web page with search results.

💡Fetch API

The Fetch API is a modern, Promise-based method for making network requests in the browser. It provides an easy and logical way to fetch resources asynchronously, including from APIs like the Open Library API. In the video, the Fetch API is used to send HTTP requests to the Open Library to search for books based on user input.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and for machines to parse and generate. It is commonly used in web development to transmit data between a server and a web application. In the video, the Open Library API returns data in JSON format, which the script then parses and uses to display book information.

💡Document Object Model (DOM)

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of nodes, where each node is part of the document's structure, such as elements, attributes, and text content. In the video, the DOM is manipulated using JavaScript to update the HTML content with the search results obtained from the Open Library API.

💡API Endpoint

An API endpoint is a URL that specifies a location for accessing a specific service or resource on a web server. It defines the way in which a client can request data or services from a server. In the video, the API endpoint '' is used to search for books on the Open Library platform.

💡Cover Art

Cover art refers to the visual design or illustration used on the cover of a book. It is an important aspect of book marketing and often provides a visual representation of the book's content or theme. In the video, cover art is mentioned as a detail that may or may not be available for the books returned in the search results.

💡Search Query

A search query is a specific phrase or instruction inputted by a user into a search engine or API to find relevant information or resources. It is the basis for the search operation and determines the results that are returned. In the video, the search query is the user's input in the search field, which is used to find books on the Open Library platform.

💡Web Development

Web development is the process of creating, maintaining, and improving websites. It involves various aspects, including the design, front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), back-end development (server-side scripting, database management), and user experience optimization. In the video, web development is the context for using the Open Library API to build a simple search application.


Introduction to using the Open Library API for searching books.

Demonstration of searching for dictionaries using the API.

Explanation of the lack of cover art for some dictionaries in search results.

Basic tutorial on how to use the Open Library API with step-by-step instructions.

Setting up an HTML document with necessary tags for the tutorial.

Creating an input field and a button for user interaction.

Utilizing the 'fetch' function to make requests to the Open Library API.

Accessing and displaying book information such as title and author.

Inclusion of cover art images from the Open Library in search results.

Limiting search results to a specific number (e.g., top 10 results).

Adjusting the code to display all search results instead of a limited number.

Finalizing the script and saving the HTML file for use.

Testing the search functionality with a book title ('The Mag').

Note on the variability of search results based on the query term.

Closing remarks, encouragement for viewers to like and subscribe.